FireDAC Components for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839


Get employee pay statement summary data for the specified year.. Get employee pay statement summary data for the specified year and check date.

Table Specific Information


The component will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Year supports the '=' comparison.
  • CheckDate supports the '=' comparison.

In the case of simple SELECTs, the Paylocity will return records from the current and previous year.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PayStatementsSummary WHERE EmployeeId = '123' AND Year = 2019

SELECT * FROM PayStatementsSummary WHERE EmployeeId = '123' AND Year = 2019 AND CheckDate = '2019-02-01'


Name Type References Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String


Id of the Employee
CheckDate [KEY] Date The Check Date of pay statement summary data
CompanyId [KEY] String Id of the Company
TransactionNumber Int The Transaction Number of pay statement summary data
BeginDate Date The Begin Date of pay statement summary data
AutoPay Bool The If AutoPay is enabled pay statement summary data
OvertimeDollars Decimal The Overtime Dollars of pay statement summary data
GrossPay Decimal The Gross Pay of pay statement summary data
NetPay Decimal The Net Pay of pay statement summary data
Hours Decimal The Hours of pay statement summary data
RegularHours Decimal The Regular Hours of pay statement summary data
Process Int The Process of pay statement summary data
CheckNumber Int The Check Number of pay statement summary data
WorkersCompCode String The Workers CompCode of pay statement summary data
NetCheck Decimal The Net Check of pay statement summary data
VoucherNumber Int The Voucher Number of pay statement summary data
DirectDepositAmount Decimal The Direct Deposit Amount of pay statement summary data
RegularDollars Decimal The Regular Dollars of pay statement summary data
Year Int The Year of pay statement summary data
OvertimeHours Decimal The Over timeHours of pay statement summary data
EndDate Date The EndDate of pay statement summary data

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Build 23.0.8839