FireDAC Components for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839


Gets employee sensitive data information directly from Web Pay.

Table Specific Information


The component will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SensitiveData WHERE EmployeeId = '1234'


Following is an example of how to Insert into SensitiveData table.

INSERT INTO SensitiveData (EmployeeId, Disability, DisabilityClassifications, HasDisability, IsVeteran) VALUES ('1234', 'ads', 'dawd, afsc', '1', '0')


Following is an example of how to Update a SensitiveData table:

UPDATE SensitiveData SET Disability = 'ads', DisabilityClassifications = 'dawd,afsc', HasDisability = '1' WHERE EmployeeId = '1234'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String False


Id of the Employee.

CompanyId String False

Id of the Company.

Disability String False

Description of employee's disability or accommodation.

DisabilityClassifications String False

Indicates the type of disability.

HasDisability String False

Indicates if the employee has a disability. Values include:0 = No, 1 = Yes or 2 = Prefer not to say.

Ethnicity String False

Employee's legal ethnicity or race.

EthnicRacialIdentities String False

Employee's preferred or chosen ethnicity or race.

DisplayPronouns String False

Specifies whether employee's preferred pronouns will be displayed to co-workers in Community, Directory, etc. Values include:0 = No or 1 = Yes.

GenderIdentityDescription String False

Employee's preferred or chosen gender identification. Values include:0 = No, 1 = Yes or 2 = Prefer not to say.

IdentifyAsLegalGender String False

Employee's self-identification of legal gender.

LegalGender String False

Employee's legal gender.

Pronouns String False

Employee's preferred or chosen pronouns.

SexualOrientation String False

Employee's self-identification of sexual orientation.

IsVeteran String False

Indicates if the employee is a veteran. Values include:0 = No, 1 = Yes or 2 = Prefer not to say.

Veteran String False

Employee's Veteran Notes.

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Build 23.0.8839