FireDAC Components for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839


Add/update employee's benefit setup

Table Specific Information


The component will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM EmployeeBenefitSetup WHERE EmployeeId = '123'


Following is an example of how to inserting into EmployeeBenefitSetup table. For example:

INSERT INTO EmployeeBenefitSetup (EmployeeId, BenefitSalary, BenefitClass, BenefitSalaryEffectiveDate, BenefitClassEffectiveDate) VALUES ('123', '250', 'FULL', '2021-02-10', '2021-02-10')


Following is an example of how to Update a EmployeeBenefitSetup table:

UPDATE EmployeeBenefitSetup SET BenefitSalary = '250', BenefitClass = 'FULL', BenefitClassEffectiveDate = '2021-02-10', BenefitSalaryEffectiveDate = '2021-02-10' WHERE EmployeeId = '123'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String True


Id of the Employee.

BenefitSalary Decimal False

Salary used to configure benefits.Decimal(12,2)

BenefitClass String False

Benefit Class code. Values are configured in Web Pay Company > Setup > Benefits > Classes.

BenefitSalaryEffectiveDate Date False

Date when Benefit Salary takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*.

DoNotApplyAdministrativePeriod Bool False

Applicable only for HR Enhanced clients and Benefit Classes with ACA Employment Type of Full Time.

IsMeasureAcaEligibility Bool False

Only valid for HR Enhanced clients and Benefit Classes that are ACA Employment Type of Full Time.

BenefitClassEffectiveDate Date False

Date when Benefit Class takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*.

CompanyId String True

Id of the Company.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839