Name | Type | Description |
IncidentKiosksIncidentId [KEY] | Long | IncidentKiosksIncidentId of IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
IncidentEventCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident event. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentEvent. Multiselect. |
IncidentDetailId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the incident event. System-generated primary key. |
IncidentEventDate | Datetime | Date and time when the incident was captured by the incident reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
IncidentEventSummary | String | Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
ActualCompletionDate | Datetime | The date that the incident is targeted for actual completion. |
Finder | String | Finder of IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
IncidentId | Long | IncidentId of IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |