Name | Type | Description |
BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsObjectKey [KEY] | String | BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsObjectKey of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
TransactionId | Long | Identifier of the transaction used to fetch attachments. |
AttachmentId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the attachment. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Object version number of the attachment record. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
TaskId | String | Identifier of the task used to fetch attachments. |
AttachmentStatus | String | Status of the attachment. |
AttachmentsNumber | Int | Identifier used to identify the attachment number. |
AttachmentEntityName | String | AttachmentEntityName of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
ObjectId | Long | Identifier of the business object to which the attachment belongs like assignment or person. |
Finder | String | Finder of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |
ObjectKey | String | ObjectKey of BusinessProcessApprovalAttachmentsCommentsapprovalAttachments |