ODBC Driver for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839


Add/update emergency contacts

Table Specific Information


The driver will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM EmergencyContacts WHERE EmployeeId = '123'


Following is an example of how to inserting into EmergencyContacts table. For example:

INSERT INTO EmergencyContacts (EmployeeId, firstName, lastName, primaryPhone, priority, relationship, MobilePhone, Zip, Notes, Address1, City, County) VALUES ('123', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'M', 'P', 'Brother', 9876543210, 75791, 'Test Notes', 'Address Line1', 'NY', 'USA')


Following is an example of how to Update a EmergencyContacts table:

UPDATE EmergencyContacts SET WorkPhone = '9876543210', firstName = 'firstName', lastName = 'lastName', primaryPhone = 'W', priority = 'S', relationship = 'brother' WHERE employeeId = '999621027'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String True


Id of the Employee.

FirstName String False

Required. Contact first name.

LastName String False

Required. Contact last name.

MobilePhone String False

Contact Mobile Phone.Valid phone format *(###) #######* or *######-####* or *### ### ####* or *##########* or, if international, starts with *+#*, only spaces and digits allowed.

Zip String False

Postal code. If U.S. address, must be a valid zip code.

Priority String False

Required. Contact priority. Valid values are *P* (Primary) or *S* (Secondary).

Notes String False


Address1 String False

1st address line.

Pager String False

Valid phone format *(###) #######* or *######-####* or *### ### ####* or *##########* or, if international, starts with *+#*, only spaces and digits allowed.

WorkPhone String False

Contact Work Phone. Valid phone format *(###) #######* or *######-####* or *### ### ####* or *##########* or, if international, starts with *+#*, only spaces and digits allowed.

PrimaryPhone String False

Required. Contact primary phone type. Must match Company setup. Valid values are H (Home), M (Mobile), P (Pager), W (Work)

Address2 String False

2nd address line.

HomePhone String False

Contact Home Phone. Valid phone format *(###) #######* or *######-####* or *### ### ####* or *##########* or, if international, starts with *+#*, only spaces and digits allowed.

WorkExtension String False

Work Extension.

SyncEmployeeInfo Bool False

Valid values are *true* or *false*.

City String False


Country String False


Relationship String False

Required. Contact relationship. Must match Company setup. Common values are Spouse, Mother, Father.

County String False

Country. Must be a valid 3 character country code. Common values are *USA* (United States), *CAN* (Canada).

Email String False

Contact email. Must be valid email address format.

State String False

State or Province. If U.S. address, must be valid 2 character state code. Common values are *IL* (Illinois), *CA* (California).

CompanyId String True

Id of the Company.

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Build 23.0.8839