SSIS Components for Oracle Service Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


The mailbox used to send and receive emails and process bounced messages.

Table-Specific Information


The component will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the component.

SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL


Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the marketing mailbox was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the marketing mailbox.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
IsDefault Bool Indicates whether the mailbox is the default mailbox for the interface. This attribute does not have a default value.
LookupName String The name used to look up the marketing mailbox.
Name String The name of the marketing mailbox.
TypeId Long Id of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
TypelookUpName String LookUpName of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the marketing mailbox was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
IncomingEmailSettingsforceReplyBetweenLines Bool Indicates whether the Force Reply Between the Lines feature is enabled for outgoing emails from the mailbox. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncomingEmailSettingsforwardRejectMessageAddress String The address to which rejected messages are sent.
IncomingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether incoming email option is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsdisplayName String The display name used in the outgoing emails from the mailbox.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfriendlyFromAddress String The from address used to brand outgoing emails as friendly.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfromAddress String The from address on the outgoing email.
OutgoingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether outgoing email is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsreplyToAddress String The reply-to-address on the outgoing email.

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Build 24.0.8963