ADO.NET Provider for Paylocity

Build 23.0.8839

Result Sets

You can access the same column information about the results of a query that you can for table schemas. See Columns for the columns returned.

Retrieving Result Set Metadata

You can use the GetSchemaTable method of the PaylocityDataReader to retrieve result set metadata. Call GetSchemaTable after calling ExecuteReader.

Each row of the DataTable describes a column in the query's result.


string connectionString = "InitiateOauth=GETANDREFRESH;OAuthClientID=YourClientId;OAuthClientSecret=YourClientSecret;CompanyId=YourCompanyId;";

using (PaylocityConnection conn = new PaylocityConnection(connectionString)) {
  PaylocityCommand cmd = new PaylocityCommand("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeId = '1234'", conn);
  PaylocityDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
  DataTable schemaTable = rdr.GetSchemaTable();
  foreach (DataRow row in schemaTable.Rows) {
    foreach (DataColumn col in schemaTable.Columns) {
      Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", col.ColumnName, row[col]);


Dim connectionString As String = "InitiateOauth=GETANDREFRESH;OAuthClientID=YourClientId;OAuthClientSecret=YourClientSecret;CompanyId=YourCompanyId;"

Using conn As New PaylocityConnection(connectionString)
  Dim cmd As New PaylocityCommand("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeId = '1234'", conn)
  Dim rdr As PaylocityDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
  Dim schemaTable As DataTable = rdr.GetSchemaTable()
  For Each row As DataRow In schemaTable.Rows
    For Each col As DataColumn In schemaTable.Columns
      Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", col.ColumnName, row(col))
End Using

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Build 23.0.8839