Name | Type | Description |
SalariesSalaryId [KEY] | Long | SalariesSalaryId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
SalaryId | Long | Unique identifier of the salary. |
SalaryPayComponentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary rate component. |
PayRateDefinitionId | Long | Unique identifier of the rate definition. |
RateDisplaySequence | Int | Display sequence of the rate component. |
RateType | String | Type of the rate, such as Primary or Derived. |
RateAmount | Decimal | Amount on the rate component of the person's salary. |
RateFactor | Decimal | Percentage on the rate component of the person's salary. |
RatePeriodicityCode | String | Code of the rate periodicity, such as ANNUAL, MONTHLY, or HOURLY. |
RateCurrencyCode | String | Currency code that the rate is stored in, such as USD. |
RateScale | Long | Decimal precision of the rate definition. |
RateAnnualAmount | Decimal | Annual value of the rate amount. |
RateAnnualFtAmount | Decimal | Annual value of the rate amount, if the worker was working full time. |
Name | String | Name of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
FTEFlag | Bool | FTEFlag of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
RateOverallSalaryFlag | Bool | RateOverallSalaryFlag of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
ReturnPrecision | Long | ReturnPrecision of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
ShortName | String | ShortName of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
RateFrequencyName | String | RateFrequencyName of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
AssigGradeLadderId | Long | AssigGradeLadderId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
AssigGradeStepId | Long | AssigGradeStepId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
DateFrom | Date | DateFrom of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
DateTo | Date | DateTo of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
Finder | String | Finder of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
FTEValue | String | FTEValue of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
GradeId | Long | GradeId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
JobId | Long | JobId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
OfferId | Long | OfferId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
ReloadTransactionId | Long | ReloadTransactionId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
RestFlow | String | RestFlow of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
SalaryAmount | String | SalaryAmount of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
SalaryBasisId | Long | SalaryBasisId of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
SearchDate | Date | SearchDate of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
WorkAtHome | String | WorkAtHome of SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |