Name | Type | Description |
LibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
TaskLevel | String | TaskLevel of JourneyTaskLibrary |
TaskLevelMeaning | String | TaskLevelMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
TaskLevelValue | Long | TaskLevelValue of JourneyTaskLibrary |
Name | String | Name of journey task. |
Type | String | Code of task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | TypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I 9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | SubTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Status of JourneyTaskLibrary |
StatusMeaning | String | StatusMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
TargetDuration | Int | Duration of the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | TargetDurationUOMMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | DelayDurationUOMMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for a task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
OpenInSamePageFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the external URL should open in the existing page or a new page. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | PerformerTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
PerformerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task performer. |
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task performer. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | OwnerTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
OwnerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task owner. |
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task owner. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | AttachmentDocumentTypeName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | QuestionnaireName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Context for the configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTask | String | Application task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | ApplicationTaskName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
DigitalSignatureTemplateId | String | Identifier for the electronic signature template. |
SignatureValidationConfiguration | String | Validation type for electronic signature. |
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration | String | Work authorization for I 9 task. |
ProcessCloudConfiguration | String | Configuration of the process automation. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
EmbeddedApplicationTaskCode | String | Code of the embedded application task. |
ContentProviderCode | String | ContentProviderCode of JourneyTaskLibrary |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | LearningContentType of JourneyTaskLibrary |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | LearningContentTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
VideoType | String | VideoType of JourneyTaskLibrary |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | VideoTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
VideoURL | String | VideoURL of JourneyTaskLibrary |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Identifier for the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | DocumentTypeName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
EligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile. |
EligibilityProfileName | String | EligibilityProfileName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ActivationEligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileName | String | ActivationEligibilityProfileName of JourneyTaskLibrary |
EvaluationOffset | Int | Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | ExpiryRelativeToMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ReminderDuration | Int | Duration of the task reminder. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Recurrence of the task reminder. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | ReminderRelativeToMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
DisplayFeatures | String | Display features for the electronic signature task type. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ReminderTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of JourneyTaskLibrary |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of JourneyTaskLibrary |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of JourneyTaskLibrary |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of JourneyTaskLibrary |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
Finder | String | Finder of JourneyTaskLibrary |
MPersonId | Long | MPersonId of JourneyTaskLibrary |
PStatus | String | PStatus of JourneyTaskLibrary |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms of JourneyTaskLibrary |