Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
TasktypesCode [KEY] | String | TasktypesCode of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
TasktypesWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | TasktypesWorkerJourneyId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template task type property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of group for journey template task type property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task type property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
Context | String | Context of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
Facets | String | Facets of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
Finder | String | Finder of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
Overdue | String | Overdue of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId of WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |