FireDAC Components for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839


Create or merge Pay Entry Time Tracking Batch.

Stored Procedures Specific Information

In order to insert into CreatePayEntryImportBatch, you must submit the TimeEntry details and a Pay Period. The TimeEntry details may be submitted via a Temp table by first inserting to the Input_TimeEntry input only table. The Pay Period may be specified by setting the PayPeriodBeginDate, PayPeriodEndDate, and CheckDate. Alternatively, the CalendarId may be specified. For example:

INSERT INTO Input_TimeEntry (EmployeeId, Det, DetCode, Hours, Amount, BeginDate, EndDate) VALUES (999623635, 'E', 'REG', 40.00, 30, '2021-08-08', '2021-08-14')
INSERT INTO Input_TimeEntry (EmployeeId, Det, DetCode, Hours, Amount, BeginDate, EndDate) VALUES (999623636, 'E', 'REG', 40.00, 25, '2021-08-08', '2021-08-14')

EXECUTE CreatePayEntryImportBatch TimeEntry = 'Input_TimeEntry#TEMP', AutoAcknowledge = 'true', BatchName = 'Test', PayPeriodBeginDate = '2021-08-15', PayPeriodEndDate = '2021-08-21', CheckDate = '2021-08-27'

To fetch the processed data information, use the below query.



Name Type Required Description
TimeEntry String True The CSV Time Import Data. This can be submitted by inserting to the Input_TimeEntry input only table.
AutoAcknowledge Boolean False Use true to auto acknowledge any errors or warnings for the import, false to not auto acknowledge
BatchName String False The name of the batch.
MergeBatchId String False The Id of the batch to be merged.
CalendarId String False The Calendar Id for the check date.
PayPeriodBeginDate String False The Pay Period Begin Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
PayPeriodEndDate String False The Pay Period End Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
CheckDate String False The Pay Period Check Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
TimeImportFileTrackingId String The Id of the time import file tracking.
Status String Status of the Time Import Batch.
BatchId String The Id of the Batch.

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Build 23.0.8839