Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireCode | String | Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a questionnaire defined for a subscriber. |
Description | String | Description of the questionnaire. |
VersionNumber [KEY] | Long | Version number of the questionnaire. Version Number should be 1 when a new questionnaire is created. |
VersionDescription | String | Description provided when a new version of a questionnaire is created. |
SubscriberId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the subscriber. |
SubscriberCode | String | Code for the subscriber using the questionnaire. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV. |
SubscriberName | String | SubscriberName of Questionnaires |
FolderId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored. |
FolderName | String | Name of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored. |
ScoreQuestionnaireFlag | Bool | ScoreQuestionnaireFlag of Questionnaires |
Status | String | Status of the questionnaire. Valid values include A (Active), I (Inactive) and D (Draft). |
StatusMeaning | String | StatusMeaning of Questionnaires |
Editor | String | Name of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire marked as private. |
EditorPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire marked as private. |
InUse | String | InUse of Questionnaires |
InUseMeaning | String | InUseMeaning of Questionnaires |
PrivacyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the questionnaire is private. If a questionnaire is marked private, only the person specified by the editor attribute can edit the questionnaire. The default value is false. |
PrivacyMeaning | String | PrivacyMeaning of Questionnaires |
CalculationRule | String | Calculation rule code for questionnaires that are scored. |
CalculationRuleMeaning | String | CalculationRuleMeaning of Questionnaires |
InstructionText | String | Instructions or additional information for the questionnaire. |
SectionOrder | String | Code that shows the ordering sequence of the questionnaire sections. A value of R (Random) will randomize the sections and a value of S (Sequential) will present the sections in the defined sequence. |
SectionOrderMeaning | String | SectionOrderMeaning of Questionnaires |
SectionPresentation | String | Code that shows if the sections display as stacked regions if the value is S or if the questions are presented without any sections when the value is N. |
SectionPresentationMeaning | String | SectionPresentationMeaning of Questionnaires |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of Questionnaires |
LatestVersionFlag | Bool | LatestVersionFlag of Questionnaires |
QuestionnaireTemplateId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire template. |
QuestionnaireTemplateCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the questionnaire template referred to by the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireTemplateName | String | QuestionnaireTemplateName of Questionnaires |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionnaires |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionnaires |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionnaires |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionnaires |
LayoutOption | String | Presentation format for questions in a questionnaire. This configuration is only available for Touchpoints subscribers. |
LayoutOptionMeaning | String | LayoutOptionMeaning of Questionnaires |
Finder | String | Finder of Questionnaires |