JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud

Build 24.0.9111


The company, business unit of a large company, or government agency that has an organization record in the Oracle B2C Service knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the 本製品.

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL


Insert can be executed by specifying the name column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Organizations (name) VALUES ('Incident records')


Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Organizations SET  login = '001o0000005xSbZAAU' WHERE parentlookUpName IS NULL


Delete can be executed by specifying id in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Organizations WHERE id = '9'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the organization was created. This attribute is read-only.

ExternalReference String True

The external reference key of the organization.

Id [KEY] Long True

The unique identifier of the organization.

IndustryId Long False

Id of industry. The industry with which the organization is associated.

IndustrylookUpName String False

LookUpName of industry. The industry with which the organization is associated.

Login String False

The user name used for authentication.

LookupName String True

The name used to look up the organization.

Name String False

The business name of the organization.

NameFurigana String False

The Furigana reading aid for the Name field. This field is used in the workspaces of the Agent Console and is only available if the site has at least one Japanese interface.

NewPassword String False

The write-only field used to set the authentication password. It is stored in a non-plaintext form in the system.

NumberOfEmployees Int False

The number of employees in the organization.

ParentId Long False

Id of parent. The parent organization.

ParentlookUpName String False

LookUpName of parent. The parent organization.

SourceId Long True

Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.

SourcelookUpName String True

LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.

SupersededById Long True

Id of supersededBy. The superseding organization for the organization. This attribute is read-only.

SupersededBylookUpName String True

LookUpName of supersededBy. The superseding organization for the organization. This attribute is read-only.

UpdatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the organization was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

BannerimportanceFlagId Long False

Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.

BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False

LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.

Bannertext String False

The description of a flag.

BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True

Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.

BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True

LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.

BannerupdatedTime Datetime True

The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

CRMModulesmarketing Bool False

Indicates whether the marketing module is applicable. The default value is true only if marketing module is enabled.

CRMModulessales Bool False

Indicates whether the sales module is applicable. The default value is true only if sales module is enabled.

CRMModulesservice Bool False

Indicates whether the service module is applicable. The default value is true only if service module is enabled.

SalesSettingsacquiredDate Date True

The date when the first opportunity associated with the organization was closed. This attribute is read-only.

SalesSettingssalesAccountId Long False

Id of salesAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.

SalesSettingssalesAccountlookUpName String False

LookUpName of salesAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.

SalesSettingstotalRevenuecurrencyId Long False

Id of currency. The ID of the currency.

SalesSettingstotalRevenuecurrencylookUpName String False

LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.

SalesSettingstotalRevenueexchangeRateId Long False

Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.

SalesSettingstotalRevenueexchangeRatelookUpName String False

LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.

SalesSettingstotalRevenuevalue String False

The value of the currency.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
addresses String

The list of associated addresses.

fileAttachments String

The list of file attachments.

notes String

The list of associated notes.

sLAInstances String

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) instances associated with the organization. This attribute is read-only for versions 1 and 1.1.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111