JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 24.0.9062




Name Type Description
LibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the journey task.
TaskLevel String TaskLevel of JourneyTaskLibrary
TaskLevelMeaning String TaskLevelMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
TaskLevelValue Long TaskLevelValue of JourneyTaskLibrary
Name String Name of journey task.
Type String Code of task action type.
TypeMeaning String TypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
SubType String Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I 9 and Electronic Signature.
SubTypeMeaning String SubTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
RequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No.
Status String Status of JourneyTaskLibrary
StatusMeaning String StatusMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
TargetDuration Int Duration of the task.
TargetDurationUOM String Unit of measure for target duration.
TargetDurationUOMMeaning String TargetDurationUOMMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
DelayDuration Int Delay duration for the task.
DelayDurationUOM String Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration.
DelayDurationUOMMeaning String DelayDurationUOMMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
Description String Description of the task.
Notes String Notes for a task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script.
AllowNoteTitleFlag Bool Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No.
AllowCommentFlag Bool Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No.
AllowAttachmentFlag Bool Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No.
OpenInSamePageFlag Bool Indicates whether the external URL should open in the existing page or a new page. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.
NoteTitle String Title of the Notes section in the task.
ActionURL String The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource.
PerformerType String Task performer type.
PerformerTypeMeaning String PerformerTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
PerformerResponsibilityType String Responsibility type of the journey task performer.
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning String PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
PerformerPersonId Long Internal identifier of the journey task performer.
OwnerType String Task owner type.
OwnerTypeMeaning String OwnerTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
OwnerResponsibilityType String Responsibility type of the journey task owner.
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning String OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
OwnerPersonId Long Internal identifier of the journey task owner.
AttachmentDocumentTypeId Long Attachments to add to document records for the given document type.
AttachmentDocumentTypeName String AttachmentDocumentTypeName of JourneyTaskLibrary
QuestionnaireId Long Internal identifier of the questionnaire.
QuestionnaireName String QuestionnaireName of JourneyTaskLibrary
ConfigurableFormContext String Context for the configurable form task type.
ApplicationTask String Application task type.
ApplicationTaskName String ApplicationTaskName of JourneyTaskLibrary
ReportPath String Path to the report in BI Catalog.
DigitalSignatureTemplateId String Identifier for the electronic signature template.
SignatureValidationConfiguration String Validation type for electronic signature.
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration String Work authorization for I 9 task.
ProcessCloudConfiguration String Configuration of the process automation.
LearningItemId Long Unique identifier of the learning item.
LearnEnrollmentId Long Identifier of the learning enrollment.
LearnEnrollmentType String Type of learning enrollment.
EmbeddedApplicationTaskCode String Code of the embedded application task.
ContentProviderCode String ContentProviderCode of JourneyTaskLibrary
LearnCommunityId Long Identifier of the learning community.
LearningContentType String LearningContentType of JourneyTaskLibrary
LearningContentTypeMeaning String LearningContentTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
VideoType String VideoType of JourneyTaskLibrary
VideoTypeMeaning String VideoTypeMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
VideoURL String VideoURL of JourneyTaskLibrary
AnalysisPath String OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type.
AnalysisParameters String Parameters associated with an analytics task type.
DisplayOptions String Type of OTBI analysis.
DocumentTypeId Long Identifier for the document type.
DocumentTypeName String DocumentTypeName of JourneyTaskLibrary
SaveDocumentsToDORFor String Attachments to add to document records for a document type.
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning String SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
EligibilityProfileId Long Identifier of the eligibility profile.
EligibilityProfileName String EligibilityProfileName of JourneyTaskLibrary
ActivationEligibilityProfileId Long Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task.
ActivationEligibilityProfileName String ActivationEligibilityProfileName of JourneyTaskLibrary
EvaluationOffset Int Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation.
EnableExpiryFlag Bool Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.
ExpiryRelativeTo String Criteria based on which the task expires.
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning String ExpiryRelativeToMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
ExpiryDuration Int Duration after which the task expires.
ReminderDuration Int Duration of the task reminder.
ReminderRecurrence String Recurrence of the task reminder.
ReminderRelativeTo String Reminder relative to task duration.
ReminderRelativeToMeaning String ReminderRelativeToMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
DisplayFeatures String Display features for the electronic signature task type.
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor String Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer.
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning String SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning of JourneyTaskLibrary
ReminderTemplateId Long Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template.
FeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task.
InitiatedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated.
ReassignedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned.
CompletedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed.
DeletedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of JourneyTaskLibrary
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of JourneyTaskLibrary
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of JourneyTaskLibrary
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of JourneyTaskLibrary
ActionCompleteLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action.
ActionRejectLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action.
ActionAddToCalendarLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action.
ActionSaveLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action.
ActivityAction1Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 1.
ActivityAction2Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 2.
ActivityAction3Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 3.
ActivityAction4Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 4.
ActivityAction5Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 5.
Finder String Finder of JourneyTaskLibrary
MPersonId Long MPersonId of JourneyTaskLibrary
PStatus String PStatus of JourneyTaskLibrary
SearchTerms String SearchTerms of JourneyTaskLibrary

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Build 24.0.9062