Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceCaseId | Long | AbsenceCaseId of Absences |
AbsenceEntryBasicFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is recorded in basic mode or advanced mode. The default value is true. |
AbsencePatternCd | String | Unique code assigned to the absence pattern associated with an absence type. For example, absence pattern can be Generic for a vacation absence, Illness or injury for a sickness absence. |
AbsenceStatusCd | String | Absence status, such as submitted, withdrawn. |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
AbsenceTypeReasonId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence reason. |
AgreementId | Long | Agreement Name |
ApprovalStatusCd | String | ApprovalStatusCd of Absences |
AuthStatusUpdateDate | Date | Status Last Updated |
BandDtlId | Long | Payment Detail |
BlockedLeaveCandidate | String | Determines whether the worker is eligible for block leave or not. Block leave enables workers to report a fixed period away from work. |
CertificationAuthFlag | Bool | CertificationAuthFlag of Absences |
ChildEventTypeCd | String | ChildEventTypeCd of Absences |
Comments | String | Comments provided while recording the absence. |
ConditionStartDate | Date | Condition start date of an illness or injury leave. Used to indicate when the illness began or injury occurred, and could be different from the absence start date. |
ConfirmedDate | Date | Confirmed start date of an absence. |
ConsumedByAgreement | String | ConsumedByAgreement of Absences |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Absences |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Absences |
DiseaseCode | String | DiseaseCode of Absences |
Duration | Decimal | Duration of the recorded absence. |
EmployeeShiftFlag | Bool | EmployeeShiftFlag of Absences |
EndDate | Date | End date of the recorded absence. |
EndDateDuration | Decimal | Duration of the absence on the end date. This field allows the duration of the end date to be different than what's derived from the shift duration. |
EndDateTime | Datetime | End date timestamp of an absence. |
EndTime | String | End time of the recorded absence. |
EstablishmentDate | Date | Period of incapacity established |
Frequency | String | Frequency of Absences |
InitialReportById | Long | Initially Reported By |
InitialTimelyNotifyFlag | Bool | InitialTimelyNotifyFlag of Absences |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Absences |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of Absences |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Absences |
LateNotifyFlag | Bool | An absence notification that qualifies as a late notification and is waived. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Employer |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of Absences |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Legislative Data Group |
NotificationDate | Date | Date the employee notifies the employer of an upcoming absence. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
OpenEndedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is open-ended. Enables workers to submit an absence without entering an absence end date. The default value is false. |
Overridden | String | Indicates whether the absence duration has been overridden or not. The default value is false. |
PersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the absence. |
PeriodOfIncapToWorkFlag | Bool | PeriodOfIncapToWorkFlag of Absences |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | PeriodOfServiceId of Absences |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person. |
PlannedEndDate | Date | Estimated End Date |
ProcessingStatus | String | ProcessingStatus of Absences |
ProjectId | Long | ProjectId of Absences |
SingleDayFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence request is for a single day. Default value is false. |
Source | String | Source of the absence imported from other applications. For example, an absence may be recorded via Absence Management, Time and Labor, a data loader or through the REST process. |
SplCondition | String | SplCondition of Absences |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the recorded absence. |
StartDateDuration | Decimal | Duration of the absence on the start date. This field allows the duration of the start date to be different than what's derived from the shift duration. |
StartDateTime | Datetime | Start date timestamp of an absence. |
StartTime | String | Start time of the recorded absence. |
SubmittedDate | Date | Date on which absence is created and submitted for approval. |
TimelinessOverrideDate | Date | Waiver Date |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure used to record the absence, such as days or hours. |
UserMode | String | Role of the user who entered this absence. Possible values are EMP, MGR or ADMIN. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique person number for whom the absence is recorded. |
AbsenceType | String | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
Employer | String | Name of the employer. |
AbsenceReason | String | Reason for absence attached to the absence type. |
AbsenceDispStatus | String | Absence processing status displayed to the user. Valid values are defined in the lookup ANC_PER_ABS_ENT_DISPLAY_STATUS. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment for which the absence is recorded. When an employee has multiple active assignments, this attribute can be used to restrict the absence to a specific assignment. You can't change the assignment when editing an existing absence. |
DataSecurityPersonId | Long | DataSecurityPersonId of Absences |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of Absences |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of Absences |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
AgreementName | String | Name of the agreement used to record absence. |
PaymentDetail | String | Name of payment detail of agreement used to record absence. |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of Absences |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of Absences |
UnitOfMeasureMeaning | String | UnitOfMeasureMeaning of Absences |
FormattedDuration | String | FormattedDuration of Absences |
AbsenceDispStatusMeaning | String | AbsenceDispStatusMeaning of Absences |
AbsenceUpdatableFlag | Bool | AbsenceUpdatableFlag of Absences |
ApprovalDatetime | Datetime | ApprovalDatetime of Absences |
AllowAssignmentSelectionFlag | Bool | AllowAssignmentSelectionFlag of Absences |
EndDateDurationPreferenceCode | String | EndDateDurationPreferenceCode of Absences |
StartDateDurationPreferenceCode | String | StartDateDurationPreferenceCode of Absences |
StartDateDurationPreferenceMeaning | String | StartDateDurationPreferenceMeaning of Absences |
EndDateDurationPreferenceMeaning | String | EndDateDurationPreferenceMeaning of Absences |
Finder | String | Finder of Absences |