Tableau Connector for Oracle Service Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API.

Table-Specific Information


The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)


Insert can be executed by specifying the primaryContact columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Incidents (primaryContactId) VALUES ('12')


Update can be executed by specifying the id in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Incidents SET languageId = '1' WHERE id = 1


Delete can be executed by specifying id in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Incidents WHERE id = '4'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AssetId Long False

Id of asset. The ID of the associated asset.

AssetlookUpName String False

LookUpName of asset. The ID of the associated asset.

CategoryId Long False

Id of category. The service category.

CategorylookUpName String False

LookUpName of category. The service category.

ChannelId Long False

Id of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.

ChannellookUpName String False

LookUpName of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.

ChatQueueId Long False

Id of chatQueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.

ChatQueuelookUpName String False

LookUpName of chatQueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.

ClosedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the incident was closed. This attribute is read-only.

CreatedByAccountId Long True

Id of createdByAccount. The staff member who created the incident.

CreatedByAccountlookUpName String True

LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member who created the incident.

CreatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the incident was created. This attribute is read-only.

DispositionId Long False

Id of disposition. The service disposition.

DispositionlookUpName String False

LookUpName of disposition. The service disposition.

Id [KEY] Long True

The unique identifier of the incident.

InitialResponseDueTime Datetime True

The due date that is required to conform to the SLA. If SLAs have not been implemented, this would apply to the default response requirements. This attribute is read-only.

InitialSolutionTime Datetime True

The date and time when a response was sent to the customer for a status change other than 'unresolved'. This attribute is read-only.

InterfaceId Long False

Id of interface. The ID of the associated interface.

InterfacelookUpName String False

LookUpName of interface. The ID of the associated interface.

LanguageId Long False

Id of language. The ID of the associated language.

LanguagelookUpName String False

LookUpName of language. The ID of the associated language.

LastResponseTime Datetime True

The date and time when the last response was sent to the contact. This attribute is read-only.

LastSurveyScore Int True

The score of the last survey of the incident. This attribute is read-only.

LookupName String True

The name used to look up the incident.

MailboxId Long False

Id of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.

MailboxlookUpName String False

LookUpName of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.

MailingId Long True

Id of mailing. The ID of the associated marketing outbound email. This attribute is read-only.

MailinglookUpName String True

LookUpName of mailing. The ID of the associated marketing outbound email. This attribute is read-only.

OrganizationId Long False

Id of organization. The ID of the associated organization.

OrganizationlookUpName String False

LookUpName of organization. The ID of the associated organization.

PrimaryContactId Long False

Id of primaryContact. The primary contact.

PrimaryContactlookUpName String False

LookUpName of primaryContact. The primary contact.

ProductId Long False

Id of product. The service product.

ProductlookUpName String False

LookUpName of product. The service product.

QueueId Long False

Id of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.

QueuelookUpName String False

LookUpName of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.

ReferenceNumber String True

The reference number generated when the incident was created. It is also referred as the incident name.

ResolutionInterval Int True

The number of minutes taken to resolve the incident past the SLA's resolution requirement. This attribute is read-only.

ResponseEmailAddressTypeId Long False

Id of responseEmailAddressType. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .

ResponseEmailAddressTypelookUpName String False

LookUpName of responseEmailAddressType. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .

ResponseInterval Int True

The number of minutes taken to respond to the incident past the SLA's response requirement. This attribute is read-only.

SeverityId Long False

Id of severity. The assigned severity level.

SeveritylookUpName String False

LookUpName of severity. The assigned severity level.

SmartSenseCustomer Int True

The emotive index calculated from the contact-generated threads. This attribute is read-only.

SmartSenseStaff Int True

The emotive index calculated from the staff-generated threads. This attribute is read-only.

SourceId Long True

Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.

SourcelookUpName String True

LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.

Subject String False

The short description of the incident.

UpdatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the incident was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

AssignedToaccountId Long False

Id of account. The staff account.

AssignedToaccountlookUpName String False

LookUpName of account. The staff account.

AssignedTostaffGroupId Long False

Id of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.

AssignedTostaffGrouplookUpName String False

LookUpName of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.

BannerimportanceFlagId Long False

Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.

BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False

LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.

Bannertext String False

The description of a flag.

BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True

Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.

BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True

LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.

BannerupdatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceactiveDate Date True

The date when the instance became active.

SLAInstanceexpireDate Date True

The date when the instance is scheduled to expire. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceid Long True

The unique identifier of the SLAInstance.

SLAInstancenameOfSLAId Long False

Id of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.

SLAInstancenameOfSLAlookUpName String False

LookUpName of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.

SLAInstanceremainingFromCSR Int True

The remaining number of CSR incidents. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceremainingFromChat Int True

The remaining number of chat incidents. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceremainingFromEmail Int True

The remaining number of email incidents. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceremainingFromWeb Int True

The remaining number of web self-service incidents. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstanceremainingTotal Int True

The total number of remaining incidents. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstancesLASet Int True

The SLA set from which the instance was created. This attribute is read-only.

SLAInstancestateOfSLAId Long True

Id of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.

SLAInstancestateOfSLAlookUpName String True

LookUpName of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.

StatusWithTypestatusId Long False

Id of status. The current status.

StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False

LookUpName of status. The current status.

StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True

Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.

StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True

LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
billedMinutes String

The list of time-billed entries that are used for tracking work on the incident.

fileAttachments String

The list of file attachments.

milestoneInstances String

The list of milestone instances associated with the incident. This attribute is read-only.

otherContacts String

The list of secondary contacts.

threads String

The list of customer and staff discussion threads or notes. New entries can be added to the list and existing threads updated. It is not possible to remove discussion threads retroactively.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963