Name | Type | Description |
StatusChangeRequestsstatusRequestId [KEY] | Long | StatusChangeRequestsstatusRequestId of StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |
StatusChangeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the status change record. |
BuildingBlockId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record associated with the status change record. |
BuildingBlockVersion | Int | Version number for the time record stored in the WFM time repository. |
ConsumerCode | String | Consumer code associated with the status change record, such as PJC or PYR. |
StatusCode | String | Status definition ID for the status change record. The default value is A_XFR_STATUS. |
StatusValue | String | Processing status for the status change record, such as NEW, IN PROCESS, or COMPLETE. |
RequestStatus | String | Processing status for the status change record, such as NEW, IN PROCESS, or COMPLETE. |
Finder | String | Finder of StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |
StatusRequestId | Long | StatusRequestId of StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |