The CData Sync App provides a straightforward way to continuously pipeline your Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM data to any database, data lake, or data warehouse, making it easily available for Analytics, Reporting, AI, and Machine Learning.
The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud connector can be used from the CData Sync application to pull data from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud and move it to any of the supported destinations.
The Sync App leverages the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM API version to enable bidirectional access to human resources data from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.
For required properties, see the Settings tab.
For connection properties that are not typically required, see the Advanced tab.
You must set the following to authenticate to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud:
This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud APIs.
Views are dynamically obtained to model Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud objects.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud. They can be used to create schemas from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud views.
In Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud, finders are filters used for searching collection resources. Each finder has several parameters bound to it.
To use a finder filter with a parent view, you need to provide the FinderName in the finder pseudo column and provide values for the finder parameter columns.
SELECT * FROM Absences WHERE finder = 'PrimaryKey' AND PersonAbsenceEntryId = 300000074177554;
To use a finder filter with a child view, you need to provide the FinderName of the parent view in the finder pseudo column and provide values for the finder parameter columns of the parent view.
SELECT * FROM AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF WHERE finder = 'PrimaryKey' AND PersonAbsenceEntryId = 300000074177554;
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV | AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
Absences | Absences |
AbsencesabsenceAttachments | AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AbsencesabsenceEntitlements | AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails | AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsencesabsenceMaternity | AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF | AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF |
AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF | AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF |
AbsenceTypesLOV | AbsenceTypesLOV |
ActionReasonsLOV | ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionsLOV | ActionsLOV |
AssignmentStatusTypesLov | AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
AvailabilityPatterns | AvailabilityPatterns |
AvailabilityPatternsshifts | AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
BargainingUnitsLov | BargainingUnitsLov |
BcCandidateDetails | BcCandidateDetails |
BenefitEnrollments | BenefitEnrollments |
BenefitEnrollmentscosts | BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
BenefitEnrollmentsdependents | BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
BenefitEnrollmentsproviders | BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
BenefitOptionsLOV | BenefitOptionsLOV |
BenefitPlansComparison | BenefitPlansComparison |
BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts | BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues | BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences | BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes | BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights | BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
BenefitPlansComparisonimages | BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
BenefitPlansComparisonLOV | BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
BenefitPlansLOV | BenefitPlansLOV |
BenefitPlanTypesLOV | BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
BenefitProgramsLOV | BenefitProgramsLOV |
CheckInDocuments | CheckInDocuments |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
CheckInTemplatesLOV | CheckInTemplatesLOV |
CollectiveAgreementsLov | CollectiveAgreementsLov |
CompetitionParticipantsLOV | CompetitionParticipantsLOV |
ContentItemsLov | ContentItemsLov |
DepartmentsLov | DepartmentsLov |
DepartmentsLovV2 | DepartmentsLovV2 |
DepartmentTreeNodesLOV | DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
DisabilityOrganizationsLOV | DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
DocumentRecords | DocumentRecords |
DocumentRecordsattachments | DocumentRecordsattachments |
DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF | DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDFF | DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDFF |
ElementEntries | ElementEntries |
ElementEntrieselementEntryValues | ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
EligibleContactsLOV | EligibleContactsLOV |
EligibleOptionsLOV | EligibleOptionsLOV |
EligiblePlansLOV | EligiblePlansLOV |
Emps | Emps |
Empsassignments | Empsassignments |
EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF | EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation | EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
Empsassignmentsempreps | Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield | EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsdirectReports | EmpsdirectReports |
EmpspersonDFF | EmpspersonDFF |
EmpspersonExtraInformation | EmpspersonExtraInformation |
Empsphoto | Empsphoto |
Empsroles | Empsroles |
Empsvisas | Empsvisas |
GeographicHierarchiesLOV | GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
GoalPlanSetsLOV | GoalPlanSetsLOV |
GoalPlansLOV | GoalPlansLOV |
GradeLadders | GradeLadders |
GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF | GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersgrades | GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersLov | GradeLaddersLov |
GradeLaddersstepRates | GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues | GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeRates | GradeRates |
GradeRatesrateValues | GradeRatesrateValues |
Grades | Grades |
GradesGradeCustomerFlex | GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesLov | GradesLov |
GradeStepsLOV | GradeStepsLOV |
HcmBusinessUnitsLOV | HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
HcmContacts | HcmContacts |
HcmContactsaddresses | HcmContactsaddresses |
HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF | HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
HcmContactscitizenships | HcmContactscitizenships |
HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF | HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
HcmContactscontactRelationships | HcmContactscontactRelationships |
HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF | HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF | HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
HcmContactscontactsDFF | HcmContactscontactsDFF |
HcmContactsdriverLicenses | HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF | HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF | HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
HcmContactsemails | HcmContactsemails |
HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF | HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
HcmContactsethnicities | HcmContactsethnicities |
HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF | HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
HcmContactslegislativeInfo | HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF | HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF | HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
HcmContactsnames | HcmContactsnames |
HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers | HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF | HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts | HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF | HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
HcmContactspassports | HcmContactspassports |
HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF | HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
HcmContactsphones | HcmContactsphones |
HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF | HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
HcmContactsreligions | HcmContactsreligions |
HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF | HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
HcmContactsvisasPermits | HcmContactsvisasPermits |
HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF | HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF | HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
HcmContractsLOV | HcmContractsLOV |
HcmCostCentersLOV | HcmCostCentersLOV |
HcmCountriesLov | HcmCountriesLov |
HcmSetsLOV | HcmSetsLOV |
HcmTreesLOV | HcmTreesLOV |
HealthSurveys | HealthSurveys |
HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponses | HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponses |
HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponsesAttachments | HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponsesAttachments |
HrDocumentTypesLOV | HrDocumentTypesLOV |
IncidentKiosks | IncidentKiosks |
IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk | IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
JobDistributionDetails | JobDistributionDetails |
JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguages | JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguages |
JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguagessecondaryLocations | JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguagessecondaryLocations |
JobDistributionDetailsskills | JobDistributionDetailsskills |
JobFamilies | JobFamilies |
JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF | JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesLov | JobFamiliesLov |
JobPostingDetails | JobPostingDetails |
JobPostingDetailsjobBoards | JobPostingDetailsjobBoards |
Jobs | Jobs |
JobsJobCustomerFlex | JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsLov | JobsLov |
JobsLovV2 | JobsLovV2 |
JobsvalidGrades | JobsvalidGrades |
JourneyCounts | JourneyCounts |
JourneyCountsfacets | JourneyCountsfacets |
JourneyCountsfacetsvalues | JourneyCountsfacetsvalues |
Journeys | Journeys |
JourneysallStepTasks | JourneysallStepTasks |
Journeyscontacts | Journeyscontacts |
Journeysevents | Journeysevents |
Journeysnotes | Journeysnotes |
Journeysproperties | Journeysproperties |
Journeystasks | Journeystasks |
Journeystasksdocuments | Journeystasksdocuments |
Journeystasksnotifications | Journeystasksnotifications |
Journeystasksproperties | Journeystasksproperties |
JourneystaskTypes | JourneystaskTypes |
JourneystaskTypesproperties | JourneystaskTypesproperties |
JourneyTaskLibrary | JourneyTaskLibrary |
JourneyTaskLibrarydocuments | JourneyTaskLibrarydocuments |
JourneyTaskLibrarynotifications | JourneyTaskLibrarynotifications |
LearnerLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignedToPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsassignedToPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemPublisherPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemPublisherPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes | LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites | LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals | LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewalsrelatedLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewalsrelatedLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsrelatedLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecordsrelatedLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordsuserActionHints |
LearningContentItems | LearningContentItems |
LegalEmployersLov | LegalEmployersLov |
LegislativeDataGroupsLOV | LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
LibraryGoalsLOV | LibraryGoalsLOV |
Locations | Locations |
LocationsLocationDFF | LocationsLocationDFF |
LocationsLov | LocationsLov |
LocationsLovV2 | LocationsLovV2 |
MajorsLOV | MajorsLOV |
Organizations | Organizations |
OrganizationsextraInformation | OrganizationsextraInformation |
OrganizationsOrganizationDFF | OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
OrganizationTreeNodesLOV | OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
PayrollRelationships | PayrollRelationships |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV | PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
Payslips | Payslips |
Payslipsdocuments | Payslipsdocuments |
PerformanceEvaluations | PerformanceEvaluations |
PerformanceEvaluationsRoles | PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants | PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks | PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
PerformanceGoals | PerformanceGoals |
PersonalPaymentMethods | PersonalPaymentMethods |
PersonNotes | PersonNotes |
PersonNotesVisibilityOptions | PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV | PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV |
PersonTypesLOV | PersonTypesLOV |
PlanBalances | PlanBalances |
PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails | PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary | PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
Positions | Positions |
PositionsextraInformation | PositionsextraInformation |
PositionslegislativeExtraInformation | PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
PositionsLov | PositionsLov |
PositionsLovV2 | PositionsLovV2 |
PositionsPositionCustomerFlex | PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
PositionsvalidGrades | PositionsvalidGrades |
PositionTreeNodesLOV | PositionTreeNodesLOV |
ProfilesLov | ProfilesLov |
ProfileTypeSectionsLOV | ProfileTypeSectionsLOV |
PublicWorkers | PublicWorkers |
PublicWorkersassignments | PublicWorkersassignments |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports | PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory | PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers | PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives | PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PublicWorkersmessages | PublicWorkersmessages |
PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts | PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
PublicWorkersphones | PublicWorkersphones |
PublicWorkersphotos | PublicWorkersphotos |
QuestionAnswersLOV | QuestionAnswersLOV |
QuestionnaireFoldersLOV | QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
QuestionnaireQuestionsLOV | QuestionnaireQuestionsLOV |
QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV | QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV |
Questionnaires | Questionnaires |
Questionnairesattachments | Questionnairesattachments |
QuestionnairesLOV | QuestionnairesLOV |
Questionnairessections | Questionnairessections |
Questionnairessectionsquestions | Questionnairessectionsquestions |
Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers | Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments | QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
QuestionnaireSubscribersLOV | QuestionnaireSubscribersLOV |
QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV | QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
Questions | Questions |
Questionsanswers | Questionsanswers |
Questionsanswersattachments | Questionsanswersattachments |
Questionsattachments | Questionsattachments |
QuestionsjobFamilyContexts | QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
QuestionsjobFunctionContexts | QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
QuestionslocationContexts | QuestionslocationContexts |
QuestionsLOV | QuestionsLOV |
QuestionsorganizationContexts | QuestionsorganizationContexts |
RatingLevelsLOV | RatingLevelsLOV |
RatingModelsLOV | RatingModelsLOV |
ReasonsLOV | ReasonsLOV |
RecruitingAgencyCandidatesLOV | RecruitingAgencyCandidatesLOV |
RecruitingAgentsLOV | RecruitingAgentsLOV |
RecruitingBGCAccountPackagesLOV | RecruitingBGCAccountPackagesLOV |
RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackages | RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackages |
RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagespackages | RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagespackages |
RecruitingCandidateDuplicates | RecruitingCandidateDuplicates |
RecruitingCandidatePIIData | RecruitingCandidatePIIData |
RecruitingCandidatePoolsLOV | RecruitingCandidatePoolsLOV |
RecruitingCandidates | RecruitingCandidates |
RecruitingCandidatesattachments | RecruitingCandidatesattachments |
RecruitingCandidateSavedSearchesLOV | RecruitingCandidateSavedSearchesLOV |
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RecruitingCandidatescandidatePhones | RecruitingCandidatescandidatePhones |
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RecruitingCandidatesexperience | RecruitingCandidatesexperience |
RecruitingCandidateslanguages | RecruitingCandidateslanguages |
RecruitingCandidateslicensesAndCertificates | RecruitingCandidateslicensesAndCertificates |
RecruitingCandidatesskills | RecruitingCandidatesskills |
RecruitingCandidatesworkPreferences | RecruitingCandidatesworkPreferences |
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RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportseducations | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportseducations |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportslanguages | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportslanguages |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportslicensesAndCertifications | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportslicensesAndCertifications |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsskills | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsskills |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsworkExperiences | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsworkExperiences |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsworkPreferences | RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsworkPreferences |
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RecruitingCEJobRequisitionstitlesFacet | RecruitingCEJobRequisitionstitlesFacet |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsworkLocationsFacet | RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsworkLocationsFacet |
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RecruitingCEReferralsattachments | RecruitingCEReferralsattachments |
RecruitingCESearchAutoSuggestions | RecruitingCESearchAutoSuggestions |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlows | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlows |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsrequisitionFlexFields | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsrequisitionFlexFields |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssections | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssections |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssectionspages | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssectionspages |
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RecruitingCESitestalentCommunitySignUptranslations | RecruitingCESitestalentCommunitySignUptranslations |
RecruitingCESitestranslations | RecruitingCESitestranslations |
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RecruitingJobApplicationspreferredLocations | RecruitingJobApplicationspreferredLocations |
RecruitingJobApplicationsquestionnaireResponses | RecruitingJobApplicationsquestionnaireResponses |
RecruitingJobApplicationsregulatoryResponses | RecruitingJobApplicationsregulatoryResponses |
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RecruitingJobApplicationssecondarySubmissions | RecruitingJobApplicationssecondarySubmissions |
RecruitingJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests | RecruitingJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests |
RecruitingJobApplicationsworkPreferences | RecruitingJobApplicationsworkPreferences |
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RecruitingJobOffers | RecruitingJobOffers |
RecruitingJobOffersattachments | RecruitingJobOffersattachments |
RecruitingJobOfferscollaborators | RecruitingJobOfferscollaborators |
RecruitingJobOffersofferDFF | RecruitingJobOffersofferDFF |
RecruitingJobRequisitions | RecruitingJobRequisitions |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsattachments | RecruitingJobRequisitionsattachments |
RecruitingJobRequisitionscollaborators | RecruitingJobRequisitionscollaborators |
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RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF | RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsskills | RecruitingJobRequisitionsskills |
RecruitingJobRequisitionTemplatesLOV | RecruitingJobRequisitionTemplatesLOV |
RecruitingLabelsLOV | RecruitingLabelsLOV |
RecruitingLinkedInEventNotifications | RecruitingLinkedInEventNotifications |
RecruitingLocationsLOV | RecruitingLocationsLOV |
RecruitingMyJobApplications | RecruitingMyJobApplications |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionScheduledInterviews | RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionScheduledInterviews |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests | RecruitingMyJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests |
RecruitingMyJobReferrals | RecruitingMyJobReferrals |
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RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsgigSkills | RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsgigSkills |
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RecruitingOppMktOpportunitiesopportunityList | RecruitingOppMktOpportunitiesopportunityList |
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RecruitingOppMktUserAppliedOpportunities | RecruitingOppMktUserAppliedOpportunities |
RecruitingOrganizationsLOV | RecruitingOrganizationsLOV |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetails | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetails |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressDetails | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressDetails |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressFormat | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressFormat |
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RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailseducations | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailseducations |
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RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailspreviousEmployments | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailspreviousEmployments |
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RecruitingRequisitionQuestionsLOV | RecruitingRequisitionQuestionsLOV |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetails | RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetails |
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RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsOtherRequisitionLocations | RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsOtherRequisitionLocations |
ReportingEstablishmentsLOV | ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
ReviewPeriodsLOV | ReviewPeriodsLOV |
RolesLOV | RolesLOV |
Salaries | Salaries |
SalariessalaryComponents | SalariessalaryComponents |
SalariessalaryPayRateComponents | SalariessalaryPayRateComponents |
SalariessalarySimpleComponents | SalariessalarySimpleComponents |
SalaryBasisLov | SalaryBasisLov |
SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents | SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents |
ScheduleRequests | ScheduleRequests |
ScheduleRequestsscheduleEvents | ScheduleRequestsscheduleEvents |
ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents | ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents |
ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes | ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes |
SchedulingShiftsLOV | SchedulingShiftsLOV |
SelfDetails | SelfDetails |
SharedPerformanceGoalsLOV | SharedPerformanceGoalsLOV |
StatusChangeRequests | StatusChangeRequests |
StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges | StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |
SuccessionPlansLOV | SuccessionPlansLOV |
TalentExternalCandidatesLOV | TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
TalentPersonProfiles | TalentPersonProfiles |
TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSections | TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSections |
TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItems | TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItems |
TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItemsaccomplishmentItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItemsaccomplishmentItemsDFF |
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TalentPersonProfilesattachments | TalentPersonProfilesattachments |
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TalentPersonProfilescompetencySectionscompetencyItems | TalentPersonProfilescompetencySectionscompetencyItems |
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TalentPersonProfileslanguageSectionslanguageItemslanguageItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfileslanguageSectionslanguageItemslanguageItemsDFF |
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TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItems | TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItems |
TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF |
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TalentPersonProfilesskillSectionsskillItemsskillItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfilesskillSectionsskillItemsskillItemsDFF |
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TalentPersonProfilesspecialProjectSectionsspecialProjectItems | TalentPersonProfilesspecialProjectSectionsspecialProjectItems |
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TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItems | TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItems |
TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItemsworkPreferenceItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItemsworkPreferenceItemsDFF |
TalentPoolsLOV | TalentPoolsLOV |
Tasks | Tasks |
TaskschangedAttributes | TaskschangedAttributes |
TaxReportingUnitsLOV | TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
TimeAttributes | TimeAttributes |
TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages | TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds | TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
TimeAttributeValues | TimeAttributeValues |
TimeCardFieldValuesLOV | TimeCardFieldValuesLOV |
TimeCardsLOV | TimeCardsLOV |
TimeEventRequests | TimeEventRequests |
TimeRecordEventRequests | TimeRecordEventRequests |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEvent | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEvent |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage |
TimeRecordGroups | TimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
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TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
TimeRecords | TimeRecords |
TimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TrackingServices | TrackingServices |
TrackingServicesauthArtifacts | TrackingServicesauthArtifacts |
UnionsLov | UnionsLov |
UserAccounts | UserAccounts |
UserAccountsLOV | UserAccountsLOV |
UserAccountsuserAccountRoles | UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
UserRolesLOV | UserRolesLOV |
WorkerJourneys | WorkerJourneys |
WorkerJourneysallStepTasks | WorkerJourneysallStepTasks |
WorkerJourneyscontacts | WorkerJourneyscontacts |
WorkerJourneysevents | WorkerJourneysevents |
WorkerJourneysnotes | WorkerJourneysnotes |
WorkerJourneysproperties | WorkerJourneysproperties |
WorkerJourneystaskCounts | WorkerJourneystaskCounts |
WorkerJourneystasks | WorkerJourneystasks |
WorkerJourneystasksattachments | WorkerJourneystasksattachments |
WorkerJourneystasksdocuments | WorkerJourneystasksdocuments |
WorkerJourneystasksnotifications | WorkerJourneystasksnotifications |
WorkerJourneystasksproperties | WorkerJourneystasksproperties |
WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponses | WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponses |
WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF | WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF |
WorkerJourneystaskTypes | WorkerJourneystaskTypes |
WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties | WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
WorkerJourneyTasks | WorkerJourneyTasks |
WorkerJourneyTasksattachments | WorkerJourneyTasksattachments |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponses | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponses |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesquestionResponseAttachments | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesquestionResponseAttachments |
WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF | WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF |
Workers | Workers |
Workersaddresses | Workersaddresses |
WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF | WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
Workerscitizenships | Workerscitizenships |
WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF | WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
Workersdisabilities | Workersdisabilities |
Workersdisabilitiesattachments | Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF | WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
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WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF | WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF | WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
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WorkersemailsemailsDFF | WorkersemailsemailsDFF |
Workersethnicities | Workersethnicities |
WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF | WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
WorkersexternalIdentifiers | WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
WorkerslegislativeInfo | WorkerslegislativeInfo |
WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF | WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF | WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
Workersmessages | Workersmessages |
Workersnames | Workersnames |
WorkersnationalIdentifiers | WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF | WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts | WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF | WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
Workerspassports | Workerspassports |
WorkerspassportspassportsDDF | WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
Workersphones | Workersphones |
WorkersphonesphonesDFF | WorkersphonesphonesDFF |
Workersphotos | Workersphotos |
WorkersphotosphotosDFF | WorkersphotosphotosDFF |
Workersreligions | Workersreligions |
WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF | WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF |
WorkersvisasPermits | WorkersvisasPermits |
WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF | WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF | WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
WorkersworkersDFF | WorkersworkersDFF |
WorkersworkersEFF | WorkersworkersEFF |
WorkersworkRelationships | WorkersworkRelationships |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts | WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF |
WorklifeTeamMembersLOV | WorklifeTeamMembersLOV |
WorklifeTeamsLOV | WorklifeTeamsLOV |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentPk [KEY] | Long | AssignmentPk of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentStartDate | Date | AssignmentStartDate of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentStartDateUserPref | String | AssignmentStartDateUserPref of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentEndDate | Date | AssignmentEndDate of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentEndDateUserPref | String | AssignmentEndDateUserPref of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
StatusCodeMeaning | String | StatusCodeMeaning of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | AbsenceTypeId |
AssignmentEffectiveDate | Date | AssignmentEffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmpName | String | LegalEmpName |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceCaseId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence case. |
AbsenceEntryBasicFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is recorded in basic mode or advanced mode. The default value is true. |
AbsencePatternCd | String | Unique code assigned to the absence pattern associated with an absence type. For example, absence pattern can be Generic for a vacation absence, Illness or injury for a sickness absence. |
AbsenceStatusCd | String | Absence status, such as submitted, withdrawn. |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
AbsenceTypeReasonId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence reason. |
AgreementId | Long | Unique identifier for the agreement name used to record absence. |
ApprovalStatusCd | String | Approval notification status of the recorded absence. |
AuthStatusUpdateDate | Date | Latest updated date of the authorization status for the absence. |
BandDtlId | Long | Unique identifier for the payment details. |
BlockedLeaveCandidate | String | Determines whether the worker is eligible for block leave or not. Block leave enables workers to report a fixed period away from work. |
CertificationAuthFlag | Bool | Provides notification for an authorized absence. |
ChildEventTypeCd | String | Unique code assigned for the child event. |
Comments | String | Comments provided while recording the absence. |
ConditionStartDate | Date | Condition start date of an illness or injury leave. Used to indicate when the illness began or injury occurred, and could be different from the absence start date. |
ConfirmedDate | Date | Confirmed start date of an absence. |
ConsumedByAgreement | String | Represents the agreement consumption condition of the absence. Possible values are Y, N, and null. The default value is null. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Absences |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Absences |
DiseaseCode | String | Unique code assigned to a disease. |
Duration | Double | Duration of the recorded absence. |
EmployeeShiftFlag | Bool | Shift type of the employee's schedule. Possible values are time, duration and null. Default value is null. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the recorded absence. |
EndDateDuration | Double | Duration of the absence on the end date. This field allows the duration of the end date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration. |
EndDateTime | Datetime | End date timestamp of an absence. |
EndTime | String | End time of the recorded absence. |
EstablishmentDate | Date | Date on which the period of incapacity began. This date refers to the date the employee could no longer work. |
Frequency | String | Represents the frequency of the absence, such as weekly or monthly. |
InitialReportById | Long | Employee name who reported the notification. |
InitialTimelyNotifyFlag | Bool | An absence notification qualified as a late notification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Absences |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of Absences |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Absences |
LateNotifyFlag | Bool | An absence notification that qualifies as a late notification and is waived. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Legal identifier for an employer. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the employee for whom the absence is being entered. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Unique identifier which determines an employee's legislative data group. |
NotificationDate | Date | Date the employee notifies the employer of an upcoming absence. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
OpenEndedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is open-ended. Enables workers to submit an absence without entering an absence end date. The default value is false. |
Overridden | String | Indicates whether the absence duration has been overridden or not. The default value is false. |
PersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the absence. |
PeriodOfIncapToWorkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an employee's period of incapacity to work has been established or not. The default value is false. |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | Unique identifier which determines an employee's period of service. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person. |
PlannedEndDate | Date | Estimated end date used for the maternity absence. |
ProcessingStatus | String | Processing status of the absence request, such as submitted, approved, declined. |
ProjectId | Long | Unique project identifier. |
SingleDayFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence request is for a single day. Default value is false. |
Source | String | Source of the absence imported from other applications. For example, an absence may be recorded via Absence Management, Time and Labor, a data loader or through the REST process. |
SplCondition | String | Special conditions for the absence. This is applicable when recording an absence using the Illness or injury or Childbirth pattern. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the recorded absence. |
StartDateDuration | Double | Duration of the absence on the start date. This field allows the duration of the start date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration. |
StartDateTime | Datetime | Start date timestamp of an absence. |
StartTime | String | Start time of the recorded absence. |
SubmittedDate | Date | Date on which absence is created and submitted for approval. |
TimelinessOverrideDate | Date | Date on which the late notification of the absence was waived. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure used to record the absence, such as days or hours. |
UserMode | String | Role of the user who entered this absence. Possible values are EMP, MGR or ADMIN. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique person number for whom the absence is recorded. |
AbsenceType | String | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
Employer | String | Name of the employer. |
AbsenceReason | String | Reason for absence attached to the absence type. |
AbsenceDispStatus | String | Absence processing status displayed to the user. Valid values are defined in the lookup ANC_PER_ABS_ENT_DISPLAY_STATUS. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment for which the absence is recorded. When an employee has multiple active assignments, this attribute can be used to restrict the absence to a specific assignment. You can't change the assignment when editing an existing absence. |
DataSecurityPersonId | Long | DataSecurityPersonId of Absences |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of Absences |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of Absences |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
AgreementName | String | Name of the agreement used to record absence. |
PaymentDetail | String | Name of payment detail of agreement used to record absence. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the record. Applicable to existing records only. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment type such as FILE, TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached by the user. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder where the attachment is stored. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier for the document created in UCM directory. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | Uniform Resource Identifier of the document attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name for the absence attachment type such as MISC. |
UserName | String | UserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
Uri | String | Uniform Resource Identifier of the uploaded file. |
FileUrl | String | Relative path for downloading the attachment file. |
UploadedText | String | Text that is uploaded to the content repository. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Type of the content file uploaded such as plain/text, image/jpeg etc. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the content file uploaded. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared from the content repository. The default value is false. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Status code of the error. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error message that is displayed. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
FileContents | String | Attribute for providing the file content. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiry date of the absence record attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | LastUpdatedByUserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
CreatedByUserName | String | CreatedByUserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | FileWebImage of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
DatatypeCodeMeaning | String | DatatypeCodeMeaning of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementId [KEY] | Long | EntitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | PersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanId | Long | AbsencePlanId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanName | String | AbsencePlanName of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Units | Double | Units of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanUOMMeaning | String | AbsencePlanUOMMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PayFactor | Double | PayFactor of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityStartDate | Datetime | ActivityStartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityEndDate | Datetime | ActivityEndDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityCd | String | ActivityCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityCdMeaning | String | ActivityCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Source | String | Source of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
SourceCdMeaning | String | SourceCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
CalculationDate | Datetime | CalculationDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PlanPeriodStartDate | Datetime | PlanPeriodStartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementMethodCd | String | EntitlementMethodCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementMethodCdMeaning | String | EntitlementMethodCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ChangeReasonCd | String | ChangeReasonCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ChangeReasonCdMeaning | String | ChangeReasonCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonAbsenceTypeEntryId | Long | PersonAbsenceTypeEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Used | Double | Used of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Remaining | Double | Remaining of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsenceentitlementsentitlementId [KEY] | Long | AbsenceentitlementsentitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EntitlementDetailId [KEY] | Long | EntitlementDetailId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
StartDate | Datetime | StartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EndDate | Datetime | EndDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
Units | Double | Units of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsencePlanUOMMeaning | String | AbsencePlanUOMMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
PayFactor | Double | PayFactor of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EntitlementId | Long | EntitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
PersonAbsenceMaternityId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of a maternity record of absence. |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence. |
ExpectedDateOfChildBirth | Date | Expected date of childbirth or placement. |
IntendToWorkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence can be submitted without a planned return date. Used for maternity absence only. The default value is true. |
PlannedStartDate | Date | Planned start date of maternity leave. |
PlannedReturnDate | Date | Planned end date of maternity leave. |
LeaveDuration | Double | Planned maternity leave duration. |
ActualChildBirthDate | Date | Actual date of childbirth or placement. |
ActualStartDate | Date | Actual start date of maternity leave. |
ActualReturnDate | Date | Actual return date of maternity leave. |
ActualDuration | Double | Actual duration of maternity leave. |
ExpectedEndDate | Date | Expected end date of maternity leave. |
ExpectedWeekOfChildBirth | Date | Expected week of maternity leave. This is Monday of the week in which the expected date of childbirth falls. |
OpenEndedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence can be submitted without an absence end date. The default value is false. |
MatchingDate | Date | Date field to be used by localization team. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF |
PerAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield of an absence. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Segment |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF |
PerAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
CompositeKey [KEY] | String | CompositeKey of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | AbsenceTypeId of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsenceTypeName | String | AbsenceTypeName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
Description | String | Description of AbsenceTypesLOV |
EmployerId | Long | EmployerId of AbsenceTypesLOV |
EmployerName | String | EmployerName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsTypeWithEmployerName | String | AbsTypeWithEmployerName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeEffectiveDate | Date | AbsenceTypeEffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionReasonId [KEY] | Long | ActionReasonId of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionReasonCode | String | ActionReasonCode of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionReason | String | ActionReason of ActionReasonsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of ActionReasonsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionId | Long | ActionId of ActionReasonsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Country |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionId [KEY] | Long | ActionId of ActionsLOV |
ActionCode | String | ActionCode of ActionsLOV |
ActionName | String | ActionName of ActionsLOV |
Description | String | Description of ActionsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of ActionsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of ActionsLOV |
ActionTypeId | Long | ActionTypeId of ActionsLOV |
ActionTypeCode | String | ActionTypeCode of ActionsLOV |
TerminationType | String | TerminationType of ActionsLOV |
UsedInContract | Bool | UsedInContract of ActionsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Country |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
FilterEndAssignment | String | FilterEndAssignment |
FilterEndTempAssignment | String | FilterEndTempAssignment |
FilterGlbTempAssignment | String | FilterGlbTempAssignment |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentStatusTypeId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentStatusTypeId of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
UserStatus | String | UserStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
AssignmentStatusCode | String | AssignmentStatusCode of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
HRStatus | String | HRStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
PayStatus | String | PayStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentAvailabilityId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the availability pattern. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment of an employee. |
AnchorDate | Date | Any date belonging to a week which follows Week 1 of the multi-week cycle. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the employee. |
AvailabilityTypeId | Long | Unique identifier of the availability type. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the availability pattern is valid. |
DateTo | Date | Date to which the availability pattern is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AvailabilityPatterns |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AvailabilityPatterns |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of AvailabilityPatterns |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number of the employee. |
AvailabilityType | String | Name of the availability type, such as CA-Nurse-Contracted or UK Retail Overtime. |
ShiftCount | Int | Total count of the shifts in the pattern. |
ScheduledDuration | String | Computed total scheduled duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 8.5. |
PaidBreakDuration | String | Computed total paid break duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 0.5. |
UnpaidBreakDuration | String | Computed total unpaid break duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 1.5. |
PaidDuration | String | Computed total paid duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 8.5. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique numeric identifier of the employee. |
RepeatPeriod | String | Unit of measure for the repeating period length, for example ORA_HTS_WEEKS for Weeks. |
RepeatNumber | Int | Length of the period for which the pattern is repeated, for example, 1 or 2. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AvailabilityPatternsAssignmentAvailabilityId [KEY] | Long | AvailabilityPatternsAssignmentAvailabilityId of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
AvailabilityDetailId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the shift in an availability pattern. |
AssignmentAvailabilityId | Long | Unique identifier of the availability pattern. |
ExceptionDate | Date | Date when an exception applies. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
PatternException | String | Type differentiating a pattern from an exception. Possible values are PATTERN and EXCEPTION. |
StartTime | String | Time when a shift starts, entered in HH24:MI format. For example, 14:00. |
EndTime | String | Time when a shift ends, entered in HH24:MI format. For example, 21:00. |
Duration | String | Duration of the shift in hours. Value must be between 0 and 24. For example, 8. |
DayOfWeek | String | Number specifying the day of the week, or day of the cycle for multi-week patterns. For example, 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 8 for the Monday of the second week, 14 for the Saturday for the second week. |
NonWorkExceptionFlag | Bool | Indicates weather the flag for the exception shift represents a nonworking day. Possible values are true and false. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AvailabilityTypeId | Long | AvailabilityTypeId |
DateFrom | Date | DateFrom |
DateTo | Date | DateTo |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BargainingUnitCode [KEY] | String | BargainingUnitCode of BargainingUnitsLov |
BargainingUnitName | String | BargainingUnitName of BargainingUnitsLov |
Description | String | Description of BargainingUnitsLov |
UnionId | Long | UnionId of BargainingUnitsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Candidate number in the candidate details. |
SubmissionDate | Date | Submission date in the candidate details. |
JobTitle | String | Job title of the candidate. |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Requisition number in the candidate details. |
LastName | String | Last name of the candidate. |
MiddleNames | String | Middle name of the candidate. |
FirstName | String | First name of the candidate. |
Title | String | Title in the candidate details. |
Suffix | String | Suffix in the candidate details. |
Prefix | String | Prefix in the candidate details. |
PartnerId | String | Partner ID of the candidate. |
JobLocation | String | Job location of the candidate. |
CandidateEmail | String | Email ID of the candidate in the candidate details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BCandNumber | String | bCandNumber |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollments |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of BenefitEnrollments |
ProgramId | Long | ProgramId of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanTypeId | Long | PlanTypeId of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of BenefitEnrollments |
OptionId | Long | OptionId of BenefitEnrollments |
PersonName | String | PersonName of BenefitEnrollments |
EnrollmentCoverageStartDate | Date | EnrollmentCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollments |
OriginalCoverageStartDate | Date | OriginalCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollments |
EnrollmentCoverageEndDate | Date | EnrollmentCoverageEndDate of BenefitEnrollments |
ProgramName | String | ProgramName of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanTypeName | String | PlanTypeName of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanName | String | PlanName of BenefitEnrollments |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitEnrollments |
NonMonetaryUnit | String | NonMonetaryUnit of BenefitEnrollments |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of BenefitEnrollments |
CoverageAmount | Double | CoverageAmount of BenefitEnrollments |
SuspendFlag | Bool | SuspendFlag of BenefitEnrollments |
InterimFlag | Bool | InterimFlag of BenefitEnrollments |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitEnrollments |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitEnrollments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitEnrollments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitEnrollments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitEnrollments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | RateValueId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateStartDate | Date | RateStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateEndDate | Date | RateEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
CommunicatedRateAmount | Double | CommunicatedRateAmount of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
AnnualRateAmount | Double | AnnualRateAmount of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
TaxTypeCode | String | TaxTypeCode of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
ActivityTypeCode | String | ActivityTypeCode of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
CoveredDependentId [KEY] | Long | CoveredDependentId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentPersonId | Long | DependentPersonId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentName | String | DependentName of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
RelationshipCode | String | RelationshipCode of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentCoverageStartDate | Date | DependentCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentCoverageEndDate | String | DependentCoverageEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
ProviderOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | ProviderOrganizationId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
PolicyNumber | String | PolicyNumber of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
CustomerNumber | Double | CustomerNumber of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OptionId [KEY] | Long | OptionId of BenefitOptionsLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitOptionsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitOptionsLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitOptionsLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitOptionsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId [KEY] | Long | InstanceId of BenefitPlansComparison |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of BenefitPlansComparison |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of BenefitPlansComparison |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparison |
ImageId | Long | ImageId of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName of BenefitPlansComparison |
ComparisonType | String | ComparisonType of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateType | String | TemplateType of BenefitPlansComparison |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of BenefitPlansComparison |
UseGroupsFlag | Bool | UseGroupsFlag of BenefitPlansComparison |
UseHeaderFlag | Bool | UseHeaderFlag of BenefitPlansComparison |
EstimatedCostType | String | EstimatedCostType of BenefitPlansComparison |
EstimatedCostValue | String | EstimatedCostValue of BenefitPlansComparison |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
EstimatedCost | String | EstimatedCost of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
ItemId | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
GroupId | Long | GroupId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
GroupName | String | GroupName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
InfoText | String | InfoText of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
UseOptionsFlag | Bool | UseOptionsFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
OptionId | Long | OptionId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
UseCategoriesFlag | Bool | UseCategoriesFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
CategoryName | String | CategoryName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
CategoryId | Long | CategoryId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
Value | String | Value of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
FootnoteRefs | String | FootnoteRefs of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
FeaturevaluesInstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | FeaturevaluesInstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
Footnote | String | Footnote of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
Sequence | Int | Sequence of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
Footnote | String | Footnote of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
Sequence | Int | Sequence of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
ValueFlag | Bool | ValueFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
Image | String | Image of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | ImageId of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
FileName | String | FileName of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId [KEY] | Long | InstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
ComparisonType | String | ComparisonType of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateType | String | TemplateType of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
UseGroupsFlag | Bool | UseGroupsFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
UseHeaderFlag | Bool | UseHeaderFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanId [KEY] | Long | PlanId of BenefitPlansLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitPlansLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitPlansLOV |
WebAddress | String | WebAddress of BenefitPlansLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitPlansLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitPlansLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitPlansLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanTypeId [KEY] | Long | PlanTypeId of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ProgramId [KEY] | Long | ProgramId of BenefitProgramsLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitProgramsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of BenefitProgramsLOV |
Description | String | Description of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitProgramsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the check-in document. |
CheckInTemplateId | Long | System-generated primary key for the check-in template. |
CheckInTemplateName | String | Name of the check-in template. |
ReviewPeriodId | Long | System-generated primary key of the review period. |
ReviewPeriodName | String | Name of the review period. |
ManagerPersonId | Long | System-generated primary key of the manager in the check-in document. |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the manager. |
PersonId | Long | System-generated primary key of the worker in the check-in document. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the worker. |
AssignmentId | Long | System-generated identifier of the job assignment of the worker. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Unique assignment identifier of the worker. |
DocumentName | String | Name of the check-in document. |
CheckInDate | Date | Date when the check-in document was created. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireCode | String | QuestionnaireCode of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireVersionNumber | Long | QuestionnaireVersionNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
ParticipantPersonNumber | String | ParticipantPersonNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
AttemptNumber | Long | AttemptNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
Status | String | Status of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
SubmittedDateTime | Date | SubmittedDateTime of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
QuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the response to a question. |
QuestionnaireQuestionId | Long | System-generated primary key for the definition of the question within the questionnaire for which the response was provided. |
QuestionCode | String | QuestionCode of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
AnswerCLOB | String | Text provided in the answer to a plain text or rich text type of question. |
QuestionAnswerId | Long | Identifier of the choice selected in the answer to a single choice type of question. |
AnswerList | String | Comma separated list of identifiers of the choices selected in the answer to a multiple choice question. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
QuestionresponsesQuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionresponsesQuestionResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInTemplateId [KEY] | Long | CheckInTemplateId of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
Name | String | Name of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
DateFrom | Date | DateFrom of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
DateTo | Date | DateTo of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CollectiveAgreementId [KEY] | Long | CollectiveAgreementId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
CollectiveAgreementName | String | CollectiveAgreementName of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Country | String | Country of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Status | String | Status of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
IdentificationCode | String | IdentificationCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Description | String | Description of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
UnionId | Long | UnionId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Name | String | Name of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
BargainingUnitCode | String | BargainingUnitCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
BargainingUnit | String | BargainingUnit of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | String | User identification for the competition participant. |
Name [KEY] | String | Name of the competition participant. |
String | Email address of the competition participant. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContestId | String | ContestId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContentItemId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
ContentValueSetId | Long | Unique identifier of the content item catalog. |
ItemDescription | String | Description for the content item. |
Name | String | Name of the content item. |
GoalCategory | String | Category of the library goal. |
GoalSubType | String | Subtype of the library goal. |
GoalBusinessUnitName | String | Business unit name for the library goal. |
GoalDepartmentName | String | Department name for the library goal. |
GoalLegalEntityName | String | Legal entity name for the library goal. |
GoalJobFamilyName | String | Job family name for the library goal. |
ContentTypeName | String | Name of the content item. |
ContentValueSetCode | String | Unique code representing content item catalog. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContentItemIdsNotIn | String | ContentItemIdsNotIn |
ContentTypeId | Long | ContentTypeId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GoalTypeFlag | String | GoalTypeFlag |
RatingModelId | Long | RatingModelId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentsLov |
Name | String | Name of DepartmentsLov |
Title | String | Title of DepartmentsLov |
Status | String | Status of DepartmentsLov |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of DepartmentsLov |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of DepartmentsLov |
LocationName | String | LocationName of DepartmentsLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of DepartmentsLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of DepartmentsLov |
SetName | String | SetName of DepartmentsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeCommonSet | Bool | IncludeCommonSet |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentsLovV2 |
Name | String | Name of DepartmentsLovV2 |
Title | String | Title of DepartmentsLovV2 |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of DepartmentsLovV2 |
LocationName | String | LocationName of DepartmentsLovV2 |
SetName | String | SetName of DepartmentsLovV2 |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
ClassificationCode | String | ClassificationCode |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SetId | Long | SetId |
Status | String | Status |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
TreeCode | String | TreeCode |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
Name | String | Name of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the record. Applicable to existing records only. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the document type. |
SystemDocumentType | String | System-generated name that uniquely identifies the document type. |
DocumentType | String | Document type for the document record. |
Country | String | Name of the country, if the document type is country specific. |
CategoryCode | String | Category for the document type. |
SubCategoryCode | String | Subcategory code for the document type. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the person the document record is for. |
ListName | String | Name of the person the document record is for. |
DisplayName | String | Display name of the person the document record is for. |
FullName | String | Full name of the person the document record is for. |
DocumentCode | String | Unique code that identifies the document record for the person and document type. |
DocumentName | String | Name for the document record. Used to differentiate records when multiple documents are added for the same document type. |
DocumentNumber | String | Number that legally identifies the document. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the document is valid. |
DateTo | Date | Last date up to which the document is valid. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Name of the issuing authority. |
IssuingCountryName | String | Name of the country that issued the document. |
IssuedDate | Date | Date on which the document was issued. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location at which the document was issued. |
Comments | String | Comments pertaining to the document record. |
Publish | String | Option to determine whether or not to publish the document record on a specific date. |
PublishDate | Date | Date on which the document was published. |
RelatedObjectId | Long | Unique identifier of the related object. |
RelatedObjectIdColumn | String | Column details of the related object identifier. |
RelatedObjectName | String | Name of the related object. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the user who created the document. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the document record was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the document record was last updated. |
AssignmentId | Long | Assignment Identifier of the person assignment. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment Number of the person assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentsOfRecordId | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for document record. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for document record. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ElementEntryId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an element entry. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the entry is available for processing. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the period within which the entry is available for processing with element entry identifier. |
CreatorType | String | Name of the user or the process that created the element entry record, such as batch element entry. |
ElementTypeId | Long | Unique identifer of the element type. |
EntryType | String | Type of the element entry, such as regular entry or override. |
EntrySequence | Long | Unique number that identifies an element entry record when overlapping entries exists for the same element. |
PersonId | Long | System-generated unique identifier for a person. |
Reason | String | Reason for creating or updating an element entry. |
Subpriority | Int | Number used to sequence the processing of element entries with the same priority. |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of ElementEntries |
AssignmentId | Long | Surrogate identifer of the payroll assignment. |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of ElementEntries |
PayrollRelationshipNumber | String | PayrollRelationshipNumber of ElementEntries |
ElementName | String | Name of the element the entry is for, such as Performance Bonus. |
UsageLevel | String | UsageLevel of ElementEntries |
Intent | String | Intent of ElementEntries |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ElementEntriesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ElementEntriesEffectiveEndDate of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ElementEntriesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ElementEntriesEffectiveStartDate of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ElementEntriesElementEntryId [KEY] | Long | ElementEntriesElementEntryId of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ScreenEntryValue | String | Entry for input values available for each entry of the element. |
ElementEntryValueId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an element entry value. |
InputValueId | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an input value. |
InputValueName | String | Name of the element entry???s input value. |
MandatoryFlag | Bool | MandatoryFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
DisplaySequence | Int | DisplaySequence of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
HotDefaultFlag | Bool | HotDefaultFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
DefaultValue | String | DefaultValue of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
UOM | String | UOM of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
UserEnterableFlag | Bool | UserEnterableFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ScreenEntryDataURL | String | ScreenEntryDataURL of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
LovScreenEntryValue | String | Values contained within a list of values. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
ElementEntryId | Long | ElementEntryId |
Intent | String | Intent |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EligibleContactsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EligibleContactsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of EligibleContactsLOV |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of EligibleContactsLOV |
ListName | String | ListName of EligibleContactsLOV |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of EligibleContactsLOV |
WorkEmailAddress | String | WorkEmailAddress of EligibleContactsLOV |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | ImageId of EligibleContactsLOV |
ImageOvn | Int | ImageOvn of EligibleContactsLOV |
Context | String | Context of EligibleContactsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ExcludePersonIds | String | ExcludePersonIds |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ComponentName | String | ComponentName of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ComponentId [KEY] | Long | ComponentId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
StartDateCode | String | StartDateCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EndDateCode | String | EndDateCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ElementTypeId | Long | ElementTypeId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PoolIdToConsume | Long | PoolIdToConsume of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PeriodId | Long | PeriodId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
InputCurrencyCode | String | InputCurrencyCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ProcessingType | String | ProcessingType of EligibleOptionsLOV |
MultipleEntriesAllowedFlag | Bool | MultipleEntriesAllowedFlag of EligibleOptionsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanName | String | PlanName of EligiblePlansLOV |
PlanId [KEY] | Long | PlanId of EligiblePlansLOV |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of EligiblePlansLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of EligiblePlansLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of EligiblePlansLOV |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of EligiblePlansLOV |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
PlanSecurityEnabledFlag | Bool | PlanSecurityEnabledFlag of EligiblePlansLOV |
ActionId | Long | ActionId of EligiblePlansLOV |
ActionName | String | ActionName of EligiblePlansLOV |
InsertAccessCode | String | InsertAccessCode of EligiblePlansLOV |
PeriodType | String | PeriodType of EligiblePlansLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Salutation | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the list SalutationLOV. |
FirstName | String | Person's first name. |
MiddleName | String | Person's middle name. |
LastName | String | Person's last name. |
PreviousLastName | String | Previous last name of the person, if any. |
NameSuffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, etc. |
DisplayName | String | Person's display name. |
PreferredName | String | Person's preferred first name. |
Honors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name. For example, PhD. |
CorrespondenceLanguage | String | Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the list CorrespondenceLanguageLOV. |
PersonNumber | String | Number assigned to a person to identify the person uniquely. Does not depend on the person type (employee, contingent worker, etc). Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
WorkPhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the work phone number, such as 39 for Italy. |
WorkPhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the work phone number. |
WorkPhoneNumber | String | Work phone number. |
WorkPhoneExtension | String | Extension of the work phone number. |
WorkPhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work phone number. |
WorkFaxCountryCode | String | Country code of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxAreaCode | String | Area code of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxNumber | String | Phone number for the home fax machine. |
WorkFaxExtension | String | Extension of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work fax number. |
WorkMobilePhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneNumber | String | Work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneExtension | String | Extension of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work mobile phone number. |
HomePhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneNumber | String | Home phone number. |
HomePhoneExtension | String | Extension of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the home phone number. |
HomeFaxCountryCode | String | Country code of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxAreaCode | String | Area code of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxNumber | String | Phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxExtension | String | Extension of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
WorkEmail | String | Person's work email address. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
HomeFaxLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the home fax number. |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of the primary mailing address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the primary mailing address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of the primary mailing address. |
City | String | Town or city in which the address is located. |
Region | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Secondary region within the primary region. |
Country | String | Country in which the address is located. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the address. |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the person. |
Ethnicity | String | Person's ethnicity for the legislation code. Valid values are defined in the list EthnicityLOV. |
ProjectedTerminationDate | Date | Projected termination date for the worker. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list LegalEmployerLOV. |
HireDate | Date | Hire date of the employee. |
TerminationDate | Date | TerminationDate of Emps |
Gender | String | Person's gender. Valid values are defined in the list GenderLOV. |
MaritalStatus | String | Person's marital status. Valid values are defined in the list MaritalStatusLOV. |
NationalIdType | String | Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the list NationalIdTypeLOV. |
NationalId | String | Primary key generated by the application. |
NationalIdCountry | String | Country of nationality. |
NationalIdExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the national identifier. |
NationalIdPlaceOfIssue | String | Place where the national identifier was issued. |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Internal identifier for the person. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee is effective. |
UserName | String | User name for the record. This value is optional and is automatically generated if not specified. Also works with UsernameMatching attribute. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
CitizenshipStatus | String | Status of the person's citizenship. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipStatusLOV. |
CitizenshipLegislationCode | String | Legislation code derived from the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipLegislationCodeLOV. |
CitizenshipToDate | Date | End date of citizenship. |
Religion | String | Person's religion. Valid values are defined in the list ReligionLOV. |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
PassportIssueDate | Date | Date of issue of passport. |
PassportNumber | String | Person's passport number. |
PassportIssuingCountry | String | Country that issued the passport. |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
PassportExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the passport. |
LicenseNumber | String | Person's driving license number. |
DriversLicenseExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the driver's license. |
DriversLicenseIssuingCountry | String | Country that issued the driver's license. |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
MilitaryVetStatus | String | Indicates whether the person is on military service. Valid values are defined in the list MilitaryVetStatusLOV. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Emps |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Emps |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of Emps |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsassignments |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsassignments |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignments |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsassignments |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsassignments |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsassignments |
AssignmentName | String | Name of the assignment. |
PersonTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the person type. Valid values are defined in the list PersonTypeIdLOV. |
ProposedPersonTypeId | String | Unique identifier for the worker class. This value is valid only if the PersonTypeId is Pending Worker. It can be any of the employee or contingent worker types. Valid values are defined in the list ProposedPersonTypeIdLOV. |
ProjectedStartDate | Date | Proposed start date for the pending worker. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit. Valid values are defined in the list BusinessUnitIdLOV. |
LocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the location. Valid values are defined in the list LocationIdLOV. |
JobId | Long | Unique identifier for the job. Valid values are defined in the list JobIdLOV. |
GradeId | Long | Unique identifier for the grade. Valid values are defined in the list GradeIdLOV. |
DepartmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the department. Valid values are defined in the list DepartmentIdLOV. |
WorkerCategory | String | Category of the worker such as Blue Collar, Civil Servant, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list WorkerCategoryLOV. |
AssignmentCategory | String | User-defined category such as Full-Time Permanent or Part-Time Permanent. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentCategoryLOV. |
WorkingAtHome | String | Indicates whether the person is working at home. Valid values are Yes and No. |
WorkingAsManager | String | Indicates whether the person is a manager. Valid values are Yes and No. |
SalaryCode | String | Identifies whether the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or employment or placement terms but not both. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryCodeLOV. |
WorkingHours | Double | Normal working hours. |
Frequency | String | Frequency of normal working hours such as week, month, year. Valid values are defined in the list FrequencyLOV. |
StartTime | String | Work day normal start time. |
EndTime | String | Work day normal end time. |
SalaryAmount | Double | Salary amount entered based on the salary frequency. |
SalaryBasisId | Long | Identifier for the set of details linked to a worker's base pay. It identifies the payroll characteristics used to pay base earnings, the duration for which base pay is quoted, the factor used to annualize base pay, any components used to attribute base pay adjustments to different reasons, and any associated grade rate for salary validation. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryBasisIdLOV. |
ActionCode | String | Action performed on a particular record, such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list ActionCodeLOV. |
ActionReasonCode | String | User-defined code for the action reason. Specifies the reason for the action performed on the record. Valid values are defined in the list ActionReasonCodeLOV. |
AssignmentStatus | String | HR status of the assignment, such as Active or Inactive. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV. |
WorkTaxAddressId | Long | Unique identifier for the address that is used for taxation purposes. This can be different from a mailing address. Valid values are defined in the list WorkTaxAddressIdLOV. |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment. This is a primary key generated by the application. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee assignment is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the period within which the employee assignment is effective. |
PositionId | Long | Unique identifier for a position. Valid values are defined in the list PositionIdLOV. |
TermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee term is effective. |
ManagerId | Long | Unique identifier for a manager. Valid values are defined in the list ManagerIdLOV. |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | Identifier for the manager's assignment. |
ManagerType | String | Role of the manager with regards to the overall organization structure. For example, functional, project leader, and so on. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Unique identifier for the assignment or terms. Valid for workers and nonworkers. |
OriginalHireDate | Date | OriginalHireDate of Empsassignments |
AssignmentStatusTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the user-defined assignment status. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusTypeIdLOV. |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current assignment is the primary assignment. Valid values are Yes and No. |
ProbationPeriodEndDate | Date | End date of the probation period. |
ProbationPeriodLength | Double | Duration of the probation period. |
ProbationPeriodUnitOfMeasure | String | Units for the probation period duration. Valid values are defined in the list QUALIFYING_UNITS. |
AssignmentProjectedEndDate | Date | Date on which the assignment is expected to end. |
ActualTerminationDate | Date | ActualTerminationDate of Empsassignments |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity. |
PrimaryWorkRelationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current work relationship is primary. Valid values are Yes and No. |
PrimaryWorkTermsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current employment terms are primary. Valid values are Yes and No. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsassignments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Empsassignments |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is full-time or part-time. Valid values are defined in the list FullPartTimeLOV. |
RegularTemporary | String | Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is regular or temporary. Valid values are defined in the list RegularTemporaryLOV. |
GradeLadderId | Long | Unique identifier for the grade ladder. |
DefaultExpenseAccount | String | Default expense account represented as a concatenated value of all the related segments. |
PeopleGroup | String | People group represented as a concatenated value of all the related key flexfield segments. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | Assignment ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | EffectiveLatestChange of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | EffectiveSequence of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityName | String | ResponsibilityName of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AsgResponsibilityId [KEY] | Long | AsgResponsibilityId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityTypeCode | String | ResponsibilityTypeCode of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityTypeName | String | ResponsibilityTypeName of Empsassignmentsempreps |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_ValidationDate | Date | _FLEX_ValidationDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_StructureInstanceCode | String | _FLEX_StructureInstanceCode of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_ApplicationId | Long | _FLEX_ApplicationId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_KeyFlexfieldCode | String | _FLEX_KeyFlexfieldCode of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_StructureInstanceId | Long | _FLEX_StructureInstanceId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
StartDateActive | Date | StartDateActive of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EndDateActive | Date | EndDateActive of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EnabledFlag | String | EnabledFlag of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID [KEY] | Long | _PEOPLE_GROUP_ID of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_ID_FLEX_NUM | Long | _ID_FLEX_NUM of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
FND_ACFF_ConcatenatedStorage | String | FND_ACFF_ConcatenatedStorage of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
FND_ACFF_Delimiter | String | FND_ACFF_Delimiter of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsdirectReports |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EmpsdirectReports |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpsdirectReports |
FullName | String | FullName of EmpsdirectReports |
ManagerId | Long | ManagerId of EmpsdirectReports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpspersonDFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmployeeRewardsPoints | Double | EmployeeRewardsPoints of EmpspersonDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of EmpspersonDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of EmpspersonDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsphoto |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsphoto |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsphoto |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsphoto |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsphoto |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsphoto |
Image | String | Unique location of the image. Encrypted version of the file. |
ImageName | String | Name of the image. |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the image is primary. |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | Photo ID |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of Empsphoto |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time a row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsroles |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsroles |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsroles |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsroles |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsroles |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsroles |
RoleName | String | Name of the role. |
RoleCommonName | String | Short name of the role. |
RoleGUID [KEY] | String | Globally unique identifer for the role record in Oracle Cloud. Valid values are defined in the list RoleGUIDLOV. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the role. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the role. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsroles |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time of update of the employee role record. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsvisas |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsvisas |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsvisas |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsvisas |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsvisas |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitType | String | VisaPermitType of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitCountry | String | VisaPermitCountry of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitNumber | String | VisaPermitNumber of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitExpiration | Date | VisaPermitExpiration of Empsvisas |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsvisas |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Empsvisas |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GeographicHierarchyCode [KEY] | String | GeographicHierarchyCode of GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
GeographicHierarchy | String | GeographicHierarchy of GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Enabled | String | Enabled |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GoalPlanSetId [KEY] | Long | GoalPlanSetId of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
GoalPlanSetName | String | GoalPlanSetName of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
Status | String | Status of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GoalPlanId [KEY] | Long | GoalPlanId of GoalPlansLOV |
GoalPlanName | String | GoalPlanName of GoalPlansLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of GoalPlansLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of GoalPlansLOV |
Status | String | Status of GoalPlansLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeLadderName | String | Denotes the name for grade ladder. |
ActionReasonCode | String | The user defined Code for the Action Reason |
GradeSetId | Long | Identifier of the grade set. |
GradeType | String | Type of the grade, for example with steps. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a grade ladder is active or inactive. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgrades |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADES_F table. |
GradesInLadderSequence | Long | Indicates the sequence of the grades within the grade ladder. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLadderId of GradeLaddersLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersLov |
Name | String | Name of GradeLaddersLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeSetId | Long | GradeSetId of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeTypeCode | String | GradeTypeCode of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeType | String | GradeType of GradeLaddersLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of GradeLaddersLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of GradeLaddersLov |
SetName | String | SetName of GradeLaddersLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersstepRates |
RateId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Foreign key to PER_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_GROUPS. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code derived from Legal Entity. |
RateName | String | Denoted the name for Rate. |
RateType | String | Stores rate type, whether it's Salary/Bonus/Overtime. Gets values from look up : GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency Code for the rate values defined for the rate in per_rate_values_f table. |
RateFrequency | String | Frequency of the rate : Annual/Monthly/Hourly/Payroll Period. Gets values from lookup : CMP_SALARY_BASIS? |
AnnualizationFactor | Double | Annualization Factor value defaults based on the selected Frequency. Eg : 1 for Annual, 12 for monthly, 2080 for hourly, manually provided value in the UI for Payroll period |
ActiveStatus | String | Status of the rate : Active/InActive |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | StepratesEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | StepratesEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesRateId [KEY] | Long | StepratesRateId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeStepId | Long | GradeStepId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepRateValueAmount | Double | Value amount of the step rate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RateId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Foreign key to PER_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_GROUPS. |
RateType | String | Stores rate type, whether it's Salary/Bonus/Overtime. Gets values from look up : GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE |
GradeRateName | String | Denoted the name for Rate. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency Code for the rate values defined for the rate in per_rate_values_f table. |
RateFrequency | String | Frequency of the rate : Annual/Monthly/Hourly/Payroll Period. Gets values from lookup : CMP_SALARY_BASIS? |
AnnualizationFactor | Double | Annualization Factor value defaults based on the selected Frequency. Eg : 1 for Annual, 12 for monthly, 2080 for hourly, manually provided value in the UI for Payroll period |
ActiveStatus | String | Status of the rate : Active/InActive |
ActionReasonCode | String | The user defined Code for the Action Reason |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PGradeCode | String | pGradeCode |
PGradeId | Long | pGradeId |
PGradeSetCode | String | pGradeSetCode |
PLegislativeDataGroup | String | pLegislativeDataGroup |
PLegislativeDataGroupId | Long | pLegislativeDataGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeRatesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeRatesEffectiveEndDate of GradeRatesrateValues |
GradeRatesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeRatesEffectiveStartDate of GradeRatesrateValues |
GradeRatesRateId [KEY] | Long | GradeRatesRateId of GradeRatesrateValues |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeId | Long | GradeId of GradeRatesrateValues |
MinimumAmount | Double | Represents the minimum currency value of a grade in a grade rate. |
MaximumAmount | Double | Represents the maximum currency value of a grade in a grade rate. |
MidValueAmount | Double | Represents the average of minimum rate and maximum rate values of grade. |
ValueAmount | Double | Numeric that represents value of grade in a grade rate |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RateId | Long | RateId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PGradeCode | String | pGradeCode |
PGradeId | Long | pGradeId |
PGradeSetCode | String | pGradeSetCode |
PLegislativeDataGroup | String | pLegislativeDataGroup |
PLegislativeDataGroupId | Long | pLegislativeDataGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
SetId | Long | Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs. |
GradeName | String | Denotes the name for grade. |
GradeCode | String | Numbers or Characters that uniquely defines a short form for Grade for identification purposes. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a grade is active or inactive. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Grades |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Grades |
CategoryCode | String | Extensible Flexfield Category Code |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradesEffectiveEndDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradesEffectiveStartDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesGradeId [KEY] | Long | GradesGradeId of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | GradeId of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GradeCode | String | GradeCode |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | GradeId of GradesLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradesLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradesLov |
GradeCode | String | GradeCode of GradesLov |
Name | String | Name of GradesLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of GradesLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of GradesLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of GradesLov |
SetName | String | SetName of GradesLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
JobId | String | JobId |
PositionId | String | PositionId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeStepId [KEY] | Long | GradeStepId of GradeStepsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeStepsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeStepsLOV |
Name | String | Name of GradeStepsLOV |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of GradeStepsLOV |
GradeId | Long | GradeId of GradeStepsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId [KEY] | Long | BusinessUnitId of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
Name | String | Name of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
Status | String | Status of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmployerId | Long | LegalEmployerId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the worker to which the contact relationship belongs. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
CorrespondenceLanguage | String | Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CorrLanguageMeaning | String | CorrLanguageMeaning of HcmContacts |
BloodType | String | Blood type of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
BloodTypeMeaning | String | BloodTypeMeaning of HcmContacts |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the contact. |
DateOfDeath | Date | Date of death of the contact. |
CountryOfBirth | String | Country of birth of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLOV. |
CountryOfBirthName | String | CountryOfBirthName of HcmContacts |
RegionOfBirth | String | Region of birth of the contact. |
TownOfBirth | String | Town of birth of the contact. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContacts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContacts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContacts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContacts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsaddresses |
AddressId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the address record. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine4 | String | Fourth line of the primary mail address. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or city in which the address is located. |
Region1 | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Secondary region within the primary region. |
Region3 | String | Additional secondary region within the primary region. |
Country | String | Country in which the address is located. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CountryName | String | CountryName of HcmContactsaddresses |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the primary mail address. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code of the primary mail address. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
Building | String | Building information associated with the address. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number associated with the building. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsaddresses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsaddresses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsaddresses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsaddresses |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | PersonAddrUsageId of HcmContactsaddresses |
AddressType | String | Type of address. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AddressTypeMeaning | String | AddressTypeMeaning of HcmContactsaddresses |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the address is the primary mailing address. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesAddressId [KEY] | Long | AddressesAddressId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesPersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | AddressesPersonAddrUsageId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscitizenships |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipId of HcmContactscitizenships |
Citizenship | String | Citizenship legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CitizenshipMeaning | String | CitizenshipMeaning of HcmContactscitizenships |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact citizenship is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact citizenship is valid. |
CitizenshipStatus | String | Status of the contact citizenship. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CitizenshipStatusMeaning | String | CitizenshipStatusMeaning of HcmContactscitizenships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactscitizenships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactscitizenships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactscitizenships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactscitizenships |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipsCitizenshipId of HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact citizenship. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact citizenship. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the contact relationship. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
ContactType | String | Relationship between the worker and the contact. |
ContactTypeMeaning | String | ContactTypeMeaning of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
EmergencyContactFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact is an emergency contact. |
PrimaryContactFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact is the primary contact. |
StatutoryDependent | String | A persons contact is a statutory dependent validated against the lookup type ORA_PER_CONTACT_STATUTORY_DEP used by specific localization. |
StatutoryDependentMeaning | String | StatutoryDependentMeaning of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
RelatedPersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | Person number of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactsDFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact. |
EmployeeRewardsPoints | Double | EmployeeRewardsPoints of HcmContactscontactsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LicenseType | String | Type of driver's license. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LicenseTypeMeaning | String | LicenseTypeMeaning of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's driver's license was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LicenseNumber | String | Driver's license number of the contact. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority of the contact's driver's license. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the driver's license was issued. |
FromDate | Date | Start date of the contact's driver's license. |
ToDate | Date | End date of the contact's driver's license. |
NumberOfPoints | Long | Number of penalty points on the license. |
Violations | Long | Number of violations on the license. |
LicenseSuspendedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact's driver's license is suspended. |
SuspendedFromDate | Date | Start date of suspension period, if any. |
SuspendedToDate | Date | End date of suspension period, if any. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriversLicenseTypeId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseTypeId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsemails |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailAddressId of HcmContactsemails |
EmailType | String | Type of email such as work, personal, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EmailTypeMeaning | String | EmailTypeMeaning of HcmContactsemails |
EmailAddress | String | Email address of the contact. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact's email address is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact's email address is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsemails |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsemails |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsemails |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsemails |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the email is the contact's primary email. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
EmailsEmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailsEmailAddressId of HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's email. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's email. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsethnicities |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicityId of HcmContactsethnicities |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the ethnicity is the primary ethnicity record for the contact. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the ethnicity. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsethnicities |
Ethnicity | String | Ethnicity of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EthnicityMeaning | String | EthnicityMeaning of HcmContactsethnicities |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsethnicities |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsethnicities |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsethnicities |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsethnicities |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicitiesEthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicitiesEthnicityId of HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
Gender | String | Gender of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
GenderMeaning | String | GenderMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatus | String | Marital status of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
MaritalStatusMeaning | String | MaritalStatusMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatusChangeDate | Date | Date from when the marital status came into effect. |
HighestEducationLevel | String | Legislation-specific value that identifies the contact 's highest education level. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
HighestEducationLevelMeaning | String | HighestEducationLevelMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnames |
PersonNameId [KEY] | Long | PersonNameId of HcmContactsnames |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsnames |
LastName | String | Contact's last name. |
FirstName | String | Contact's first name. |
Title | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TitleMeaning | String | TitleMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
PreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name. |
Suffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on. |
MiddleNames | String | Contact's middle name. |
Honors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD. |
KnownAs | String | Contact's preferred name. |
PreviousLastName | String | Contact's previous last name. |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of HcmContactsnames |
OrderName | String | OrderName of HcmContactsnames |
ListName | String | ListName of HcmContactsnames |
FullName | String | FullName of HcmContactsnames |
MilitaryRank | String | Contact's military rank. |
NameLanguage | String | NameLanguage of HcmContactsnames |
NameLanguageMeaning | String | NameLanguageMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
NameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsnames |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnames |
LocalPersonNameId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the local contact's name record. |
LocalEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the local language. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LocalLegislationName | String | LocalLegislationName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastName | String | Contact's last name in local language. |
LocalFirstName | String | Contact's first name in local language. |
LocalTitle | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on, in local language. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LocalTitleMeaning | String | LocalTitleMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
LocalPreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name in local language. |
LocalSuffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on, in local language. |
LocalMiddleNames | String | Contact's middle name in local language. |
LocalHonors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD in local language. |
LocalKnownAs | String | Contact 's preferred name in local language. |
LocalPreviousLastName | String | Contact 's previous last name in local language. |
LocalDisplayName | String | LocalDisplayName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalOrderName | String | LocalOrderName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalListName | String | LocalListName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalFullName | String | LocalFullName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalMilitaryRank | String | Contact's military rank in local language. |
LocalNameLanguage | String | Local language of the name. This is not required for global names. If you're creating a local name, you must provide the language code. |
LocalNameLanguageMeaning | String | LocalNameLanguageMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
LocalNameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalCreatedBy | String | LocalCreatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LocalCreationDate | Datetime | LocalCreationDate of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastUpdatedBy | String | LocalLastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastUpdateDate | Datetime | LocalLastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnames |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalIdentifierId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's national identifier. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierType | String | Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning | String | NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierNumber | String | National identification number of the contact. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the contact's national identifier. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's national identifier. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place where the contact's national identifier was issued. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the national identifier is the contact's primary national identifier. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's national identifier. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's national identifier. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | DeliveryMethodId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
Provider | String | Provider of the account such as Facebook and Twitter. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ProviderMeaning | String | ProviderMeaning of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
AccountName | String | Name of the contact's communication account. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the contact's communication account. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the contact's communication account. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for other communication accounts. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for other communication accounts. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactspassports |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of HcmContactspassports |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's passport was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactspassports |
PassportType | String | Type or category of the contact's passport. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PassportTypeMeaning | String | PassportTypeMeaning of HcmContactspassports |
PassportNumber | String | Passport number of the contact. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority for the contact's passport. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the contact's passport. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's passport. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the contact's passport was issued. |
Profession | String | Profession of the passport holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactspassports |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactspassports |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactspassports |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactspassports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportsPassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportsPassportId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsphones |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of HcmContactsphones |
PhoneType | String | Type of phone such as Work, Home, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PhoneTypeMeaning | String | PhoneTypeMeaning of HcmContactsphones |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's phone. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsphones |
CountryCodeNumber | String | Country code of the contact's phone number. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
AreaCode | String | Area code of the contact's phone number. |
PhoneNumber | String | Contact's phone number for various phone types such as Work, Home, and so on. |
Extension | String | Extension number for the contact's phone. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact's phone number is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact's phone number is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsphones |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsphones |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsphones |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsphones |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the phone number is the primary phone of the contact. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
PhonesPhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhonesPhoneId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsreligions |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionId of HcmContactsreligions |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's religiion. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsreligions |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the religion is the contact's primary religion for this legislation. |
Religion | String | Religion of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ReligionMeaning | String | ReligionMeaning of HcmContactsreligions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsreligions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsreligions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsreligions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsreligions |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionsReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionsReligionId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's visa or permit was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitType | String | Type of the contact's visa or permit. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitTypeMeaning | String | VisaPermitTypeMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitCategory | String | Category of the contact's visa or permit. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitCategoryMeaning | String | VisaPermitCategoryMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitNumber | String | Contact's visa or permit number. |
VisaPermitStatus | String | Indicates whether the contact's visa or permit is current. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitStatusMeaning | String | VisaPermitStatusMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority of the contact's visa or permit. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the contact's visa or permit was issued. |
IssueDate | Date | Date of issue of the contact's visa or permit. |
EntryDate | Date | Entry date of the contact into the country. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's visa or permit. |
VisaPermitStatusDate | Date | Date from when the contact's permit status is effective. |
Profession | String | Profession of the visa or permit holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContractId [KEY] | Long | ContractId of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractNumber | String | ContractNumber of HcmContractsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContractsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractType | String | ContractType of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractEndDate | Date | ContractEndDate of HcmContractsLOV |
InitialDuration | Double | InitialDuration of HcmContractsLOV |
InitialDurationUnits | String | InitialDurationUnits of HcmContractsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | PeriodOfServiceId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CostCenterId [KEY] | Long | CostCenterId of HcmCostCentersLOV |
CostCenterName | String | CostCenterName of HcmCostCentersLOV |
CostCenterDescription | String | CostCenterDescription of HcmCostCentersLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CountryName | String | CountryName of HcmCountriesLov |
TerritoryCode [KEY] | String | TerritoryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
Description | String | Description of HcmCountriesLov |
AlternateTerritoryCode | String | AlternateTerritoryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
PhoneCountryCodeId [KEY] | Long | PhoneCountryCodeId of HcmCountriesLov |
PhoneCountryCode | String | PhoneCountryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of HcmCountriesLov |
NlsTerritory | String | NlsTerritory of HcmCountriesLov |
ObsoleteFlag | Bool | ObsoleteFlag of HcmCountriesLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DataSecurityPrivilege | Bool | DataSecurityPrivilege |
ExcludeCountries | String | ExcludeCountries |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SetId [KEY] | Long | SetId of HcmSetsLOV |
SetCode | String | SetCode of HcmSetsLOV |
SetName | String | SetName of HcmSetsLOV |
Description | String | Description of HcmSetsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId of HcmTreesLOV |
TreeName | String | TreeName of HcmTreesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
TreeStructureCode | String | TreeStructureCode |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedBy | String | The user ID of the person who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date that the record was created. |
IncidentId [KEY] | Long | An identification value used for the incident. |
IncidentDate | Datetime | The date when the incident had happened. |
IncidentNo | String | The number of the incident that is being associated with the main incident. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Object version number for the survey. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user ID of the person who last updated the record. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Last update login of the user. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last date that the record was updated. |
IncidentTypeCode | String | A label to indicate the type of incident recorded. For example a health and safety incident or a data security incident. |
IncidentSummary | String | Audit Detail for Incident Summary. |
IncidentSourceCode | String | A label to indicate the origin of the incident record. For example an incident generated using an API or an incident entered using the self-service kiosk pages. |
IncidentReviewerEmailFlag | Bool | Incident reviewer email flag. |
OffsiteLocTypeCode | String | A label to describe the category of the off-site location. |
ReporterTypeCode | String | Indicates whether the person who is reporting the incident is an employee of the company or a non-employee. |
ReptrCountry | String | The name of the country where the incident occurred. |
ReptrCountryCodeNum | String | The phone country code for the incident reporter. |
ReptrName | String | The incident reporter name. |
ReptrEmail | String | The incident reporter email. |
ReptrPhoneNo | String | The incident reporter phone number. |
TargetCompletionDate | Datetime | The date that the investigation is targeted for completion. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | An identification value used for the questionnaire owner |
ReptrSpecificLocation | String | The incident reporter specific location. |
EmployeeId | Long | Identification value of the employee. |
ReptrNonempTypeCode | String | A label to describe if the incident reporter is an employee or nonemployee. |
LocationId | Long | An identification value used for the location. |
ReptrAreaCode | String | Label for the phone area code of the incident reporter. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HealthSurveysIncidentId [KEY] | Long | Incident ID |
QuestionId [KEY] | Long | An identification value used for the question. |
QuestionResponse | String | Question Response value. |
IncidentId | String | An identification value used for the incident. |
QstnResponseId | String | An identification value used for the questionnaire response. |
AttachmentEntityName | String | Attachment entity name value. |
BusinessGroupId | String | An identification value used for business group. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HealthSurveysIncidentId [KEY] | Long | Incident ID |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionId [KEY] | Long | Questionnaire ID |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentId | Long | IncidentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentTypeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the document type. |
DocumentType | String | Display name of the document type. |
LegislationCode | String | Code for the country for which the document type is applicable. |
CategoryCode | String | Code used for the document type derived from the lookup DOCUMENT_CATEGORY. |
SubCategoryCode | String | Code for the subcategory for which the document type is applicable. |
PersonId | Long | Internal identifier for the person. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment. |
CountryName | String | Name of the country for which the document type is applicable. |
Category | String | Name of the category for which the document type is applicable. |
LookUpCodeName | String | Name of the subcategory for which the document type is applicable. |
TerritoryCode | String | Code of the territory for which the document type is applicable. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
HcmFlowCode | String | HcmFlowCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SecurityProfile | String | SecurityProfile |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmployeeId | Long | Employee ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is Non Employee, Employee ID should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO. |
IncidentDate | Datetime | Date the incident occurred captured by the incident reporter. This attribute is required. |
IncidentDescription | String | Complete description of the incident captured by the incident reporter. |
IncidentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the incident. System-generated primary key. |
IncidentImmeActDescr | String | Description of any immediate actions undertaken after the incident was captured by the incident reporter. |
IncidentSummary | String | Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required. |
LocationTypeCode | String | Type of location where the incident occurred, captured by the reporter such as ORA_ONSITE or ORA_OFFSITE. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsLocation. This attribute is required. |
ReporterTypeCode | String | Selection made by the incident reporter to categorize the incident reporter as either an employee or a non-employee. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsPerson. This attribute is required. |
ReptrCity | String | City where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrCountry | String | Country where the incident occurred, captured by the incident reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the Location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrEmail | String | Email ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrAddrLine1 | String | Address line 1 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrName | String | Full name of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrPhoneNo | String | Phone number of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrSpecificLocation | String | Detailed information on the location of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required. |
TargetCompletionDate | Datetime | Date and time by when the incident needs to be completed. Prepopulated using the Target Date setup value. |
ReptrAddrLine2 | String | Address line 2 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. |
ReptrZipCode | String | Postal code of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. |
ReptrState | String | State where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
LocationId | Long | Onsite location where the incident happened. If the incident happened offsite, the Location ID should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_ONSITE. Valid values are defined in the list LocationLovPVO. |
ReptrCountryCodeNum | String | Country code for the reporter's phone. Valid values are defined in the list PhoneCountryCodePVO. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. PhoneCountryCodePVO. |
ReptrAreaCode | String | Area code for the reporter's phone. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. |
IncidentSourceCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident source. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentSource. This attribute is required. |
IncidentTypeCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident type. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentType. The default value is Health and Safety Incident. |
SeverityLevelCode | String | Severity level of the incident. |
NotifiedPersonId | Long | Employee ID of the person who is notified about the incident. This attribute is required if the notified person is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO. |
IncidentReportedDate | Datetime | Date and time when the notified person was informed about the incident. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentKiosksIncidentId [KEY] | Long | IncidentKiosksIncidentId of IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
IncidentEventCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident event. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentEvent. Multiselect. |
IncidentDetailId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the incident event. System-generated primary key. |
IncidentEventDate | Datetime | Date and time when the incident was captured by the incident reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
IncidentEventSummary | String | Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
ActualCompletionDate | Datetime | The date that the incident is targeted for actual completion. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentId | Long | IncidentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PostingStartDate | Datetime | Start date of the job posting. |
PostingEndDate | Datetime | End date of the job posting. |
PostingStatus | String | Status of the job posting. |
JobType | String | Type of job. |
StudyLevel | String | Educational qualification of the candidate. |
ExternalContactName | String | External contact name of the candidate. |
ExternalContactEmail | String | External contact email of the candidate. |
PartnerId | String | ID assigned to the partner. |
JobSchedule [KEY] | String | Schedule of the job. |
ContractType [KEY] | String | Type of contract signed with the candidate. |
JobShift [KEY] | String | Shift of the job. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number of the job posting. |
OrganizationDisplayName | String | Display name of the organization. |
JobFamilyCode | String | Code assigned to the job family. |
InternationalTravelRequired | String | Indicates if international travel is required for the candidate. |
DomesticTravelRequired | String | Indicates if domestic travel is required for the candidate. |
PrimaryLocationCountryCode | String | Country code of the primary location of the job posting. |
PrimaryLocationLevelTwoCode | String | Second level code of the primary location of the job posting. |
PrimaryWorkLocationPostalCode | String | Postal code of the primary work location of the job posting. |
WorkplaceTypeCode | String | Type of workplace of the job requisition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
LanguageCode | String | Code assigned to the language in the requisition languages. |
EmployerDescriptionStr | String | Description of the employer in the requisition languages. |
OrganizationDescriptionStr | String | Description of the organization in the requisition languages. |
ApplyURL | String | The URL for applying in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocation | String | Primary job location mentioned in the requisition languages. |
ExternalDescription | String | Description of the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
ShortDescription | String | Short description of the requisition languages. |
ExternalDescriptionHtml | String | HTML description for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
Title | String | Title of the requisition languages. |
OrganizationNameML | String | Display name of the organization in the requisition languages. |
JobFamily | String | Details of the job family in the requisition languages. |
StudyLevelML | String | Educational qualification needed in the requisition languages. |
DefaultLanguageFlag | Bool | Default language of the requisition. |
ExternalQualificationsHTML | String | HTML qualifications for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
ExternalResponsibilitiesHTML | String | HTML responsibilities for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationCountryName | String | Country name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationLevelTwoName | String | Second level name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationLevelThreeName | String | Third level name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryWorkLocationCity | String | City of the primary work location in the requisition languages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
Location | String | Location of requisitions. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
SectionName | String | Name of the section to which a skill belongs. |
Skill | String | Name of the skill. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
JobFamilyName | String | Denoted the name for the Job Family. |
JobFamilyCode | String | Denoted the code for the Job Family. |
ActionReasonId | Long | ActionReasonId of JobFamilies |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a job family is active or inactive. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of JobFamilies |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of JobFamilies |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamiliesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobFamiliesEffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobFamiliesEffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesJobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamiliesJobFamilyId of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamilyId of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamilyId of JobFamiliesLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesLov |
JobFamilyCode | String | JobFamilyCode of JobFamiliesLov |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobFamiliesLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobFamiliesLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PostingId | String | ID of the job posting. |
PartnerId | String | Partner ID in job posting details. |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Requisition Number in job posting details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobPostingDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Finds details of job posting using a unique identifier and the requisition number |
ResultId [KEY] | String | Unique ID assigned to the job posting. |
Id | String | ID of job boards in job posting details. |
JobBoard | String | Job board in job posting details. |
PostingStartDate | String | Start date of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
PostingEndDate | String | End date of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
PostingStatus | String | Status of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
Languages | String | Language of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
ErrorDetail | String | Description of the job posting error on the job boards in the job posting details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
JobCode | String | Code of the job. |
JobFamilyId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_JOB_FAMILY_F table. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a job is active or inactive. |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates if a job is full-time or part-time. |
JobFunctionCode | String | Code of the job function. |
ManagerLevel | String | Indicates the management level of the job. |
MedicalCheckupRequired | String | Indicates if the job requires medical checkup. |
StandardWorkingHours | Double | Number of standard working hours. |
StandardWorkingFrequency | String | Frequency for the standard working hours. |
StandardAnnualWorkingDuration | Double | The standard annual working duration for the job. |
AnnualWorkingDurationUnits | String | The unit of measure in hours, days, weeks, or months for the standard annual working duration. |
RegularTemporary | String | Indicates if a job is regular or temporary. |
SetId | Long | Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
Name | String | Denotes name for the Job. |
ApprovalAuthority | Long | Integer number to identify levels across jobs which are used for approvals if the job list builder is used. |
GradeLadderId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADE_LADDERS_F |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Jobs |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Jobs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveEndDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveStartDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsJobId [KEY] | Long | JobsJobId of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
JobCode | String | JobCode |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsLov |
JobCode | String | JobCode of JobsLov |
JobName | String | JobName of JobsLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobsLov |
JobFunctionCode | String | JobFunctionCode of JobsLov |
JobFunctionName | String | JobFunctionName of JobsLov |
JobFamilyId | Long | JobFamilyId of JobsLov |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobsLov |
ManagerLevel | String | ManagerLevel of JobsLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of JobsLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of JobsLov |
SetName | String | SetName of JobsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BaseJobId | Long | BaseJobId |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeCommonSet | Bool | IncludeCommonSet |
IsBenchmarkJob | Bool | IsBenchmarkJob |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsLovV2 |
JobName | String | JobName of JobsLovV2 |
JobCode | String | JobCode of JobsLovV2 |
SetName | String | SetName of JobsLovV2 |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobsLovV2 |
JobFunctionName | String | JobFunctionName of JobsLovV2 |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobsLovV2 |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IsBenchmarkJob | Bool | IsBenchmarkJob |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SetId | Long | SetId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveEndDate of JobsvalidGrades |
JobsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveStartDate of JobsvalidGrades |
JobsJobId [KEY] | Long | JobsJobId of JobsvalidGrades |
GradeId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADES_F table. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
JobCode | String | JobCode |
JobId | Long | JobId |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the worker journey search. Used in REST service describe only. |
SearchContext | String | Context for the worker journey search. Used in REST service describe only. |
SearchTerms | String | Search criteria used to search for worker journeys. Used in REST service describe only. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyCountsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the search. |
Name | String | Name of the group of search results that can be based on status, category, or required attributes. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchContext | String | SearchContext |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyCountsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the search. |
Value | String | Display name of the code. For example, if code is ONBOARD, then value is Onboarding. |
Code | String | Identifiers for each filter type such as status, category, or required attributes. For example, code for Category is ONBOARD. |
Count | Long | Number of records based on a specific filter type. For example, if code is ONBOARD, count can be 5. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchContext | String | SearchContext |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyId [KEY] | Long | Primary key of the journey template. |
Level | String | Level of a journey template. |
LevelMeaning | String | Meaning of journey template level. |
LevelValue | Long | Value of journey template level such as global or personal. |
Category | String | Category code for the event. Values are from ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_EVNT lookup. For example, Insight. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the journey category. |
SubCategory | String | Subcategory of the worker journey. |
SubCategoryMeaning | String | Subcategory meaning of the worker journey. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Code | String | Code for the journey template. |
CountryCode | String | Code of the country for which the journey template is applicable. |
Country | String | Name of the country for which the journey template is applicable. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
JourneyTitle | String | Title of the journey template. |
DisplayNameFormat | String | Display name format of a journey template. |
MessageTitle | String | Title of the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageSubTitle | String | Subtitle of the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageText | String | Message text displayed for a journey. |
CompletionMessage | String | Message displayed on journey completion. |
BackgroundImageSource | String | Source of the background image. |
BackgroundImageFileName | String | File name of the background image. |
RawBackgroundImageURL | String | URL of the original background image. |
BackgroundImageURL | String | URL of the image displayed on the journey details page. |
BackgroundThumbnailURL | String | URL of the image displayed on the journey card. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the journey template is active. |
DateTo | Date | Date until which the journey template is active. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
AllocationCriteria | String | Criteria to determine journey assignment. |
AllocationCriteriaMeaning | String | Meaning of assignment criteria. |
AllocationOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for initiating journey assignment. |
CompletionCriteria | String | Completion criteria to complete a journey. |
CompletionCriteriaMeaning | String | Meaning of completion criteria. |
CompletionOffsetDays | Int | Number of offset days to consider for journey completion. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Display features of a journey template. |
ProcessingMode | String | Processing mode to send journey notifications. |
AllowAssignToSelfFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToPersonFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToDirectsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToOrganizationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the journey can be assigned to employees in an organization. |
AssignedTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the assigned notification template. |
ForceCompletedTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template. |
CombinedNotificationTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the combined notification template. |
ArchiveOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for archiving journeys. |
PurgeOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for purging journeys. |
RecurrentScheduleAllowedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey recurrence is scheduled. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled. |
AssignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is assigned. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is initiated. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the journey template. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the journey template was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the journey template. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the journey template was updated. |
ContextualAction | String | Transaction flow for which the contextual journey template is applicable. |
Context | String | Context for a journey. |
BackgroundImage | String | Background image displayed on the journey page. |
CroppedBackgroundImage | String | Cropped background image displayed on the journey page. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
ParentJourneyId | Long | Identifier of the parent journey. In case of enterprise onboarding checklist this will point to the enterprise onboarding checklist in other cases it will be null. |
ParentJourneyName | String | Name of the parent journey template. |
StageId | Long | Unique identifier of the journey step. |
StageName | String | Name of the journey step. |
StageSequence | Double | Sequence of the journey step. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Type | String | Task action type code. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I-9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
Sequence | Double | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TargetDuration | Int | Target duration for the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for the target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure used in the target duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title can be added. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the notes. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyContactId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey contact. |
Type | String | Type of contact. Valid values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTACT_TYPE lookup. Example, Line Manager, AOR. |
TypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact type. |
ResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey contact. |
ResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey contact. |
ContactUser | String | User name of the journey contact. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey contact. |
CustomContact | String | Custom contact details |
Title | String | Title of the contact. For example, Onboarding Sponsor. |
TitleMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact type. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the contact. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the contact was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the contact. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the contact was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyEventId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey event. |
Category | String | Category code for the event. Values are from ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_EVNT lookup. For example, Insight. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the event category meaning. For example, Insight. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
EventURL | String | URL of the event. |
ImageURL | String | URL of the event background image. |
Title | String | Title of the event. |
EventDate | String | Date of the event. |
EventOffset | Int | Offset duration of the event. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the event. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the event was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the event. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the event was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyNoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey notes. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
Type | String | Note subtype code. Values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_NOTE lookup. Example, Meeting Note, Standard Note. |
TypeMeaning | String | Note subtype meaning. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
EventDate | String | Date for meeting type note. |
EventLocation | String | Location for meeting type note. |
EventTime | String | Time for meeting type note. |
EventOffset | Int | Offset value for the event. |
Title | String | Title of the notes. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notes. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the notes was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the notes. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the notes was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
Code [KEY] | String | Property code of the journey template property |
Name | String | Name of the journey template property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of group for journey template property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template. |
DisabledForAssigneeFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is disabled for assignee. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for line manager. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template is disabled for other users. |
DisabledForInitiatorFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for initiator. |
AssigneeLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Line Manager type for the journey template property. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
InitiatorLookupType | String | Journey template property type for initiator. |
AssigneeDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for initiator. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. |
AssigneeValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorValue | String | Value of the journey template property for initiator. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
TaskCode | String | Code of a task in a journey template. |
Type | String | Task action type code. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I-9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TaskGroupId | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task group. |
TargetDuration | Int | Target duration for the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for the target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure used in the target duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title can be added. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the notes. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
PerformerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task performer. |
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task performer. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task performer. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
OwnerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task owner. |
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task owner. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task owner. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Description for the AttachmentDocumentTypeId attribute in the tasks resource, which is part of the journeys root resource. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | Description for the AttachmentDocumentTypeName attribute in the tasks resource, which is part of the journeys root resource. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Context for configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTask | String | Application task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Name of application task type. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
DigitalSignatureTemplateId | String | Identifier of the digital signature template. |
SignatureValidationConfiguration | String | Validation type for electronic signature. |
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration | String | Work authorization for I 9 task. |
ProcessCloudConfiguration | String | Configuration of the process automation. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Description for the document type identifier attribute. Identifier of the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments document records. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Document records of person for whom to save task attachments. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of save attachments to document records. |
EligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile. |
EligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
EvaluationOffset | Int | Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ReminderDuration | Int | Duration of the task reminder. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Recurrence of the reminder. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Task display features. |
AddToLibraryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task can be added to personal task library. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Task creation date. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the task. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which task was last updated. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
SourceTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the source task. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
JourneyTaskNotificationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task notification. |
TaskEvent | String | Code of the task event. Example, task initiated, task updated, task deleted, task completed. |
TaskEventMeaning | String | Meaning of the task event. |
NotifyPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task performer needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is Yes. |
NotifyOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task owner needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
PerformerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task performer. |
OwnerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task owner. |
PerformerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task performer. |
OwnerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task owner. |
PerformerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task performer. |
OwnerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task owner. |
PerformerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task performer. |
OwnerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task owner. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notification. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the notification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template task property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the group for journey template task property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for other user. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the journey template task type property. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Type | String | Type of the journey template task type property. |
TypeMeaning | String | Type meaning of the journey template task type property. |
SubType | String | Subtype of the journey template task type property. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Subtype meaning of the journey template task type property. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasktypesCode [KEY] | String | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
TasktypesJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Category | String | Category of the journey template task type property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of category for journey template task type property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task type property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
TaskLevel | String | Indicates whether the task is at the global or person level. |
TaskLevelMeaning | String | Meaning of the task level. |
TaskLevelValue | Long | Identifies whether the task is at the global or person level based on the value. |
Name | String | Name of journey task. |
Type | String | Code of task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I 9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for task action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Status code of the task. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
TargetDuration | Int | Duration of the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure for task duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for a task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of task performer type. |
PerformerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task performer. |
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task performer. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task performer. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of task owner type. |
OwnerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task owner. |
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task owner. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task owner. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type name. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Context for the configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTask | String | Application task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Name of the application task. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
DigitalSignatureTemplateId | String | Identifier for the electronic signature template. |
SignatureValidationConfiguration | String | Validation type for electronic signature. |
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration | String | Work authorization for I 9 task. |
ProcessCloudConfiguration | String | Configuration of the process automation. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Identifier for the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments document records. |
EligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile. |
EligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
EvaluationOffset | Int | Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ReminderDuration | Int | Duration of the task reminder. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Recurrence of the task reminder. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of reminder relative to task duration. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Display features for the electronic signature task type. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer in Document Records. |
ReminderTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date on which the task was updated. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | User who last updated the task. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
MPersonId | Long | mPersonId |
PStatus | String | pStatus |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyTaskLibraryLibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the library journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
LibraryJourneyTaskId | Long | LibraryJourneyTaskId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
MPersonId | Long | mPersonId |
PStatus | String | pStatus |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyTaskLibraryLibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the library journey task. |
LibraryJourneyTaskNotificationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task notification. |
TaskEvent | String | Code of the task event. For example, task initiated, task updated, task deleted, task completed. |
TaskEventMeaning | String | Meaning of the task event. |
NotifyPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task performer needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is Yes. |
NotifyOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task owner needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
PerformerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task performer. |
OwnerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task owner. |
PerformerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task performer. |
OwnerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task owner. |
PerformerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task performer. |
OwnerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task owner. |
PerformerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task performer. |
OwnerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task owner. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notification. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated notification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which notification was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
LibraryJourneyTaskId | Long | LibraryJourneyTaskId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
MPersonId | Long | mPersonId |
PStatus | String | pStatus |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment record. |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentType | String | Type of the enrollment such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentTypeLOV. |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentJustification | String | Justification provided by the learner during a request or the justification added by the specialist in the Learning Request Details during the assignment. |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | Due date of the assignment provided by the learning specialist when enrolling for a learning item. It is null for voluntary assignment. |
AssignmentStatus | String | Status of the enrollment such as Active, Content Completed, Completed, Withdrawn and Deleted. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV. |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | Granular status of the enrollment. For example, No Offering Selected, Not Started, In Progress, and Pending Active are various sub statuses for the Active status. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentSubStatusLOV. |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentDetailsDeepLink | String | AssignmentDetailsDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink | String | AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentAttributionId | Long | Unique identifier of the entity creating the learning record. |
AssignedToId | Long | Unique identifier of the person to whom the learning item was assigned. |
AssignedToNumber | String | AssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToType | String | AssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToTypeMeaning | String | AssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToPersonImageURL | String | AssignedToPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedToDisplayName | String | AssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerAttributionType | String | Entity type that created the learning record such as person, specialist, or community. Valid values are defined in the list AssignerToAttributionTypeLOV. |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | Comments specified by the assigner for the learner when creating the assignment. It is null when no comment is provided. |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the learning item which is the internal primary key. |
LearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the learning item. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
LearningItemType | String | Learning item type such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, and Video. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV. |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemTitle | String | Title of the learning item. |
LiShortDescription | String | Learning item short description provided while creating the learning item. |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Date | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | URL to open the learning item page directly from the browser. |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemPublisherDisplayName | String | LearningItemPublisherDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExpectedEffortInHours | String | ExpectedEffortInHours of LearnerLearningRecords |
ActualEffortInHours | Double | Actual effort, in hours, that it took the learner to complete the assignment. |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | Expected effort to complete the learning item of the learning record. |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | Units of measurement for the expected effort to complete the learning item of the learning record. Valid values are defined in the list LiTotalExpectedEffortUomLOV. |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemMaximumPrice | Double | Maximum price for the learning item. |
LearningItemMinimumPrice | Double | Minimum price for the learning item. |
LearningItemPriceCurrency | String | Currency of the price for the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list PriceCurrencyLOVVA. |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | Learning request start date specified in the learning record. |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | Requested date by which the learner should complete the assignment. |
RequestApprovedDate | Date | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
PurchaseAmount | Double | Purchase amount for the requested assignment. |
PurchaseCurrency | String | Purchase currency for the requested assignment. Valid values are defined in the list PriceCurrencyLOVVA. |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignedDate | Datetime | Start date of the learning which is visible to the learner in self service. |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | Date | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
CompletedDate | Datetime | Date when the learning was completed. |
ExpirationDate | Date | ExpirationDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExpirationInDaysSystemDate | Double | ExpirationInDaysSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ValidityPeriodRule | String | ValidityPeriodRule of LearnerLearningRecords |
ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning | String | ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
RenewalPeriod | Double | RenewalPeriod of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExpirationRule | String | ExpirationRule of LearnerLearningRecords |
HasFutureRenewal | String | HasFutureRenewal of LearnerLearningRecords |
NextRenewalAssignmentId | Long | NextRenewalAssignmentId of LearnerLearningRecords |
NextRenewalAssignmentNumber | String | NextRenewalAssignmentNumber of LearnerLearningRecords |
NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink | String | NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink | String | NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
StatusChangeComment | String | Comment status change date of the this assignment. |
ReasonCode | String | Assignment reason code of the assignment. This attribute is used when the learner assignment is withdrawn or is marked complete by the manager. Valid values are defined in the list ReasonCodeLOV. |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
ActualScore | Double | Actual Score achieved by the learner for the assignment. |
LearningItemCpeType | String | Continuing professional education type of the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list CpeTypeLOV. |
LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
ActualCpeUnits | Double | Continuing professional education units achieved by the learner for this assignment. |
LearningItemSubType | String | Learning item sub type such as Video and Tutorial. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemSubTypeLOV. |
LearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
HasPastRenewal | String | HasPastRenewal of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecords |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | Unique identifier of the enrollment questionnaire. |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemCoverArtLink | String | LearningItemCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemThumbnailLink | String | LearningItemThumbnailLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemTrailerLink | String | LearningItemTrailerLink of LearnerLearningRecords |
AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate | Long | AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecords |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecords |
LearningItemCompletionCertificateLink | String | URL to open and download the learning item completion certificate directly from the browser. This is supported for completed and bypass completed assignments of a course, specialization, or legacy learning item type. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Specifies whether you can edit the assignment hint on the learning record such as Can delete, Can withdraw, No edit. Valid values are defined in the list CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentDate | Datetime | CommentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
Comment | String | Comment of the learner in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. |
ReplyCount | Int | ReplyCount of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
LikeCount | Int | LikeCount of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentStatus | String | Learner comment status in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list CommentStatusLOV. |
CommentStatusMeaning | String | CommentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentId [KEY] | Long | CommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeDate | Datetime | LikeDate of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeStatus | String | Status of the like on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list LikeStatusLOV. |
LikeStatusMeaning | String | LikeStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the like. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
CommentDate | Datetime | CommentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
Comment | String | Reply comment of the learner on a comment. |
LikeCount | Int | LikeCount of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ReplyStatus | String | Status of the reply on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list ReplyStatusLOV. |
ReplyStatusMeaning | String | ReplyStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
CommentId [KEY] | Long | CommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
RepliescommentId [KEY] | Long | RepliescommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeDate | Datetime | LikeDate of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeStatus | String | Status of the like on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list LikeStatusLOV. |
LikeStatusMeaning | String | LikeStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the like. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApproverUserName | String | ApproverUserName of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApproverDisplayName | String | ApproverDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
Type | String | Type of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalTypeMeaning | String | ApprovalTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcome | String | ApprovalOutcome of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcomeMeaning | String | ApprovalOutcomeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
WorklistTaskDisplayURL | String | WorklistTaskDisplayURL of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
AssignedToApproverDate | Datetime | AssignedToApproverDate of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApproverActionDate | Datetime | ApproverActionDate of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress | String | ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
ApproverComments | String | ApproverComments of LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsassignedToPersonDetails |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the person who's the publisher. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Identifier of the legal employer of the publisher. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Name of the legal employer of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unit identifier of the business unit of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit of the publisher. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department identifier of the publisher. |
DepartmentName | String | Department name of the publisher. |
JobId | Long | Job identifier of the publisher. |
JobName | String | Job name of the publisher. |
PositionId | Long | Position identifier of the publisher. |
PositionName | String | Position name of the publisher. |
LocationId | Long | Location identifier of the publisher. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the publisher. |
PrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the publisher. |
LineManagerId | Long | Identifier of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerNumber | String | Number of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerDisplayName | String | Display name for the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the line manager of the publisher. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsassignerPersonDetails |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the person who's the publisher. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Identifier of the legal employer of the publisher. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Name of the legal employer of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unit identifier of the business unit of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit of the publisher. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department identifier of the publisher. |
DepartmentName | String | Department name of the publisher. |
JobId | Long | Job identifier of the publisher. |
JobName | String | Job name of the publisher. |
PositionId | Long | Position identifier of the publisher. |
PositionName | String | Position name of the publisher. |
LocationId | Long | Location identifier of the publisher. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the publisher. |
PrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the publisher. |
LineManagerId | Long | Identifier of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerNumber | String | Number of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerDisplayName | String | Display name for the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the line manager of the publisher. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | Status of the activity when a learner does the activity. Valid values are ORA_ASSN_TASK_COMPLETED, ORA_ASSN_TASK_EXEMPTED, ORA_ASSN_TASK_INCOMPLETE, ORA_ASSN_TASK_NOT_STARTED, ORA_ASSN_TASK_IN_PROGRESS and are defined in the list ActivityAttemptStatusLOV. |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentId | Long | ContentId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentType | String | ContentType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTypeMeaning | String | ContentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentNumber | String | ContentNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTitle | String | ContentTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentShortDescription | String | ContentShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentURL | String | URL to open the e-learning content directly from the browser. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemId | Long | ContentCatalogLearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ChapterLevel | Double | ChapterLevel of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ExpectedEffort | String | ExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
EffortUnits | String | EffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptId [KEY] | Long | AttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
PassingScore | Double | PassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatus | String | AttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatusMeaning | String | AttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStartDate | Datetime | AttemptStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptEndDate | Datetime | AttemptEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
HideActualScore | String | HideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
DisableReview | String | DisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedById | Long | AttemptedById of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptRelationNumber | String | AttemptRelationNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByNumber | String | AttemptedByNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByDisplayName | String | AttemptedByDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActivityContentAttemptStatus | String | ActivityContentAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCoverArtLink | String | ContentCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffort | Double | Actual effort that the learner spent in the attempt. |
ChapterPosition | String | ChapterPosition of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnits | String | ActualEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActualEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the catalog learning item added to the activity. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemDataLink | String | Data link to the catalog learning item added to the activity. |
ContentLongDescription | String | ContentLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptPosition | String | AttemptPosition of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionAttemptNumber | String | ActivitySectionAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivitySectionAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
ActivitySectionAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for a classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying a classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the classroom. |
IsPrimaryClassroom | String | Indicates whether the classroom is a primary classroom. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
LocationName | String | Location of the classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in the string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Person number for the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
IsPrimaryClassroomMeaning | String | Description of the value of the isPrimaryClassroom attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments |
ClassroomsclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when attachment record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the attachment record. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE or TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
UserName | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared. The default value is false and it's the only supported value. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error status code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | Actual content of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided by the Attachment UI components to support the upload of files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image file displayed in .png format when the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
AttachmentId | Long | ID of the attachment. |
AttachmentNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the attachment. |
AttachmentName | String | Name of the attachment. |
AttachmentType | String | Type of the attachment. |
AttachmentLink | String | Link to the attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
ClassroomsclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | ResourceId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the instructor. |
IsPrimaryInstructor | String | Indicates whether the person is the primary instructor. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number for the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary Email address of the instructor for the learning item. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor of the learning item. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the instructor for the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
InstructorsinstructorId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | ResourceId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
SubjectMeetsAllPrerequisites | String | SubjectMeetsAllPrerequisites of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
HasPrerequisites | String | HasPrerequisites of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
HasOutcomes | String | HasOutcomes of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
LearningItemId [KEY] | String | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
PendingPrerequisitesTimeoutDays | Double | PendingPrerequisitesTimeoutDays of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCode | String | LanguageCode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCodeMeaning | String | LanguageCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Language | String | Language of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCity [KEY] | String | LocationCity of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCountry [KEY] | String | LocationCountry of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationTitle [KEY] | String | LocationTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentJustification | String | AssignmentJustification of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatus | String | AssignmentStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedToId | Long | AssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionType | String | AssignerAttributionType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | AssignerCommentsToLearner of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemId | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemNumber | String | LearningItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | RequestedStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | RequestedCompleteByDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | PrimaryClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
StatusChangeComment | String | StatusChangeComment of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCode | String | ReasonCode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | AssignmentDueDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | EnrollmentQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | CanEditAssignmentHint of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityContentAttempts | String | activityContentAttempts |
Classrooms | String | classrooms |
Instructors | String | instructors |
OfferedLanguages | String | offeredLanguages |
RelatedMaterials | String | relatedMaterials |
OfferedLocations | String | offeredLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentJustification | String | AssignmentJustification of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentStatus | String | AssignmentStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignedToId | Long | AssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerAttributionType | String | AssignerAttributionType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | AssignerCommentsToLearner of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemId | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemNumber | String | LearningItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | RequestedStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | RequestedCompleteByDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | PrimaryClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
StatusChangeComment | String | StatusChangeComment of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ReasonCode | String | ReasonCode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | AssignmentDueDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | EnrollmentQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | CanEditAssignmentHint of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityContentAttempts | String | activityContentAttempts |
Classrooms | String | classrooms |
Instructors | String | instructors |
OfferedLanguages | String | offeredLanguages |
OfferedLocations | String | offeredLocations |
RelatedMaterials | String | relatedMaterials |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentJustification | String | Justification provided by the specialist or learner when enrolling for a learning item. |
AssignmentStatus | String | Status of the enrollment record such as Content Completed, Completed, and Waitlisted. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV. |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedToId | Long | Unique identifier of the person to whom the learning item was assigned. |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionType | String | Entity type that created the learning record such as person, specialist or community. |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | Comments specified by the assigner for the learner when creating the assignment. It is null when no comment is provided. |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the learning item which is the internal primary key. |
LearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the learning item. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
LearningItemType | String | Learning item type such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, and Video. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV. |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | Learning request start date specified on the learning record for the selected offering. |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | Learning request completion by date specified on the learning record for the selected offering. |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | Primary classroom-type such as Physical Classroom, Virtual Classroom, or No Location Defined. |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentType | String | Enrollment type on the primary selected course offering such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentTypeLOV. |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
StatusChangeComment | String | Status change comment on the primary selected course offering. |
ReasonCode | String | Reason code on the primary selected course offering. Valid values are defined in the list ReasonCodeLOV. |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | Assignment due date on the primary selected course offering. |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the learning item such Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | Date when the assignment record entered the pending seat acceptance status. |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | Date when the assignment record exited the pending seat acceptance status. |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | Unique identifier of the enrollment questionnaire. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify if the user can edit the learning record such as Can delete, Can withdraw, No edit. Valid values are defined in the list CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentDate | Datetime | CommentDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
Comment | String | Comment of the learner in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. |
ReplyCount | Int | ReplyCount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LikeCount | Int | LikeCount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentStatus | String | Learner comment status in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list CommentStatusLOV. |
CommentStatusMeaning | String | CommentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentId [KEY] | Long | CommentId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
Likes | String | likes |
Replies | String | replies |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverUserName | String | ApproverUserName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverDisplayName | String | ApproverDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
Type | String | Type of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalTypeMeaning | String | ApprovalTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcome | String | ApprovalOutcome of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcomeMeaning | String | ApprovalOutcomeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
WorklistTaskDisplayURL | String | WorklistTaskDisplayURL of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
AssignedToApproverDate | Datetime | AssignedToApproverDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverActionDate | Datetime | ApproverActionDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress | String | ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverComments | String | ApproverComments of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the person who's the publisher. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Identifier of the legal employer of the publisher. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Name of the legal employer of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unit identifier of the business unit of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit of the publisher. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department identifier of the publisher. |
DepartmentName | String | Department name of the publisher. |
JobId | Long | Job identifier of the publisher. |
JobName | String | Job name of the publisher. |
PositionId | Long | Position identifier of the publisher. |
PositionName | String | Position name of the publisher. |
LocationId | Long | Location identifier of the publisher. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the publisher. |
PrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the publisher. |
LineManagerId | Long | Identifier of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerNumber | String | Number of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerDisplayName | String | Display name for the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the line manager of the publisher. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityContentAttempts | String | activityContentAttempts |
Classrooms | String | classrooms |
Instructors | String | instructors |
OfferedLanguages | String | offeredLanguages |
RelatedMaterials | String | relatedMaterials |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the primary classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the primary classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the primary classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the primary classroom. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the primary classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the primary classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the primary classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the primary classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the primary classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the primary classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Classroom contact person identifier. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Identifier of the person number who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
Attachments | String | attachments |
ClassroomDFFs | String | classroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
OfferingprimaryclassroomclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when attachment record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the attachment record. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE or TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
UserName | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared. The default value is false and it's the only supported value. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error status code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | Actual content of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided by the Attachment UI components to support the upload of files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image file displayed in .png format when the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
AttachmentId | Long | ID of the attachment. |
AttachmentNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the attachment. |
AttachmentName | String | Name of the attachment. |
AttachmentType | String | Type of the attachment. |
AttachmentLink | String | Link to the attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
OfferingprimaryclassroomclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | ResourceId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the primary instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the primary instructor. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name of the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the instructor. |
InstructorDFF | String | instructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record substatus for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESS | String | Hint to show the learning record request form for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSS | String | Hint to show learning record request form for manager self-service assignments. |
PaymentTypesAccepted | String | Payment types accepted for the learning record, such as manual payment, online payment, or no payment. Valid values are defined in the PaymentTypesAcceptedLOV. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysESS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for learner self-service. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysMSS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for manager self-service. |
ViewModeESS | String | Hint for the view mode for learner self-service. Valid values are defined in the ViewModeESSLOV. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdESS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberESS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdMSS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberMSS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
IsSelfServiceUserForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the self-service user forum is enabled for the learning item. |
IsEnrolleeForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the enrollee forum is enabled for the learning item. |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the user accessing the learning assignment, such as Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify whether a user can edit the assignment. Examples include Can delete, Can withdraw, and No edit. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
CanManageLearningItem | String | Hint to identify whether a user can manage the learning item. |
RefundRuleForILTActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the instructor-led activity. |
RefundRuleForSPActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the self-paced activity. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormMSS attribute. |
PaymentTypesAcceptedMeaning | String | Description of the value of the paymentTypesAccepted attribute. |
ViewModeESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the viewModeESS attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record substatus for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESS | String | Hint to show the learning record request form for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSS | String | Hint to show learning record request form for manager self-service assignments. |
PaymentTypesAccepted | String | Payment types accepted for the learning record, such as manual payment, online payment, or no payment. Valid values are defined in the PaymentTypesAcceptedLOV. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysESS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for learner self-service. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysMSS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for manager self-service. |
ViewModeESS | String | Hint for the view mode for learner self-service. Valid values are defined in the ViewModeESSLOV. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdESS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberESS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdMSS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberMSS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
IsSelfServiceUserForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the self-service user forum is enabled for the learning item. |
IsEnrolleeForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the enrollee forum is enabled for the learning item. |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the user accessing the learning assignment, such as Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify whether a user can edit the assignment. Examples include Can delete, Can withdraw, and No edit. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
CanManageLearningItem | String | Hint to identify whether a user can manage the learning item. |
RefundRuleForILTActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the instructor-led activity. |
RefundRuleForSPActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the self-paced activity. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormMSS attribute. |
PaymentTypesAcceptedMeaning | String | Description of the value of the paymentTypesAccepted attribute. |
ViewModeESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the viewModeESS attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
PassingScore | Double | PassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ExpectedEffort | String | ExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
EffortUnits | String | EffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
EffortUnitsMeaning | String | EffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
CompletionRequirement | Double | CompletionRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
CompletionRequirementUnits | String | CompletionRequirementUnits of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
CompletionRequirementUnitsMeaning | String | CompletionRequirementUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ActualEffort | Double | ActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
CompletionProgress | Double | CompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ActivitySectionsTotalActivitiesCount | Double | ActivitySectionsTotalActivitiesCount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ActivitySectionsCount | Double | ActivitySectionsCount of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
ExpectedEffortInSeconds | String | ExpectedEffortInSeconds of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
CourseId [KEY] | Long | CourseId of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemPublisherPersonDetails |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the person who's the publisher. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Identifier of the legal employer of the publisher. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Name of the legal employer of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unit identifier of the business unit of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit of the publisher. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department identifier of the publisher. |
DepartmentName | String | Department name of the publisher. |
JobId | Long | Job identifier of the publisher. |
JobName | String | Job name of the publisher. |
PositionId | Long | Position identifier of the publisher. |
PositionName | String | Position name of the publisher. |
LocationId | Long | Location identifier of the publisher. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the publisher. |
PrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the publisher. |
LineManagerId | Long | Identifier of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerNumber | String | Number of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerDisplayName | String | Display name for the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the line manager of the publisher. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | ProfileItemId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
ProfileItemType | String | ProfileItemType of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
ProfileItemName | String | ProfileItemName of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
IsRequired | String | IsRequired of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
RatingType | String | RatingType of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
RatingLevel | String | RatingLevel of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
MeetsPrerequisite | String | MeetsPrerequisite of LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | ProfileItemId of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
ProfileItemType | String | ProfileItemType of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
ProfileItemName | String | ProfileItemName of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
IsRequired | String | IsRequired of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
RatingType | String | RatingType of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
RatingLevel | String | RatingLevel of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
MeetsPrerequisite | String | MeetsPrerequisite of LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentJustification | String | AssignmentJustification of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatus | String | AssignmentStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedToId | Long | AssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionType | String | AssignerAttributionType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | AssignerCommentsToLearner of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemId | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemNumber | String | LearningItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | RequestedStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | RequestedCompleteByDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | PrimaryClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
StatusChangeComment | String | StatusChangeComment of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCode | String | ReasonCode of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | AssignmentDueDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | EnrollmentQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | CanEditAssignmentHint of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentId | Long | ContentId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentType | String | ContentType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTypeMeaning | String | ContentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentNumber | String | ContentNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTitle | String | ContentTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentShortDescription | String | ContentShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentURL | String | URL to open the e-learning content directly from the browser. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemId | Long | ContentCatalogLearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ChapterLevel | Double | ChapterLevel of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ExpectedEffort | String | ExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
EffortUnits | String | EffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptId [KEY] | Long | AttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
PassingScore | Double | PassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatus | String | AttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatusMeaning | String | AttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStartDate | Datetime | AttemptStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptEndDate | Datetime | AttemptEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
HideActualScore | String | HideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
DisableReview | String | DisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedById | Long | AttemptedById of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptRelationNumber | String | AttemptRelationNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByNumber | String | AttemptedByNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByDisplayName | String | AttemptedByDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActivityContentAttemptStatus | String | ActivityContentAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCoverArtLink | String | ContentCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffort | Double | Actual effort that the learner spent in the attempt. |
ChapterPosition | String | ChapterPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnits | String | ActualEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActualEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the catalog learning item added to the activity. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemDataLink | String | Data link to the catalog learning item added to the activity. |
ContentLongDescription | String | ContentLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptPosition | String | AttemptPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for a classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying a classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the classroom. |
IsPrimaryClassroom | String | Indicates whether the classroom is a primary classroom. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
LocationName | String | Location of the classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in the string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Person number for the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
IsPrimaryClassroomMeaning | String | Description of the value of the isPrimaryClassroom attribute. |
Attachments | String | attachments |
ClassroomDFFs | String | classroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the instructor. |
IsPrimaryInstructor | String | Indicates whether the person is the primary instructor. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number for the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary Email address of the instructor for the learning item. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor of the learning item. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the instructor for the learning item. |
InstructorDFF | String | instructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCode | String | LanguageCode of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCodeMeaning | String | LanguageCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Language | String | Language of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCity [KEY] | String | LocationCity of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCountry [KEY] | String | LocationCountry of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationTitle [KEY] | String | LocationTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | OtherselectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentJustification | String | AssignmentJustification of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | AssignmentDueDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentStatus | String | AssignmentStatus of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentDetailsDeepLink | String | AssignmentDetailsDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink | String | AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentAttributionId | Long | AssignmentAttributionId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToId | Long | AssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToNumber | String | AssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToType | String | AssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToTypeMeaning | String | AssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToPersonImageURL | String | AssignedToPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedToDisplayName | String | AssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerAttributionType | String | AssignerAttributionType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | AssignerCommentsToLearner of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemId | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemNumber | String | LearningItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Date | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemPublisherDisplayName | String | LearningItemPublisherDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExpectedEffortInHours | String | ExpectedEffortInHours of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ActualEffortInHours | Double | ActualEffortInHours of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemMaximumPrice | Double | LearningItemMaximumPrice of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemMinimumPrice | Double | LearningItemMinimumPrice of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemPriceCurrency | String | LearningItemPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | RequestedStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | RequestedCompleteByDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RequestApprovedDate | Date | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | Date | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExpirationDate | Date | ExpirationDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExpirationInDaysSystemDate | Double | ExpirationInDaysSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ValidityPeriodRule | String | ValidityPeriodRule of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning | String | ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RenewalPeriod | Double | RenewalPeriod of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExpirationRule | String | ExpirationRule of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
HasFutureRenewal | String | HasFutureRenewal of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
NextRenewalAssignmentId | Long | NextRenewalAssignmentId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
NextRenewalAssignmentNumber | String | NextRenewalAssignmentNumber of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink | String | NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink | String | NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
StatusChangeComment | String | StatusChangeComment of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ReasonCode | String | ReasonCode of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemCpeType | String | LearningItemCpeType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ActualCpeUnits | Double | ActualCpeUnits of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemSubType | String | LearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
HasPastRenewal | String | HasPastRenewal of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | EnrollmentQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemCoverArtLink | String | LearningItemCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemThumbnailLink | String | LearningItemThumbnailLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemTrailerLink | String | LearningItemTrailerLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate | Long | AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearningItemCompletionCertificateLink | String | LearningItemCompletionCertificateLink of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | CanEditAssignmentHint of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentJustification | String | AssignmentJustification of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentStatus | String | AssignmentStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignedToId | Long | AssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerAttributionType | String | AssignerAttributionType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | AssignerCommentsToLearner of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemId | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemNumber | String | LearningItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | RequestedStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | RequestedCompleteByDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | PrimaryClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
StatusChangeComment | String | StatusChangeComment of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ReasonCode | String | ReasonCode of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | AssignmentDueDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | EnrollmentQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | CanEditAssignmentHint of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentId | Long | ContentId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentType | String | ContentType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTypeMeaning | String | ContentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentNumber | String | ContentNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTitle | String | ContentTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentShortDescription | String | ContentShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentURL | String | URL to open the e-learning content directly from the browser. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemId | Long | ContentCatalogLearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ChapterLevel | Double | ChapterLevel of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ExpectedEffort | String | ExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
EffortUnits | String | EffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptId [KEY] | Long | AttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
PassingScore | Double | PassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatus | String | AttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatusMeaning | String | AttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStartDate | Datetime | AttemptStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptEndDate | Datetime | AttemptEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
HideActualScore | String | HideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
DisableReview | String | DisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedById | Long | AttemptedById of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptRelationNumber | String | AttemptRelationNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByNumber | String | AttemptedByNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByDisplayName | String | AttemptedByDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActivityContentAttemptStatus | String | ActivityContentAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCoverArtLink | String | ContentCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffort | Double | Actual effort that the learner spent in the attempt. |
ChapterPosition | String | ChapterPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnits | String | ActualEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActualEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the catalog learning item added to the activity. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemDataLink | String | Data link to the catalog learning item added to the activity. |
ContentLongDescription | String | ContentLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptPosition | String | AttemptPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for a classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying a classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the classroom. |
IsPrimaryClassroom | String | Indicates whether the classroom is a primary classroom. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
LocationName | String | Location of the classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in the string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Person number for the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
IsPrimaryClassroomMeaning | String | Description of the value of the isPrimaryClassroom attribute. |
Attachments | String | attachments |
ClassroomDFFs | String | classroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the instructor. |
IsPrimaryInstructor | String | Indicates whether the person is the primary instructor. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number for the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary Email address of the instructor for the learning item. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor of the learning item. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the instructor for the learning item. |
InstructorDFF | String | instructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCode | String | LanguageCode of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCodeMeaning | String | LanguageCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Language | String | Language of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCity [KEY] | String | LocationCity of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCountry [KEY] | String | LocationCountry of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationTitle [KEY] | String | LocationTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | PrimaryselectedcourseofferingassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. |
AssignmentRecordNumber | String | AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentCreatedDate | Datetime | AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentLastModifiedDate | Datetime | AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentJustification | String | Justification provided by the specialist or learner when enrolling for a learning item. |
AssignmentStatus | String | Status of the enrollment record such as Content Completed, Completed, and Waitlisted. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV. |
AssignmentSubStatus | String | AssignmentSubStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedToId | Long | Unique identifier of the person to whom the learning item was assigned. |
AssignerId | Long | AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerNumber | String | AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionType | String | Entity type that created the learning record such as person, specialist or community. |
AssignerDisplayName | String | AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerCommentsToLearner | String | Comments specified by the assigner for the learner when creating the assignment. It is null when no comment is provided. |
AssignerPersonImageURL | String | AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the learning item which is the internal primary key. |
LearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the learning item. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
LearningItemType | String | Learning item type such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, and Video. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV. |
LearningItemTitle | String | LearningItemTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiShortDescription | String | LiShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryMode | String | OfferingDeliveryMode of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguage | String | OfferingLanguage of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingLanguageMeaning | String | OfferingLanguageMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffort | Double | LiTotalExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingStartDate | Datetime | OfferingStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingEndDate | Datetime | OfferingEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestedStartDate | Datetime | Learning request start date specified on the learning record for the selected offering. |
RequestedCompleteByDate | Date | Learning request completion by date specified on the learning record for the selected offering. |
RequestApprovedDate | Datetime | RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
RequestRejectedDate | Date | RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredWaitlistDate | Date | EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
CurrentWaitlistPosition | Int | CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedWaitlistDate | Date | ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
DeletedDate | Datetime | DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchasedDate | Date | PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingPaymentDate | Date | EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignedDate | Datetime | AssignedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
StartedDate | Date | StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
ContentCompletedDate | Date | ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
EvaluationSubmittedDate | String | EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
CompletedDate | Datetime | CompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnDate | Datetime | WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
WithdrawnRequestedDate | Datetime | WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseAmount | Double | PurchaseAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
PurchaseCurrency | String | PurchaseCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
IsPrimaryOffering | String | IsPrimaryOffering of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomType | String | Primary classroom-type such as Physical Classroom, Virtual Classroom, or No Location Defined. |
MaximumCapacity | Int | MaximumCapacity of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName | String | OfferingCoordinatorDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber | String | OfferingCoordinatorPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress | String | OfferingCoordinatorEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentType | String | Enrollment type on the primary selected course offering such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentTypeLOV. |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
StatusChangeComment | String | Status change comment on the primary selected course offering. |
ReasonCode | String | Reason code on the primary selected course offering. Valid values are defined in the list ReasonCodeLOV. |
AssignmentDueDate | Datetime | Assignment due date on the primary selected course offering. |
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate | Date | ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the learning item such Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
ExemptedDate | Datetime | ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | Date when the assignment record entered the pending seat acceptance status. |
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate | Datetime | Date when the assignment record exited the pending seat acceptance status. |
ActiveDate | Datetime | ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate | Datetime | LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEffectiveDate | Datetime | LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate | Datetime | LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion | String | IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId | Long | Unique identifier of the enrollment questionnaire. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify if the user can edit the learning record such as Can delete, Can withdraw, No edit. Valid values are defined in the list CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
LearningItemDeepLink | String | LearningItemDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemEmbedLink | String | LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemDataLink | String | LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice | Double | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPrice of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency | String | OfferingSelfServiceCatalogPriceCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
RefundRule | String | RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning | String | LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning | String | AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearningItemTypeMeaning | String | LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning | String | AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
ReasonCodeMeaning | String | ReasonCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning | String | CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LiLongDescription | String | LiLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning | String | PrimaryClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning | String | OfferingDeliveryModeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentDate | Datetime | CommentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
Comment | String | Comment of the learner in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. |
ReplyCount | Int | ReplyCount of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LikeCount | Int | LikeCount of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentStatus | String | Learner comment status in conversations for active and completed learners for the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list CommentStatusLOV. |
CommentStatusMeaning | String | CommentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
CommentId [KEY] | Long | CommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeDate | Datetime | LikeDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeStatus | String | Status of the like on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list LikeStatusLOV. |
LikeStatusMeaning | String | LikeStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LikeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the like. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
CommentDate | Datetime | CommentDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
Comment | String | Reply comment of the learner on a comment. |
LikeCount | Int | LikeCount of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
ReplyStatus | String | Status of the reply on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list ReplyStatusLOV. |
ReplyStatusMeaning | String | ReplyStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
CommentId [KEY] | Long | CommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ActivelearnercommentscommentId [KEY] | Long | ActivelearnercommentscommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
RepliescommentId [KEY] | Long | RepliescommentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonId | Long | ByPersonId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonNumber | String | ByPersonNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonDisplayName | String | ByPersonDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
ByPersonImageURL | String | ByPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeDate | Datetime | LikeDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeStatus | String | Status of the like on a comment. Valid values are defined in the list LikeStatusLOV. |
LikeStatusMeaning | String | LikeStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LikeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the like. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverUserName | String | ApproverUserName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverDisplayName | String | ApproverDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
Type | String | Type of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalTypeMeaning | String | ApprovalTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcome | String | ApprovalOutcome of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApprovalOutcomeMeaning | String | ApprovalOutcomeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
WorklistTaskDisplayURL | String | WorklistTaskDisplayURL of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
AssignedToApproverDate | Datetime | AssignedToApproverDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverActionDate | Datetime | ApproverActionDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress | String | ApproverPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
ApproverComments | String | ApproverComments of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the person who's the publisher. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Identifier of the legal employer of the publisher. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Name of the legal employer of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unit identifier of the business unit of the publisher. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit of the publisher. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department identifier of the publisher. |
DepartmentName | String | Department name of the publisher. |
JobId | Long | Job identifier of the publisher. |
JobName | String | Job name of the publisher. |
PositionId | Long | Position identifier of the publisher. |
PositionName | String | Position name of the publisher. |
LocationId | Long | Location identifier of the publisher. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the publisher. |
PrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the publisher. |
LineManagerId | Long | Identifier of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerNumber | String | Number of the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerDisplayName | String | Display name for the line manager of the publisher. |
LineManagerPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the line manager of the publisher. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
RequestDetailId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flex field for assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityId [KEY] | Long | ActivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityNumber | String | ActivityNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityType | String | ActivityType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTitle | String | ActivityTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescription | String | ActivityDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityShortDescription | String | ActivityShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDisplayOrder | Double | ActivityDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionId | Double | ActivitySectionId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionNumber | String | ActivitySectionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTitle | String | ActivitySectionTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDescription | String | ActivitySectionDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionDisplayOrder | Double | ActivitySectionDisplayOrder of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySecComplRequired | Double | ActivitySecComplRequired of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionTotalActivities | Double | ActivitySectionTotalActivities of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatus | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivitySectionAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress | Double | ActivitySectionAttemptCompletionProgress of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityPassingScore | Double | ActivityPassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityExpectedEffort | String | ActivityExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnits | String | ActivityEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirement | String | ActivityComplRequirement of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityLearnerMarkCompl | String | ActivityLearnerMarkCompl of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDate | Date | ActivityDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartTime | String | ActivityStartTime of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndTime | String | ActivityEndTime of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTimeZone | String | ActivityTimeZone of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomJoinLink | String | VirtualClassroomJoinLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomInformation | String | VirtualClassroomInformation of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
AddToCalendarLink | String | AddToCalendarLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnId | Double | ElearnId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnNumber | String | ElearnNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnType | String | ElearnType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTitle | String | ElearnTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShortDescription | String | ElearnShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaLink | String | ElearnRichMediaLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireId | Long | ElearnQuestionnaireId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnQuestionnaireNumber | String | ElearnQuestionnaireNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptsAllowed | Double | ElearnAttemptsAllowed of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttempt | Double | ElearnTimePERAttempt of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReview | String | ElearnDisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnHideActualScore | String | ElearnHideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnShowResponseFeedback | String | ElearnShowResponseFeedback of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen | String | ELearnMarkCompletionOnOpen of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptId | Double | ActivityAttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNumber | String | ActivityAttemptNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatus | String | ActivityAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptNextAction | String | ActivityAttemptNextAction of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptDeepLink | String | ActivityAttemptDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptEmbedLink | String | ActivityAttemptEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStartedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptStartedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptComplDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedDate | Datetime | ActivityAttemptExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRC | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRC of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualEffort | Double | ActivityAttemptActualEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnits | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptActualScore | Double | ActivityAttemptActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTotalAttempts | Double | ActivityTotalAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAssignmentRecordId | Long | ActivityAssignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | DataSecurityPrivilege of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubType | String | ParentLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning | String | ParentLearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionAttemptLocked | String | ActivitySectionAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptLocked | String | ActivityAttemptLocked of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRule of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReview | String | ElearnAttemptReview of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts | String | ElearnDisableReviewForPassedAttempts of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnDisableContentReview | String | ElearnDisableContentReview of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemId | Long | CompletionItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
CompletionItemNumber | String | CompletionItemNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToId | Long | ActivityAttemptAssignedToId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToType | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomType | String | VirtualClassroomType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning | String | VirtualClassroomTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
SectionAttemptComplDate | Datetime | SectionAttemptComplDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityCoverArtLink | String | ActivityCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnCoverArtLink | String | ElearnCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityDescriptionLong | String | ActivityDescriptionLong of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityTypeMeaning | String | ActivityTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTypeMeaning | String | ElearnTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning | String | ElearnTimePERAttemptUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptExemptedRCMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning | String | ActivityAttemptAEUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityComplRequirementMeaning | String | ActivityComplRequirementMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning | String | DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning | String | ElearnRecordedAttemptsRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning | String | ElearnAttemptReviewMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivitySectionLongDescription | String | ActivitySectionLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityStartDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityStartDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
ActivityEndDatetimeUTC | Datetime | ActivityEndDatetimeUTC of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentId | Long | ContentId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentType | String | ContentType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTypeMeaning | String | ContentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentNumber | String | ContentNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentTitle | String | ContentTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentShortDescription | String | ContentShortDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentURL | String | URL to open the e-learning content directly from the browser. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemId | Long | ContentCatalogLearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ChapterLevel | Double | ChapterLevel of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ExpectedEffort | String | ExpectedEffort of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
EffortUnits | String | EffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptId [KEY] | Long | AttemptId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
PassingScore | Double | PassingScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatus | String | AttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStatusMeaning | String | AttemptStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualScore | Double | ActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptStartDate | Datetime | AttemptStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptEndDate | Datetime | AttemptEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
HideActualScore | String | HideActualScore of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
DisableReview | String | DisableReview of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedById | Long | AttemptedById of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptRelationNumber | String | AttemptRelationNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByNumber | String | AttemptedByNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptedByDisplayName | String | AttemptedByDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActivityContentAttemptStatus | String | ActivityContentAttemptStatus of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCoverArtLink | String | ContentCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffort | Double | Actual effort that the learner spent in the attempt. |
ChapterPosition | String | ChapterPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnits | String | ActualEffortUnits of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ActualEffortUnitsMeaning | String | ActualEffortUnitsMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the catalog learning item added to the activity. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI. |
ContentCatalogLearningItemType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType | String | ContentCatalogLearningItemSubType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ContentCatalogLearningItemDataLink | String | Data link to the catalog learning item added to the activity. |
ContentLongDescription | String | ContentLongDescription of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
AttemptPosition | String | AttemptPosition of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
ElearnRichMediaSrcLink | String | ElearnRichMediaSrcLink of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for a classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying a classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the classroom. |
IsPrimaryClassroom | String | Indicates whether the classroom is a primary classroom. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
LocationName | String | Location of the classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in the string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Person number for the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
IsPrimaryClassroomMeaning | String | Description of the value of the isPrimaryClassroom attribute. |
Attachments | String | attachments |
ClassroomDFFs | String | classroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the instructor. |
IsPrimaryInstructor | String | Indicates whether the person is the primary instructor. The default value is N. Valid values are Y and N. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier for the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number for the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary Email address of the instructor for the learning item. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor of the learning item. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the instructor for the learning item. |
InstructorDFF | String | instructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCode | String | LanguageCode of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LanguageCodeMeaning | String | LanguageCodeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Language | String | Language of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] | Long | CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCity [KEY] | String | LocationCity of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationCountry [KEY] | String | LocationCountry of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LocationTitle [KEY] | String | LocationTitle of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemId [KEY] | Long | LearningItemId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearningItemType | String | LearningItemType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic | String | Topic of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Topic_Display | String | Topic_Display of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
RatingId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item. |
RatingNumber | String | User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item. |
RatingByPersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingDate | Datetime | Date the rating was made on the learning item. |
Rating | Double | The rating given on the learning item. |
RatingComment | String | Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item. |
RatingByPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingByPersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the person who rated the learning item. |
RatingStatus | String | Status of the rating on the learning item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
ClassId [KEY] | Long | ClassId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
ClassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the primary classroom. |
ClassroomNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the primary classroom. |
ClassroomTitle | String | Name of the primary classroom. |
ClassroomDescription | String | Description of the primary classroom. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the primary classroom. |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | Location address line 1. |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | Location address line 2. |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | Location address line 3. |
LocationCity | String | City of the primary classroom. |
LocationCountry | String | Country of the primary classroom. |
LocationZipCode | String | Postal code of the primary classroom. |
LocationLongitude | Double | Longitude of the primary classroom. |
LocationLatitude | Double | Latitude of the primary classroom. |
LocationDisplayString | String | Complete classroom address in string format. |
LocationSingleLineString | String | Location of the classroom expressed as a single line string. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Classroom contact person identifier. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Identifier of the person number who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonDisplayName | String | Display name for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the classroom contact person. |
ContactPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the person who's the classroom contact. |
ContactPersonImageURL | String | Image URL for the person who's the classroom contact. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
OfferingprimaryclassroomclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when attachment record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the attachment record. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE or TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
UserName | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared. The default value is false and it's the only supported value. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error status code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | Actual content of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided by the Attachment UI components to support the upload of files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image file displayed in .png format when the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
AttachmentId | Long | ID of the attachment. |
AttachmentNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the attachment. |
AttachmentName | String | Name of the attachment. |
AttachmentType | String | Type of the attachment. |
AttachmentLink | String | Link to the attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
OfferingprimaryclassroomclassroomId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | ResourceId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
InstructorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the primary instructor. |
InstructorNumber | String | User-friendly number for identifying the primary instructor. |
PersonId | Long | Identifier of the person who's the instructor. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the instructor. |
PersonDisplayName | String | Display name of the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryEmailAddress | String | Primary email address of the instructor. |
PersonPrimaryPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the instructor. |
PersonImageURL | String | Image URL of the instructor. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
OfferingprimaryinstructorinstructorId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | ResourceId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record substatus for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESS | String | Hint to show the learning record request form for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSS | String | Hint to show learning record request form for manager self-service assignments. |
PaymentTypesAccepted | String | Payment types accepted for the learning record, such as manual payment, online payment, or no payment. Valid values are defined in the PaymentTypesAcceptedLOV. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysESS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for learner self-service. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysMSS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for manager self-service. |
ViewModeESS | String | Hint for the view mode for learner self-service. Valid values are defined in the ViewModeESSLOV. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdESS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberESS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdMSS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberMSS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
IsSelfServiceUserForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the self-service user forum is enabled for the learning item. |
IsEnrolleeForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the enrollee forum is enabled for the learning item. |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the user accessing the learning assignment, such as Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify whether a user can edit the assignment. Examples include Can delete, Can withdraw, and No edit. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
CanManageLearningItem | String | Hint to identify whether a user can manage the learning item. |
RefundRuleForILTActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the instructor-led activity. |
RefundRuleForSPActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the self-paced activity. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormMSS attribute. |
PaymentTypesAcceptedMeaning | String | Description of the value of the paymentTypesAccepted attribute. |
ViewModeESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the viewModeESS attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
SpecializationId [KEY] | Long | SpecializationId of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionId [KEY] | Long | TransactionId of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionTypeMeaning | String | TransactionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionAmount | String | TransactionAmount of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionCurrency | String | TransactionCurrency of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionReason | String | TransactionReason of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionReasonMeaning | String | TransactionReasonMeaning of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
TransactionComments | String | TransactionComments of LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | dataSecurityPrivilege |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] | Long | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordsuserActionHints |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS | String | Hint for the initial learning record substatus for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESS | String | Hint to show the learning record request form for learner self-service assignments. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS | String | Hint for the initial learning record status for manager self-service assignments. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSS | String | Hint to show learning record request form for manager self-service assignments. |
PaymentTypesAccepted | String | Payment types accepted for the learning record, such as manual payment, online payment, or no payment. Valid values are defined in the PaymentTypesAcceptedLOV. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysESS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for learner self-service. |
PendingPrereqTimeoutInDaysMSS | Double | Hint for the number of days a learner has to complete prerequisites before they're withdrawn for manager self-service. |
ViewModeESS | String | Hint for the view mode for learner self-service. Valid values are defined in the ViewModeESSLOV. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdESS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberESS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for learner self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireIdMSS | Long | Unique identifier for the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
EnrollmentQuestionnaireNumberMSS | String | User-friendly number for identifying the enrollment questionnaire for manager self-service assignments. |
IsSelfServiceUserForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the self-service user forum is enabled for the learning item. |
IsEnrolleeForumEnabled | String | Hint to identify whether the enrollee forum is enabled for the learning item. |
DataSecurityPrivilege | String | Data security privilege for the user accessing the learning assignment, such as Learner or Learner Manager. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV. |
CanEditAssignmentHint | String | Hint to identify whether a user can edit the assignment. Examples include Can delete, Can withdraw, and No edit. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV. |
CanManageLearningItem | String | Hint to identify whether a user can manage the learning item. |
RefundRuleForILTActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the instructor-led activity. |
RefundRuleForSPActivity | String | Hint for a refund rule for the self-paced activity. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordSubStatusHintESS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormESS attribute. |
InitialLearningRecordStatusHintMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the initialLearningRecordStatusHintMSS attribute. |
ShowEnrollmentFormMSSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the showEnrollmentFormMSS attribute. |
PaymentTypesAcceptedMeaning | String | Description of the value of the paymentTypesAccepted attribute. |
ViewModeESSMeaning | String | Description of the value of the viewModeESS attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignedToId | Long | assignedToId |
AssignerAttributionType | String | assignerAttributionType |
AssignerId | Long | assignerId |
AssignmentRecordId | Long | assignmentRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
LearnerId | Long | learnerId |
LearningItemId | Long | learningItemId |
LearningItemTitle | String | learningItemTitle |
ManagerId | Long | managerId |
Name | Type | Description |
ContentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the content object. |
Title | String | Tiitle of the content item. |
FileName | String | File name of the content item to be uploaded. Depending on the tracking type, the extension should be zip, pdf, or mov. |
ItemNumber | String | Unique user key for the content item. |
TrackingType | String | Tracking type for the content item. Valid values are ORA_SCORM_12, ORA_SCORM_2004, ORA_HACP, ORA_PDF, ORA_AUTO, and ORA_VIDEO. |
Description | String | Description of the content item. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the content item. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the content item. |
UUID | String | Internal value, no input required. |
Status | String | Status of the content item. For PDF and WEBLINK content, valid values are ORA_CONT_INACTIVE, ORA_CONT_ACTIVE. |
URL | String | Starting URL of the content item. |
UploadAuthToken | String | Upload authentication token generated for the learning content item. |
UploadLocation | String | Upload location of the learning content item. |
IngestionStatus | String | Ingestion status of the content item. For Video and SCORM/AICC/HACP content, valid value is ORA_MED_TRANSCODING. |
MarkCompleteOnOpen | String | Indicates whether the learning content item can be marked complete when opened. This attribute doesn't have a default value. Valid values are Y and N. |
AssessmentCode | String | Unique identifier for the assessment. |
AssessmentMasteryScore | Double | Indicates the minimum score needed to pass the assessment. |
AssessmentScoreVisibleToAdministrator | String | Indicates whether the assessment is visible to the administrator or not. This attribute doesn't have a default value. Valid values are Y and N. |
AssessmentScoreVisibleToLearner | String | Indicates whether the assessment is visible to the learner or not. This attribute doesn't have a default value. Valid values are Y and N. |
CompletedAssessmentVisibleToLearner | String | Indicates whether the completed assessment is visible to the learner or not. This attribute doesn't have a default value. Valid values are Y and N. |
AssessmentTimeLimit | Double | Indicates the time limit for the assessment. |
AssessmentTimeLimitUOM | String | Indicates the unit of measure for the assessment time limit. |
AssessmentAttempts | Long | Indicates the number of attempts allowed for the assessment. |
ReplaceStatus | String | Replacement status of the content item. For video, PDF, and SCORM/AICC/HACP content, valid values are ORA_MED_REPLACE_BEGIN and ORA_MED_REPLACE_END. Use ORA_MED_REPLACE_BEGIN to request the auth token for uploading a replacement to Akamai. Use ORA_MED_REPLACE_END to perform the replacement after the new media has been uploaded to Akamai. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of LegalEmployersLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LegalEmployersLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LegalEmployersLov |
Name | String | Name of LegalEmployersLov |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of LegalEmployersLov |
PayrollStatutoryUnitId | Long | PayrollStatutoryUnitId of LegalEmployersLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LegislativeDataGroupId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeDataGroupId of LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
Name | String | Name of LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
DefaultCurrencyCode | String | DefaultCurrencyCode of LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
CostAllocationIdFlexNumber | Long | CostAllocationIdFlexNumber of LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContentItemId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key of the content item for library goal. |
ContentValueSetId | Long | System-generated primary key of the content value set. |
ItemDescription | String | Description of the content item. |
Name | String | Name of the library goal content item. |
GoalCategory | String | Category of the library goal. |
GoalSubType | String | Subtype of the goal. |
GoalBusinessUnitName | String | Business unit name of the library goal. |
GoalDepartmentName | String | Department name of the library goal. |
GoalLegalEntityName | String | Legal employer name for the library goal. |
GoalJobFamilyName | String | Job family name of the library goal. |
ContentTypeName | String | Name of the content type. |
ContentValueSetCode | String | Code of the content value set. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GoalBusinessUnitId | Long | GoalBusinessUnitId |
GoalDepartmentId | Long | GoalDepartmentId |
GoalJobFamilyId | Long | GoalJobFamilyId |
GoalLegalEntityId | Long | GoalLegalEntityId |
GoalTypeFlag | String | GoalTypeFlag |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
SetId | Long | Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs. |
ActiveStatus | String | Represents whether or not the location is active. |
EmployeeLocationFlag | Bool | Represents whether or not the location is an Employee Location. |
TelephoneNumber1 | String | TelephoneNumber1 of Locations |
TelephoneNumber2 | String | TelephoneNumber2 of Locations |
TelephoneNumber3 | String | TelephoneNumber3 of Locations |
EmailAddress | String | Represents the email address of the location. |
ShipToSiteFlag | Bool | Indicates the location is a ship to site. |
ReceivingSiteFlag | Bool | Indicates the location is a receiving site. |
BillToSiteFlag | Bool | Indicates the location is a bill to site. |
OfficeSiteFlag | Bool | Indicates the location is an office site. |
StandardWorkingHours | Double | Number of standard working hours |
StandardWorkingFrequency | String | Frequency for the standard working hours |
StandardAnnualWorkingDuration | Double | The standard annual working duration for the location. |
AnnualWorkingDurationUnits | String | The unit of measure in hours, days, weeks, or months for the standard annual working duration. |
LocationCode | String | Location Code |
LocationName | String | Location Name |
Description | String | Description for the location. |
MainAddressId | Long | MainAddressId of Locations |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of address |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of address |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of address |
AddressLine4 | String | Fourth line of address |
Country | String | Country of the address |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the address |
Region1 | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Sub-region of Region 1. |
Region3 | String | Sub-region of Region 2. |
TownOrCity | String | Name of the Town or City for the address |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Locations |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Locations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LocationsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LocationsEffectiveEndDate of LocationsLocationDFF |
LocationsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LocationsEffectiveStartDate of LocationsLocationDFF |
LocationsLocationId [KEY] | Long | LocationsLocationId of LocationsLocationDFF |
LocationDetailsId [KEY] | Long | LocationDetailsId of LocationsLocationDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LocationsLocationDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LocationsLocationDFF |
Locationlatitude | Double | Locationlatitude of LocationsLocationDFF |
Locationlongitude | Double | Locationlongitude of LocationsLocationDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of LocationsLocationDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of LocationsLocationDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode |
LocationId | Long | LocationId |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | LocationId of LocationsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LocationsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LocationsLov |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of LocationsLov |
LocationName | String | LocationName of LocationsLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of LocationsLov |
CountryCode | String | CountryCode of LocationsLov |
CountryName | String | CountryName of LocationsLov |
Region1 | String | Region1 of LocationsLov |
Region2 | String | Region2 of LocationsLov |
TownOrCity | String | TownOrCity of LocationsLov |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode of LocationsLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of LocationsLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of LocationsLov |
SetName | String | SetName of LocationsLov |
SingleLineAddress | String | SingleLineAddress of LocationsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
EmployeeLocFlag | Bool | EmployeeLocFlag |
EmployeeLocationFlag | Bool | EmployeeLocationFlag |
FetchBlankInvOrgLocation | Bool | FetchBlankInvOrgLocation |
FetchBlankInvOrgLocations | Bool | FetchBlankInvOrgLocations |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeCommonSet | Bool | IncludeCommonSet |
InventoryOrgId | Long | InventoryOrgId |
InventoryOrganizationId | Long | InventoryOrganizationId |
IsShipToSiteLocation | Bool | IsShipToSiteLocation |
LegalEmpId | Long | LegalEmpId |
LegalEmployerId | Long | LegalEmployerId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | LocationId of LocationsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of LocationsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of LocationsLovV2 |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of LocationsLovV2 |
LocationName | String | LocationName of LocationsLovV2 |
TownOrCity | String | TownOrCity of LocationsLovV2 |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode of LocationsLovV2 |
CountryName | String | CountryName of LocationsLovV2 |
SetName | String | SetName of LocationsLovV2 |
AddressLine1 | String | AddressLine1 of LocationsLovV2 |
AddressLine2 | String | AddressLine2 of LocationsLovV2 |
AddressLine3 | String | AddressLine3 of LocationsLovV2 |
AddressLine4 | String | AddressLine4 of LocationsLovV2 |
State | String | State of LocationsLovV2 |
Province | String | Province of LocationsLovV2 |
County | String | County of LocationsLovV2 |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
EmployeeLocationFlag | Bool | EmployeeLocationFlag |
FetchBlankInvOrgLocations | Bool | FetchBlankInvOrgLocations |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
InventoryOrganizationId | Long | InventoryOrganizationId |
IsShipToSiteLocation | Bool | IsShipToSiteLocation |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SetId | Long | SetId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LookupType [KEY] | String | LookupType of MajorsLOV |
LookupCode [KEY] | String | LookupCode of MajorsLOV |
Meaning | String | Meaning of MajorsLOV |
Description | String | Description of MajorsLOV |
Tag | String | Tag of MajorsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
Name | String | Denotes the translated name for the Organization Unit. |
Title | String | Denotes the translated title for the Organization Unit. |
ClassificationCode | String | Foreign key to HR_ORG_CLASSIFICATIONS table. |
InternalAddressLine | String | Internal address of the organization. |
LocationId | Long | Identifier of location to which the Organization Unit belongs. |
OrganizationCode | String | OrganizationCode of Organizations |
Status | String | Status of Organizations |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Organizations |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Organizations |
OrgCode | String | Custom OrganizationCode to be used instead of auto generated code. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | OrganizationsEffectiveEndDate of OrganizationsextraInformation |
OrganizationsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | OrganizationsEffectiveStartDate of OrganizationsextraInformation |
OrganizationsOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationsOrganizationId of OrganizationsextraInformation |
OrgUnitClassificationId [KEY] | Long | OrgUnitClassificationId of OrganizationsextraInformation |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of OrganizationsextraInformation |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of OrganizationsextraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of OrganizationsextraInformation |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of OrganizationsextraInformation |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | OrganizationsEffectiveEndDate of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
OrganizationsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | OrganizationsEffectiveStartDate of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
OrganizationsOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationsOrganizationId of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationships |
PayrollRelationshipNumber | String | PayrollRelationshipNumber of PayrollRelationships |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of PayrollRelationships |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of PayrollRelationships |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PayrollRelationships |
Country | String | Country of PayrollRelationships |
PartyId | Long | PartyId of PayrollRelationships |
PartyNumber | String | PartyNumber of PayrollRelationships |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationships |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationships |
OverridingPeriodId | Long | OverridingPeriodId of PayrollRelationships |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
RelationshipGroupId [KEY] | Long | RelationshipGroupId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
TimeCardRequired | String | TimeCardRequired of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
OverridingPeriodId | Long | OverridingPeriodId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | PayrollRelationshipId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId [KEY] | Long | PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
AssignedPayrollId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier used to retrieve the assigned payroll record for an assignment. |
PayrollId | Long | Unique identifier for the payroll, such as the weekly payroll. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the payroll assigned to the assignment. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the payroll assigned to the assignment. |
TimeCardRequired | String | Associated with all assignments for a given payroll. Indicates whether the assignment must submit time cards for payroll purposes. |
OverridingPeriodId | Long | Overtime period for all assignments associated to the payroll, such as the FLSA period for US employees. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the date range within which the payroll is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the date range within which the payroll is effective. |
Lsed | Date | Last standard earning date of the payroll assigned to the assignment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | PayrollRelationshipId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId [KEY] | Long | PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
AssignedpayrollsAssignedPayrollId [KEY] | Long | AssignedpayrollsAssignedPayrollId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
AssignedpayrollsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignedpayrollsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
AssignedpayrollsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignedpayrollsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
DateValue | Date | DateValue of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayDateId [KEY] | Long | PayDateId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
ShortName | String | ShortName of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | PayrollRelationshipId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollassignmentsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId [KEY] | Long | PayrollassignmentsRelationshipGroupId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
ShortName | String | ShortName of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
DateValue | Date | DateValue of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayDateId [KEY] | Long | PayDateId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | PayrollRelationshipId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PayrollRelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | PayrollRelationshipsPayrollRelationshipId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
PayDateId [KEY] | Long | PayDateId of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
DateValue | Date | DateValue of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
ShortName | String | ShortName of PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | PayrollRelationshipId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
PayrollStatutoryUnitName | String | PayrollStatutoryUnitName of PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Amount | Double | Amount of Payslips |
DefaultCurrencyCode | String | DefaultCurrencyCode of Payslips |
PayslipViewDate | Date | PayslipViewDate of Payslips |
PeriodStartDate | Date | PeriodStartDate of Payslips |
PeriodEndDate | Date | PeriodEndDate of Payslips |
PaymentDate | Date | PaymentDate of Payslips |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId of Payslips |
AttachmentEntityName | String | AttachmentEntityName of Payslips |
PayrollRelationshipNumber | String | PayrollRelationshipNumber of Payslips |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of Payslips |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PayslipsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | PayslipsDocumentsOfRecordId of Payslipsdocuments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentsOfRecordId | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EvaluationId [KEY] | Long | EvaluationId of PerformanceEvaluations |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PerformanceEvaluations |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PerformanceEvaluations |
PerformanceDocumentName | String | PerformanceDocumentName of PerformanceEvaluations |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of PerformanceEvaluations |
ManagerId | Long | ManagerId of PerformanceEvaluations |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | ManagerAssignmentId of PerformanceEvaluations |
Name | String | Name of PerformanceEvaluations |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of PerformanceEvaluations |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of PerformanceEvaluations |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of PerformanceEvaluations |
ReviewPeriodId | Long | ReviewPeriodId of PerformanceEvaluations |
TmplPeriodId | Long | TmplPeriodId of PerformanceEvaluations |
TemplateTypeCode | String | TemplateTypeCode of PerformanceEvaluations |
TemplateDefnId | Long | TemplateDefnId of PerformanceEvaluations |
EvalStatus | String | EvalStatus of PerformanceEvaluations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
LatestPerformanceDocument | String | LatestPerformanceDocument |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId [KEY] | Long | PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId of PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
EvalRoleId [KEY] | Long | EvalRoleId of PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
RoleTypeCode | String | RoleTypeCode of PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
MinimumNumberPcpns | Long | MinimumNumberPcpns of PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
MatrixParticipantFlag | Bool | MatrixParticipantFlag of PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
EvaluationId | Long | EvaluationId |
LatestPerformanceDocument | String | LatestPerformanceDocument |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId [KEY] | Long | PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
RolesEvalRoleId [KEY] | Long | RolesEvalRoleId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
EvalParticipantId [KEY] | Long | EvalParticipantId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
EvalRoleId | Long | EvalRoleId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
ParticipationStatusCode | String | ParticipationStatusCode of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
RoleTypeCode | String | RoleTypeCode of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
DueDate | Date | DueDate of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
FdbackCompletionDate | Datetime | FdbackCompletionDate of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
MatrixParticipantFlag | Bool | MatrixParticipantFlag of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
EvaluationId | Long | EvaluationId |
LatestPerformanceDocument | String | LatestPerformanceDocument |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId [KEY] | Long | PerformanceEvaluationsEvaluationId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
RolesEvalRoleId [KEY] | Long | RolesEvalRoleId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
ParticipantsEvalParticipantId [KEY] | Long | ParticipantsEvalParticipantId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
EvalStepId [KEY] | Long | EvalStepId of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
StepCode | String | StepCode of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
StepStatus | String | StepStatus of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
DueDate | Date | DueDate of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
TaskName | String | TaskName of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
TaskStatus | String | TaskStatus of PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
EvaluationId | Long | EvaluationId |
LatestPerformanceDocument | String | LatestPerformanceDocument |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GoalId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the performance goal. |
GoalName | String | Name of the performance goal. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person who's assigned the performance goal. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the person who's assigned the performance goal. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's assignment. |
Description | String | Description of the performance goal. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the performance goal. |
Status | String | Status code of the performance goal. |
TargetCompletionDate | Date | Target completion date for the performance goal. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of the status of the performance goal. |
PercentComplete | String | Completion percentage of the performance goal. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInId | Long | CheckInId |
GoalPlanGoalId | Long | GoalPlanGoalId |
ManualGoalsFlag | String | ManualGoalsFlag |
ReviewPeriodId | Long | ReviewPeriodId |
SingleGoalFlag | String | SingleGoalFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonalPaymentMethodId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the personal payment method. |
Name | String | Name of the personal payment method. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the date range within which the personal payment method is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the date range within which the personal payment method is effective. |
OrgPaymentMethodId | Long | Unique identifier of the organization payment method associated with the personal payment method. |
BankAccountId | Long | Unique identifier of the bank account associated with the personal payment method. |
PaymentAmountType | String | Payment type associated with the personal payment method, such as check. |
Amount | Double | Amount to be paid using this payment method, such as $200 per payroll period. |
Percentage | Double | Percentage value to be paid using this payment method, such as 5%. |
Priority | Long | Order in which the personal payment methods are processed. The personal payment method with priority 1 is processed first. |
PayrollRelationshipId | Long | Payroll relationship associated with this personal payment method. |
PartyId [KEY] | Long | PartyId of PersonalPaymentMethods |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PersonalPaymentMethods |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
NoteId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key of the note. |
AuthorId | Long | Person identifier of the author of the note. |
AuthorNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the author of the note. |
WorkerId | Long | Person identifier of the worker who's the subject of the note. |
WorkerNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the worker who's the subject of the note. |
ContextType | String | Context type of the note. Supply value is ORA_NO_CONTEXT. |
NoteText | String | Text of the note. |
NoteVisibilityCode | String | Visibility of the note. Valid options are: ALL, MANAGERS, MANAGERS_AND_SUBJECT, PRIVATE, SUBJECT, MANAGERS_SUBJECT_PEERS. Administrators can remove any of the options via configuration for the specified context type. |
ContextId | Long | Context identifier of the note. |
ContextType2 | String | Additional context type of the note. |
ContextId2 | Long | Additional context identifier of the note. |
HiddenFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the note is hidden or shown. The default value is Show. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the note. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the note was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the note. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the note was created. |
AuthorName | String | Name of the note author. |
WorkerName | String | Name of the worker who's the subject of the note. |
AuthorKnownAs | String | Preferred name of the author of the note. |
WorkerKnownAs | String | Preferred name of the worker who's the subject of the note. |
HideShowNonRecipientFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a user who isn't the recipient or the author of the note has the Hide or Show privilege. The default value is false. |
DeleteNonAuthorFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a user who isn't the author of the note has the Delete privilege. The default value is false. |
ThankYouFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the user can send a thank you note. The default value is false. |
ForeignKeyReferenceFlag | Bool | Indicates whether another application has created a reference to a note. The default value is false. |
NoteVisibilityMeaning | String | Meaning of the visibility code. |
CardTitle | String | Card title of a celebration note. |
ImageReferenceURL | String | Image reference URL of a celebration note. |
HideShowFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a user has the Hide or Show privilege. The default value is false. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInMeetingId | Long | CheckInMeetingId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContextType | String | ContextType of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToAllFlag | Bool | VisibleToAllFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToManagersOnlyFlag | Bool | VisibleToManagersOnlyFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToManagersAndWorkerFlag | Bool | VisibleToManagersAndWorkerFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToAuthorOnlyFlag | Bool | VisibleToAuthorOnlyFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToWorkerFlag | Bool | VisibleToWorkerFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
VisibleToManagersWorkerPeersFlag | Bool | VisibleToManagersWorkerPeersFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
VisibilityMeaning | String | VisibilityMeaning of PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV |
VisibilityCode [KEY] | String | VisibilityCode of PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV |
DefaultNoteVisibilityFlag | Bool | DefaultNoteVisibilityFlag of PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContextType | String | ContextType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonTypeId [KEY] | Long | PersonTypeId of PersonTypesLOV |
ActiveFlag | Bool | ActiveFlag of PersonTypesLOV |
DefaultFlag | Bool | DefaultFlag of PersonTypesLOV |
UserPersonType | String | UserPersonType of PersonTypesLOV |
SystemPersonType | String | SystemPersonType of PersonTypesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PlanBalances |
PersonPlanEnrollmentId [KEY] | Long | PersonPlanEnrollmentId of PlanBalances |
PlanName | String | PlanName of PlanBalances |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of PlanBalances |
PlanType | String | PlanType of PlanBalances |
PlanStatus | String | PlanStatus of PlanBalances |
PlanStatusMeaning | String | PlanStatusMeaning of PlanBalances |
PlanDisplayStatusFlag | Bool | PlanDisplayStatusFlag of PlanBalances |
EnrollmentStartDate | Date | EnrollmentStartDate of PlanBalances |
EnrollmentEndDate | Date | EnrollmentEndDate of PlanBalances |
BalanceAsOfBalanceCalculationDate | Double | BalanceAsOfBalanceCalculationDate of PlanBalances |
BalanceCalculationDate | Date | BalanceCalculationDate of PlanBalances |
PlanUnitOfMeasure | String | PlanUnitOfMeasure of PlanBalances |
UnitOfMeasureMeaning | String | UnitOfMeasureMeaning of PlanBalances |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate of PlanBalances |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PlanBalances |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PlanBalances |
Level | String | Level of PlanBalances |
PlanEnrollmentStatus | String | PlanEnrollmentStatus of PlanBalances |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of PlanBalances |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of PlanBalances |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PlanBalances |
FormattedBalance | String | FormattedBalance of PlanBalances |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BalanceAsOfDate | Date | balanceAsOfDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanBalancespersonPlanEnrollmentId [KEY] | Long | PlanBalancespersonPlanEnrollmentId of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
PersonAccrualEntryDtlId [KEY] | Long | PersonAccrualEntryDtlId of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
TransactionDate | Date | TransactionDate of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
TransactionTypeCode | String | TransactionTypeCode of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
TransactionTypeName | String | TransactionTypeName of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
Value | String | Value of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
Status | String | Status of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
AdditionalInformation | String | AdditionalInformation of PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignmentId | Long | assignmentId |
BalanceAsOfDate | Date | balanceAsOfDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Level | String | level |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonPlanEnrollmentId | Long | personPlanEnrollmentId |
PlanId | Long | planId |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanBalancespersonPlanEnrollmentId [KEY] | Long | PlanBalancespersonPlanEnrollmentId of PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
TransactionTypeCode [KEY] | String | TransactionTypeCode of PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
TransactionTypeName | String | TransactionTypeName of PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
Value | String | Value of PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
AssignmentId | Long | assignmentId |
BalanceAsOfDate | Date | balanceAsOfDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Level | String | level |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonPlanEnrollmentId | Long | personPlanEnrollmentId |
PlanId | Long | planId |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Foreign key to HRW_BUSINESS_UNITS table. |
PositionCode | String | Code of the position. |
Name | String | Denotes the translated name of the position. |
DepartmentId | Long | Foreign Key to HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F |
JobId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_JOBS_F table. |
LocationId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_LOCATIONS table. |
EntryGradeId | Long | Identifier of the entry grade. |
EntryStepId | Long | Identifier of the entry step. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a position is active or inactive. |
RegularTemporary | String | Indicates if a position is regular or temporary. |
FTE | Double | Position full time equivalent. |
CalculateFTE | String | Indicates whether FTE should be calculated for this position. |
HiringStatus | String | Indicates the hiring status of the position, for example approved or frozen. |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates if a position is full-time or part-time. |
PositionType | String | Indicates the type of the position for example pooled or single. |
HeadCount | Int | Position headcount. |
OverlapAllowedFlag | Bool | Indicates if overlap is allowed. |
SeasonalFlag | Bool | Indicates if a position is seasonal. |
SeasonalStartDate | Date | Seasonal start date. |
SeasonalEndDate | Date | Seasonal end date. |
ProbationPeriod | Double | Number of the probation period. |
SecurityClearance | String | Indicates the security clearance of a position. |
GradeLadderId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADE_LADDERS_F |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Positions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Positions |
BudgetAmount | Double | Budget Amount for the Position. |
BudgetAmountCurrency | String | Currency in which Budget Amount is measured. |
BudgetedPositionFlag | Bool | Flag to indicate whether this is a Budgeted Position. |
CostCenter | String | Cost Center for the position. |
DelegatePositionId | Long | Position to which duties and resposibilities of the current position will be delegated when the current position is away. |
FundedByExistingPositionFlag | Bool | Flag to indicate whether this position is funded by existing positions. |
DelegatePositionCode | String | Code of Delegate Position. |
DelegatePositionBusinessUnitId | Long | Business Unit Id of Delegate Position. |
DelegatePositionBusinessUnitName | String | Business Unit Name of Delegate Position. |
CostCenterName | String | Cost Center Name of the position. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveEndDate of PositionsextraInformation |
PositionsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveStartDate of PositionsextraInformation |
PositionsPositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionsPositionId of PositionsextraInformation |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionsextraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of PositionsextraInformation |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveEndDate of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
PositionsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveStartDate of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
PositionsPositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionsPositionId of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PositionsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PositionsLov |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode of PositionsLov |
PositionName | String | PositionName of PositionsLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of PositionsLov |
HiringStatus | String | HiringStatus of PositionsLov |
JobId | Long | JobId of PositionsLov |
JobCode | String | JobCode of PositionsLov |
JobName | String | JobName of PositionsLov |
DepartmentId | Long | DepartmentId of PositionsLov |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName of PositionsLov |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of PositionsLov |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId of PositionsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IsFundingPosition | Bool | IsFundingPosition |
ParentOf | Long | ParentOf |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PositionsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PositionsLovV2 |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode of PositionsLovV2 |
PositionName | String | PositionName of PositionsLovV2 |
HiringStatus | String | HiringStatus of PositionsLovV2 |
JobCode | String | JobCode of PositionsLovV2 |
JobName | String | JobName of PositionsLovV2 |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName of PositionsLovV2 |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of PositionsLovV2 |
LocationName | String | LocationName of PositionsLovV2 |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName of PositionsLovV2 |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PositionsLovV2 |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PositionsLovV2 |
FullName | String | FullName of PositionsLovV2 |
ParentPositionCode | String | ParentPositionCode of PositionsLovV2 |
ParentPositionName | String | ParentPositionName of PositionsLovV2 |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
TypeCode | String | TypeCode |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveEndDate of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
PositionsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveStartDate of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
PositionsPositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionsPositionId of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
AtRisk | String | AtRisk of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
AtRisk_Display | String | AtRisk_Display of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
Area | String | Area of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
SpecialCode | String | SpecialCode of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveEndDate of PositionsvalidGrades |
PositionsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | PositionsEffectiveStartDate of PositionsvalidGrades |
PositionsPositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionsPositionId of PositionsvalidGrades |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADES_F table. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode |
PositionId | Long | PositionId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PositionId [KEY] | Long | PositionId of PositionTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of PositionTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of PositionTreeNodesLOV |
PositionName | String | PositionName of PositionTreeNodesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Description | String | Description of ProfilesLov |
ProfileCode | String | ProfileCode of ProfilesLov |
ProfileId [KEY] | Long | ProfileId of ProfilesLov |
Summary | String | Summary of ProfilesLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
ProfileTypeId | Long | ProfileTypeId |
ProfileUsageCode | String | ProfileUsageCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SectionId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key of the profile type section. |
Name | String | Name of the profile type section. |
Description | String | Description of the profile type section. |
ContentTypeId | Long | System-generated primary key of the content type. |
SectionContext | String | Section Context of the profile type section. |
ProfileTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the profile type. Valid values are 1 for Person Profile, 2 for Job Profile, 3 for Position Profile, 4 for Organization Profile, 11 for Prerequisite, and 10 for Requisition Profile. |
SubscriberCode | String | Code representing the subscriber of the content section. Sample values are IRC for recruiting, CONN for connections, CDEV for career development. |
TemplateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the profile type content section is a template. If true, the content section is a template and can be used to define similar content type sections. If false, the content section is defined for use within the talent profile to analyze skills and qualifications. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of PublicWorkers |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PublicWorkers |
LastName | String | LastName of PublicWorkers |
FirstName | String | FirstName of PublicWorkers |
Title | String | Title of PublicWorkers |
PreNameAdjunct | String | PreNameAdjunct of PublicWorkers |
Suffix | String | Suffix of PublicWorkers |
MiddleNames | String | MiddleNames of PublicWorkers |
Honors | String | Honors of PublicWorkers |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of PublicWorkers |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PublicWorkers |
ListName | String | ListName of PublicWorkers |
OrderName | String | OrderName of PublicWorkers |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail of PublicWorkers |
Username | String | Username of PublicWorkers |
PreviousLastName | String | PreviousLastName of PublicWorkers |
MilitaryRank | String | MilitaryRank of PublicWorkers |
FullName | String | FullName of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation1 | String | NameInformation1 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation2 | String | NameInformation2 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation3 | String | NameInformation3 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation4 | String | NameInformation4 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation5 | String | NameInformation5 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation6 | String | NameInformation6 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation7 | String | NameInformation7 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation8 | String | NameInformation8 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation9 | String | NameInformation9 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation10 | String | NameInformation10 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation11 | String | NameInformation11 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation12 | String | NameInformation12 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation13 | String | NameInformation13 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation14 | String | NameInformation14 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation15 | String | NameInformation15 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation16 | String | NameInformation16 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation17 | String | NameInformation17 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation18 | String | NameInformation18 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation19 | String | NameInformation19 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation20 | String | NameInformation20 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation21 | String | NameInformation21 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation22 | String | NameInformation22 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation23 | String | NameInformation23 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation24 | String | NameInformation24 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation25 | String | NameInformation25 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation26 | String | NameInformation26 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation27 | String | NameInformation27 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation28 | String | NameInformation28 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation29 | String | NameInformation29 of PublicWorkers |
NameInformation30 | String | NameInformation30 of PublicWorkers |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignments |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignments |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignments |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of PublicWorkersassignments |
LegalEmployerName | String | LegalEmployerName of PublicWorkersassignments |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of PublicWorkersassignments |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | PrimaryFlag of PublicWorkersassignments |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag of PublicWorkersassignments |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of PublicWorkersassignments |
WorkerNumber | String | WorkerNumber of PublicWorkersassignments |
WorkAtHomeFlag | Bool | WorkAtHomeFlag of PublicWorkersassignments |
FullPartTime | String | FullPartTime of PublicWorkersassignments |
ManagerName | String | ManagerName of PublicWorkersassignments |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName of PublicWorkersassignments |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName of PublicWorkersassignments |
JobCode | String | JobCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
JobName | String | JobName of PublicWorkersassignments |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
PositionName | String | PositionName of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationName | String | LocationName of PublicWorkersassignments |
GradeCode | String | GradeCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
GradeName | String | GradeName of PublicWorkersassignments |
InternalBuilding | String | InternalBuilding of PublicWorkersassignments |
InternalFloor | String | InternalFloor of PublicWorkersassignments |
InternalOfficeNumber | String | InternalOfficeNumber of PublicWorkersassignments |
InternalMailstop | String | InternalMailstop of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationAddressLine1 | String | LocationAddressLine1 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationAddressLine2 | String | LocationAddressLine2 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationAddressLine3 | String | LocationAddressLine3 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationAddressLine4 | String | LocationAddressLine4 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationRegion1 | String | LocationRegion1 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationRegion2 | String | LocationRegion2 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationRegion3 | String | LocationRegion3 of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationPostalCode | String | LocationPostalCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationLongPostalCode | String | LocationLongPostalCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationTimezoneCode | String | LocationTimezoneCode of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationSingleLineAddress | String | LocationSingleLineAddress of PublicWorkersassignments |
LocationMultiLineAddress | String | LocationMultiLineAddress of PublicWorkersassignments |
LengthOfServiceYears | Int | LengthOfServiceYears of PublicWorkersassignments |
LengthOfServiceMonths | Int | LengthOfServiceMonths of PublicWorkersassignments |
LengthOfServiceDays | Int | LengthOfServiceDays of PublicWorkersassignments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
DepartmentId | Long | DepartmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
FirstName | String | FirstName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
LastName | String | LastName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
RelationshipType [KEY] | String | RelationshipType of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
RelationshipTypeMeaning | String | RelationshipTypeMeaning of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
Level | Int | Level of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | ManagerPersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
ManagerAssignmentNumber | String | ManagerAssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
Photo | String | Photo of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
DepartmentId [KEY] | Long | DepartmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
Name | String | Name of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerPersonId | String | ManagerPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | ManagerPersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerLastName | String | ManagerLastName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerFirstName | String | ManagerFirstName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerDisplayName | String | ManagerDisplayName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
ManagerKnownAs | String | ManagerKnownAs of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
PhotoId | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
WorkerCount | Double | WorkerCount of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | LocationId of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
LocationName | String | LocationName of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
WorkerCount | Double | WorkerCount of PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
FirstName | String | FirstName of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
LastName | String | LastName of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
RelationshipType [KEY] | String | RelationshipType of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
RelationshipTypeMeaning | String | RelationshipTypeMeaning of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PhotoId | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
Photo | String | Photo of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
DirectReportsCount | Double | DirectReportsCount of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
AllReportsCount | Double | AllReportsCount of PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
Name | String | Name of PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentSupervisorId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentSupervisorId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerPersonId | Long | ManagerPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | ManagerPersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
FirstName | String | FirstName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
LastName | String | LastName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | ManagerAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerAssignmentNumber | String | ManagerAssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerAssignmentName | String | ManagerAssignmentName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerType | String | ManagerType of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
ManagerTypeMeaning | String | ManagerTypeMeaning of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
JobCode | String | JobCode of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
JobName | String | JobName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PositionCode | String | PositionCode of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PositionName | String | PositionName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
Photo | String | Photo of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail of PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
AsgResponsibilityId [KEY] | Long | AsgResponsibilityId of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
ResponsibilityType | String | ResponsibilityType of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
ResponsibilityName | String | ResponsibilityName of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
FirstName | String | FirstName of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
LastName | String | LastName of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkContactsFlag | Bool | WorkContactsFlag of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
Photo | String | Photo of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail of PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersmessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of PublicWorkersmessages |
MessageContent | String | MessageContent of PublicWorkersmessages |
FromDate | Datetime | FromDate of PublicWorkersmessages |
ToDate | Datetime | ToDate of PublicWorkersmessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | DeliveryMethodId of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
Provider | String | Provider of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
AccountName | String | AccountName of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
DateStart | Date | DateStart of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
DateEnd | Date | DateEnd of PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersphones |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of PublicWorkersphones |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | PrimaryFlag of PublicWorkersphones |
PhoneType | String | PhoneType of PublicWorkersphones |
PhoneTypeMeaning | String | PhoneTypeMeaning of PublicWorkersphones |
CountryCodeNumber | String | CountryCodeNumber of PublicWorkersphones |
AreaCode | String | AreaCode of PublicWorkersphones |
PhoneNumber | String | PhoneNumber of PublicWorkersphones |
Extension | String | Extension of PublicWorkersphones |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PublicWorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | PublicWorkersPersonId of PublicWorkersphotos |
PhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotoId of PublicWorkersphotos |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | PrimaryFlag of PublicWorkersphotos |
PhotoType | String | PhotoType of PublicWorkersphotos |
PhotoName | String | PhotoName of PublicWorkersphotos |
Photo | String | Photo of PublicWorkersphotos |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DirectReportsFlag | Bool | DirectReportsFlag |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LineManagerFlag | Bool | LineManagerFlag |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
LocationTownOrCity | String | LocationTownOrCity |
OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | OnlyPrimaryAssignmentFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PositionName | String | PositionName |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
WorkEmail | String | WorkEmail |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionAnswerId [KEY] | Long | QuestionAnswerId of QuestionAnswersLOV |
QuestionCode | String | QuestionCode of QuestionAnswersLOV |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId of QuestionAnswersLOV |
QuestionVersionNumber | Long | QuestionVersionNumber of QuestionAnswersLOV |
LongText | String | LongText of QuestionAnswersLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QuestionAnswersLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QuestionAnswersLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QuestionAnswersLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QuestionAnswersLOV |
AnswerCode | String | AnswerCode of QuestionAnswersLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContainQuestionnaires | String | ContainQuestionnaires of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
ContainQuestions | String | ContainQuestions of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
ParentCategoryId | Long | ParentCategoryId of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
SubscriberId | Long | SubscriberId of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
Name | String | Name of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
CategoryId [KEY] | Long | CategoryId of QuestionnaireFoldersLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireQuestionId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the question in a questionnaire definition. |
QuestionnaireCode | String | Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a questionnaire defined for a subscriber. |
QuestionCode | String | User-defined identifier of the question definition. |
QuestionText | String | Text displayed as the question in the questionnaire. |
QuestionId | Long | System-generated primary key for the question definition. |
QuestionVersionNumber | Long | Version number of the question. |
QuestionType | String | Type of the question such as Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Text, or No Response. |
AdhocQuestion | String | Indicates whether the question is an additional question added by a person requesting a response to the questionnaire. If the value is Y, the question is displayed only to specific participants as part of specific requests. If the value is N, the question is displayed to all participants for all requests. |
AttachmentAllowed | String | Indicates whether the question is supported by attachments from the respondent. Valid values are Y and N. |
Mandatory | String | Indicates whether the respondent needs to answer a question in a questionnaire. Valid values are Y and N. |
MaximumLength | String | Minimum number of characters that the respondent must provide when answering a text type of question. |
MinimumLength | Long | Maximum number of characters that the respondent can provide when answering a text type of question. |
MaximumSelections | Long | Minimum number of choices that the respondent must select when answering a multiple choice type of question. |
MinimumSelections | Long | Maximum number of choices that the respondent can select when answering a multiple choice type of question. |
CreatedBy | String | User who added the question to the questionnaire definition. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time of addition of the question to the questionnaire definition. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time of update of the question in the questionnaire definition. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the question in the questionnaire definition. |
QuestionSequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of a question in the questionnaire and section definitions. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire. |
SectionSequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of the sections in a questionnaire definition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ResponseTypeId [KEY] | Long | ResponseTypeId of QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV |
ResponseTypeCode | String | ResponseTypeCode of QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV |
Name | String | Name of QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV |
QuestionType | String | QuestionType of QuestionnaireResponseTypesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireCode | String | Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a questionnaire defined for a subscriber. |
Description | String | Description of the questionnaire. |
VersionNumber [KEY] | Long | Version number of the questionnaire. Version Number should be 1 when a new questionnaire is created. |
VersionDescription | String | Description provided when a new version of a questionnaire is created. |
SubscriberId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the subscriber. |
SubscriberCode | String | Code for the subscriber using the questionnaire. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV. |
SubscriberName | String | SubscriberName of Questionnaires |
FolderId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored. |
FolderName | String | Name of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored. |
ScoreQuestionnaireFlag | Bool | ScoreQuestionnaireFlag of Questionnaires |
Status | String | Status of the questionnaire. Valid values include A (Active), I (Inactive) and D (Draft). |
StatusMeaning | String | StatusMeaning of Questionnaires |
Editor | String | Name of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire marked as private. |
EditorPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire that is marked private. |
InUse | String | InUse of Questionnaires |
InUseMeaning | String | InUseMeaning of Questionnaires |
PrivacyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the questionnaire is private. If a questionnaire is marked private, only the person specified by the editor attribute can edit the questionnaire. The default value is false. |
PrivacyMeaning | String | PrivacyMeaning of Questionnaires |
CalculationRule | String | Calculation rule code for questionnaires that are scored. |
CalculationRuleMeaning | String | CalculationRuleMeaning of Questionnaires |
InstructionText | String | Instructions or additional information for the questionnaire. |
SectionOrder | String | Code that shows the ordering sequence of the questionnaire sections. A value of R (Random) will randomize the sections and a value of S (Sequential) will present the sections in the defined sequence. |
SectionOrderMeaning | String | SectionOrderMeaning of Questionnaires |
SectionPresentation | String | Code that shows if the sections are displayed as stacked regions if the value is S or if the questions are presented without any sections when the value is N. |
SectionPresentationMeaning | String | SectionPresentationMeaning of Questionnaires |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of Questionnaires |
LatestVersionFlag | Bool | LatestVersionFlag of Questionnaires |
QuestionnaireTemplateId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire template. |
QuestionnaireTemplateCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the questionnaire template referred by the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireTemplateName | String | QuestionnaireTemplateName of Questionnaires |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionnaires |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionnaires |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionnaires |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionnaires |
LayoutOption | String | Presentation format for questions in a questionnaire. This configuration is only available for Touchpoints subscribers. |
LayoutOptionMeaning | String | LayoutOptionMeaning of Questionnaires |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId of Questionnairesattachments |
QuestionnairesVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesVersionNumber of Questionnairesattachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionnairesattachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionnairesattachments |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE or TEXT or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached to the questionnaire. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
UserName | String | UserName of Questionnairesattachments |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. This is a read-only attribute. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionnairesattachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionnairesattachments |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | LastUpdatedByUserName of Questionnairesattachments |
CreatedByUserName | String | CreatedByUserName of Questionnairesattachments |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | FileWebImage of Questionnairesattachments |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CalculationRuleCode | String | CalculationRuleCode of QuestionnairesLOV |
CategoryId | Long | CategoryId of QuestionnairesLOV |
Description | String | Description of QuestionnairesLOV |
InUse | String | InUse of QuestionnairesLOV |
IntroText | String | IntroText of QuestionnairesLOV |
LatestVersion | String | LatestVersion of QuestionnairesLOV |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of QuestionnairesLOV |
Name | String | Name of QuestionnairesLOV |
PageLayout | String | PageLayout of QuestionnairesLOV |
PrivacyFlag | Bool | PrivacyFlag of QuestionnairesLOV |
QstnrTemplateId | Long | QstnrTemplateId of QuestionnairesLOV |
QstnrVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QstnrVersionNumber of QuestionnairesLOV |
QstnsPERPage | Long | QstnsPERPage of QuestionnairesLOV |
QuestionnaireCode | String | QuestionnaireCode of QuestionnairesLOV |
QuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireId of QuestionnairesLOV |
ScoredFlag | Bool | ScoredFlag of QuestionnairesLOV |
SectionOrder | String | SectionOrder of QuestionnairesLOV |
SectionPresentation | String | SectionPresentation of QuestionnairesLOV |
Status | String | Status of QuestionnairesLOV |
SubscriberId | Long | SubscriberId of QuestionnairesLOV |
TemplateFlag | Bool | TemplateFlag of QuestionnairesLOV |
VersionDescription | String | VersionDescription of QuestionnairesLOV |
SubscriberCode | String | SubscriberCode of QuestionnairesLOV |
CategoryName | String | CategoryName of QuestionnairesLOV |
Owner | String | Owner of QuestionnairesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
Include | String | Include |
ListOfCategoryIDs | String | ListOfCategoryIDs |
ListOfQstnrIDs | String | ListOfQstnrIDs |
ListOfQstnrTmpltIDs | String | ListOfQstnrTmpltIDs |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId of Questionnairessections |
QuestionnairesVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesVersionNumber of Questionnairessections |
SectionId [KEY] | Long | SectionId of Questionnairessections |
SectionName | String | Name of the questionnaire section. |
Description | String | The description of the questionnaire section. |
SectionSequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number for a section in a questionnaire. |
QuestionOrder | String | Setting that shows the ordering sequence for the questions in a questionnaire section. Valid values include V(Vertical) for presenting the questions in defined sequence and R (Random) for presenting questions in random order. |
QuestionOrderMeaning | String | QuestionOrderMeaning of Questionnairessections |
ResponseOrder | String | Code that shows the ordering sequence for the answer choices in questions included in a questionnaire section. Valid values include V(Vertical) for presenting the answer choices in a question in the defined sequence and R (Random) for presenting answer choices in random order. |
ResponseOrderMeaning | String | ResponseOrderMeaning of Questionnairessections |
AllowAdditionalQuestionsFlag | Bool | AllowAdditionalQuestionsFlag of Questionnairessections |
Mandatory | String | Indicates whether the questionnaire section is mandatory. Valid values are Y and N. The default value is N. |
RandomSampleSize | Long | Defines the number of questions to be presented to the participant of a questionnaire, when the question order is set to random. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionnairessections |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionnairessections |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionnairessections |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionnairessections |
IntroText | String | Introduction text for the questionnaire section. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
QuestionnairesVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesVersionNumber of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
SectionsSectionId [KEY] | Long | SectionsSectionId of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
QuestionnaireQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireQuestionId of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
QuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the question. |
QuestionCode | String | Question code for the question used in the questionnaire template section. Valid values are defined in the list questionsLOV. |
QuestionText | String | QuestionText of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
VersionNumber | Long | Version number of the question in the questionnaire. |
QuestionType | String | QuestionType of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
QuestionTypeMeaning | String | QuestionTypeMeaning of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ResponseType | String | Response type for the question when presented to the participant. Valid values are defined in the questionnaireResponseTypesLOV. |
ResponseTypeMeaning | String | ResponseTypeMeaning of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
MandatoryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the response to this question is mandatory. Participants cannot skip this question without an answer. The default value is false. |
ResponseOrder | String | ResponseOrder of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ResponseOrderMeaning | String | ResponseOrderMeaning of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
SampleSize | Long | SampleSize of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ControllingQuestionId | Long | ControllingQuestionId of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ControllingQuestionCode | String | ControllingQuestionCode of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ControllingAnswerId | Long | ControllingAnswerId of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ControllingAnswerCode | String | ControllingAnswerCode of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ConditionalDisplayFlag | Bool | ConditionalDisplayFlag of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
MaximumThresholdScore | Long | Maximum score limit for the question when the total score is calculated for a response to the question. |
MinimumThresholdScore | Long | Minimum score limit for the question when the total score is calculated for a response to the question. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of the question in a questionnaire template section. |
AdhocQuestion | String | AdhocQuestion of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
LockQuestionFlag | Bool | LockQuestionFlag of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
Status | String | Status of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ResponseMaximumLength | String | ResponseMaximumLength of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ResponseMinimumLength | Long | ResponseMinimumLength of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
MaximumResponses | Long | MaximumResponses of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
MinimumResponses | Long | MinimumResponses of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
AllowAttachmentsFlag | Bool | AllowAttachmentsFlag of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
ScoredFlag | Bool | ScoredFlag of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
InstructionsText | String | InstructionsText of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
AllowAdditionalCommentsFlag | Bool | AllowAdditionalCommentsFlag of Questionnairessectionsquestions |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
QuestionnairesVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesVersionNumber of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
SectionsSectionId [KEY] | Long | SectionsSectionId of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
QuestionsQuestionnaireQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionnaireQuestionId of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
QuestionAnswerId [KEY] | Long | QuestionAnswerId of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
ResponseCode | String | ResponseCode of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
ShortDescription | String | ShortDescription of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
Score | Long | Score of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
ResponseFeedback | String | ResponseFeedback of Questionnairessectionsquestionsanswers |
AnswerAttachments | String | answerAttachments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesQuestionnaireId of QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
QuestionnairesVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionnairesVersionNumber of QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
SectionsSectionId [KEY] | Long | SectionsSectionId of QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
QuestionsQuestionnaireQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionnaireQuestionId of QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SubscriberName | String | SubscriberName of QuestionnaireSubscribersLOV |
SubscriberId [KEY] | Long | SubscriberId of QuestionnaireSubscribersLOV |
SubscriberCode | String | SubscriberCode of QuestionnaireSubscribersLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QstnrTemplateId [KEY] | Long | QstnrTemplateId of QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
QstnrTemplateName | String | QstnrTemplateName of QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
QstnrTemplateCode | String | QstnrTemplateCode of QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId of QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question. |
QuestionCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a question defined for a subscriber. |
QuestionText | String | Text of the question being asked. |
VersionNumber [KEY] | Long | Version number of the question. New questions must have a version number of 1. |
VersionDescription | String | Description provided by the user when a new version of the question is created. |
LatestVersion | String | LatestVersion of Questions |
SubscriberId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the subscriber. |
SubscriberCode | String | Code for the subscriber using the question. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV. |
SubscriberName | String | Name of the subscriber that the question is used for. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV. |
FolderId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the folder where the question is stored. |
FolderName | String | Name of the folder where the question is stored. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireFoldersLOV. Valid values include Active, Draft and Inactive. |
Status | String | Status of the question. Valid values are A for Active, I for Inactive and D for Draft. |
StatusMeaning | String | StatusMeaning of Questions |
QuestionType | String | Code identifying the type of the question. Valid values are in the list commonLookupsLOV. |
QuestionTypeMeaning | String | QuestionTypeMeaning of Questions |
ResponseTypeId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the response type for the question. |
ResponseType | String | Response type allowed for the question. Valid values are included in the list questionnaireResponseTypesLOV. |
ResponseTypeMeaning | String | ResponseTypeMeaning of Questions |
PrivacyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the question is restricted for edits. A value of true indicates the question is private and can only be edited by the person specified as the owner. |
PrivacyMeaning | String | PrivacyMeaning of Questions |
ResponseMinimumLength | Long | Minimum expected length of responses for a question of text response type. |
ResponseMaximumLength | String | Maximum allowed length of responses for a question of text response type. |
MinimumResponses | Long | Minimum number of answer choices that can be selected by a participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
MaximumResponses | Long | Maximum number of answer choices that can be selected by a participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
Editor | String | Person Identifier of the person having the privileges to edit the question, if the question is marked as private. Required if question is marked as private. |
EditorPersonNumber | String | Person number of the person with privileges to edit the question marked private. Required if question is marked as private. |
EditorPersonName | String | EditorPersonName of Questions |
ResponseOrder | String | Code that shows whether the answer choices are presented in random sequence or in the defined sequence. Valid values include R to randomize the answer choices defined and V (vertical) to present the answer choices in the defined order. |
ResponseOrderMeaning | String | ResponseOrderMeaning of Questions |
SampleSize | Long | Maximum number of answer choices presented to the participant when responding to the question. |
AllowAttachmentsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an attachment is allowed as a response to the question. |
RatingModelId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the rating model used to define the answer choices for the question. |
RatingModelCode | String | Code identifying the rating model that is used to define the answer choices for the question. |
RatingModelName | String | RatingModelName of Questions |
ScoredFlag | Bool | Indicates the question is used in the score calculation. |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of Questions |
ClassificationCode | String | Code classifying the use of the question defined for Recruiting subscribers, like prescreening, disqualification, etc. Valid values are in the list commonLookupsLOV. |
ClassificationMeaning | String | ClassificationMeaning of Questions |
CandidateCode | String | Code identifying the candidate type to whom the question applies to. This is to be used by the Recruiting subscriber questions only. |
CandidateCodeMeaning | String | CandidateCodeMeaning of Questions |
AllLocationsFlag | Bool | AllLocationsFlag of Questions |
AllOrganizationsFlag | Bool | AllOrganizationsFlag of Questions |
AllJobFamiliesFlag | Bool | AllJobFamiliesFlag of Questions |
AllJobFunctionsFlag | Bool | AllJobFunctionsFlag of Questions |
ConditionalDisplayFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a question is conditionally displayed. When this is set to Y, controlling question code and controlling response are mandatory. |
ControllingQuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the controlling question. Required if the conditional display is set to Y. |
ControllingQuestionCode | String | Question code for the controlling question, response to which determines if the question is to be displayed or not. |
ControllingAnswerId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the controlling answer. Required if the conditional display is set to Y. |
ControllingAnswerCode | String | Answer to the controlling question that determines if the question is to be displayed or not. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questions |
MinimumThresholdScore | Long | Minimum allowed score for the question when answered. |
MaximumThresholdScore | Long | Maximum allowed score for the question when answered. |
UpdateAllowedFlag | Bool | UpdateAllowedFlag of Questions |
AdhocFlag | Bool | AdhocFlag of Questions |
OverrideDescriptionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the answer defined in a question came from a rating model level and if the description of the rating level was changed in the question. |
MaximumDate | Date | Latest date to be supported as the response when a participant responds to a question. |
MinimumDate | Date | Earliest date to be supported as the response when a participant responds to a question. |
InstructionsText | String | Instructions or additional information for the question. |
AllowAdditionalCommentsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a participant can provide additional comments while responding to a question. Valid values are Y and N. The default value is N. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of Questionsanswers |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of Questionsanswers |
QuestionAnswerId [KEY] | Long | QuestionAnswerId of Questionsanswers |
AnswerCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the answer choice for a subscriber. |
CorrectFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the answer choice is correct or incorrect for a question. |
Score | Long | Score for the answer choice. |
ShortAnswerText | String | Short text of the answer choice. |
ResponseFeedback | String | Feedback provided to the participant when the answer choice is chosen. |
RatingLevelId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the rating level from which the answer choice is created. |
RatingLevelName | String | RatingLevelName of Questionsanswers |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionsanswers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionsanswers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionsanswers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionsanswers |
LongAnswerText | String | Answer text presented to the participant as a choice for a question when responding to a questionnaire. |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence in which the answer choice is presented during response by a participant. |
AddlQuestionnaireId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire sent to candidates from whom additional information is requested. Used only for the Recruiting subscriber. |
AddlQuestionnaireVersionNumber | Long | Version number of the additional questionnaire sent to the participant. Used only for the Recruiting subsciriber. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of Questionsanswersattachments |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of Questionsanswersattachments |
AnswersQuestionAnswerId [KEY] | Long | AnswersQuestionAnswerId of Questionsanswersattachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionsanswersattachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionsanswersattachments |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type supported for the question. Only FILE attachment is supported. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached to the questionnaire template. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | UserName of Questionsanswersattachments |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionsanswersattachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionsanswersattachments |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | LastUpdatedByUserName of Questionsanswersattachments |
CreatedByUserName | String | CreatedByUserName of Questionsanswersattachments |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | FileWebImage of Questionsanswersattachments |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of Questionsattachments |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of Questionsattachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Questionsattachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Questionsattachments |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type supported for the question. Only FILE attachment is supported. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached to the questionnaire template. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | UserName of Questionsattachments |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Questionsattachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Questionsattachments |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | LastUpdatedByUserName of Questionsattachments |
CreatedByUserName | String | CreatedByUserName of Questionsattachments |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | FileWebImage of Questionsattachments |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string that contains information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
QuestionContextId [KEY] | Long | QuestionContextId of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
JobFamilyId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the job family defined as a context to the question. |
JobFamilyName | String | Name of the job family context defined for the question. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QuestionsjobFamilyContexts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
QuestionContextId [KEY] | Long | QuestionContextId of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
JobFunctionCode | String | Code of the job function context defined for the question. |
JobFunction | String | JobFunction of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QuestionsjobFunctionContexts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of QuestionslocationContexts |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of QuestionslocationContexts |
QuestionContextId [KEY] | Long | QuestionContextId of QuestionslocationContexts |
LocationId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the recruiting location defined as a context to the question. |
LocationName | String | Name of the recruiting location context defined for the question. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QuestionslocationContexts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QuestionslocationContexts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QuestionslocationContexts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QuestionslocationContexts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AdhocFlag | Bool | AdhocFlag of QuestionsLOV |
AllJobFamiliesFlag | Bool | AllJobFamiliesFlag of QuestionsLOV |
AllJobFunctionsFlag | Bool | AllJobFunctionsFlag of QuestionsLOV |
AllLocationsFlag | Bool | AllLocationsFlag of QuestionsLOV |
AllOrganizationsFlag | Bool | AllOrganizationsFlag of QuestionsLOV |
AttachmentAllowed | String | AttachmentAllowed of QuestionsLOV |
CandidateCode | String | CandidateCode of QuestionsLOV |
CategoryId | Long | CategoryId of QuestionsLOV |
ClassificationCode | String | ClassificationCode of QuestionsLOV |
LatestVersion | String | LatestVersion of QuestionsLOV |
MaximumLength | String | MaximumLength of QuestionsLOV |
MaximumPossibleScore | Long | MaximumPossibleScore of QuestionsLOV |
MaximumSelections | Long | MaximumSelections of QuestionsLOV |
MaximumThresholdScore | Long | MaximumThresholdScore of QuestionsLOV |
MinimumLength | Long | MinimumLength of QuestionsLOV |
MinimumSelections | Long | MinimumSelections of QuestionsLOV |
MinimumThresholdScore | Long | MinimumThresholdScore of QuestionsLOV |
Owner | String | Owner of QuestionsLOV |
PrivacyFlag | Bool | PrivacyFlag of QuestionsLOV |
QstnVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QstnVersionNumber of QuestionsLOV |
QuestionCode | String | QuestionCode of QuestionsLOV |
QuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionId of QuestionsLOV |
QuestionText | String | QuestionText of QuestionsLOV |
QuestionTypeCode | String | QuestionTypeCode of QuestionsLOV |
RatingModelId | Long | RatingModelId of QuestionsLOV |
ResponseTypeId | Long | ResponseTypeId of QuestionsLOV |
ScoredFlag | Bool | ScoredFlag of QuestionsLOV |
Status | String | Status of QuestionsLOV |
SubscriberId | Long | SubscriberId of QuestionsLOV |
VersionDescription | String | VersionDescription of QuestionsLOV |
SubscriberCode | String | SubscriberCode of QuestionsLOV |
CategoryName | String | CategoryName of QuestionsLOV |
QuestionType | String | QuestionType of QuestionsLOV |
MaximumDate | Date | MaximumDate of QuestionsLOV |
MinimumDate | Date | MinimumDate of QuestionsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
ListOfCandidateCodes | String | ListOfCandidateCodes |
ListOfJobFamilyIds | String | ListOfJobFamilyIds |
ListOfJobFunctionCodes | String | ListOfJobFunctionCodes |
ListOfLocationIds | String | ListOfLocationIds |
ListOfOrganizationIds | String | ListOfOrganizationIds |
ListOfQstnClassificationCodes | String | ListOfQstnClassificationCodes |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionsQuestionId [KEY] | Long | QuestionsQuestionId of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
QuestionsVersionNumber [KEY] | Long | QuestionsVersionNumber of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
QuestionContextId [KEY] | Long | QuestionContextId of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
OrganizationId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the recruiting organization defined as a context for the question. |
OrganizationName | String | Name of the recruiting organization defined as a context for the question. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QuestionsorganizationContexts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | QuestionId |
VersionNumber | Long | VersionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
NumericRating | Double | Numeric value of the rating level used for calculations. |
RatingDescription | String | Description of the rating. |
RatingLevelCode | String | Unique key that identifies the rating level in the application. |
RatingLevelId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key of the rating level. |
RatingModelId | Long | System-generated primary key of the rating model. |
RatingShortDescr | String | Short description of the rating. |
ReviewRatingDescr | String | Complete description of the rating. |
RatingModelCode | String | Code associated with the rating model. |
RatingModelName | String | Name of the rating model. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SectionContext | String | SectionContext |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RatingModelId [KEY] | Long | RatingModelId of RatingModelsLOV |
RatingModelCode | String | RatingModelCode of RatingModelsLOV |
RatingName | String | RatingName of RatingModelsLOV |
RatingDescription | String | RatingDescription of RatingModelsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionReason | String | ActionReason of ReasonsLOV |
ActionReasonCode | String | ActionReasonCode of ReasonsLOV |
ActionReasonId [KEY] | Long | ActionReasonId of ReasonsLOV |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms of ReasonsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | ID of the person. |
CandidateNumber | String | Number of a candidate. |
FirstName | String | First Name of a candidate. |
LastName | String | Last Name of a candidate. |
CandidateName | String | Name of a candidate. |
Location | String | Location of a candidate. |
CandidateNameWithNumber | String | Name and number of a candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AgencyId | Long | AgencyId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AgentId [KEY] | Long | ID of a recruiting agent. |
AgentName | String | Name of a recruiting agent. |
AgencyName | String | Name of a recruiting agency. |
RequisitionId | String | Requisition identifier of the job posting. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JobFamilyId | Long | JobFamilyId |
LocationIds | String | LocationIds |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AccountSpAssgmntId [KEY] | Long | Account screening package assignment identifier in the background check screening packages list. |
ScrPkgCode | String | Screening package code in the background check screening packages list. |
ScrPkgDescription | String | Screening package description in the background check screening packages list. |
ScrPkgName | String | Screening package name in the background check screening packages list. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | Long | AccountId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
ProvisioningId | Long | ProvisioningId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PartnerId [KEY] | String | Partner ID in the recruiting background check account packages. |
ClientReferenceKey | String | Client reference key in the recruiting background check account packages. |
PartnerUsername [KEY] | String | Partner user name in the recruiting background check account packages. |
ActiveFlag | Bool | Active indicator in the recruiting background check account packages. |
Description | String | Description in the recruiting background check account packages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagesPartnerId [KEY] | String | Finds the recruiting background check account packages using a unique ID and partner ID |
RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagesPartnerUsername [KEY] | String | Finds the recruiting background check account packages using a unique ID and the partner user name |
PackageCode [KEY] | String | Code of the recruiting background check account packages. |
PackageName | String | Name of the recruiting background check account packages. |
Description | String | Description of packages in the recruiting background check account packages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PartnerId | String | PartnerId |
PartnerUsername | String | PartnerUsername |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DupChkLogId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the candidate duplicate check. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID of the candidate for which a duplicate candidate check was done. |
DupStrength | String | Match score obtained for the candidate duplicate check. |
DupStrengthCount | Long | Number of duplicate candidates that have the highest match score. |
RequestedBy | String | User who initiated the candidate duplicate check. |
RequestedOn | String | Date and time when the candidate duplicate check was initiated. |
SubmissionId | Long | Job application ID for which a candidate duplicate check was automatically triggered. |
StateId | Long | State ID when the candidate duplicate check was automatically triggered. |
PhaseId | Long | Phase ID when the candidate duplicate check was automatically triggered. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
PPersonId | Long | pPersonId |
Name | Type | Description |
PartnerId [KEY] | String | Partner ID in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
ClientReferenceKey [KEY] | String | Client reference key in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
CandidateToken | String | Candidate Token in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
CandidateNumber | String | Candidate Number in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
NationalIdentifierNumber | String | National identifier number in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
NationalIdentifierType | String | National identifier type in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place of issue in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code in the recruiting candidate PII data. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PoolId [KEY] | Long | Pool ID in the candidate pools LOV. |
PoolName | String | Pool Name in the candidate pools LOV. |
Job | String | Job in the candidate pools LOV. |
OwnerName | String | Owner Name in the candidate pools LOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PoolTypeCode | String | PoolTypeCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Candidate number in recruiting candidates. |
PreferredLanguage | String | Preferred language in recruiting candidates. |
LastName | String | Last name in recruiting candidates. |
MiddleNames | String | Middle names in recruiting candidates. |
FirstName | String | First name in recruiting candidates. |
Title | String | Title in recruiting candidates. |
Suffix | String | Suffix in recruiting candidates. |
PreNameAdjunct | String | Previous name adjunct in recruiting candidates. |
KnownAs | String | Known as in recruiting candidates. |
PreviousLastName | String | Previous last name in recruiting candidates. |
Honors | String | Honors in recruiting candidates. |
MilitaryRank | String | Military rank in recruiting candidates. |
FullName | String | Full name in recruiting candidates. |
DisplayName | String | Display name in recruiting candidates. |
ListName | String | List name in recruiting candidates. |
String | Email in recruiting candidates. | |
CampaignOptIn | String | Campaign opt-in feature to recruit candidates. |
SourceMedium | String | Source medium in recruiting candidates. |
SourceName | String | Source name in recruiting candidates. |
CandidateType | String | Candidate type in recruiting candidates. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID in recruiting candidates. |
CreatedBy | String | Created using in recruiting candidates. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date in recruiting candidates. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last update using in recruiting candidates. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last update date in recruiting candidates. |
CandLastModifiedDate | Datetime | Candidate Last Modified Date |
PreferredTimezone | String | Preferred time zone of the candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | Long | Search ID in the candidate saved searches list of values. |
Name | String | Name in the candidate saved searches list of values. |
CreationDate | String | Creation date in the candidate saved searches list of values. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
AddressLine1 | String | Address Line 1 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address Line 2 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address Line 3 in recruiting candidate address. |
City | String | City in recruiting candidate address. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 in recruiting candidate address. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 in recruiting candidate address. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 in recruiting candidate address. |
Country | String | Country in recruiting candidate address. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code in recruiting candidate address. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code in recruiting candidate address. |
Building | String | Building in recruiting candidate address. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number in recruiting candidate address. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Add Address Attribute 1 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Add Address Attribute 2 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Add Address Attribute 3 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Add Address Attribute 4 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Add Address Attribute 5 in recruiting candidate address. |
AddressId [KEY] | String | ID assigned to each recruiting candidate address. |
CreatedBy | String | Created using in recruiting candidate address. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date in recruiting candidate address. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last update using in recruiting candidate address. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last update date in recruiting candidate address. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
CountryCodeNumber | String | Country code number in recruiting candidate phone. |
AreaCode | String | Area code in recruiting candidate phone. |
PhoneNumber | String | Phone number in recruiting candidate phone. |
PhoneType | String | Phone type in recruiting candidate phone. |
PhoneId [KEY] | String | ID assigned to each recruiting candidate phone number. |
CreatedBy | String | Created using in recruiting candidate phone. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date in recruiting candidate phone. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last update using in recruiting candidate phone. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last update date in recruiting candidate phone. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code in recruiting candidate phone. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
EducationId [KEY] | Long | Education ID in recruiting candidate education. |
AcademicStanding | String | Academic standing in recruiting candidate education. |
ActivitySummary | String | Activity summary in recruiting candidate education. |
AreaOfStudy | String | Area of study in recruiting candidate education. |
AverageGrade | String | Average grade in recruiting candidate education. |
AwardingBody | String | Awarding body in recruiting candidate education. |
City | String | City in recruiting candidate education. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting candidate education. |
CompletedTraningUnits | String | Completed training units in recruiting candidate education. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed amount in recruiting candidate education. |
ContentItemId | Long | Content item ID in recruiting candidate education. |
CountryId | Long | Country ID in recruiting candidate education. |
DateAcquired | Date | Date acquired in recruiting candidate education. |
DegreeName | String | Degree name in recruiting candidate education. |
Department | String | Department in recruiting candidate education. |
Description | String | Description in recruiting candidate education. |
Duration | String | Duration in recruiting candidate education. |
DurationUnits | String | Duration units in recruiting candidate education. |
EduLevelCompletedFlag | Bool | Education level completed indicator in recruiting candidate education. |
EducationLevel | String | Education level in recruiting candidate education. |
EducationURL | String | Education URL in recruiting candidate education. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Education establishment in recruiting candidate education. |
EducationalEstablishmentId | Long | Education establishment ID in recruiting candidate education. |
Educator | String | Educator in recruiting candidate education. |
EndDate | Date | End date in recruiting candidate education. |
Fee | Long | Fee in recruiting candidate education. |
FeeCurrency | String | Fee currency in recruiting candidate education. |
GPA | Double | GPA in recruiting candidate education. |
GraduatedFlag | Bool | Graduated indicator in recruiting candidate education. |
HighestEduLevel | String | Highest education level in recruiting candidate education. |
Major | String | Major in recruiting candidate education. |
Minor | String | Minor in recruiting candidate education. |
PartTimeFlag | Bool | Part time indicator in recruiting candidate education. |
ProjectedCompletionDate | Date | Projected completion in recruiting candidate education. |
Reimbursements | String | Reimbursements in recruiting candidate education. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Required indicator in recruiting candidate education. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate education. |
StartDate | Date | Start date in recruiting candidate education. |
StateProvinceId | Long | State province ID in recruiting candidate education. |
Status | String | Status in recruiting candidate education. |
Title | String | Title in recruiting candidate education. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total amount in recruiting candidate education. |
TrmnlDegDiscpFlag | Bool | Terminal degree discipline indicator indicating the last degree obtained in recruiting candidate education. |
TuitionMethod | String | Tuition method in recruiting candidate education. |
YearAcquired | Long | Year acquired in recruiting candidate education. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
PreviousEmploymentId [KEY] | Long | Previous employment ID in recruiting candidate experience. |
EmployerName | String | Employer name in recruiting candidate experience. |
JobTitle | String | Job title in recruiting candidate experience. |
StartDate | Date | Start date in recruiting candidate experience. |
EndDate | Date | End date in recruiting candidate experience. |
CurrentJobFlag | Bool | Current job indicator in recruiting candidate experience. |
EmployerCountryId | Long | Employer country ID in recruiting candidate experience. |
EmployerCity | String | Employer city in recruiting candidate experience. |
Responsibilities | String | Responsibilities in recruiting candidate experience. |
FullTimeCode | String | Full time code in recruiting candidate experience. |
InternalFlag | Bool | Internal indicator in the recruiting candidate experience. |
BusinessType | String | Business type in recruiting candidate experience. |
EmployerPhone | String | Employer phone in recruiting candidate experience. |
Department | String | Department in recruiting candidate experience. |
JobFamilyId | Long | Job family ID in recruiting candidate experience. |
JobFunction | String | Job function in recruiting candidate experience. |
OtherJobFunction | String | Other job function in recruiting candidate experience. |
Achievements | String | Achievements in recruiting candidate experience. |
DirectReports | Long | Direct reports in recruiting candidate experience. |
StartingPosition | String | Starting position in recruiting candidate experience. |
SupervisorName | String | Supervisor name in recruiting candidate experience. |
SupervisorTitle | String | Supervisor title in recruiting candidate experience. |
SupervisorEmail | String | Supervisor email in recruiting candidate experience. |
SupervisorPhone | String | Supervisor phone in recruiting candidate experience. |
ContactSupervisorFlag | Bool | Contact supervisor indicator in the recruiting candidate experience. |
LeavingReason | String | Leaving reason in recruiting candidate experience. |
AdditionalInformation | String | Additional Information in recruiting candidate experience. |
StartCompensation | Double | Start compensation in recruiting candidate experience. |
EndCompensation | Double | End compensation in recruiting candidate experience. |
OtherCompensation | String | Other compensation in recruiting candidate experience. |
CompanyURL | String | Company URL in recruiting candidate experience. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate experience. |
EmployerStateId | Long | Employer state ID in recruiting candidate experience. |
ExperienceInYears | Double | Experience in years in recruiting candidate experience. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
LanguageId [KEY] | Long | Language ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
AbleToTeachFlag | Bool | Able to teach indicator in recruiting candidate languages. |
ReadingModelId | Long | Reading model ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
SpeakingModelId | Long | Speaking model ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
WritingLevelId | Long | Writing level ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
EvaluatedOn | Date | Evaluated on in recruiting candidate languages. |
Language | String | Language in recruiting candidate languages. |
NativeSpeakerFlag | Bool | Native speaker indicator in recruiting candidate languages. |
ReadingLevelId | Long | Reading level ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
SpeakingLevelId | Long | Speaking level ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
AbleToTranslateFlag | Bool | Able to translate indicator in recruiting candidate languages. |
WritingModelId | Long | Writing model ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
ContentItemId | Long | Content item ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate languages. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting candidate languages. |
EvaluationLocation | String | Evaluation location in recruiting candidate languages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
CertificationId [KEY] | Long | Certification ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
RenewalInprogressFlag | Bool | Renewal in progress indicator in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total amount in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed amount in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
EducationalEstablishmentId | Long | Educational establishment ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Educational establishment in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
RenewalDate | Date | Renewal date in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
Restrictions | String | Restrictions in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
RenewalRequiredFlag | Bool | Renewal required indicator in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
StateProvinceId | Long | State province ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
Title | String | Title in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CompletedTrainingUnits | String | Completed training units in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CertificationNumber | String | Certification number in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
VerifiedFlag | Bool | Verified indicator in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CertificationName | String | Certification name in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
ContentItemId | Long | Content item ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CountryId | Long | Country ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
IssuedBy | String | Issued using in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
LastRenewalDate | Date | Last renewal date in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
ActualCompletionDate | Date | Actual completion date in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
OriginalIssueYear | Long | Original issue year in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
Status | String | Status in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
CertificationURL | String | Certification URL in recruiting candidate licenses and certificates. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to each skill described in recruiting candidate skills. |
Skill | String | Skills described in recruiting candidate skills. |
DateAchieved | Date | Date when the skills were achieved in recruiting candidate skills. |
YearsOfExperience | Long | Years of experience in recruiting candidate skills. |
ProjectName | String | Project name or activities in recruiting candidate skills. |
Speciality | String | Specialty or skill type in recruiting candidate skills. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting candidate skills. |
Description | String | Description of recruiting candidate skills. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate skills. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCandidatesCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting candidate using unique ID and candidate number |
WorkPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Work preference ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
AllLocationsFlag | Bool | All locations preferred indicator in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
ContentItemId | Long | Content item ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency code in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
DateTo | Date | Date to in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
FlexibleWorkFlag | Bool | Flexible work required indicator in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
MinimumPay | Long | Minimum pay in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
IntlTravelFlag | Bool | International travel required indicator in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
NatTravelFrequency | String | National travel frequency in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
NatTravelFlag | Bool | Domestic travel required indicator in the recruiting candidate work preferences. |
FullTimeEquivalent | Double | Full time equivalent in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
IntlTravelRequiredFlag | Bool | International travel required indicator in the recruiting candidate work preferences. |
IntlTravelFrequency | String | International travel frequency in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
NatTravelRequiredFlag | Bool | Domestic travel required indicator in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PartAssignFlag | Bool | Part assign indicator in the recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PayFrequency | String | Pay frequency in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PayRange | String | Pay range in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
RelocateDuration | Long | Relocate duration in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
RelocateFlag | Bool | Relocate indicator in the recruiting candidate work preferences. |
RelocationReason | String | Relocation reason in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
TempAssignFlag | Bool | Temp assign indicator in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
WorkDays | String | Work days in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
WorkHours | String | Work hours in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
WorkMonths | Long | Work months in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
WorkYears | Long | Work years in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
ExcludedLocationOneId | Long | Excluded location one ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
ExcludedLocationTwoId | Long | Excluded location two ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
ExcludedLocationThreeId | Long | Excluded location three ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
ExcludedLocationFourId | Long | Excluded location four ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PreferredLocationOneId | Long | Preferred location one ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PreferredLocationTwoId | Long | Preferred location two ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PreferredLocationThreeId | Long | Preferred location three ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
PreferredLocationFourId | Long | Preferred location four ID in recruiting candidate work preferences. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Keywords | String | keywords |
PersonId | String | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
PrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key for the job application flow. |
FlowId | Long | Unique identifier for the job application flows. |
FlowCode | String | Flow code in the job application flows. |
FlowTypeCode | String | Flow type code in the job application flows. |
FlowVersionId | Long | Flow version ID in the job application flows. |
FlowName | String | Flow name for the job application flows. |
FlowVersionName | String | Flow version name for the job application flows. |
SingleClickApplyFlag | Bool | Indicates if single click apply is enabled. |
LegalEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates that the legal disclaimer is enabled. |
EsignEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates if electronic signature is enabled. |
OptinEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates if TC opt in is enabled. |
TCOptinEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates that the talent community opt-in is enabled. |
LegalDescriptionVersionId | Long | ID for the legal disclaimer version. |
EsignDescriptionVersionId | Long | ID for the version of the electronic signature. |
OptinDescriptionVersionId | Long | ID for OptinDescriptionVersion. |
EventNumber | String | Event number for the event registration flow. |
LegalDescriptionStr | String | Description of the specific legal disclaimer version. |
EsignDescriptionStr | String | Description of the specific version of the electronic signature. |
OptinDescriptionStr | String | Description of the specific opt in. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number for the job application flow. |
ProfileVersion | String | Specific version for profile. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable find the job application flow. |
Prompt | String | Display label of a flexfield. |
Value | String | Value of a flexfield. |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of a flexfield. |
ColumnName [KEY] | String | Column name of a flexfield. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EventNumber | String | EventNumber |
FlowTypeCode | String | FlowTypeCode |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable find the job application flow. |
SectionSequence | Int | Unique ID for section. |
SectionName | String | Name of a section in job application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EventNumber | String | EventNumber |
FlowTypeCode | String | FlowTypeCode |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable find the job application flow. |
PageSequence | Int | Unique ID for pages in the job application flow. |
PageName | String | Name of pages in the job application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EventNumber | String | EventNumber |
FlowTypeCode | String | FlowTypeCode |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable find the job application flow. |
PageBlockId [KEY] | Long | MetadataService in blocks. |
BlockCode | String | Unique code for blocks. |
BlockSequence | Int | Unique ID for blocks. |
HideInMobileFlag | Bool | Indicates if the hide in mobile is enabled. |
MetadataService | String | MetadataService in blocks. |
ReadWriteService | String | ReadWriteService in blocks. |
BlockName | String | Name of the block. |
BlockTitle | String | Title of the block. |
BlockInstructions | String | Instructions for the block. |
BlockProperties | String | Get all blocks of a recruiting secondary application flow |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EventNumber | String | EventNumber |
FlowTypeCode | String | FlowTypeCode |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ProfileId [KEY] | String | Profile ID of the candidate resume. |
ProfileType | String | Profile type of the candidate resume. |
ProviderToken | String | Provider token of the candidate resume. |
AttachmentId | String | Attachment ID of the candidate resume. |
FirstName | String | First name in the candidate resume. |
LastName | String | Last name in the candidate resume. |
MiddleNames | String | Middle name in the candidate resume. |
Title | String | Title of the candidate resume. |
Suffix | String | Suffix in the candidate resume. |
PreNameAdjunct | String | Previous name adjunct in the candidate resume. |
DisplayName | String | Display name in the candidate resume. |
MilitaryRank | String | Military rank in the candidate resume. |
AddressLine1 | String | First address line in the candidate resume. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second address line in the candidate resume. |
City | String | City in the candidate resume. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 in the candidate resume. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 in the candidate resume. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 in the candidate resume. |
Country | String | Country in the candidate resume. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the candidate address in the candidate resume. |
String | Email ID in the candidate resume. | |
MobilePhoneCountryCode | String | Mobile phone number country code in the candidate resume. |
MobilePhoneAreaCode | String | Mobile phone number area code in the candidate resume. |
MobilePhoneNumber | String | Mobile phone number in the candidate resume. |
MockParam | String | Mock parameter in the candidate resume |
FlowVersionId | Long | Flow version ID of the candidate resume. |
FileContents | String | File content in the candidate resume. |
FileTitle | String | File title in the candidate resume. |
ProviderKey | String | Provider token of the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
Id [KEY] | Long | Unique ID of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
Category | String | Category of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
Type | String | Type of attachment in the candidate resume. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
Attachment | String | Attachment in the candidate resume. |
FileContents | String | File Contents of the attachment in the candidate resume. |
AttachmentData | String | Attachment data in the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ContentTypeId | Long | Content type ID of the education in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID for education in the candidate resume. |
StartDate | String | Start date for education in the candidate resume. |
EndDate | String | End date for the completion of education in the candidate resume. |
ContentItemId | String | Content item ID of the education in the candidate resume. |
Major | String | Education major in the candidate resume. |
EducationalEstablishmentId | String | Education establishment ID in the candidate resume. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Name of the education establishment in the candidate resume. |
GraduatedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate is a graduate. |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for education in the candidate resume. |
DegreeName | String | Degree name for education in the candidate resume. |
StateProvinceCode | String | State province code of the educational establishment in the candidate resume. |
CountryCode | String | Country code for education in the candidate resume. |
EducationData | String | Education data in the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ContentTypeId | Long | Content type ID of the languages in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID for languages in the candidate resume. |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for languages in the candidate resume. |
ContentItemId | String | Content item ID of the languages in the candidate resume. |
Language | String | Language in the candidate resume. |
NativeSpeakerFlag | Bool | Indicates that it's the native language of the candidate. |
AbleToTranslateFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate can translate the language. |
AbleToTeachFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate can teach the language. |
ReadingLevelId | Int | ID assigned to the language reading proficiency. |
WritingLevelId | Int | ID assigned to the language writing proficiency. |
SpeakingLevelId | Int | ID assigned to the language speaking proficiency. |
LanguageData | String | Language data in the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ContentTypeId | Long | Content type ID of the certifications in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID of the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
IssueDate | String | Issue date of the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
ExpirationDate | String | Expiration date of the licenses in the candidate resume. |
Title | String | Title of the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
Comments | String | Comments on the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
IssuedBy | String | Authority that has issued the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
CertificationNumber | String | Certification number for the licenses and certifications in the candidate resume. |
LicenceAndCertificationData | String | License and certification data in the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for skills in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID for skills in the candidate resume. |
ContentTypeId | Long | Content type ID of the skills in the candidate resume. |
YearsOfExperience | Long | Years of experience of the skills in the candidate resume. |
Description | String | Description of the skills in the candidate resume. |
DateAchieved | Date | Achieved date of the skills in the candidate resume. |
ProjectName | String | Project name of the skills in the candidate resume |
Speciality | String | Speciality of the skills in the candidate resume. |
Comments | String | Comments on the skills in the candidate resume. |
Skills | String | Name of the skills in the candidate resume. |
SkillData | String | Skill data in the candidate resume |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ContentTypeId | Long | Content type ID for the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID for the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
StartDate | String | Start date of the work experience mentioned in the candidate resume. |
EndDate | String | End date of the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
CurrentJobFlag | Bool | Indicates that it's the current job of the candidate as per their work experiences. |
EmployerName | String | Employer name of the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
JobTitle | String | Job title for the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for the work experiences in the candidate resume. |
BusinessType | String | Business type of the work experiences of the candidate resume. |
Achievements | String | Achievements in the work experience in the candidate resume. |
WorkExperienceData | String | Work experience data in the candidate resume |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateProfileImportsProfileId [KEY] | String | Finds a candidate by the ID and the profile ID |
ContentTypeId [KEY] | Long | Content type ID for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
ProfileId | String | Profile ID for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
TempAssignFlag | Bool | Indicates a temporary assignment for the candidate as per their work preferences. |
MinimumPay | String | Minimum pay for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
PartAssignFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate has opted for part payment as per their work preferences. |
NatTravelFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate is ready for domestic travel as per their work preferences. |
NatTravelFrequenc | String | Nat travel frequency for work preferences in the candidate resume. |
RelocateFlag | Bool | Indicates the candidate is ready to relocate as per their work preferences. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
PayFrequency | String | Pay frequency for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
WorkPreferenceData | String | Work preference data in the candidate resume. |
ProfileItemId [KEY] | Long | Profile item ID for the work preferences in the candidate resume. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BAttachmentId | String | bAttachmentId |
BFlowVersionId | Long | bFlowVersionId |
BMockParam | String | bMockParam |
BProfileType | String | bProfileType |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Title of a dictionary. |
Attachment | String | Attachment for a dictionary. |
EducationEstablishment | String | Education establishments included in a dictionary. |
EducationLevels | String | Levels of education defined in the recruiting CE dictionaries. |
Territory | String | Territory of a dictionary. |
PhoneCountryCodeAttribute | String | Country code for a phone number. |
ProfileRatingLevel | String | Level of profile rating in a dictionary |
ProfileLocation | String | Location of a profile in a dictionary. |
ProfileCurrency | String | Currency of a profile in a dictionary. |
ProfileJobFamily | String | Job family of a profile in a dictionary. |
GenericLookup | String | Generic look up for CE recruiting dictionaries. |
ProfileContentItem | String | Item in the profile content of a dictionary. |
StateOrProvince | String | State or province of a dictionary. |
ProfileCountry | String | Country profile in a dictionary. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID assigned to the job requisitions and pertains to a published job. |
Title | String | Title associated with the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
Category | String | Category of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
RequisitionType | String | Type of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
JobGrade | String | Grade of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
RequisitionId | Long | ID assigned to each job requisition. |
ExternalPostedStartDate | Datetime | Start date of the external posting of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
JobLevel | String | Level of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
JobSchedule | String | Schedule of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
JobShift | String | Shift associated with the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
StudyLevel | String | Education level mentioned in the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
DomesticTravelRequired | String | Indicates if domestic travel is required as per the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
InternationalTravelRequired | String | Indicates if international travel is required for the job posting and pertains to a published job. |
ExternalContactName | String | External contact name of the candidate in the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
ExternalContactEmail | String | External email of the candidate in the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
ContractType | String | Type of contract of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
ExternalPostedEndDate | Datetime | End date of the external posting of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
JobFamilyId | Long | ID assigned to the job family the job requisition belongs to and pertains to a published job. |
GeographyId | Long | Geography ID assigned to the job requisitions and pertains to a published job. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography node ID assigned to the job requisitions and pertains to a published job. |
ExternalDescriptionStr | String | External description string of the job requisition. |
CorporateDescriptionStr | String | Corporate description of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
OrganizationDescriptionStr | String | Description string for the organization in the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
ShortDescriptionStr | String | Short description string of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
ContentLocale | String | Location of the content of the job requisition and pertains to a published job. |
PrimaryLocation | String | Primary location of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
PrimaryLocationCountry | String | Country of the primary location of the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
ObjectVerNumberProfile | String | Object version number assigned to the profile in the job requisition that pertains to a published job. |
ApplyWhenNotPostedFlag | Bool | Indicates when a job requisition isn't posted and pertains to a published job. |
ExternalQualificationsStr | String | External qualifications string of the job requisition. |
InternalQualificationsStr | String | Internal qualifications string of the job requisition. |
InternalResponsibilitiesStr | String | Internal responsibilities string of the job requisition. |
ExternalResponsibilitiesStr | String | External responsibilities string of the job requisition. |
JobFunctionCode | String | Job function code of the published job requisition. |
HotJobFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition is considered a hot job and pertains to a published job. |
TrendingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition has a high number of job applications and should be displayed as trending. |
BeFirstToApplyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition has a low number of job applications and should invite candidates to be the first to apply. |
WorkplaceTypeCode | String | Code of the workplace type of the job requisition. |
WorkplaceType | String | Label of the workplace type of the job requisition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID for the requisition template details previews media. |
Type | String | Type of the requisition template details previews media. |
URL | String | URL of the requisition template details previews media. |
ThumbURL | String | Thumb URL for the requisition template details previews media. |
Priority | String | Priority for the requisition template details previews media. |
Title | String | Title for the requisition template details previews media. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
RequisitionWorkLocationId [KEY] | Long | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
LocationId | Long | Location ID of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
LocationName | String | Location name of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Building | String | Building of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or City of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Country | String | Country of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
GeographyNodeId [KEY] | Long | Geography ID of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
GeographyId [KEY] | Long | Geography ID of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
CountryCode | String | Country code of the primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
Prompt | String | Prompt of flexfields of the requisition details. |
Value | String | Value of flexfields of the requisition details. |
ControlType | String | Control type of flexfields of the requisition details. |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of flexfields of the requisition details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
RequisitionLocationId [KEY] | Long | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography node ID for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
GeographyId | Long | Geography ID for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
Name | String | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
CountryCode | String | Country code for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of other work locations of the requisition details. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of other work locations of the requisition details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionDetailsId [KEY] | String | Requisition number of the job requisition. |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | Location ID of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
LocationName | String | Location name of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Building | String | Building of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or City of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Country | String | Country of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id |
Finder | String | finder |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | Long | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Keyword | String | Keyword used to search for job requisitions. |
CorrectedKeyword | String | Corrected keyword used for searching, based on the spell check result. |
UseExactKeywordFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the exact keyword is used for searching or if the keyword is automatically spell checked and corrected. |
SuggestedKeyword | String | Suggested keyword based on spell check result. |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a spell check was requested for the keyword. |
Location | String | Location of the job requisition |
LocationId | String | ID assigned to the location of the job requisition. |
Radius | Long | Radius of the job requisition. |
RadiusUnit | String | Unit of the radius of the job requisition. |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | Facet of the selected title of job requisitions. |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | Facet of the selected categories of the job requisitions. |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | Facet of the selected dates of job posting. |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected locations of the job requisitions. |
LastSelectedFacet | String | Last selected facet for retrieving job requisitions. |
Facets | String | Facets of the job requisitions. |
Offset | Long | Offset of the job requisition |
Limit | Long | Limit of the job requisition. |
SortBy | String | Sort by attribute for the job requisition. |
TotalJobsCount | Long | Total job count for the job requisition. |
Latitude | Double | Latitude of the location of job requisition. |
Longitude | Double | Longitude of the location of the job requisition |
SiteNumber | String | Site number of the job requisition. |
JobFamilyId | String | ID assigned to the job family. |
PostingStartDate | String | Start date of the job posting. |
PostingEndDate | String | End date of the job posting. |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected work locations. |
RequisitionId | Long | ID assigned to the similar job |
CandidateNumber | String | ID assigned to each candidate |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | ZIP code of the work location. |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | Country code of the work location. |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | Facets of the selected job requisitions flexfields. |
OrganizationId | String | Organization ID for a job requisition. |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected organizations of the job requisitions. |
UserTargetFacetName | String | Name of the facet for which the value list must be filtered by the input term. |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | Term used to filter facet values. |
HotJobFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition is considered a hot job and pertains to a published job. |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | Facet of the selected workplace type. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the categories facet. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the categories facet. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the categories facet. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Name [KEY] | String | Name assigned to the flexfields facet. |
Label | String | Label assigned to the flexfields facet. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
FlexfieldsfacetName [KEY] | String | Finds job flexfields facet using a unique ID and ID |
Id [KEY] | String | ID assigned to the flexfield facet value. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the flexfields facet value. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the flexfields facet values. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the locations facet. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the locations facet. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the locations facet. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the organizations facet. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the organizations facet. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the organizations facet. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the facet of the job posting. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the facet of the job posting. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the facet of the job posting. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id | String | ID assigned to the job requisition list. |
Title | String | Title of the requisition list. |
ShortDescription | String | Short description of the requisition list. |
PostedDate | Datetime | Date of posting of the requisition list. |
MediaThumbURL | String | Media thumb URL for the job requisition list. |
ShortDescriptionStr | String | Short description string of the requisition list. |
PrimaryLocation | String | Primary location of the requisition list. |
PrimaryLocationCountry | String | Country of the primary location of the requisition list. |
GeographyId | Long | Geography ID of the job requisition list. |
Distance | Double | Total distance from the center of a radius search. |
HotJobFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition is considered a hot job. |
TrendingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition has a high number of job applications and should be displayed as trending. |
BeFirstToApplyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition has a low number of job applications and should invite candidates to be the first to apply. |
Relevancy | Double | Relevancy score of the job requisition. |
WorkplaceTypeCode | String | Code of the workplace type of the job requisition. |
WorkplaceType | String | Label of the workplace type of the job requisition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
LocationId | Long | Location ID of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
RequisitionWorkLocationId [KEY] | Long | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
LocationName | String | Location name of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Building | String | Building of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or City of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Country | String | Country of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | Int | Latitude of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Longitude | Int | Longitude of other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Latitude | Int | Latitude of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
Longitude | Int | Longitude of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
CountryCode | String | Country code of the primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
GeographyId [KEY] | Long | Geography ID of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
GeographyNodeId [KEY] | Long | Geography ID of primary location coordinates of the requisition details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
RequisitionLocationId [KEY] | Long | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography node ID for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
GeographyId | Long | Geography ID for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
Name | String | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
CountryCode | String | Country code for the secondary location of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | Int | Latitude of other work locations of the requisition details. |
Longitude | Int | Longitude of other work locations of the requisition details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | Location ID of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
LocationName | String | Location name of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Building | String | Building of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or City of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Country | String | Country of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 of other locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Latitude | Int | Latitude of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Longitude | Int | Longitude of work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number of the requisition locations coordinates. |
RequisitionTitle | String | Requisition title of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
LocationId | Long | Location ID of the requisition locations coordinates. |
LocationType | String | Location type of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of the requisition locations coordinates. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Building | String | Building of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Country | String | Country of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Name | String | Name of the requisition locations coordinates. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 of the requisition locations coordinates. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or city of the requisition locations coordinates. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | String | ID assigned to the facet of titles. |
Name | String | Name assigned to the facet of titles. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the facet of titles. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEJobRequisitionsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds job requisitions using a search ID and a primary key |
Id [KEY] | Long | ID of the work location facet. |
Name | String | Name of the work location facet. |
TotalCount | Long | Total count of the work location facet. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CorrectedKeyword | String | correctedKeyword |
ExecuteSpellCheckFlag | String | executeSpellCheckFlag |
FacetsList | String | facetsList |
Finder | String | finder |
HotJobFlag | String | hotJobFlag |
JobFamilyId | String | jobFamilyId |
Keyword | String | keyword |
LastSelectedFacet | String | lastSelectedFacet |
Latitude | String | latitude |
Limit | Long | limit |
Location | String | location |
LocationId | String | locationId |
Longitude | String | longitude |
Offset | Long | offset |
OrganizationId | String | organizationId |
PostingEndDate | String | postingEndDate |
PostingStartDate | String | postingStartDate |
Radius | Long | radius |
RadiusUnit | String | radiusUnit |
RequisitionId | Long | requisitionId |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | selectedCategoriesFacet |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | selectedFlexFieldsFacets |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | selectedLocationsFacet |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | selectedOrganizationsFacet |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | selectedPostingDatesFacet |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | selectedTitlesFacet |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | selectedWorkLocationsFacet |
SelectedWorkplaceTypesFacet | String | selectedWorkplaceTypesFacet |
SiteNumber | String | siteNumber |
SortBy | String | sortBy |
UseExactKeywordFlag | String | useExactKeywordFlag |
UserTargetFacetInputTerm | String | userTargetFacetInputTerm |
UserTargetFacetName | String | userTargetFacetName |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | workLocationCountryCode |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | workLocationZipCode |
Name | Type | Description |
Provider [KEY] | String | Provider for the profile import configurations. |
OauthService | String | Open authentication service for the profile import configurations. |
ClientId | String | Client ID for profile import configurations. |
ActiveFlag | Bool | Active indicator for the profile import configurations. |
IntegrationContext | String | Integration Context for the profile import configurations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Requisition number for the requisition clicks. |
ShareId | Long | Share ID for requisition clicks. |
Source | String | Source for referral clicks for a candidate. |
RequisitionHitId | String | ID assigned to each requisition click. |
ReferralId | Long | Referral ID for requisition clicks. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCEReferralsReferralId [KEY] | Long | Finds a candidate referral using a unique ID and a referral ID |
RecruitingCEReferralsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds a candidate referral using a unique ID and a requisition ID |
AttachmentName | String | Attachment Name for attachments in candidate referral. |
DocumentId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to candidate referral attachment. |
Type | String | Type for attachments in candidate referral. |
AttachmentId | Long | Attachment ID for attachments in candidate referral. |
AttachmentContents | String | Attachment Contents for attachments in candidate referral. |
Category | String | Category for attachments in candidate referral. |
MimeType | String | Mime type for attachments in candidate referral. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ReferralId | Long | ReferralId |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID in auto suggestions on search |
Name [KEY] | String | Name in auto suggestions on search |
Level | Int | Level in auto suggestions on search |
City | String | City in auto suggestions on search |
State | String | State in auto suggestions on search |
Country | String | Country in auto suggestions on search |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
String | String | string |
Name | Type | Description |
PrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowId | Long | ID assigned to the recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowCode | String | Code assigned to the recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowTypeCode | String | Code assigned to the type of recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowVersionId | Long | ID assigned to the version of recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowName | String | Name assigned to the recruiting secondary application flow. |
FlowVersionName | String | Name assigned to the version of recruiting secondary application flow. |
SingleClickApplyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the one page application flow is enabled or disabled for the recruiting secondary application flow. |
EsignEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the electronic signature is enabled or disabled for the recruiting secondary application flow. |
OptinEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether campaign opt in is enabled or disabled for the recruiting secondary application flow. |
TCOptinEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether Talent Community opt in is enabled or disabled for the recruiting secondary application flows. |
SubmissionId | Long | ID assigned when the recruiting secondary application is submitted. |
EsignDescriptionVersionId | Long | E-Signature version of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
OptinDescriptionVersionId | Long | Campaign opt in version of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
EsignDescriptionStr | String | E-Signature option of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
OptinDescriptionStr | String | Campaign opt in option of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
ProfileVersion | String | Profile version of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable to find recruiting secondary application flows. |
Prompt | String | Display label of a flexfield. |
Value | String | Value of a flexfield. |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number of a flexfield. |
ColumnName [KEY] | String | Column name of a flexfield. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FlowId | Long | FlowId |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
SubmissionId | Long | SubmissionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable to find recruiting secondary application flows. |
SectionSequence | Int | Section sequence of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
SectionName | String | Section name of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FlowId | Long | FlowId |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
SubmissionId | Long | SubmissionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable to find recruiting secondary application flows. |
PageSequence | Int | Page sequence of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
PageName | String | Page name of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FlowId | Long | FlowId |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
SubmissionId | Long | SubmissionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsPrimaryKey [KEY] | Long | Primary key and primary key variable to find recruiting secondary application flows. |
PageBlockId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockCode | String | Code assigned to the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockSequence | Int | Sequence of the blocks of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
HideInMobileFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the block is displayed or hidden in mobile. |
MetadataService | String | Metadata services associated with the blocks of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
ReadWriteService | String | Read and write services for the blocks of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockName | String | Name of the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockTitle | String | Title of the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockInstructions | String | Instructions for the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
BlockProperties | String | Properties of the block of the recruiting secondary application flow. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FlowId | Long | FlowId |
PrimaryKey | Long | PrimaryKey |
SubmissionId | Long | SubmissionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each site. |
SiteName | String | Name assigned to the recruitingCESites. |
SiteCode | String | Code assigned to the recruitingCESites. |
ThemeId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each site theme. |
Language | String | Language opted on the recruitingCESites. |
DefaultLang | String | Default Language of the recruitingCESites. |
SequenceNumber | Long | Sequence number for the recruitingCESites. |
StatusCode | String | Status code assigned to the recruitingCESites. |
ThemeNumber | String | Number assigned to the theme of the recruitingCESites. |
SiteNumber | String | Number assigned to the recruitingCESites. |
TemplateNumber | String | Number assigned to the template of the recruitingCESites. |
CustomAction | String | Custom action defined on the recruitingCESites. |
ReplacementSiteNumber | String | Replacement site number for the recruitingCESites. |
EmailTemplateId | Long | ID assigned to each HTML email template for the career site. |
OgImageSrc | String | Image source used as Open Graph Image when sharing the page on social platforms. |
EventsEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether events are enabled for a career site. Note that the service endpoints in this resource category are only for Oracle internal use. |
SiteURLName | String | Site display name for URL. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
CookieId [KEY] | Long | Cookie Id. |
SiteId | Long | Unique ID assigned to each site of the cookie consent. |
AcceptButtonLabel | String | Label of the accept button on the cookie consent page. |
DeclineButtonLabel | String | Label assigned to the decline cookie button on the cookie consent page. |
PopUpMessage | String | Pop up message defined on the cookie consent page. |
PolicyMessage | String | Policy details on the cookie consent page. |
CookieMessageEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates that the cookie is enabled on the page. |
DeclineButtonEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates that the decline cookies button is enabled on the page. |
Language | String | Language of the cookie consent page. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
CookieconsentCookieId [KEY] | Long | Find cookie consent in recruitingCESites by unique ID and CookieId |
CookieId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each cookie for the consent translations. |
Language [KEY] | String | Language of the translations on the cookie consent site. |
SourceLang | String | Source language of the translations on the cookie consent site. |
AcceptButtonLabel | String | Label of the accept button for cookie consent. |
DeclineButtonLabel | String | Label of the decline button for cookie consent. |
PolicyMessage | String | Policy message in the cookie consent translations. |
PopUpMessage | String | Message that pops up in the cookie consent translations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
FontName | String | Name of the font. |
CustomFontId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to each custom font. |
FontNumber | String | Size of the font. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
CustomfontsCustomFontId [KEY] | Long | Find custom fonts in recruitingCESites by a primary key and Custom Font Id |
SettingId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to each setting of the custom fonts. |
Style | String | Style of the custom font. |
Weight | String | Weight of the custom font. |
SettingNumber | String | Number assigned to each setting of the custom fonts. |
FontNumber | String | Size of the font in custom font settings. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Number assigned to each version of the custom font setting. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
CustomfontsCustomFontId [KEY] | Long | Find custom fonts in recruitingCESites by a primary key and Custom Font Id |
CustomfontssettingsSettingId [KEY] | Long | Find custom font settings by Primary Key and the SettingId variable |
FileId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the file of the custom font setting. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Number assigned to each version of the custom font files. |
Type | String | Type of the custom font file. |
FileNumber | String | Number assigned to the file of the custom font setting. |
SettingNumber | String | Number assigned to each setting of the custom font files. |
URL | String | URL of the custom font file. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
ObjectCtxId | Long | ID assigned to the filters pertaining to the candidate experience. |
DimensionTypeCode | String | Code assigned to the type of dimensions in the filters. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | ID assigned to the geographical node selected in the filters. |
GeographyId | Long | ID assigned to the geography selected in filters. |
JobFamilyId | Long | ID assigned to the job family in the filters. |
JobFunctionCode | String | Job function code assigned to the filters. |
OrganizationId | Long | Organization ID assigned to the filters. |
RecruitingTypeCode | String | Recruiting type code assigned to the filters. |
DimensionKey [KEY] | String | Key assigned to the dimension in filters. |
SegmentCode | String | Segment code of the site context filters. |
ColumnName | String | Column name of the site context filters. |
ContextCode | String | Context code of the site context filters. |
DFFId | String | Flexfield ID of the site context filters. |
SegmentName | String | Segment name of the site context filters. |
SegmentAttributeName | String | Segment attribute name of the site context filters. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
LinkId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each header link. |
LinkNumber | String | Number of the header links |
LinkOrder | Long | Order of the header links. |
LinkText | String | Text of the header links. |
LinkTypeCode | String | Code assigned to the type of header links. |
LinkURL | String | URL of the header links. |
ParentLinkNumber | String | Number assigned to the parent of the header link. |
LinkName | String | Name of the header links. |
VisibleOnMobile | Bool | Indicates if the header link is visible on mobile. |
Language | String | Language of the header links. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
HeaderlinksLinkId [KEY] | Long | Finds the recruitingCESites header link by primary key and the LinkID variable |
LinkId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each header sublink. |
LinkNumber | String | Number of the child links. |
LinkOrder | Long | Order of the child links. |
LinkText | String | Text of the child links. |
LinkTypeCode | String | Code assigned to the type of child links. |
LinkURL | String | URL of the child links. |
ParentLinkNumber | String | Number assigned to the parent of the child links. |
LinkName | String | Name of the child links. |
VisibleOnMobile | Bool | Indicates if the child links are visible on mobile. |
Language | String | Language of the child links. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
HeaderlinksLinkId [KEY] | Long | Finds the recruitingCESites header link by primary key and the LinkID variable |
SublinksLinkId [KEY] | Long | Finds the recruitingCESites header sublinks by primary key and the LinkID variable |
LinkId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each header link translation. |
Language [KEY] | String | Language of the header translation. |
SourceLang | String | Source language of the header translation. |
LinkName | String | Link name of the header translation. |
LinkText | String | Link text of the header translation. |
LinkURL | String | Link URL of the header translation. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
HeaderlinksLinkId [KEY] | Long | Finds the recruitingCESites header link by primary key and the LinkID variable |
LinkId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each header link translation. |
Language [KEY] | String | Language of the header translation. |
SourceLang | String | Source language of the header translation. |
LinkName | String | Link name of the header translation. |
LinkText | String | Link text of the header translation. |
LinkURL | String | Link URL of the header translation. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
SiteId [KEY] | Long | Site ID of the language. |
SiteLanguage [KEY] | String | Language of the site where the pages are published. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
PageId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each page. |
PageCode | String | Code assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites. |
SeoDescription | String | Description of the search engine optimization used on the pages. |
SiteNumber | String | Number of the parent resource for page assigned to the recruitingCESites. |
StatusCode | String | Code assigned to the status of the pages. |
Title | String | Title assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites. |
OgDescription | String | Organization description. |
OgImageSrc | String | Organization image source. |
PublishedDate | Datetime | Date of publishing of the pages in the recruitingCESites. |
ElementId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each element in the page. |
ElementNumber | String | Element number assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites. |
Language | String | Language used in the pages on the recruitingCESites. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date of creation of the pages in the recruitingCESites. |
SiteCode | String | Code assigned to the recruitingCESites on which the pages are published. |
CustomAction | String | Custom action that can be done on pages defined on the recruitingCESites. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
SettingId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each setting in recruitingCESites. |
SettingKey | String | Code assigned to the settings. |
SettingValue | String | Value assigned to the settings. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteId | Long | SiteId |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
FaviconId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each favorite icon. |
FaviconImg | String | Favorite icon image. |
ImgType | String | Type of a favorite icon image. |
SiteId | Long | ID assigned to multiple favorite icons. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
ButtonLabel | String | Label of the buttons on the talent community sign up site. |
SiteId [KEY] | Long | Site ID in talent community sign up. |
Description | String | Description of the sign up in the talent community site. |
Title | String | Title assigned to each of the sign up in the talent community in the recruitingCESites. |
Language | String | Language used in the sign up in the talent community on the recruitingCESites.. |
ShowAtSearchResultsFlag | Bool | Indicates when search results appear on a site. |
ShowWhenNoSearchResultsFoundFlag | Bool | Indicates when no results come up during a search executed on the recruitingCESites. |
Id | String | ID assigned to each sign up in the talent community. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
TalentcommunitysignupSiteId [KEY] | Long | Find talent community sign up in recruitingCESites by primary key and the Site ID variable |
ButtonLabel | String | Label of the button in talent community sign up. |
SiteId [KEY] | Long | Site ID in talent community sign up translation. |
Language [KEY] | String | Language of the talent community sign up. |
Description | String | Description of the talent community sign up. |
Title | String | Title of the talent community sign up. |
SourceLang | String | Source language of the talent community sign up translation. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCESitesSiteId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key |
RecruitingCESitesThemeId [KEY] | Long | Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key |
Language [KEY] | String | Language of the site translation. |
SiteId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID assigned to each site translation. |
SiteName | String | Name of the site. |
SourceLang | String | Source language of the site translation. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteCode | String | SiteCode |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeId | Long | ThemeId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SourceTrackingId [KEY] | Long | Source Tracking ID in recruitingCESourceTrackings. |
SourceLevel | String | SourceLevel of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
Source | String | Source of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
SourceMedium | String | SourceMedium of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
CampaignCode | String | CampaignCode of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
ReferrerHeader | String | ReferrerHeader of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
SourceInternalInfo | String | SourceInternalInfo of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
TokenId | String | TokenId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
SubmissionId | String | SubmissionId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
ReferralId | String | ReferralId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
RecruiterId | String | RecruiterId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
PoolId | String | PoolId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
ShareId | String | ShareId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
VerificationToken | String | VerificationToken of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
ParentSourceTrackingId | String | ParentSourceTrackingId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
CampaignPostId | String | CampaignPostId of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
EventNumber | String | EventNumber of RecruitingCESourceTrackings |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HeaderMode | Int | Header mode in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
FooterMode | Int | Footer mode in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
ThemeNumber | String | Theme number in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
ThemeName | String | Theme name in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
SplashPageCode | String | Splash page code in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
TemplateNumber | String | Template number in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
SiteNumber | String | Site number in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
MainCallForAction | String | Main call for action in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
WelcomeText | String | Welcome text in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
SplashPageNumber | String | Splash page number in themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
CustomJsEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates that custom jobs are enabled in the themes in recruitingCETemplates. |
GeneratedCustomCSS | String | Generated custom CSS containing cascading style sheet custom variables. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BrandingId [KEY] | Long | Branding ID in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
FrontImageURL | String | Front image URL in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
LogoImageURL | String | Logo image URL in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
MobileFrontImageURL | String | Mobile front image URL in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
MobileLogoImageURL | String | Mobile logo image URL in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
CustomCSSCLOB | String | Custom CSSCLOB in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
FooterHTMLCLOB | String | Footer HTMLCLOB in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
HeaderHTMLCLOB | String | Header HTMlCLOB in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
Language | String | Language in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
HeaderHTML | String | Header HTML in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
FooterHTML | String | Footer HTML in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
CustomCSS | String | Custom CSS in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
CustomJSCLOB | String | Custom JSCLOB in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
CustomJS | String | Custom jobs in brands in recruitingCEThemes. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeNumber | String | ThemeNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LinkNumber | String | Link number in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
LinkOrder | Long | Link order in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
Text | String | Text in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
URL | String | URL in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
ParentLinkNumber | String | Parent link number in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
LinkName | String | Link name in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
VisibleOnMobile | Bool | Visible on mobile in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
Language | String | Language in header links in recruitingCEThemes. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeNumber | String | ThemeNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Language [KEY] | String | Language in translations in recruitingCEThemes. |
LinkName | String | Link name in translations in recruitingCEThemes. |
LinkText | String | Link text in translations in recruitingCEThemes. |
LinkURL | String | Link URL in translations in recruitingCEThemes. |
SourceLang | String | Source language in translations in recruitingCEThemes. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeNumber | String | ThemeNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BackgroundColor | String | Background color in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
LineHeight | Double | Line height in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
FontSize | Double | Font size in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
FontWeight | String | Font weight in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
StyleSelector | String | Style selector in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
FontName | String | Font name in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
FontColor | String | Font color in styles in recruitingCEThemes. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeNumber | String | ThemeNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Language [KEY] | String | Language in translations in recruitingCETemplates. |
MainCallForAction | String | Main call for action in translations in recruitingCETemplates. |
SourceLang | String | Source language in translations in recruitingCETemplates. |
TemplateName | String | Template name in translations in recruitingCETemplates. |
WelcomeText | String | Welcome text in translations in recruitingCETemplates. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
ThemeNumber | String | ThemeNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserId [KEY] | String | ID assigned to the user whose tracking have been recorded. |
CandidateNumber | String | Number assigned to the candidate whose tracking are recorded. |
TemporaryUserId | String | Temporary ID assigned to the user whose tracking have been recorded. |
Content | String | Content of the user tracking. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TokenId [KEY] | Long | Token ID in the verification token. |
Token | String | Token in the verification token. |
String | Email in the verification token. | |
Phone | String | Phone number in the verification token. |
PhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the phone number in the verification token. |
Mode | String | Mode in the verification token. |
IndeedKey | String | Key used for verifying the login with Indeed. |
AccessCode | String | Access Code in the verification token. |
CandidateNumber | String | Candidate Number in the verification token. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition Number in the verification token. |
SiteNumber | String | Site Number in the verification token. |
SourceTrackingId | Long | Source Tracking ID in the verification token. |
ResendFlag | Bool | Resend indicator in the verification token. |
ConsumerResponse | String | Consumer Response in the verification token. |
Target | String | Target URL after the shortened URL is resolved |
URLShortCode | String | Shortened URL to resolve on CE. |
ShortCode | Long | Short code for verification. |
ChallengeFlag | Bool | Indicates a short code challenge is required for verification. |
CookieId | String | ID assigned to each cookie identifying the user. |
CookieMatchedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the cookie matched with expected value for the user. |
LastName | String | Last Name of the user. |
AttemptsRemaining | Long | Number of attempts remaining to validate the short code. |
PersistAccessFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the request to keep the user signed in across sessions is enabled or disabled. |
AccessCodeExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the access code. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ItemDescriptionId | Long | Item description ID in content library items LOV. |
Name | String | Name in content library items LOV. |
DescriptionCode | String | Description code in content library items LOV. |
DescriptionTypeCode | String | Code assigned to each description type in the content library items LOV. |
VisibilityCode | String | Visibility code of the content library item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailNotifications | String | EmailNotifications |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GeographyNodeIds | String | GeographyNodeIds |
JobFamilyId | Long | JobFamilyId |
JobFunctionCode | String | JobFunctionCode |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId |
RecruitingTypeCode | String | RecruitingTypeCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GeographyNodeId [KEY] | Long | Geography Node ID in the geography hierarchy locations LOV. |
GeographyId | Long | Geography ID in the geography hierarchy locations LOV. |
HierarchyId | Long | Hierarchy ID in the geography hierarchy locations LOV. |
GeographyName | String | Geography Name in the geography hierarchy locations LOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContextCode [KEY] | String | Context code for the grid view category. |
CategoryCode [KEY] | String | Category code for the grid view category. |
CategoryName | String | Category name for the grid view category. |
CategoryDescription | String | Category description for the grid view category. |
ProfileContentTypeId | Long | Profile content type ID for the grid view category. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Profile section ID for the grid view category. |
CategoryType | String | Category type for the grid view category. |
ProfileSectionName | String | Profile section name for the grid view category. |
CategoryDisplayName | String | Category display name for the grid view category. |
MultiRowFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the grid view category provides multiple rows or a single row. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayProfileSections | Bool | DisplayProfileSections |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
FieldCode [KEY] | String | Field name for the grid view field. |
FieldName | String | Field type for the grid view field. |
CategoryCode [KEY] | String | Context code for the grid view field. |
IsMultiRow | String | Indicates if the grid view field is a multirow field. |
IsCompoundField | String | Indicates if the grid view field is a compound field. |
ContextCode [KEY] | String | Data type for the grid view field. |
FieldTypeCode | String | Field type code for the grid view fields. |
Description | String | Display rows for the grid view field. |
VoAttributePath | String | VO attribute path for the grid view field. |
OscsAttributePath | String | Oracle search attribute path for the grid view field. |
TranslatableFlag | Bool | Indicates if the grid view field is translatable. |
DataType | String | Description for the grid view field. |
FlexSegmentCode | String | Flexfield segment code for the grid view field. |
FlexContextCode | String | Flexfield context code for the grid view field. |
DisplayRows | Int | Field code for the grid view fields. |
HiddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the grid view field is hidden. |
MultiRowText | String | Multirow text attribute for the grid view field. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
HideCompoundField | String | HideCompoundField |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GeographyId [KEY] | Long | Geography ID in hierarchy locations. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography node ID in hierarchy locations. |
GeographyFlatName | String | Geography flat name in hierarchy locations. |
GeographyShortName | String | Geography short name in hierarchy locations. |
GeographyLevel | Long | Geography level in hierarchy locations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
Ids | String | Ids |
InactiveNodes | String | InactiveNodes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | ID assigned to an internal candidate who submitted the application. |
CandidateNumber | String | Number assigned to each candidate who submits an internal job application. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Number assigned to each internal job requisition. |
ConfirmedFlag | Bool | Indicates if the internal candidate is confirmed. |
JobTitle | String | Job title of the internal candidate. |
JobLocation | String | Job location of the internal candidate. |
JobLocationName | String | Name of the job location where the internal candidate submitted the application. |
SubmissionDate | Date | Date of submission of the internal job application. |
Action | String | Action taken after each internal submission. |
SubmissionId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned for each internal job application submitted. |
Status | String | Status of the internal job application submission. |
PreferredLanguage | String | Preferred language in which the internal job application was submitted. |
ActiveFlag | Bool | Indicates if the internal submission is active. |
CurrentPhaseId | Long | ID assigned to the current phase of the internal job submission. |
CurrentStateId | Long | ID assigned to the current state of the internal job submission. |
PipelineSubmissionId | Long | ID assigned to an internal pipeline job requisition submission. |
PipelineRequisitionFlag | Bool | Indicates if the internal submission is a pipeline requisition. |
OfferId | Long | ID of the internal job offer extended for a specific job application. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SuggestValue [KEY] | String | Suggest value for job application filter. |
JobApplicationField [KEY] | String | Field name in job application filters. |
RequisitionId [KEY] | String | Requisition unique identifier. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID of job application. |
CandidatePersonId | Long | ID assigned to the candidate who applied for the job. |
CandidateName | String | Name of the candidate in the job application. |
RequisitionId | Long | Requisition ID for a job application. |
PhaseId | Long | ID for phase of job application. |
PhaseName | String | Name of each phase of the job application. |
StateId | Long | State ID for a job application. |
StateName | String | Name of the state of a job application. |
AppliedToOtherJobs | String | Indicates if the candidate has applied to other jobs. |
ConfirmedFlag | Bool | Indicates confirmation of the job application. |
DisqualifiedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the candidate is disqualified. |
JobApplicationDate | Datetime | Date of the job application. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date of creation of the job application. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the person who created the job application. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when the application was last updated |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of individual who last updated the job application. |
ProfileId | Long | Profile ID of an application. |
ApplyFlowVersionId | Long | A unique ID for each job application flow. |
ConfirmedByPersonId | Long | ID assigned to the person who has confirmed the job application. |
EsignDescriptionVersionId | Long | ID assigned to each electronic signature of the candidate. |
InternalFlag | Bool | Indicates that it's an internal job application. |
LegalDescriptionVersionId | Long | ID for legal description. |
ProcessId | Long | Process ID of an application. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Date when the application was last modified. |
ConfirmedDate | Datetime | Date when the job application changed from Unconfirmed to Confirmed. |
LanguageCode | String | Code assigned for each language. |
PublicStateId | Long | Public state ID of an application. |
PublicStateName | String | Name of the public state of a job application. |
SiteNumber | String | Site number of a job application. |
HiringManagerId | Long | Hiring manager ID for a job application. |
RequisitionIdRest | Long | Requisition ID 1 for a job application. |
RequisitionUsageCode | String | Requisition usage code for a job application. |
RecruiterId | Long | Recruiter ID for a job application. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number of the job application. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
EducationId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the education of the candidate. |
AcademicStanding | String | Educational academic standing of the candidate. |
ActivitySummary | String | Educational activity summary of the candidate. |
AreaOfStudy | String | Educational area of study of the candidate. |
AverageGrade | String | Educational average grade of the candidate. |
AwardingBody | String | Institution awarding the academic grade. |
City | String | City of education of the candidate. |
Comments | String | Comments on education. |
CompletedTraningUnits | String | Number of training units completed by the candidate. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Percentage of completion of education. |
ContentItemId | Long | ID assigned to each item of education. |
CountryId | Long | ID assigned to the country where the education was completed. |
DateAcquired | Date | Date when the educational degree was acquired. |
DegreeName | String | Name of the acquired degree |
Department | String | Department of education. |
Description | String | Description of education. |
Duration | String | Duration of education. |
DurationUnits | String | Duration units of education. |
EduLevelCompletedFlag | Bool | Indicates if the educational level is completed. |
EducationLevel | String | Level of education acquired by the candidate. |
EducationURL | String | URL of education. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Name of the educational establishment in education. |
EducationalEstablishmentId | Long | ID assigned to the educational establishment. |
Educator | String | Name of the educator. |
EndDate | Date | End date of an education. |
Fee | Long | Educational fees. |
FeeCurrency | String | Currency of the fees in education. |
GPA | Double | GPA acquired in education. |
GraduatedFlag | Bool | Indicated if the candidate is a graduate. |
HighestEduLevel | String | Highest level of education acquired by the candidate. |
Major | String | Major subject in education. |
Minor | String | Minor subject in education. |
PartTimeFlag | Bool | Indicates if the course completed by the candidate is part time. |
ProjectedCompletionDate | Date | Projected date of completion of education. |
Reimbursements | String | Reimbursements claimed by the candidate for their education. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates the educational qualification is mandatory to be mentioned. |
SectionId | Long | ID assigned to each educational section. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of an education. |
StateProvinceId | Long | ID assigned to the state or province where the education was availed. |
Status | String | Status of the education. |
Title | String | Title of the education. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total amount spent on the education. |
TrmnlDegDiscpFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the education item is a terminal degree for the discipline. |
TuitionMethod | String | Method of tuition availed. |
YearAcquired | Long | Year when the degree was attained. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
EmployerName | String | Name of the employer. |
PreviousEmploymentId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the previous employer. |
JobTitle | String | Title held in the previous job. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the previous job. |
EndDate | Date | End date of previous employment. |
CurrentJobFlag | Bool | Indicates if it's the candidate's current job. |
EmployerCountryId | Long | ID assigned to the country where the candidate was employed. |
EmployerCity | String | City of previous employment. |
Responsibilities | String | Responsibilities undertaken in the previous job. |
FullTimeCode | String | Code assigned for full time employment. |
InternalFlag | Bool | Indicates if the job application is internal. |
BusinessType | String | Type of business of the company the candidate worked for. |
EmployerPhone | String | Phone of the employer. |
Department | String | Name of the department the candidate worked in. |
JobFamilyId | Long | ID assigned to the previous job family. |
JobFunction | String | Function of the previous job. |
OtherJobFunction | String | Additional functions assigned in the previous job. |
Achievements | String | Achievements made in |
DirectReports | Long | Details of the direct reports. |
StartingPosition | String | Position held in the previous job. |
SupervisorName | String | Name of the supervisor in the previous job. |
SupervisorTitle | String | Title of the supervisor in the previous job. |
SupervisorEmail | String | Email of the supervisor who can be contacted. |
SupervisorPhone | String | Phone number of the supervisor in the previous job. |
ContactSupervisorFlag | Bool | Indicates if it's the supervisor of the candidate who can be contacted. |
LeavingReason | String | Reason to leave the previous job. |
AdditionalInformation | String | Additional information about previous work experience. |
StartCompensation | Double | Compensation drawn at the beginning of previous job. |
EndCompensation | Double | Compensation last drawn by the candidate. |
OtherCompensation | String | Additional compensation availed from previous job. |
CompanyURL | String | URL of the company. |
SectionId | Long | ID assigned to each section in previous work experience. |
EmployerStateId | Long | State ID of the employer. |
ExperienceInYears | Double | Experience with the previous employer in years. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
AbleToTeachFlag | Bool | Indicates if the candidate can teach the language. |
LanguageId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned each language known to the candidate. |
ReadingModelId | Long | ID assigned to the language reading mode. |
SpeakingModelId | Long | ID assigned to the language speaking mode. |
WritingLevelId | Long | ID assigned to the language writing level of the candidates. |
EvaluatedOn | Date | Specifics on which the language proficiency of the candidate is evaluated. |
Language | String | Language name. |
NativeSpeakerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the candidate is a native speaker of the language. |
ReadingLevelId | Long | ID assigned to the language reading level of the candidate. |
SpeakingLevelId | Long | ID assigned to the language speaking level of the candidate. |
AbleToTranslateFlag | Bool | Indicates if the candidate can translate the language. |
WritingModelId | Long | ID assigned to the language writing mode. |
ContentItemId | Long | ID assigned to each item in the languages section. |
SectionId | Long | ID assigned to each section of language. |
Comments | String | Additional comments about the knowledge in language. |
EvaluationLocation | String | Location where the language evaluation was conducted. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Comments | String | Additional comments on the licenses and certifications acquired by the candidate. |
CertificationId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate. |
RenewalInprogressFlag | Bool | Indicates if the licenses and certificates renewal is in progress. |
IssueDate | Date | Date when the licenses and certificates were issued. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total cost incurred for the licenses and certifications. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Percentage of completion of the course. |
EducationalEstablishmentId | Long | ID assigned to the educational establishment that conducted the course. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Name of the educational establishment that conducted the course. |
RenewalDate | Date | Renewal date for the licenses and certificates. |
Restrictions | String | Restrictions associated with the licenses and certificates. |
RenewalRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates if the licenses and certificates must be renewed. |
StateProvinceId | Long | ID assigned to the state or province where the licenses and certificates were issues. |
Title | String | Title of the licenses and certifications. |
CompletedTrainingUnits | String | Completed training units of the course. |
CertificationNumber | String | Number of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate. |
VerifiedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the licenses and certificates are verified. |
CertificationName | String | Name of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate. |
ContentItemId | Long | ID assigned to each item in the licenses and certificates section. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the licenses and certificates held by the candidate. |
CountryId | Long | ID assigned to the country where the course was done. |
IssuedBy | String | Authority issuing the licenses and certificates. |
LastRenewalDate | Date | Last date when the licenses and certificates were renewed. |
ActualCompletionDate | Date | Actual completion date of the course. |
SectionId | Long | ID assigned to each section of the licenses and certificates. |
OriginalIssueYear | Long | Year when the licenses and certificates were originally issues. |
Status | String | Status of the licenses and certifications. |
CertificationURL | String | URL of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID |
AllLocationsFlag | Bool | Indicates candidate is ready to work from any location. |
WorkPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the candidate's work preference. |
Comments | String | Additional comments for work preferences. |
ContentItemId | Long | ID assigned to each content item of work preference. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency code of the preferred location. |
DateFrom | Date | Start date of the work preference. |
DateTo | Date | End date of the work preference. |
FlexibleWorkFlag | Bool | Indicates if flexible work option is available for the job. |
MinimumPay | Long | Minimum pay allocated to the job. |
IntlTravelFlag | Bool | Indicates if international travel is required for the job. |
NatTravelFrequency | String | Frequency of the domestic travel. |
NatTravelFlag | Bool | Indicates if domestic travel is required for the job. |
FullTimeEquivalent | Double | Indicates if full time is required. |
IntlTravelRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates if international travel is mandatory for the job. |
IntlTravelFrequency | String | Frequency of the international travel. |
NatTravelRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates if domestic travel is mandatory for the job. |
PartAssignFlag | Bool | Indicates if the candidate has opted for a part time job assignment. |
PayFrequency | String | Frequency of payment for the part time assignment. |
PayRange | String | Candidate's pay range. |
RelocateDuration | Long | Duration for which candidate wants to be relocated. |
RelocateFlag | Bool | Indicates that candidate has opted for relocation. |
RelocationReason | String | Reason why the candidate has opted for relocation. |
SectionId | Long | ID assigned to each section of work preferences. |
TempAssignFlag | Bool | Indicates if the job assignment is for a temporary period. |
WorkDays | String | Number of work days for the temporary work period. |
WorkHours | String | Number of work hours for the temporary work period. |
WorkMonths | Long | Number of work months for the temporary work period. |
WorkYears | Long | Number of work years for the temporary work period. |
ExcludedLocationOneId | Long | ID for the first option for excluded location. |
ExcludedLocationTwoId | Long | ID for the second option for excluded location. |
ExcludedLocationThreeId | Long | ID for the third option for excluded location. |
ExcludedLocationFourId | Long | ID for the fourth option for excluded location. |
PreferredLocationOneId | Long | First option for the preferred location. |
PreferredLocationTwoId | Long | Second option for the preferred location. |
PreferredLocationThreeId | Long | Third option for the preferred location |
PreferredLocationFourId | Long | Fourth option for the preferred location. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress |
JobApplicationId | Long | JobApplicationId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | Job family ID. |
JobFamilyName | String | Job family name. |
ActiveStatus | String | Job family active status. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
Ids | String | Ids |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SiteNumber | String | SiteNumber |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OfferId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to each job offer. |
OfferName | String | Name for each job offer. |
Description | String | Description of the job offer. |
Comments | String | Additional comments about the job offer. |
HireDate | Date | Date of hiring the candidate. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer will expire. |
EsignatureInstructions | String | Instructions for the candidate's electronic signature. |
AdditionalTextOne | String | Additional text one. |
AdditionalTextTwo | String | Additional text two. |
StateId | Long | ID assigned to each state of recruitment. |
StateName | String | Name for each state of recruitment. |
PhaseId | Long | ID assigned to each phase of the job offer. |
PhaseName | String | Name of each phase of the job offer. |
AcceptedOnBehalfFlag | Bool | Indicates if the offer was accepted on behalf of the candidate. |
AcceptedOnBehalfPersonId | Long | ID assigned to the individual who accepted the job offer on behalf of the candidate. |
AcceptedOnBehalfDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer was accepted on behalf of the candidate. |
AssignmentOfferId | Long | ID assigned to the assignment offer. |
HiringManagerId | Long | ID assigned to the hiring manager. |
HiringManagerAssignmentId | Long | ID given to the assignment of the hiring manager. |
RecruiterId | Long | ID assigned to each recruiter. |
RecruiterAssignmentId | Long | ID assigned to each assignment given to a recruiter. |
OfferLetterLayoutId | Long | ID assigned to each offer letter layout. |
JobApplicationId | Long | ID assigned for each job application. |
RequisitionId | Long | ID assigned to each requisition. |
CandidatePersonId | Long | Person ID assigned to the candidate. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the person who created the job offer. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Person who last updated the job offer. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobOffersOfferId [KEY] | Long | Finds job offer by primary key and an offer ID |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
OfferId | Long | OfferId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobOffersOfferId [KEY] | Long | Finds job offer by primary key and an offer ID |
CollaboratorId [KEY] | Long | ID for each collaborator. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID assigned to each collaborator. |
CollaboratorAssignmentId | Long | ID for each assignment given to the collaborator. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the collaborator who created the job offer. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer was created by the collaborator. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Collaborator who last updated the job offer. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when the job offer was last updated by the collaborator. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
OfferId | Long | OfferId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobOffersOfferId [KEY] | Long | Finds job offer by primary key and an offer ID |
OfferId [KEY] | Long | OfferId of RecruitingJobOffersofferDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of RecruitingJobOffersofferDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of RecruitingJobOffersofferDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition Number in recruiting job requisitions. |
RequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Requisition ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
Title | String | Title in recruiting job requisitions. |
OtherRequisitionTitle | String | Other Requisition Title in recruiting job requisitions. |
RecruitingType | String | Recruiting Type in recruiting job requisitions. |
TemplateId | Long | Template ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
PipelineRequisition | String | Pipeline Requisition in recruiting job requisitions. |
PipelineRequisitionId | Long | Pipeline Requisition ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
StateId | Long | State ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
StateName | String | State Name in recruiting job requisitions. |
PhaseId | Long | Phase ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
PhaseName | String | Phase Name in recruiting job requisitions. |
PositionId | Long | Position ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
UnlimitedOpenings | String | Unlimited Openings in recruiting job requisitions. |
NumberOfOpenings | Int | Number Of Openings in recruiting job requisitions. |
HiredCount | Int | Hired Count in recruiting job requisitions. |
ApplyWhenNotPosted | String | Apply When Not Posted in recruiting job requisitions. |
BusinessJustification | String | Business justification in recruiting job requisitions. |
Comments | String | Comments in recruiting job requisitions. |
DisplayInOrgChart | String | Display In Org Chart in recruiting job requisitions. |
HiringManagerId | Long | Hiring Manager ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
HiringManagerAssignmentId | Long | Hiring Manager Assignment ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
RecruiterId | Long | Recruiter ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
RecruiterAssignmentId | Long | Recruiter Assignment ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
ProfileId | Long | Profile ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
OrganizationId | Long | Organization ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
JobFamilyId | Long | Job Family ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
JobFunction | String | Job Function in recruiting job requisitions. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Business unit ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
DepartmentId | Long | Department ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
PrimaryWorkLocationId | Long | Primary Work Location ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
PrimaryLocationId | Long | Primary Location ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
JobId | Long | Job ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
GradeId | Long | Grade ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
LegalEmployerId | Long | Legal Employer ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
BudgetCurrency | String | Budget Currency in recruiting job requisitions. |
EmployeeReferralBonus | Double | Employee Referral Bonus in recruiting job requisitions. |
SourcingBudget | Double | Sourcing Budget in recruiting job requisitions. |
TravelBudget | Double | Travel Budget in recruiting job requisitions. |
RelocationBudget | Double | Relocation Budget in recruiting job requisitions. |
CompensationCurrency | String | Compensation Currency in recruiting job requisitions. |
MinimumSalary | Double | Minimum Salary in recruiting job requisitions. |
MaximumSalary | Double | Maximum Salary in recruiting job requisitions. |
PayFrequency | String | Pay Frequency in recruiting job requisitions. |
WorkerType | String | Worker Type in recruiting job requisitions. |
RegularOrTemporary | String | Regular Or Temporary in recruiting job requisitions. |
ManagementLevel | String | Management Level in recruiting job requisitions. |
FullTimeOrPartTime | String | Full Time Or Part Time in recruiting job requisitions. |
JobShift | String | Job Shift in recruiting job requisitions. |
JobType | String | Job Type in recruiting job requisitions. |
EducationLevel | String | Education Level in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalShortDescription | String | Internal Short Description in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalDescription | String | Internal Description in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalDescriptionHTML | String | Internal Description HTML in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalContactName | String | Internal Contact Name in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalContactEmail | String | Internal Contact Email in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalShortDescription | String | External Short Description in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalDescription | String | External Description in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalDescriptionHTML | String | External Description HTML in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalContactName | String | External Contact Name in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalContactEmail | String | External Contact Email in recruiting job requisitions. |
EmployerInternalDescriptionId | Long | Employer Internal Description ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
EmployerExternalDescriptionId | Long | Employer External Description ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
RecruitingOrganizationInternalDescriptionId | Long | Recruiting Organization Internal Description ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
RecruitingOrganizationExternalDescriptionId | Long | Recruiting Organization External Description ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalPublishedJobStartDate | Datetime | Internal Published Job Start Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalPublishedJobEndDate | Datetime | Internal Published Job End Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalPublishedJobStatus | String | Internal Published Job Status in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalPublishedJobStartDate | Datetime | External Published Job Start Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalPublishedJobEndDate | Datetime | External Published Job End Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalPublishedJobStatus | String | External Published Job Status in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalApplicationFlowId | Long | External Application Flow ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
CandidateSelectionProcessId | Long | Candidate Selection Process ID in recruiting job requisitions. |
RequisitionLastModifiedDate | Datetime | Requisition Last Modified Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
CreatedBy | String | Create job requisitions. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions. |
AutomaticallyOpenRequisitionForSourcing | String | Determines if a job requisition is opened automatically for sourcing and if the job is posted internally and externally. |
DelayBeforePostingExpires | Int | Determines the number of days of delay before the job posting expires. The value can't be higher than 0 if the job requisition isn't configured to be posted automatically. |
InternalResp | String | Responsibilities for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalRespHTML | String | HTML representation of responsibilities for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalResp | String | Responsibilities for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalRespHTML | String | HTML representation of responsibilities for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalRespStr | String | String representation of responsibilities for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalRespStr | String | String representation of responsibilities for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalQual | String | Qualifications for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalQualHTML | String | HTML representation of qualifications for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalQual | String | Qualifications for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalQualHTML | String | HTML representation of qualifications for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
InternalQualStr | String | String representation of qualifications for internal candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
ExternalQualStr | String | String representation of qualifications for external candidates in recruiting job requisitions. |
WorkplaceTypeCode | String | Code of the workplace type of the job requisition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
CollaboratorId [KEY] | Long | Collaborator ID in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
CollaboratorAssignmentId | Long | Collaborator Assignment ID in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
CreatedBy | String | Created using in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions collaborators. |
CollaboratorType | String | Collaborator type for recruiting job requisition collaborators. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
LanguageId [KEY] | Long | Language ID in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
LanguageCode | String | Language Code in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
IsDefaultFlag | Bool | Is Default indicator in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
CreatedBy | String | Language used for creating the requisition. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions languages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Requisition ID in the job requisitions LOV. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition Number in the job requisitions LOV. |
Title | String | Title in the job requisitions LOV. |
HiringManagerDisplayName | String | Hiring manager display name in the job requisitions LOV. |
RecruiterDisplayName | String | Recruiter Display Name in the job requisitions LOV. |
PipelineRequisitionId | Long | Pipeline requisition ID in the job requisitions LOV. |
PipelineRequisitionFlag | Bool | Pipeline requisition indicator in the job requisitions LOV. |
RequisitionTitleWithNumber | String | Requisition title and the requisition number displayed in the job requisition LOV when you select an existing requisition. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeNotPosted | String | IncludeNotPosted |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Status | String | Status |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
RequisitionMediaLinkId [KEY] | Long | Requisition Media Link ID in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
MediaLinkId | String | Media Link ID in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
Title | String | Title in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
Sequence | Int | Sequence in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
Type | String | Type in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
Visibility | String | Visibility in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
IsShownOnOffers | String | Is Shown On Offers in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
URL | String | URL in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
ThumbnailURL | String | Thumbnail URL in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
CreatedBy | String | Requisition created using the media links. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions media links. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
MedialinksRequisitionMediaLinkId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions media links using a unique ID and RequisitionMediaLinkId |
MediaLanguageId [KEY] | Long | Media Language ID in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
MediaLinkId | Long | Media Link ID in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
MediaLanguageCode | String | Media Language Code in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
CreatedBy | String | Language used in the media for creating the job requisition. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions media languages. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | Location ID in recruiting job requisitions other locations. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography Node ID in recruiting job requisitions other locations. |
CreatedBy | String | Requisition created for other locations. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions other locations. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions other locations. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions other locations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
WorkLocationId [KEY] | Long | Work Location ID in recruiting job requisitions other work locations. |
LocationId | Long | Location ID in recruiting job requisitions other work locations. |
CreatedBy | String | Requisitions created for other work locations. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions other work locations. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions other work locations. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions other work locations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
PublishedJobId [KEY] | Long | Published Job ID in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
Visibility | String | Visibility in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
PostingStatus | String | Posting Status in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start Date in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
EndDate | Datetime | End Date in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
TimeZone | String | Time Zone in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
CreatedBy | String | Requisitions included in the published jobs. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation Date in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Last Update using in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last Update Date in recruiting job requisitions published jobs. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
RequisitionId [KEY] | Long | RequisitionId of RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF |
ReqUsageCode | String | ReqUsageCode of RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for the job requisition. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Descriptive flexfield for the job requisition. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds recruiting job requisitions using findByRequisitionNumber and RequisitionNumber |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | ID of the skill in recruiting job requisitions. |
MinimumYearsOfExperience | Long | Minimum years of experience of the skill in recruiting job requisitions. |
Importance | Long | Importance value of the skill in recruiting job requisitions. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the skill is required in recruiting job requisitions. |
Skills | String | Name of the skill in recruiting job requisitions. |
SectionId | Long | ID of the section which the skill is part of in recruiting job requisitions. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section which the skill is part of in recruiting job requisitions. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Requisition ID in the job requisition templates LOV. |
Title | String | Title in the job requisition templates LOV. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number in the job requisition templates LOV. |
Name | String | Name in the job requisition templates LOV. |
RequisitionNameWithNumber | String | Requisition name and the requisition number displayed in the job requisition LOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllowAllOrganizations | String | AllowAllOrganizations |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JobFamilyId | Long | JobFamilyId |
JobFunctionCode | String | JobFunctionCode |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId |
RecTypeCode | String | RecTypeCode |
ReqGeographyNodeIds | String | ReqGeographyNodeIds |
ReqUsageType | String | ReqUsageType |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LabelId [KEY] | Long | ID of the label. |
LabelName | String | Name of the label. |
EntityType | String | Entity type of the label. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Unique ID assigned to each LinkedIn notification. |
Type [KEY] | String | Type of LinkedIn notification. |
ExpiresAt [KEY] | String | Time when the LinkedIn notification will expire. If not provided, the notification will never expire. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LocationFQN [KEY] | String | Location attribute Name. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ConfirmedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job application is confirmed in opportunity marketplace. No default value. |
SubmissionDate | Date | Job application submission date in opportunity marketplace. |
SubmissionId [KEY] | Long | Job application ID in opportunity marketplace. |
Status | String | Job application status in opportunity marketplace. |
PreferredLanguage | String | Preferred language of the job application in opportunity marketplace. |
ActiveFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job application is active in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 1. |
PipelineSubmissionId | Long | Pipeline job application ID in opportunity marketplace. |
ShowWithdrawActionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the withdraw job application action is displayed in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 1. |
PipelineRequisitionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job application is a pipeline job application. Default value in 0. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Job requisition number in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Job title in opportunity marketplace. |
ShowJobActionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the view job details action is displayed in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 1. |
PrimaryJobLocation | String | Primary job location in opportunity marketplace. |
OtherJobLocationCount | Int | Count of the other job locations in opportunity marketplace. |
HiringManager | String | Hiring manager in opportunity marketplace. |
Organization | String | Organization name in opportunity marketplace. |
ActionResponseMessage | String | Response message for a job application in opportunity marketplace. |
OfferId | Long | Job offer ID in opportunity marketplace. |
StartDate | Date | Candidate start date in opportunity marketplace. |
ShowOfferActionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the view offer action is displayed in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 0. |
HiringManagerPersonId | String | Hiring manager person ID in opportunity marketplace. |
Action | String | Action performed on the job application in opportunity marketplace. |
ProposedStartDateLabelFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the proposed start date is displayed in opportunity marketplace. No default value |
JobFunction | String | Job function of the employee in Opportunity Marketplace. |
RemoteOpportunity | String | Remote opportunity indicator in Opportunity Marketplace. |
PrimaryWorkLocation | String | Primary work location in Opportunity Marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Active | Bool | active |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionId [KEY] | Long | Job Application ID of the job application in opportunity marketplace. |
IntrvwRequestsId [KEY] | Long | Interview request ID in opportunity marketplace. |
SubmissionId | Long | Job application ID for the scheduled interview in opportunity marketplace. |
InterviewId | Long | Interview ID in opportunity marketplace. |
IsScheduled | String | Interview scheduled in opportunity marketplace. |
ScheduleInterviewId | Long | Scheduled interview ID in opportunity marketplace. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start date of the interview in opportunity marketplace. |
EndDate | Datetime | End date of the scheduled interview in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Active | Bool | active |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionId [KEY] | Long | Job Application ID of the job application in opportunity marketplace. |
IntrvwRequestsId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to each unscheduled interview request. |
InterviewId | Long | ID assigned to each unscheduled interview. |
IntrvwRschldCount | Int | Count of rescheduled interviews. |
IsRschldRqsted | String | Indicates if a reschedule of the interview is requested. |
ScheduleId | Long | Schedule ID assigned to each unscheduled interview request. |
SubmissionId | Long | Job application ID assigned to each unscheduled interview request. |
IsSchedulable | String | Indicates if the unscheduled interview can be scheduled. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Active | Bool | active |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ReferralId [KEY] | Long | Referral ID in opportunity marketplace. |
RequisitionId | Long | Requisition ID of the referred job in opportunity marketplace. |
ReferrerPersonId | Long | Person ID of the referrer in opportunity marketplace. |
CandidatePersonId | Long | Candidate person ID of the referred candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
SubmissionId | Long | Submission ID of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
ShareId | Long | Share ID of the referrer in opportunity marketplace. |
ReferralTypeCode | String | Referral type in opportunity marketplace. |
CandidateTypeCode | String | Candidate type of the referred candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Title of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
DisplayName | String | Display name of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
ListName | String | List name of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
Notes | String | Notes entered by the referrer in opportunity marketplace. |
Rating | Double | Rating of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
Status | String | Status of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
Message | String | Message entered by the referrer in opportunity marketplace. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition unique number in opportunity marketplace. |
ExternalPublishJobStatus | String | External status of the referred job in opportunity marketplace. |
IntPublishJobStatus | String | Internal status of the referred job in opportunity marketplace. |
PublicStatus | String | Public status of the referral in opportunity marketplace. |
CandidateNumber | String | Candidate number of the referred candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionType [KEY] | String | Type of action in opportunity marketplace. |
ContextId | Long | Context ID of an action in opportunity marketplace. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID of the person who performed an action in opportunity marketplace. |
ContextType | String | Context type of an action in opportunity marketplace. |
WriteUp | String | Introduction provided by seeker applying for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GigId [KEY] | Long | Gig ID of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
GigNumber | String | Gig number of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatorPersonId | Long | Person ID of the gig creator in opportunity marketplace. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geographical node ID of the gig location in opportunity marketplace. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start date of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
EndDate | Datetime | End date of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
PublishDate | Datetime | Publish date of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
TimeCommitment | Int | Time commitment of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
RemoteOpportunityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the gig in opportunity marketplace is a remote opportunity. The default value is 0 |
StatusCode | String | Status code of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
OrganizationId | Long | Organization ID of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Title of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Description | String | Description of the gig in opportunity marketplace. |
DescriptionStr | String | Description details of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Location | String | Location of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatorName | String | Name of the gig creator in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatorEmail | String | Email of the gig creator in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatorPhoneNumber | String | Phone of the gig creator in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatorPosition | String | Position of the gig creator in opportunity marketplace. |
BookmarkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a gig is bookmarked in opportunity marketplace. The default value is 0 |
HasAppliedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether someone applied to a gig in opportunity marketplace. The default value is 0. |
GigValidFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a gig is valid in opportunity marketplace. No default value. |
ProfileId | Long | Profile ID of a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
FilledCount | Int | Number filled applications for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
OpeningsCount | Int | Number of openings for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
PendingApprovalAppsCount | Int | Number of applications pending approval for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
NewApplicationsCount | Int | Number of new applications for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
NotSelectedApplicationsCount | Int | Number of applications not selected for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
CanceledApplicationsCount | Int | Number of canceled applications for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
CompletedApplicationsCount | Int | Number of completed applications for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
TotalApplicationsCount | Int | Number of all the applications for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsGigId [KEY] | Long | Finds gig details in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and the gig ID. |
BenefitId [KEY] | Long | Benefit ID of a gig benefit in opportunity marketplace. |
Description | String | Description of a gig benefit in opportunity marketplace. |
DescriptionStr | String | Description details of a gig benefit in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GigId | Long | GigId |
GigNumber | String | GigNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsGigId [KEY] | Long | Finds gig details in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and the gig ID. |
ApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Application ID of a gig application in opportunity marketplace. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID in a gig application in opportunity marketplace. |
StatusCode | String | Status code of an application for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
ApplicationDate | Datetime | Application date of opportunities in Opportunity Marketplace. |
Name | String | Name in a gig application in opportunity marketplace. |
JobName | String | Job name in a gig application in opportunity marketplace. |
OrganizationName | String | Organization name of the candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
LocationName | String | Location name of the candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
CompletedGigCount | Int | Number of gigs completed by a candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
IsRecommendedFlag | Bool | Flag denoting whether this candidate was a recommended candidate in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GigId | Long | GigId |
GigNumber | String | GigNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsGigId [KEY] | Long | Finds gig details in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and the gig ID. |
GigMediaLinkId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID for the gig media link in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Title of gig media link in opportunity marketplace. |
URL | String | URL of the gig media link in opportunity marketplace. |
ThumbnailURL | String | URL for the media thumbnail in opportunity marketplace. |
LookupCode | String | Code for the gig media link in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GigId | Long | GigId |
GigNumber | String | GigNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsGigId [KEY] | Long | Finds gig details in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and the gig ID. |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | Skill ID for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Skills | String | Skill content for a gig in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GigId | Long | GigId |
GigNumber | String | GigNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktGigDetailsGigId [KEY] | Long | Finds gig details in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and the gig ID. |
TeamMemberId [KEY] | Long | Team member ID in opportunity marketplace. |
TeamMemberPersonId | Long | Person ID of a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
OpportunityType | String | Opportunity type for a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
TeamMemberRole | String | Role of a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
TeamMemberName | String | Name of a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
TeamMemberPhoneNumber | String | Phone of a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
TeamMemberEmailAddress | String | Email address of a gig team member in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GigId | Long | GigId |
GigNumber | String | GigNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Requisition ID of a job in opportunity marketplace |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Job title of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
PublishJobStartDate | Datetime | Date when the job is published in opportunity marketplace. |
PublishJobEndDate | Datetime | Date when the job is no longer published in opportunity marketplace. |
Description | String | Description of the job requisition in opportunity marketplace. |
JobFamilyName | String | Name of the job family of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
JobGradeName | String | Name of the job grade of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
JobShiftName | String | Name of the job shift of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
FullPartTimeName | String | Full time or part time job in opportunity marketplace. |
OrganizationName | String | Name of the organization of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
BookmarkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job is a job in opportunity marketplace. |
HasAppliedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the person has already applied to a job in opportunity marketplace. The default value is 0 |
RequisitionValidFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the requisition is valid in opportunity marketplace. The default value is 1 |
Responsibilities | String | Responsibilities of the job requisition. |
Qualifications | String | Qualifications of the job requisition. |
PrimaryLocationFlatName | String | Name of the primary location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
PrimaryWorkLocationName | String | Name of the primary work location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
TravelRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requires travel in opportunity marketplace. |
DescriptionStr | String | Plain string value of the job requisition description in opportunity marketplace. |
EmployerDescriptionStr | String | Plain string value of the employer description of a job requisition in opportunity marketplace. |
OrganizationDescriptionStr | String | Plain string value of the organization description of a job requisition in opportunity marketplace. |
JobShareId | Long | ID of the job requisition being shared in opportunity marketplace. |
JobShareURL | String | URL of the job page in opportunity marketplace. |
InternallyPostedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the job requisition is posted internally in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 0. |
ExternallyPostedFlag | Bool | Indicate whether the job requisition is posted externally in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 0. |
QualificationsStr | String | String value of the job requisition qualifications. |
ResponsibilitiesStr | String | String value of the job requisition responsibilities. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktJobDetailsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds a job in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and a requisition ID. |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Person ID of the contact for a job in opportunity marketplace. |
ContactType | String | Contact type for a job in opportunity marketplace. |
ContactName | String | Contact name for a job in opportunity marketplace. |
ContactEmail | String | Contact email for a job in opportunity marketplace. |
ContactPosition | String | Contact position of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktJobDetailsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds a job in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and a requisition ID. |
RequisitionLocationId [KEY] | Long | Requisition location ID of the secondary work location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
GeographyNodeId | Long | Geography node ID of the secondary location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
LocationFlatName | String | Location name of the secondary location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktJobDetailsRequisitionId [KEY] | Long | Finds a job in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and a requisition ID. |
RequisitionWorkLocationId [KEY] | Long | Requisition work location ID of the secondary work location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
LocationId | Long | Location ID of the secondary work location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
WorkLocationName | String | Work location name of the secondary work location of a job in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionId | Long | RequisitionId |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | Long | Search ID in opportunity marketplace. |
SelectedCategoryCode | String | Selected category code in opportunity marketplace. |
Keyword | String | Keyword in opportunity marketplace. |
Limit | Long | Limit in opportunity marketplace. |
Offset | Long | Offset in opportunity marketplace. |
HasMoreFlag | Bool | Indicates whether there are more opportunities in the opportunities list. |
SortingFieldName | String | Field name to sort opportunities in opportunity marketplace. |
SortingFieldDirection | String | Ascending and descending order to sort opportunities in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryCode | String | categoryCode |
Finder | String | finder |
SearchTerms | String | searchTerms |
SortFieldDirection | String | sortFieldDirection |
SortFieldName | String | sortFieldName |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktOpportunitiesSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds opportunities in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and a search ID. |
CategoryCode [KEY] | String | Category code in category facets in opportunity marketplace. |
ResultsCount | Long | Results count in opportunity marketplace |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
Finder | String | finder |
Limit | Long | limit |
Offset | Long | offset |
SearchTerms | String | searchTerms |
SortFieldDirection | String | sortFieldDirection |
SortFieldName | String | sortFieldName |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingOppMktOpportunitiesSearchId [KEY] | Long | Finds opportunities in opportunity marketplace using a unique ID and a search ID. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | Long | Opportunity ID in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
OpportunityType | String | Opportunity type in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
OpportunityNumber | String | Opportunity number in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
Title | String | Title in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
Location | String | Location in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date in the opportunity list in opportunity marketplace. |
RemoteOpportunityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the opportunity is a remote working opportunity in opportunity marketplace. Default value is 0. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
CategoryCode | String | categoryCode |
Finder | String | finder |
Limit | Long | limit |
Offset | Long | offset |
SearchTerms | String | searchTerms |
SortFieldDirection | String | sortFieldDirection |
SortFieldName | String | sortFieldName |
Name | Type | Description |
PreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Preference ID of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
ContextId | Long | Context ID of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
ContextType | String | Context type of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
PreferenceContextCode | String | Person context of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Object version number of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
CreatedBy | String | Person who created the seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Last update date of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Last update sign in of a seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Person who last updated the seeker preference in opportunity marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GigApplicationId [KEY] | Long | Gig application ID of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigApplicationStatus | String | Gig application status of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
PersonId | Long | Person ID of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigId | Long | Gig ID of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigCreatorId | Long | Gig creator ID of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigTitle | String | Gig title of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
EndDate | Date | End date of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigStatus | String | Gig status of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigNumber | String | Gig number in Opportunity Marketplace. |
TimeCommitment | Int | Time commitment for the gig in Opportunity Marketplace. |
ApplicationDate | Datetime | Application date of opportunities in Opportunity Marketplace. |
GigCreatorName | String | Gig creator name of an application for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
GigCreatorEmail | String | Gig creator email for an opportunity in opportunity marketplace. |
RemoteOpportunity | String | Remote opportunity indicator for user applied opportunity in Opportunity Marketplace. |
Location | String | Location of the gig in Opportunity Marketplace. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Organization ID in recruiting organizations LOV. |
Name | String | Name in recruiting organizations LOV. |
Type | String | Type in recruiting organizations LOV. |
Orgtype | String | Organization type in the recruiting organizations LOV. |
TreeCode | String | Tree code in the recruiting organizations LOV. |
TreeVersionId | String | Tree version ID in the recruiting organizations LOV. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllowAllOrganizations | String | AllowAllOrganizations |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken [KEY] | String | Candidate Token in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition Number in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
CandidateNumber | String | Candidate Number in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
CandidateEmail | String | Candidate Email in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
FirstName | String | First Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
LastName | String | Last Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
MiddleNames | String | Middle Names in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
NamePrefix | String | Name Prefix in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
NameSuffix | String | Name Suffix in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
PhoneCountryCode | String | Phone Country Code in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
PhoneAreaCode | String | Phone Area Code in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
PhoneNumber | String | Phone Number in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Address | String | Address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RequisitionTitle | String | Requisition Label in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RequisitionLocation | String | Requisition Location in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RequisitionOrganization | String | Requisition Organization in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RecruiterFirstName | String | Recruiter First Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RecruiterLastName | String | Recruiter Last Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
RecruiterEmail | String | Recruiter Email in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
HiringManagerFirstName | String | Hiring Manager First Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
HiringManagerLastName | String | Hiring Manager Last Name in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
HiringManagerEmail | String | Hiring Manager Email in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Language | String | Language in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Legislation | String | Legislation in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
ConfirmedSubmissionFlag | Bool | Indicates if the candidate has been confirmed. |
DateOfBirth | String | Candidate's date of birth in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
CandidatePIIInformationIncludedFlag | Bool | Indicates if the personally identifiable information data need to be send. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
City | String | City in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate address details. |
Country | String | Country in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Building | String | Building in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Additional address attribute 1 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Additional address attribute 2 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Additional address attribute 3 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Additional address attribute 4 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Additional address attribute 5 in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
Attribute [KEY] | String | Address format attribute in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Label | String | Address format label in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Sequence | String | Sequence in the address in the recruiting partner candidate details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
CertificationId [KEY] | Long | Certification ID in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID assigned for each section in the certification of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionName | String | Section Name assigned for each section in the certification of recruiting partner candidate. |
CertificationName | String | Certification Name in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
Title | String | Label in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
IssuedBy | String | Issued By in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
EducationalEstablishment | String | Education Establishment in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
Country | String | Country in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
State | String | State in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
CertificationNumber | String | Certification Number in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue Date in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration Date in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
RenewalRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates that renewal is required in the certifications of the recruiting partner candidate. |
RenewalInprogressFlag | Bool | Indicates that the renewal is in progress for the certifications of the recruiting partner candidate. |
RenewalDate | Date | Renewal Date in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
LastRenewalDate | Date | Last Renewal Date in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
ActualCompletionDate | Date | Actual Completion Date in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
Comments | String | Comments in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed Amount in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total Amount in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
CompletedTrainingUnits | String | Completed Training Units in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
Restrictions | String | Restrictions in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
VerifiedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the certifications of recruiting partner candidate are verified. |
Status | String | Status in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
CertificationURL | String | Certification URL in certifications of recruiting partner candidate. |
IssueYear | Long | Year of issue of the certificate for the recruiting partner candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
EducationId [KEY] | Long | Education ID in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID assigned for each section in education of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionName | String | Section Name assigned for each section in education of recruiting partner candidate. |
DegreeName | String | Degree Name in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Major | String | Major in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Minor | String | Minor in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
SchoolName | String | School Name in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Educator | String | Educator in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
EducationLevel | String | Education Level in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Country | String | Country in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
City | String | City in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
State | String | State in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
StartDate | Date | Start Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
EndDate | Date | End Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
DateAcquired | Date | Date Acquired in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
YearAcquired | String | Year Acquired in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
ProjectedCompletionDate | Date | Projected Completion Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
GraduatedFlag | Bool | Indicates that the recruiting partner candidate is a graduate. |
GPA | Double | GPA in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
AverageGrade | String | Average Grade in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed Amount in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total Amount in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Status | String | Status in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
CompletedTrainingUnits | String | Completed Training Units in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
TrmnlDegDiscpFlag | Bool | Indicates that it's the terminal degree in the education of the recruiting partner candidate. |
AwardingBody | String | Awarding Body in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Title | String | Label in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
AreaOfStudy | String | Area Of Study in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
Department | String | Department in educations of recruiting partner candidate. |
AcademicStanding | String | Academic standing in education of recruiting partner candidate. |
Comments | String | Comments in the education of recruiting partner candidate. |
Description | String | Description for education of recruiting partner candidate. |
Duration | String | Duration of education of recruiting partner candidate. |
DurationUnits | String | Units of the duration of education of recruiting partner candidate. |
EducationLevelCompletedFlag | Bool | Indicates if the education level is complete for recruiting partner candidate. |
EducationURL | String | URL of the education of recruiting partner candidate. |
Fee | Long | Education fees of recruiting partner candidate. |
FeeCurrency | String | Currency of the education fees of recruiting partner candidate. |
HighestEducationLevel | String | Highest education level of recruiting partner candidate. |
PartTimeFlag | Bool | Indicates if the education was pursued as a part time course by recruiting partner candidate. |
Reimbursements | String | Reimbursement arrangements of education of recruiting partner candidate. |
ActivitySummary | String | Activity summary of education of recruiting partner candidate. |
TuitionMethod | String | Tuition method of education of recruiting partner candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
NationalIdentifierNumber [KEY] | String | National identifier number of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
NationalIdentifierType | String | National identifier type of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place of issue of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of national identifiers of the recruiting partner candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] | String | Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token |
PreviousEmploymentId [KEY] | Long | Previous Employment ID in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionId | Long | Section ID assigned for each section in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SectionName | String | Section Name assigned for each section in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
EmployerName | String | Employer Name in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
BusinessType | String | Business Type in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
JobTitle | String | Job Label in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
StartingPosition | String | Starting Position in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
JobFunction | String | Job Function in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
OtherJobFunction | String | Other Job Function in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
JobFamily | String | Job Family in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
StartDate | Date | Start Date in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
EndDate | Date | End Date in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
CurrentJobFlag | Bool | Indicates the current job in the previous employments of the recruiting partner candidate. |
Achievements | String | Achievements in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
ContactSupervisorFlag | Bool | Contact Supervisor indicator in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SupervisorName | String | Supervisor Name in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SupervisorTitle | String | Supervisor Label in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SupervisorEmail | String | Supervisor Email in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
SupervisorPhone | String | Supervisor Phone in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
AdditionalInformation | String | Additional Information in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
LeavingReason | String | Leaving Reason in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
StartCompensation | Double | Start Compensation in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
EndCompensation | Double | End Compensation in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
OtherCompensation | String | Other Compensation in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
CompanyURL | String | Company URL in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
FullTimeCode | String | Full Time Code in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
DirectReports | Long | Direct Reports in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
Department | String | Department in the previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
Country | String | Country in previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
State | String | State in previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
City | String | City in previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
InternalFlag | Bool | Indicates an internal candidate in the previous employment of recruiting partner candidate. |
Responsibilities | String | Responsibilities in previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
EmployerPhone | String | Employer phone in previous employments of recruiting partner candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateToken | String | CandidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the person. |
PersonNumber | String | Number assigned to the person. |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | Effective start date of the representatives. |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | Effective end date of the representatives. |
PersonNameId | Long | ID assigned to the person name. |
NameEffectiveStartDate | Date | Name effective start date. |
NameEffectiveEndDate | Date | Name effective end date. |
DisplayName | String | Name of the list displayed. |
ListName | String | Name assigned to the list of representatives. |
EmailAddressId | Long | ID assigned to the email of the representatives. |
WorkEmailAddress | String | Work email address of the representative. |
EmailType | String | Type of email of the representatives. |
ImageId | Long | ID assigned to the image files. |
ImageOvn | Int | Version number for an Image. |
AssignmentId | Long | ID of the assignment given to the representatives. |
AssignmentEffectiveStartDate | Date | Effective start date of the assignment assigned to the representatives. |
AssignmentEffectiveEndDate | Date | Effective end date of the assignment assigned to the representatives. |
EffectiveSequence | Int | Effective sequence of the representatives. |
AssignmentEffectiveLatestChange | String | Latest change implemented in the assignment assigned to the representatives |
AssignmentNumber | String | Number of the assignment assigned to the representatives. |
AssignmentType | String | Type of assignment. |
AssignmentName | String | Name of the assignment assigned to the representatives. |
AssignmentStatusType | String | Type of assignment status. |
WorkTermsAssignmentId | Long | ID assigned to the work terms of the assignments assigned to the representatives. |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates the primary representative. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentUserAssignmentId | String | CurrentUserAssignmentId |
CurrentUserPersonId | String | CurrentUserPersonId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
QuestionId | Long | ID assigned to each question in the requisition question list. |
QuestionCode | String | Code assigned to each question in the requisition question list. |
QuestionText | String | Text of the questions included in th requisition question list. |
QstnAnswerId [KEY] | Long | ID assigned to the answer of the questions in the requisition question list. |
LongText | String | Long test entered in the requisition question list. |
RequisitionId | String | ID assigned to the requisitions. |
ListOfQstnrTypeCode | String | Code assigned to each question list type. |
SearchTerms | String | Search terms used in the requisition question list. |
FilterAttributes | String | Filter attributes for the requisition question list. |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | Indicates that each entry in the requisition question list starts with the word. |
QuesCodeAnsText | String | Code assigned to the answer provided to each question in the requisition question list. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Job requisition's requisition number. |
CandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Candidate's candidate number. |
PipelineRequisitionNumber | String | Number assigned to each pipeline job requisition. |
CandidateEmail | String | Candidate's email address. |
FirstName | String | Candidate's first name. |
LastName | String | Candidate's last name. |
MiddleNames | String | Candidate's middle name. |
NamePrefix | String | Candidate's name prefix. |
NameSuffix | String | Candidate's name suffix. |
Address | String | Candidate's address. |
PhoneCountryCode | String | Candidate's phone country code in the recruiting tax credits. |
PhoneAreaCode | String | Candidate's phone area code in the recruiting tax credits. |
PhoneNumber | String | Candidate's phone number in the recruiting tax credits. |
RequisitionTitle | String | Title for the job requisition. |
RequisitionLocation | String | Job requisition primary location. |
WorkLocation | String | Job requisition primary work location. |
WorkLocationCode | String | Work location code in the job requisition. |
RequisitionOrganization | String | Organization name for the job requisition. |
Language | String | Job application language. |
JobApplicationDate | String | Job application date. |
PlannedStartDate | String | Candidate's planned start date. |
ExtendedDate | String | Job offer extended date. |
AcceptedDate | String | Job offer accepted date. |
Salary | Double | Candidate's salary. |
SalaryCurrency | String | Currency for the salary. |
PayBasis | String | Salary pay basis. |
OfferWorkLocation | String | Work location specified in the candidate job offer. |
OfferWorkLocationCode | String | Work location code in the candidate job offer. |
DateOfBirth | String | Candidate's date of birth. |
CandidatePIIInformationIncludedFlag | Bool | Indicates if personally identifiable information data from candidate is included in payload. |
CandidateToken | String | Candidate token in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
ConfirmedSubmissionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the candidate has been confirmed. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
PartnerId | String | partnerId |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and candidate number used to find a job application. |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and requisition number used to find a job application. |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddressLine2 | String | Address line 2 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddressLine3 | String | Address line 3 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddressLine4 | String | Address line 4 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
City | String | City in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Region1 | String | Region 1 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Region2 | String | Region 2 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Region3 | String | Region 3 in the address in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Country | String | Country in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Building | String | Building in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Additional address attribute 1 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Additional address attribute 2 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Additional address attribute 3 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Additional address attribute 4 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Additional address attribute 5 in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CandidateToken | String | candidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
PartnerId | String | partnerId |
RequisitionNumber | String | requisitionNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and candidate number used to find a job application. |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and requisition number used to find a job application. |
Attribute [KEY] | String | Address format attribute in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Label | String | Address format label in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Sequence | Double | Sequence in the recruiting tax credits candidate details. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CandidateToken | String | candidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
PartnerId | String | partnerId |
RequisitionNumber | String | requisitionNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and candidate number used to find a job application. |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and requisition number used to find a job application. |
NationalIdentifierNumber [KEY] | String | National identifier number of national identifiers of candidate. |
NationalIdentifierType | String | National identifier type of national identifiers of candidate. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of national identifiers of candidate. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place of issue of national identifiers of candidate. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of national identifiers of candidate. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of national identifiers of candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CandidateToken | String | candidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
PartnerId | String | partnerId |
RequisitionNumber | String | requisitionNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsCandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and candidate number used to find a job application. |
RecruitingTaxCreditsCandidateDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Unique ID and requisition number used to find a job application. |
Location [KEY] | String | Location name for job requisition work locations. |
LocationCode | String | Location code of candidate preferred location. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber | String | CandidateNumber |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
CandidateNumber | String | candidateNumber |
CandidateToken | String | candidateToken |
Finder | String | finder |
PartnerId | String | partnerId |
RequisitionNumber | String | requisitionNumber |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
Name | String | Name of ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
EstablishmentId | Long | EstablishmentId of ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmployerId | Long | LegalEmployerId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ReviewPeriodId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key of the review period. |
ReviewPeriodName | String | Name of the review period. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the review period. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the review period. |
StatusCode | String | Status of the review period. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignedGoalRP | String | AssignedGoalRP |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PerfDocManagerId | Long | PerfDocManagerId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RoleId [KEY] | Long | RoleId of RolesLOV |
RoleName | String | RoleName of RolesLOV |
RoleCode | String | RoleCode of RolesLOV |
Description | String | Description of RolesLOV |
ActiveFlag | Bool | ActiveFlag of RolesLOV |
AbstractRole | String | AbstractRole of RolesLOV |
DataRole | String | DataRole of RolesLOV |
JobRole | String | JobRole of RolesLOV |
DutyRole | String | DutyRole of RolesLOV |
DelegationAllowed | String | DelegationAllowed of RolesLOV |
ExternalRole | String | ExternalRole of RolesLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of RolesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment. |
SalaryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for a salary record generated by the application. |
SalaryBasisId | Long | Unique identifier for the salary basis. |
SalaryFrequencyCode | String | Code of the salary basis frequency, such as ANNUAL, MONTHLY, HOURLY. |
SalaryBasisType | String | Type of the salary basis, such as Salary amount determined by the user or Components. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency code that the salary amount is stored in, such as USD. |
DateFrom | Date | Start date of the salary. |
DateTo | Date | End date of the salary. |
SalaryAmount | Double | Salary amount on the salary record for the worker assignment. |
AdjustmentAmount | Double | Calculated adjustment amount based on the previous salary. |
AdjustmentPercentage | Double | Calculated adjustment percentage based on the previous salary . |
AnnualSalary | Double | Annual value of the worker's salary. |
AnnualFullTimeSalary | Double | Annual value of the worker's salary, if working full time. |
Quartile | String | Quartile containing the worker's salary. The salary range for the worker's grade is divided into four equal parts called quartiles. |
Quintile | String | Quintile containing the worker's salary. The salary range for the worker's grade is divided into five equal parts called quintiles. |
CompaRatio | Double | Salary as a percentage of the grade range midpoint. Salary at the midpoint is 100. |
RangePosition | Double | Position of the worker's salary within the assignment grade salary range, expressed as a percentage of 100. |
SalaryRangeMinimum | Double | Salary range minimum based on the worker assignment grade. |
SalaryRangeMidPoint | Double | Salary range midpoint based on the worker assignment grade. |
SalaryRangeMaximum | Double | Salary range maximum based on the worker assignment grade. |
SearchDate | String | Date used to find the applicable salary for the day. |
FrequencyName | String | Frequency of the salary basis, such as Annually, Monthly, Weekly, or Hourly. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number for the given assignment. |
DisplayName | String | Unique name for the set of details linked to a worker's base pay. These details include the payroll characteristics used to pay base earnings, the duration of the quoted base pay, and the factor used to annualize base pay. The details also include any components used to connect base pay adjustments to different reasons and any associated grade rate for salary validation. |
ActionId | Long | Unique identifier of the action. |
ActionReasonId | Long | Unique identifier of the action reason. |
ActionCode | String | Code of the action. |
ActionReasonCode | String | Code of the action reason. |
ActionReason | String | Reason for the action being done on the record. Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV. |
ActionName | String | Action being done on this assignment, such as, Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV. |
Code | String | Code for the salary basis. |
LegalEmployerName | String | Legal employer for the person's assignment. |
GradeLadderName | String | Name of the grade ladder associated with the person's assignment. |
GradeName | String | Name of the step associated with the person's assignment. |
GradeStepName | String | Name of the grade associated with the person's assignment. |
GeographyName | String | Geographical zone used in compensation to calculate salary ranges. |
GeographyTypeName | String | Geographical zone type used in compensation to calculate salary ranges. |
GradeId | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment grade. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Identifies the date and time that the row was most recently updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Identifies the user who most recently updated the row. |
CreatedBy | String | Identifies the user who created the row. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Identifies the date and time that the row was created. |
FTEValue | Double | Factor that represents the proportion of full-time hours a person works. |
NextSalReviewDate | Date | Date to review a person's assignment salary. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SalariesSalaryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary for a worker assignment. |
SalaryComponentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary component. |
SalaryId | Long | Unique identifier of the salary. |
ComponentReasonCode | String | Incremental component code for salary adjustments itemized by reasons, such as merit, location, and cost of living. |
AdjustmentAmount | Double | Change amount for a component used to itemize salary into different reasons. |
AdjustmentPercentage | Double | Change percentage for a component used to itemize salary into different reasons. |
ComponentName | String | Incremental component that itemizes salary adjustments by reasons, such as merit, location, and cost of living. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SalariesSalaryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary for a worker assignment. |
SalaryId | Long | Unique identifier of the salary. |
SalaryPayComponentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary rate component. |
PayRateDefinitionId | Long | Unique identifier of the rate definition. |
RateDisplaySequence | Int | Display sequence of the rate component. |
RateType | String | Type of the rate, such as Primary or Derived. |
RateAmount | Double | Amount on the rate component of the person's salary. |
RateFactor | Double | Percentage on the rate component of the person's salary. |
RatePeriodicityCode | String | Code of the rate periodicity, such as ANNUAL, MONTHLY, or HOURLY. |
RateCurrencyCode | String | Currency code that the rate is stored in, such as USD. |
RateScale | Long | Decimal precision of the rate definition. |
RateAnnualAmount | Double | Annual value of the rate amount. |
RateAnnualFtAmount | Double | Annual value of the rate amount, if the worker was working full time. |
Name | String | Name of the salary rate component, which can be configured to capture an amount, factor, or derived. |
FTEFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the rate is prorated for full time equivalent. Valid values are Yes and No, and the default value is No. |
RateOverallSalaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the rate is an overall salary type. Valid values are Yes and No, and the default value is No. |
ReturnPrecision | Long | Decimal precision of the returned rate value. |
ShortName | String | Short name of the salary rate component. |
RateFrequencyName | String | Frequency of the rate definition, such as Annually, Monthly, Weekly, or Hourly. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SalariesSalaryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary for a worker assignment. |
AdjustmentAmount | Double | Change amount for a simple component. |
AdjustmentPercent | Double | Change percentage for a simple component. |
Amount | Double | Amount of the person's salary entered on the simple component |
AnnualAmount | Double | Annual value of the simple component amount. |
AnnualFtAmount | Double | Annual value of the simple component amount, if the person worked full time. |
BasedOnComponentCode | String | Code of the simple component that the percentage applies to. |
BasisSimpleComponentId | Long | Unique identifier of the simple component that the percentage applies to. |
ComponentCode | String | Code of the salary simple component, such as ORA_BASIC. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency code that the simple component value is stored in, such as USD. |
DisplaySequence | Int | Display sequence of the simple component. |
Percentage | Double | Percentage entered for the simple component. This percentage is applied to the specified based on simple component, to calculate the component amount. For example, apply 5% to the Base Salary simplified component. |
SalaryId | Long | Unique identifier of the salary. |
SimpleSalaryCompntId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the salary simple component. |
ComponentName | String | Name of the simple component, which can be configured to accept an amount or percentage. |
BasedOnComponentName | String | Name of the simple component that the percentage applies to. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SalaryBasisName | String | SalaryBasisName of SalaryBasisLov |
SalaryBasisId [KEY] | Long | SalaryBasisId of SalaryBasisLov |
FrequencyCode | String | FrequencyCode of SalaryBasisLov |
FrequencyName | String | FrequencyName of SalaryBasisLov |
Code | String | Code of SalaryBasisLov |
Status | String | Status of SalaryBasisLov |
SalaryBasisType | String | SalaryBasisType of SalaryBasisLov |
ComponentUsage | String | ComponentUsage of SalaryBasisLov |
AnnualizationFactor | Double | AnnualizationFactor of SalaryBasisLov |
SalaryAmountScale | Double | SalaryAmountScale of SalaryBasisLov |
GradeRateId | Long | GradeRateId of SalaryBasisLov |
InputCurrencyCode | String | InputCurrencyCode of SalaryBasisLov |
ElementTypeId | Long | ElementTypeId of SalaryBasisLov |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | LegislativeDataGroupId of SalaryBasisLov |
UseAtRelationshipLevel | String | UseAtRelationshipLevel of SalaryBasisLov |
UseAtTermsLevel | String | UseAtTermsLevel of SalaryBasisLov |
UseAtAssignmentLevel | String | UseAtAssignmentLevel of SalaryBasisLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AsgLevel | String | AsgLevel |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmployerName | String | LegalEmployerName |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SalaryBasisLovSalaryBasisId [KEY] | Long | SalaryBasisLovSalaryBasisId of SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents |
LookupUsageId [KEY] | Long | LookupUsageId of SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AsgLevel | String | AsgLevel |
Code | String | Code |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmployerName | String | LegalEmployerName |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | LegislativeDataGroupId |
SalaryBasisId | Long | SalaryBasisId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Status | String | Status |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ScheduleRequestNumber | String | Unique identifier of the schedule request. |
RequestSource | String | Exporter code or name of the application sending the request. |
SchedRequestId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate ID for the schedule request, available only to reference existing records. |
RequestTime | String | Submission time of the request, entered with timezone offset. For example, 2015-11-30T08:23:20.010+01:00. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEvents |
ResourceReferenceType | String | Reference type of the resource such as, ASSIGNMENT_ID, ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER, and so on. Valid values are defined in the lookup HtsResourceRefType1. |
ResourceReference | String | Resource reference that matches the specified resource reference type. For example, if the resource reference type is Person ID, then the resource reference is the unique identifier for the person. |
ImportMode | String | Import modes for the schedule such as, FULL or UPDATE. Valid values are defined in the lookup HtsImportMode1. |
PeriodStartDate | Date | Start date for the period of imported schedule. For schedule imports for a single day, enter the value of peridEndDate. You enter the actual date in the periodEndDate field. |
PeriodEndDate | Date | Period end date of the imported schedule. |
Publish | String | Indicates whether to publish the imported schedules. Valid values are Y or N and are defined in the lookup HcmLookupYesNo. |
WorkerNotification | String | Indicates whether to notify workers after publishing their schedules. Valid values are Y or N and are defined in the lookup HcmLookupYesNo. |
AllowEdits | String | Indicates whether the scheduler can edit the imported schedule using the Manage Planned Schedule task. The attribute value in the Worker Time Setup profile provides the default value. Valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupYesNo. |
SchedEventId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate ID for the schedule request event, available only to reference existing records. |
SchedRequestId | Long | Surrogate ID for the schedule request for this schedule, available only to reference existing records. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents |
ScheduleeventsschedEventId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleeventsschedEventId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents |
ShiftDuration | Long | Duration of the shift in minutes. If the shift type is Elapsed, this attribute is mandatory. For other shift types, user must provide the start and end times. |
ShiftNumber | String | Unique identifier of the shift in the source system, mandatory only when you update or delete shifts. |
ShiftAction | String | Actions to perform on the shift such as, CREATE, DELETE and so on. When the import mode is FULL, only the CREATE action is accepted. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftAction. |
ReferenceDay | Date | Date used to group shifts that span multiple work days into a single work day for processing. The import process checks that shifts marked with the DELETE action are on the reference day before deleting. |
ShiftStartTime | String | Start time of shifts of the type Time, entered with the time zone offset. For example, 2015-08-02T08:00:00+01:00. |
ShiftEndTime | String | End time of shifts of the type Time, entered with the time zone offse. For example, 2015-08-02T08:00:00+01:00. |
ShiftTimeNotWorked | Long | Time not worked, and therefore unpaid, during the shift in minutes. The shift value in the library provides the default value, which user can override. |
ShiftCategory | String | Category of the shift such as WORK. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftCategory. |
ShiftCode | String | Unique identifier for a shift in the library. The shift code is language-independent and required only when you create or update shifts. |
ShiftType | String | Types of shift such as ELAPSED or TIME. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftType. |
SchedShiftEventId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate ID for the schedule shift event, available only to reference existing records. |
SchedEventId | Long | Unique identifier to reference the schedule event containing the shift. |
AllowEdits | String | Indicates whether the scheduler can edit the imported shift using the Manage Planned Schedule task. If the value is Y or Null, shift editing is allowed when the value of the worker time setup profile Allow Edits option is Y and the schedule event is not N. Valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupYesNo. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
SchedRequestId | Long | schedRequestId |
Name | Type | Description |
ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes |
ScheduleeventsschedEventId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleeventsschedEventId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes |
ScheduleshifteventsschedShiftEventId [KEY] | Long | ScheduleshifteventsschedShiftEventId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes |
AttributeName | String | Name of the time attribute. For example, Payroll Time Type. |
AttributeValue | String | Value of the time attribute. For example, if the time attribute is Payroll Time Type, valid values might be Regular and Overtime. |
SchedShiftAtrbId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate ID for the schedule shift time attribute, available only to reference existing records. |
SchedShiftEventId | Long | Unique identifier to reference the shift event for the time attribute. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
SchedRequestId | Long | schedRequestId |
Name | Type | Description |
ShiftCode | String | ShiftCode of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
ShiftId [KEY] | Long | ShiftId of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
ShiftName | String | ShiftName of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
TimeNotWorked | Long | TimeNotWorked of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
Duration | String | Duration of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
Type | String | Type of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
StartEnd | String | StartEnd of SchedulingShiftsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of SelfDetails |
UserDistinguishedName | String | UserDistinguishedName of SelfDetails |
Username | String | Username of SelfDetails |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of SelfDetails |
FirstName | String | FirstName of SelfDetails |
LastName | String | LastName of SelfDetails |
MiddleNames | String | MiddleNames of SelfDetails |
KnownAs | String | KnownAs of SelfDetails |
NameType | String | NameType of SelfDetails |
Suffix | String | Suffix of SelfDetails |
Title | String | Title of SelfDetails |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress of SelfDetails |
Honors | String | Honors of SelfDetails |
PreNameAdjunct | String | PreNameAdjunct of SelfDetails |
AccessibilityMode | String | AccessibilityMode of SelfDetails |
ClientEncoding | String | ClientEncoding of SelfDetails |
ColorContrast | String | ColorContrast of SelfDetails |
Currency | String | Currency of SelfDetails |
DateFormat | String | DateFormat of SelfDetails |
DecimalSeparator | String | DecimalSeparator of SelfDetails |
FontSize | String | FontSize of SelfDetails |
GroupingSeparator | String | GroupingSeparator of SelfDetails |
Language | String | Language of SelfDetails |
NumberFormat | String | NumberFormat of SelfDetails |
ServerTime | Datetime | ServerTime of SelfDetails |
Territory | String | Territory of SelfDetails |
TimeFormat | String | TimeFormat of SelfDetails |
TimeZone | String | TimeZone of SelfDetails |
DefaultLanguage | String | DefaultLanguage of SelfDetails |
DisplayNameLanguage | String | DisplayNameLanguage of SelfDetails |
Initials | String | Initials of SelfDetails |
AccountType | String | AccountType of SelfDetails |
Photo | String | Photo of SelfDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
StatusRequestId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the status change request. |
SourceId | String | Identifier of the source. |
RequestTimestamp | String | Timestamp of the status change request. |
RequestNumber | String | External request number defined by the time consumer application, such as payroll or projects. |
RequestStatus | String | Aggregate status of the current request returned by the application. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
StatusChangeRequestsstatusRequestId [KEY] | Long | StatusChangeRequestsstatusRequestId of StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |
StatusChangeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the status change record. |
BuildingBlockId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record associated with the status change record. |
BuildingBlockVersion | Int | Version number of the time record stored in the WFM time repository. |
ConsumerCode | String | Consumer code associated with the status change record, such as PJC or PYR. |
StatusCode | String | Status definition ID of the status change record. The default value is A_XFR_STATUS. |
StatusValue | String | Transfer status of the time entry, such as SUCCESS or UNPROCESSED. |
RequestStatus | String | Processing status of the status change record, such as NEW, IN PROCESS, or COMPLETE. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
StatusRequestId | Long | statusRequestId |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanId [KEY] | Long | PlanId of SuccessionPlansLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of SuccessionPlansLOV |
AccessTypeCode | String | AccessTypeCode of SuccessionPlansLOV |
PlanName | String | PlanName of SuccessionPlansLOV |
PlanType | String | PlanType of SuccessionPlansLOV |
Status | String | Status of SuccessionPlansLOV |
Owners | String | Owners of SuccessionPlansLOV |
PlanTypeMeaning | String | PlanTypeMeaning of SuccessionPlansLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
TalentReviewMeetingId | Long | TalentReviewMeetingId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ExternalCandidateId [KEY] | Long | ExternalCandidateId of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
FirstName | String | FirstName of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
LastName | String | LastName of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
CurrentEmployerName | String | CurrentEmployerName of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
CurrentJobTitle | String | CurrentJobTitle of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
TownOrCity | String | TownOrCity of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileCode | String | Code assigned to a person profile to identify the profile uniquely. |
PersonId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique number assigned to a person. |
DisplayName | String | Display name for the person. |
Summary | String | Summary of a person profile. |
StatusCode | String | Unsupported attribute. Don't use it in your transactions. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the profile. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the profile was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the profile. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the profile was last updated. |
CareerAmbassadorFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the person is a career ambassador or not. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. |
CareerAmbassadorSummary | String | Summary of why the person wants to enroll as a career ambassador. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the content section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
AccomplishmentsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the accomplishment section. |
AccomplishmentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person accomplishment. |
Accomplishment | String | Accomplishment of a person. |
DateAccomplished | Date | Date on which the accomplishment was achieved. |
Organization | String | Name of the organization. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Date on which the accomplishment expires. |
Description | String | Description of the accomplishment. |
AccomplishmentType | String | Type of accomplishment, such as proficiency or performance. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the establishment. |
Establishment | String | Name of the establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherEstablishment | String | Name of the other establishment. |
Comments | String | Comments on the accomplishment. |
PublisherOrPublication | String | Publisher or publication of the accomplishment. |
AuthorOrInventor | String | Author or inventor of the accomplishment. |
PatentOrApplicationNumber | String | Patent or application number associated with the accomplishment. |
PatentIssued | String | Indicates whether the patent is issued. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PatentPending | String | Indicates whether the patent is pending approval. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PatentURL | String | URL that directs to the patent. |
AccomplishmentLocation | String | Location of the accomplishment of a person. |
PrimaryAuthor | String | Primary author of the accomplishment. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the content item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
AccomplishmentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the accomplishment type. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
AccomplishmentsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the accomplishment section. |
AccomplishmentitemsAccomplishmentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the accomplishment item. |
AccomplishmentId [KEY] | Long | AccomplishmentId of TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItemsaccomplishmentItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItemsaccomplishmentItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItemsaccomplishmentItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ExpertiseId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the area of expertise. |
Expertise | String | Expertise of a person in the profile. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the area of expertise. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the area of expertise was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the area of expertise. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the area of expertise was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
InterestId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the area of interest. |
Interest | String | Interest of a person added to the profile. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the area of interest. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the area of interest was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the area of interest. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the area of interest was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the profile attachment document of a worker. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the attachment. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE or TEXT or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier of the document. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of the attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | User name of person who uploaded the attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
DatatypeCodeMeaning | String | Code of the datatype. Possible values are FILE and WEB_PAGE. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | User who last updated the content item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CareerpreferencesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the career preference section. |
CareerPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person career preference. |
NextCareerMove | String | Probable time frame in which the next career move could happen. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PreferredJobFunction | String | Job function preferred by the worker. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PreferredJobFamilyId | Long | Unique identifier of the preferred job family. |
PreferredJobFamilyCode | String | Job family code of the job family preferred by the worker. Valid values are defined in the jobFamiliesLov. |
PreferredRegionId | Long | Unique identifier of the preferred region. |
PreferredRegionCode | String | Location code of the region preferred by the worker. Valid values are defined in the locationsLov. |
OtherPreferredRegionId | String | Unique identifier of the other preferred region. |
OtherPreferredRegionCode | String | Location code of the other region preferred by the worker. Valid values are defined in the locationsLov. |
PreferredJobDescr | String | Description of the preferred job. |
Comments | String | Comments for the career preference. |
ShortPeriodAspiration | String | Short term career aspirations of the worker. |
LongPeriodAspiration | String | Long term career aspirations of the worker. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | User who last updated the content item. |
NextCareerMoveMeaning | String | Meaning of the next career move. |
PreferredJobFunctionMeaning | String | Meaning of the job function preferred by worker. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CareerpreferencesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the career preference section. |
CareerpreferenceitemsCareerPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the career preference item. |
CareerPrefId [KEY] | Long | CareerPrefId of TalentPersonProfilescareerPreferenceSectionscareerPreferenceItemscareerPreferenceItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilescareerPreferenceSectionscareerPreferenceItemscareerPreferenceItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilescareerPreferenceSectionscareerPreferenceItemscareerPreferenceItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CareerInterestId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the career of interest. |
ModelProfileId | Long | Unique identifier of the model profile. |
ModelProfileCode | String | Code for the model profile ID. |
ModelProfileName | String | Name of the model profile. |
PrivateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the career of interest is private or not. |
AssignedByPersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the person who assigned the career of interest to the employee. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the career of interest. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the career of interest was last updated. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the user who created the career of interest. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the career of interest was created. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | User who last updated the content item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CertificationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the certification section. |
CertificationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the certification. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
LicenseOrCertificate | String | Name of the license or certificate, such as Certified Accountant. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherLicenseOrCertificate | String | Name of other license or certification, such as Certified Accountant. |
Country | String | Country where certification was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLOV. |
CountryMeaning | String | Meaning of the country. |
State | String | State where the certification was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmAddressesLOV. |
IssuedBy | String | Issuing authority of the license or certification. |
CertificateNumber | String | Number of the certification. |
IssueDate | Date | Date when the certification is issued. |
OriginalIssueYear | Long | Original year in which the license or certificate was issued. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Date when the certification expires. |
Title | String | Title of the certification. |
RenewalDate | Date | Renewal date of the certification. |
LastRenewalDate | Date | Last renewal date of the certification. |
RenewalInprogress | String | Indicates whether the renewal of the license or certification is in progress. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
RenewalRequired | String | Indicates whether the license or certification requires renewing. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ActualCompletionDate | Date | Date on which the license or certification was obtained. |
Status | String | Status of the certification. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Verified | String | Indicates whether the license or certification is verified. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Comments | String | Comments on the certification. |
EstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the educational establishment. |
Establishment | String | Name of the establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherEstablishment | String | Name of the educational establishment. |
TrainingCompletedUnits | String | Completed training units of the certification. |
Restrictions | String | Restrictions on renewal of the certification. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total cost of the certification. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed amount of the certification. |
CertificationURL | String | URL linked to the certification. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the content item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of status of the certification. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CertificationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the certification section. |
CertificationitemsCertificationId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the certification item. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the attachment document of the certification item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the attachment. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE, TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier of the document. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of the attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | User name of person who uploaded the attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CertificationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the certification section. |
CertificationitemsCertificationId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the certification item. |
CertificationId [KEY] | Long | CertificationId of TalentPersonProfilescertificationSectionscertificationItemscertificationItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilescertificationSectionscertificationItemscertificationItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilescertificationSectionscertificationItemscertificationItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the competency section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the competency section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the competency section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the competency section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CompetencysectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the language section. |
CompetencyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the content type. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content section. |
Competency | String | Name of the competency. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherCompetency | String | Name of the other competency. It's free text. |
ReviewDate | Date | Date of review of the competency. |
ProficiencyRatingId | Long | Unique identifier of the proficiency rating. |
ProficiencyRatingCode | String | Name of the proficiency rating. Valid values are defined in the ratingLevelsLOV. |
ProficiencyRatingDescription | String | Description of the proficiency rating. |
PerformanceRatingId | Long | Unique identifier of the performance rating. |
PerformanceRatingCode | String | Name of the performance rating. Valid values are defined in the ratingLevelsLOV. |
PerformanceRatingDescription | String | Description of the performance rating. |
YearsOfExperience | Double | Years of experience for the competency. |
InterestLevel | String | Level of interest in the competency. |
EvaluationType | String | Evaluator of the competency, such as Official, Goal. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ReviewerName | String | Start date of the review. |
Reviewer | String | Indicates whether the reviewer has approved the competency. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
YearAcquired | Long | Year the competency was acquired. |
YearLastUsed | Long | Year the competency was last used. |
ReviewerApproved | String | Name of the reviewer. |
ReviewStartDate | Date | Name of the reviewer. It's free flow text. |
ReviewEndDate | Date | End date of the review. |
AssessmentYear | Long | Year the competency was last assessed. |
EvaluationComments | String | Comments on the evaluation. |
Comments | String | General comments on the competency. |
ReviewActive | String | Indicates whether the review of the competency is active or not. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Description | String | Description of the competency. |
FromDate | Date | Start date of the competency. |
ToDate | Date | End date of the competency. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the competency item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the competency item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the competency item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the competency item was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
CompetencysectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the language section. |
CompetencyitemsCompetencyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the competency item. |
CompetencyId [KEY] | Long | CompetencyId of TalentPersonProfilescompetencySectionscompetencyItemscompetencyItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilescompetencySectionscompetencyItemscompetencyItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilescompetencySectionscompetencyItemscompetencyItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the education section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the education section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the education section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the education section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
EducationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the education section. |
EducationId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the education. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
Degree | String | Name of the degree, such as Accounting. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherDegree | String | Name of the other degree, such as Advertising. |
Major | String | Name of the degree major, such as Accounting. |
EstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the establishment. |
Establishment | String | Name of the establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherEstablishment | String | Name of the other educational establishment. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the profile item record. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the profile item record. |
EducationLevel | String | Level of education, such as High School Graduate. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Country | String | Country where education is received. Valid values are defined in the HcmCountriesLOV. |
CountryMeaning | String | Meaning of the country code. |
State | String | State where education is received. Valid values are defined in the hcmAddressesLOV. |
City | String | City where education is received. |
AverageGrade | String | Average grade achieved for the education item. |
YearAcquired | Long | Year on which the education item was acquired. |
GPA | Double | GPA achieved for the education item. |
Graduated | String | Indicates whether graduation is completed or not. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TerminalDegreeDiscipline | String | Indicates whether this is the terminal degree for a discipline. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
DateAcquired | Date | Date on which the education item was acquired. |
Educator | String | Name of the educator, such as a person name or institution name. |
Minor | String | Name of the degree minor, such as Accounting. |
ProjectedCompletionDate | Date | Date on which the education item is projected to be complete. |
Fee | Long | Fee for the degree. |
CompletedAmount | Long | Completed amount for the degree. |
TotalAmount | Long | Total amount for the degree. |
Comments | String | Comments on the degree. |
Reimbursements | String | Reimbursement arrangements made for the degree. |
CompletedTrainingUnits | String | Completed training units for the education item. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Status | String | Indicates whether the status of degree is active or not. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
FeeCurrencyCode | String | Currency for the fee. Valid values are defined in the currenciesLOV. |
TuitionMethod | String | Tuition method for the education item. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EducationLevelCompleted | String | Indicates whether the education level is completed. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AwardingBody | String | Awarding body for the degree. |
Title | String | Title of the degree. |
HighestEducationLevel | String | Highest level of education of the person, such as Master Level degree. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AreaOfStudy | String | Area of study of the education item. |
FacultyOrDepartment | String | Name of the faculty or department. |
Duration | String | Duration of the degree course. |
DurationUnits | String | Units in the duration of the degree course. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AcademicStanding | String | Academic standing of the student, such as Good, Probation. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PartTime | String | Indicates whether the degree course is part time or not. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Description | String | Description of the degree. |
ActivitySummary | String | Summary of activities required for the degree. |
EducationURL | String | URL related to the degree. |
CreatedBy | String | Date and time when the content item was created. |
CreationDate | Datetime | User who last updated the content item. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the content item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the content item was last updated. |
EducationLevelMeaning | String | Meaning of the education level. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of the status of degree. |
TutionMethodMeaning | String | Meaning of the tuition method. |
HighestEducationLevelMeaning | String | Meaning of the highest education level of the person. |
DurationUnitsMeaning | String | Meaning of the duration units. |
AcademicStandingMeaning | String | Meaning of the academic standing value. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
EducationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the education section. |
EducationitemsEducationId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the education item. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the attachment document of the education item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the attachment. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE, TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier of the document. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of the attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | User name of person who uploaded the attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
EducationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the education section. |
EducationitemsEducationId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the education item. |
EducationId [KEY] | Long | EducationId of TalentPersonProfileseducationSectionseducationItemseducationItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfileseducationSectionseducationItemseducationItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfileseducationSectionseducationItemseducationItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
BookmarkId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier of the favorite link. |
URL | String | URL of the favorite link. |
Description | String | Description of the favorite link. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the favorite link. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the favorite link was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the favorite link. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the favorite link was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the honor section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the honor section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the honor section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the honor section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
HonorsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the honor section. |
HonorId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the honor. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
HonorOrAward | String | Name of the honor or award. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherHonorOrAward | String | Name of the other honor or award. |
AwardDate | Date | Date on which the honor or award was awarded. |
Organization | String | Name of the organization that issued the honor or award. |
IssueYear | Long | Year in which the honor or award was issued. |
CompletionDate | Date | Date on which the honor or award was completed. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Date on which the honor or award expires. |
Description | String | Description of the honor item. |
TypeOfAward | String | Type of honor or award. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the educational establishment. |
Establishment | String | Name of the establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov. |
OtherEstablishment | String | Other educational establishment. |
Comments | String | Comments of the content item. |
Title | String | Title of the honor or award. |
Grantor | String | Granting authority that awarded the honor or award. |
HonorURL | String | URL related to the honor or award. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the honor item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the honor item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the honor item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the honor item was last updated. |
TypeOfAwardMeaning | String | Meaning of the type of honor or award. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
HonorsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the honor section. |
HonoritemsHonorId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the honor item. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the attachment document of the certification item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the attachment. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment Type such as FILE, TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier of the document. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of the attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. |
UserName | String | User name of person who uploaded the attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Content repository file shared. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who last updated the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | Base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
HonorsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the honor section. |
HonoritemsHonorId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the honor item. |
HonorId [KEY] | Long | HonorId of TalentPersonProfileshonorSectionshonorItemshonorItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfileshonorSectionshonorItemshonorItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfileshonorSectionshonorItemshonorItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the language section. |
SectionId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the content section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the language section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the language section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the language section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
LanguagesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the language section. |
LanguageId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the language item. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
Language | String | Name of the language. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherLanguage | String | Name of the other language. It's free flow text. |
WritingLevelId | Long | Unique identifier for the writing level. |
WritingLevelCode | String | Level of writing the language. Valid values derived from ratingLevelsLOV. |
WritingLevelDescription | String | Description of the writing level of the language. |
SpeakingLevelId | Long | Unique identifier for the speaking level. |
SpeakingLevelCode | String | Level of speaking the language. Valid values derived from ratingLevelsLOV. |
SpeakingLevelDescription | String | Description of the speaking level of the language. |
ReadingLevelId | Long | Unique identifier for the reading level. |
ReadingLevelCode | String | Level of reading the language. Valid values derived from ratingLevelsLOV. |
ReadingLevelDescription | String | Description of the reading level of the language. |
NativeSpeaker | String | Indicates whether the language is the native language of the person. Valid values derived from commonLookupsLOV. |
AbleToTranslate | String | Indicates whether the person can translate the language. Valid values derived from commonLookupsLOV. |
AbleToTeach | String | Indicates whether the person can teach the language. Valid values derived from commonLookupsLOV. |
EvaluatedOn | Date | Date and time of the evaluation. |
EvaluationLocation | String | Location of the evaluation. |
Comments | String | Comments of the language content item. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the language item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the language item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the language item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the language item was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
LanguagesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the language section. |
LanguageitemsLanguageId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the language item. |
LanguageId [KEY] | Long | LanguageId of TalentPersonProfileslanguageSectionslanguageItemslanguageItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfileslanguageSectionslanguageItemslanguageItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfileslanguageSectionslanguageItemslanguageItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the membership section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the membership section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the membership section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the membership section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
MembershipsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the membership section. |
MembershipId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the membership. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
Membership | String | Name of the affiliation or professional Body. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherMembership | String | Name of any other affiliation or professional body. |
MembershipStartDate | Date | Date on which the membership starts. |
MembershipEndDate | Date | Date on which the membership ends. |
MembershipNumber | String | Number of the membership. |
TitleOrPositionHeld | String | Title or position held at the membership. |
PositionStartDate | Date | Date on which the position begins. |
PositionEndDate | Date | Date on which the position ends. |
MembershipDate | Date | Date of membership. |
MandatePosition | String | Specifies the mandate position for the membership. |
Fee | Long | Fees for the membership. |
MonthlyTimeCommitment | String | Time committed in a month. |
VolunteerCause | String | Volunteer cause for the membership item. |
Description | String | Description of the membership item. |
Comments | String | Comments of the content item. |
AwardingBody | String | Name of the awarding body. |
SubscriptionPaymentMethod | String | Payment method of the subscription. Valid values are defined in commonLookupsLOV. |
Status | String | Status of the membership. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CurrentVolunteer | String | Indicates whether the member is currently a volunteer. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
InternalOrganization | String | Indicates whether the membership is for an internal organization. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the establishment. |
Establishment | String | Name of the educational establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherEstablishment | String | Name of the other educational establishment. |
FeeCurrencyCode | String | Currency of the membership fee. Valid values are defined in the currenciesLOV. |
MembershipCategory | String | Category of the membership. |
OrganizationURL | String | URL related to the membership. |
OtherProfessionalBodyName | String | Name of the other professional body. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the membership item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the membership item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the membership item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the membership item was last update. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of the status of membership. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
MembershipsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the membership section. |
MembershipitemsMembershipId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the membership item. |
MembershipId [KEY] | Long | MembershipId of TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the public skill. |
Skill | String | Name of the public skill. |
ProficiencyLevelId | Long | Unique identifier of the proficiency level in the public skill. |
ProficiencyLevelCode | String | Code representing the proficiency level of public skill. |
NumericRating | Double | Numeric rating of the public skill. |
RatingModelId | String | Unique identifier of the rating model associated with the public skill content section. |
ConfirmationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the proficiency level has been confirmed for the public skill. Valid values are true and false. Default value is false. |
Group | String | Code that indicates whether the skill is acquired or developing. Values can be ORA_DEVELOPED or ORA_DEVELOPING. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
GroupMeaning | String | Meaning of the skill group. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the public skill. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the public skill was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the public section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the public skill was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
PublicskillsSkillId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the public skill. |
EndorsementId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the endorsement. |
RequestorPersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the person who has requested the endorsement. |
EndorserId | Long | Unique identifier of the endorser. |
Status | String | Status of the endorsement. Values can be ORA_COMPLETED or ORA_PENDING or ORA_IGNORE. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
RequestedDate | Datetime | Date and time when the endorsement was created. |
ProficiencyLevelId | Long | Unique identifier of the proficiency level of the skill. |
ProficiencyLevelCode | String | Code representing the proficiency level of the skill. |
NumericRating | Double | Numeric rating of the skill. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the endorsement. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the endorsement was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the endorsement. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the endorsement was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the skill section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the skill section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the skill section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the skill section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
SkillsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the skill section. |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the skill. |
Skill | String | Name of the skill. |
DateAchieved | Date | Date when skill was achieved. |
YearsOfExperience | Long | Years of experience with the skill. |
ProjectOrActivity | String | Name of the project or activity. |
SkillType | String | Type of skill. Valid values defined in commonLookupsLOV. |
Comments | String | Comments of the content item. |
Description | String | Description of the skill item. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the skill item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the skill item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the skill item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the skill item was last update. |
SkillTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of skill type. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
SkillsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the skill section. |
SkillitemsSkillId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the skill item. |
SkillId [KEY] | Long | SkillId of TalentPersonProfilesskillSectionsskillItemsskillItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesskillSectionsskillItemsskillItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesskillSectionsskillItemsskillItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the special project section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the special project section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the special project section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the special project section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
SpecialprojectsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the special project section. |
ProjectId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the project. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
ProjectName | String | Name of the special project. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLOV. |
OtherProjectName | String | Name of the other special project. |
Role | String | Role in the previous project. |
StartDate | Date | Date when project starts. |
CompletionDate | Date | Date when project is completed. |
Description | String | Description of the special project item. |
Employer | String | Name of the employer. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the contact provided on the special project. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Number for the contact person provided on the special project. |
Contact | String | Contact provided on the special project. |
BusinessUnit | String | Name of the business unit. |
Manager | String | Name of the project manager. |
Category | String | Category of the special project. |
CustomerName | String | Name of the customer. |
Billable | String | Indicates whether the special project is billable. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Comments | String | Comments on the project. |
ProjectURL | String | URL linked to the project. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the special project item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the special project item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the special project item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the special project item was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
SpecialprojectsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the special project section. |
SpecialprojectitemsProjectId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the special project item. |
ProjectId [KEY] | Long | ProjectId of TalentPersonProfilesspecialProjectSectionsspecialProjectItemsspecialProjectItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesspecialProjectSectionsspecialProjectItemsspecialProjectItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesspecialProjectSectionsspecialProjectItemsspecialProjectItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
TagId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile tags. |
Tag | String | Name of the tag. |
ContentItemName | String | Name of the content item. |
ContentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the tag. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the tag was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the tag. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the tag was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the work history section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work history section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the work history section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work history section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
WorkhistorysectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work history section. |
WorkHistoryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for work history. |
JobTitle | String | Title of the Job. |
EmployerName | String | Name of the employer. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the profile item record. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the profile item record. |
CurrentJob | String | Indicates whether the job is current. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EmployerCountry | String | Country of the employer. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLOV. |
EmployerStateOrProvince | String | State or province of the employer. Valid values are defined in the hcmAddressesLOV. |
EmployerCity | String | City of the employer. |
Responsibilities | String | Responsibilities in the previous employment. |
PartTime | String | Indicates whether the employment was part time. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
Internal | String | Indicates whether the work history item is internal. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TypeofBusiness | String | Type of business of the employer. |
EmployerPhone | String | Phone number of the employer. |
DepartmentOrDivisionOrPost | String | Department, division, or post attributed to the previous employment. |
JobFamilyId | Long | Job family associated with the previous employment. |
JobFamilyCode | String | Code of the job family the previous employment is associated with. Valid values are defined in the jobFamiliesLOV. |
JobFunction | String | Job function of the previous employment. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
OtherJobFunction | String | Other job functions associated with the previous employment. |
Achievements | String | Achievements in the previous employment. |
DirectReports | Long | Number of direct reports in the previous employment. |
StartingPosition | String | Starting position in the previous employment. |
SupervisorName | String | Name of the supervisor. |
SupervisorTitle | String | Title of the supervisor. |
SupervisorEmail | String | Email of the supervisor. |
SupervisorPhone | String | Phone number of the supervisor. |
OkToContactSupervisor | String | Indicates whether the supervisor can be contacted. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in commonLookupsLOV. |
ReasonforLeaving | String | Reason for leaving the previous employment. |
AdditionalInformation | String | Additional information on the previous employment. |
StartingCompensation | Double | Starting compensation in the previous employment. |
EndingCompensation | Double | Ending compensation at previous employment. |
OtherCompensation | String | Other form of compensation. |
CompanyURL | String | URL linked to the previous employment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the work history item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work history item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the work history item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work history item was last updated. |
JobFunctionMeaning | String | Meaning of the job function of previous employment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
WorkhistorysectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work history section. |
WorkhistoryitemsWorkHistoryId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work history item. |
PrevEmploymentId [KEY] | Long | PrevEmploymentId of TalentPersonProfilesworkHistorySectionsworkHistoryItemsworkHistoryItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesworkHistorySectionsworkHistoryItemsworkHistoryItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesworkHistorySectionsworkHistoryItemsworkHistoryItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
ProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the content section associated with the profile. |
SectionId | Long | Unique identifier of the content section. |
SectionContext | String | Code of the content section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
SectionName | String | Name of the section. Valid values are defined in the profileTypeSectionsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the work preference section. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work preference section was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the work preference section. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work preference section was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
WorkpreferencesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work preference section. |
WorkPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for work preference. |
TravelDomestically | String | Indicates whether the worker prefers domestic travel. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
DomesticTravelFrequency | String | Frequency of domestic travel. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TravelInternationally | String | Indicates whether the worker prefers international travel. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
InternationalTravelFrequency | String | Frequency of international travel. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
WillingToRelocate | String | Indicates whether the person is willing to relocate. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AllLocations | String | Indicates whether the person is willing to relocate to any location. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
FirstPreferredLocationId | Long | Identifier of the first location to be preferred from user work preferences. |
FirstPreferredLocationCode | String | First location to be preferred from user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
SecondPreferredLocationId | Long | Identifier of the second preferred location. |
SecondPreferredLocationCode | String | Second location to be preferred from the user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
ThirdPreferredLocationId | Long | Identifier of the third preferred location. |
ThirdPreferredLocationCode | String | Third location to be preferred from the user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
FourthPreferredLocationId | Long | Identifier of the fourth preferred location. |
FourthPreferredLocationCode | String | Fourth location to be preferred from the user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
FirstExcludedLocationId | Long | Identifier of the first location to be excluded from user work preferences. |
FirstExcludedLocationCode | String | First location to be excluded from user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
SecondExcludedLocationId | Long | Identifier of the second location to be excluded from user work preferences. |
SecondExcludedLocationCode | String | Second location to be excluded from user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
ThirdExcludedLocationId | Long | Identifier of the third location to be excluded from the user work preferences. |
ThirdExcludedLocationCode | String | Third location to be excluded from the user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
FourthExcludedLocationId | Long | Identifier of the fourth location to be excluded from the user work preferences. |
FourthExcludedLocationCode | String | Fourth location to be excluded from the user work preferences. Valid values are defined in the locationsLOV. |
LengthOfWillingToRelocate | Long | Time duration for the relocation. |
RelocationReason | String | Reason for relocation. |
Comments | String | Comments of the content item. |
ConsiderTemporaryAssignment | String | Indicates whether the person would consider temporary assignment. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ConsiderPartTimeWork | String | Indicates whether the person would consider part time work. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
WorkFlexibleSchedule | String | Indicates whether the person has a flexible work schedule. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
MinimumPay | Long | Minimum pay for the work. |
CurrencyCode | String | Code of the currency. |
PayFrequency | String | Frequency for the pay. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the work preference item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work preference item was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the work preference item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work preference item was last update. |
PayFrequencyMeaning | String | Meaning of the pay frequency. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person profile. |
WorkpreferencesectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work preference section. |
WorkpreferenceitemsWorkPreferenceId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the work preference item. |
WorkPrefId [KEY] | Long | WorkPrefId of TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItemsworkPreferenceItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItemsworkPreferenceItemsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of TalentPersonProfilesworkPreferenceSectionsworkPreferenceItemsworkPreferenceItemsDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Group | String | Group |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ProfileId | Long | ProfileId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PoolId [KEY] | Long | PoolId of TalentPoolsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of TalentPoolsLOV |
PoolName | String | PoolName of TalentPoolsLOV |
Status | String | Status of TalentPoolsLOV |
Description | String | Description of TalentPoolsLOV |
PoolOwners | String | PoolOwners of TalentPoolsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
TalentReviewMeetingId | Long | TalentReviewMeetingId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
IdentificationKey [KEY] | String | IdentificationKey of Tasks |
ModuleIdentifier | String | ModuleIdentifier of Tasks |
AdditionalInformation | String | AdditionalInformation of Tasks |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IdentificationKeys | String | IdentificationKeys |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TasksIdentificationKey [KEY] | String | TasksIdentificationKey of TaskschangedAttributes |
Object | String | Object of TaskschangedAttributes |
ObjectId | String | ObjectId of TaskschangedAttributes |
ParentObject | String | ParentObject of TaskschangedAttributes |
ParentObjectId | String | ParentObjectId of TaskschangedAttributes |
Attribute | String | Attribute of TaskschangedAttributes |
AttributeLabel | String | AttributeLabel of TaskschangedAttributes |
CurrentValue | String | CurrentValue of TaskschangedAttributes |
ProposedValue | String | ProposedValue of TaskschangedAttributes |
CurrentId | String | CurrentId of TaskschangedAttributes |
ProposedId | String | ProposedId of TaskschangedAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IdentificationKey | String | IdentificationKey |
IdentificationKeys | String | IdentificationKeys |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
TaxReportingUnitName | String | TaxReportingUnitName of TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContextCode | String | ContextCode of TimeAttributes |
Name | String | Name of TimeAttributes |
TmAtrbFldUsageId | Long | TmAtrbFldUsageId of TimeAttributes |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of TimeAttributes |
TmAtrbFldId [KEY] | Long | TmAtrbFldId of TimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeAttributes |
Description | String | Description of TimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeAttributestmAtrbFldId [KEY] | Long | TimeAttributestmAtrbFldId of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
DataSourceUsageId [KEY] | Long | DataSourceUsageId of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
TmAtrbFldId | Long | TmAtrbFldId of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
DataSourceUsageCode | String | DataSourceUsageCode of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContextCode | String | contextCode |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeAttributestmAtrbFldId [KEY] | Long | TimeAttributestmAtrbFldId of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
DatasourceusagesdataSourceUsageId [KEY] | Long | DatasourceusagesdataSourceUsageId of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
CriteriaName | String | CriteriaName of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
BindName | String | BindName of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
DataType | String | DataType of TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ContextCode | String | contextCode |
Finder | String | finder |
TmAtrbFldId | Long | tmAtrbFldId |
Name | Type | Description |
Value [KEY] | String | Value of TimeAttributeValues |
DisplayValue | String | DisplayValue of TimeAttributeValues |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BindVarName1 | String | bindVarName1 |
BindVarName2 | String | bindVarName2 |
BindVarName3 | String | bindVarName3 |
BindVarName4 | String | bindVarName4 |
BindVarName5 | String | bindVarName5 |
BindVarValue1 | String | bindVarValue1 |
BindVarValue2 | String | bindVarValue2 |
BindVarValue3 | String | bindVarValue3 |
BindVarValue4 | String | bindVarValue4 |
BindVarValue5 | String | bindVarValue5 |
DataSourceUsageId | String | dataSourceUsageId |
Finder | String | finder |
TimeAttributeUsageId | String | timeAttributeUsageId |
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of TimeCardFieldValuesLOV |
Displayvalue | String | Displayvalue of TimeCardFieldValuesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
BindVarName1 | String | bindVarName1 |
BindVarName10 | String | bindVarName10 |
BindVarName2 | String | bindVarName2 |
BindVarName3 | String | bindVarName3 |
BindVarName4 | String | bindVarName4 |
BindVarName5 | String | bindVarName5 |
BindVarName6 | String | bindVarName6 |
BindVarName7 | String | bindVarName7 |
BindVarName8 | String | bindVarName8 |
BindVarName9 | String | bindVarName9 |
BindVarValue1 | String | bindVarValue1 |
BindVarValue10 | String | bindVarValue10 |
BindVarValue2 | String | bindVarValue2 |
BindVarValue3 | String | bindVarValue3 |
BindVarValue4 | String | bindVarValue4 |
BindVarValue5 | String | bindVarValue5 |
BindVarValue6 | String | bindVarValue6 |
BindVarValue7 | String | bindVarValue7 |
BindVarValue8 | String | bindVarValue8 |
BindVarValue9 | String | bindVarValue9 |
Finder | String | finder |
TcfId | Long | tcfId |
UserType | String | userType |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeCardsLOV |
ParentTimeRecordGroupId | Long | ParentTimeRecordGroupId of TimeCardsLOV |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeCardsLOV |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeCardsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of TimeCardsLOV |
StopDate | Date | StopDate of TimeCardsLOV |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeCardsLOV |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeCardsLOV |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeCardsLOV |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeCardsLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeCardsLOV |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeCardsLOV |
ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeCardsLOV |
TotalHours | Double | TotalHours of TimeCardsLOV |
FavoriteName | String | FavoriteName of TimeCardsLOV |
DateFormatPattern | String | DateFormatPattern of TimeCardsLOV |
FavoriteIcon | String | FavoriteIcon of TimeCardsLOV |
TimecardPeriod | String | TimecardPeriod of TimeCardsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeEventRequestId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the time event request that the time collection device supplier sends. This request can contain one or more time events. |
RequestNumber | String | Unique identifier for the time event request sent by the time collection device supplier. |
RequestTimestamp | String | Date and time when the time event request was created. |
SourceId | String | Unique identifier for the source creating the data. For example, vendor name or facility identifier. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordEventRequestId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the time record event request. |
ProcessMode | String | Mode - Save, Submit, or Enter - for processing time records that are stored in the WFM time repository. |
ProcessInline | String | Indicator on the time record event request that determines whether to process the time record events inline or asynchronously. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEvent |
Comment | String | Comment associated with the time record event. |
CrudStatusValue | Int | Numerical value of the type of operation, such as Create, Update, or Delete, to apply when importing the time record event. |
PersonId | String | Unique identifier for the person associated with the time record event. |
ReferenceDate | Date | Date to use to process a time record event that spans multiple days. |
ReporterId | String | Unique identifier for the worker associated with the time record event. |
ReporterIdType | String | Type of identifier for the time reporter, such as Person or Badge. |
StartTime | String | Start time of the time record event to import. |
StopTime | String | End time of the time record event to import. |
SubresourceId | Long | Identifier for the work assignment for the person associated with the time record event. |
TimeRecordEventId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the time record event. |
TimeRecordEventRequestId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record event request. |
TimeRecordId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record to update or delete. |
TimeRecordVersion | Int | Version number of the time record stored in the WFM time repository. |
OperationType | String | Type of operation, such as Create, Update, or Delete, to apply when importing the time record event. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number for the person associated with the time record event. Valid values are defined in the lookup AssignmentPVO1. |
EventStatusValue | Int | Numerical value of the processing status, such as New, In process or Complete, of the time record event. |
EventStatus | String | Processing status of the time record event, such as New, In process, or Complete. |
Measure | Double | Quantity of the time record event that can be a number of hours or units. |
ChangeReason | String | Reason for the change associated with the time record event for audit purposes, such as missing time entry or incorrect time entry. Valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupPVO1. These lookup codes are added by the customer. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute |
TimerecordeventtimeRecordEventId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordeventtimeRecordEventId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute |
TimeAttributeFieldId | Long | Unique identifier for the field that the time attribute is associated with. |
TimeRecordEventAttributeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the time record event attribute. |
TimeRecordEventId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record event. |
AttributeValue | String | Value of the attribute to import with the time record event, such as Regular or Overtime. |
ChangeReason | String | Reason for the change associated with the time record event attribute for audit purposes, such as missing time entry or incorrect time entry. The valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupPVO1. These lookup codes are added by the customer. |
AttributeName | String | Name of the attribute to import with the time record event, such as Payroll Time Type. Valid values are defined in the lookup TimeAttibuteFieldPVO1. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
TimeRecordEventRequestId | Long | timeRecordEventRequestId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage |
TimerecordeventtimeRecordEventId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordeventtimeRecordEventId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage |
AllowException | String | Indicator that determines whether to allow the exception associated with the time record. |
AttributeType | String | Type of the attribute the message is related to, such as Timestamp for startTime. |
MessageField | String | Unique identifier for the field that the message is associated with. |
TimeRecordId | Long | Unique identifier for the time record associated with the message. |
TimeRecordEventMessageId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the message associated with the time record event. |
MessageId | Long | Unique identifier for the message associated with the time record. |
MessageName | String | Name of the message associated with the time record. |
TimeBldgBlkVersion | Int | Version number of the time record event with specified message. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
TimeRecordEventRequestId | Long | timeRecordEventRequestId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupId | Long | ParentTimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroups |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecordGroups |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecordGroups |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecordGroups |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecordGroups |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecordGroups |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecordGroups |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroups |
TotalHours | Double | TotalHours of TimeRecordGroups |
FavoriteName | String | FavoriteName of TimeRecordGroups |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeId [KEY] | Double | AttributeId of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeType | String | AttributeType of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Double | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageCode | String | MessageCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Severity | String | Severity of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
AllowedException | String | AllowedException of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleSetId | Long | RuleSetId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleId | Long | RuleId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleSetType | String | RuleSetType of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Tag | String | Tag of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimemessagesmessageId [KEY] | Long | TimemessagesmessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageTokenId [KEY] | Long | MessageTokenId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageId | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenName | String | TokenName of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenValue | String | TokenValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupId | Long | ParentTimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StopDate | Date | StopDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TotalHours | Double | TotalHours of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
FavoriteName | String | FavoriteName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeId [KEY] | Double | AttributeId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeType | String | AttributeType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Double | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageCode | String | MessageCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Severity | String | Severity of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
AllowedException | String | AllowedException of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleSetId | Long | RuleSetId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleId | Long | RuleId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
RuleSetType | String | RuleSetType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Tag | String | Tag of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimemessagesmessageId [KEY] | Long | TimemessagesmessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageTokenId [KEY] | Long | MessageTokenId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageId | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenName | String | TokenName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenValue | String | TokenValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupId | Long | ParentTimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
StopDate | Date | StopDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | ParentTimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TotalHours | Double | TotalHours of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
FavoriteName | String | FavoriteName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StopDate | Date | StopDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
RecordType | String | RecordType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Measure | Double | Measure of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordVersion | Int | TimeRecordVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
OvertimeDate | Date | OvertimeDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
EarnedDate | Date | EarnedDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeId [KEY] | Double | AttributeId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeType | String | AttributeType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Double | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageCode | String | MessageCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
Severity | String | Severity of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
AllowedException | String | AllowedException of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetId | Long | RuleSetId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleId | Long | RuleId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetType | String | RuleSetType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
Tag | String | Tag of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeMessages | String | timeMessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimerecordgroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusId [KEY] | Long | StatusId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusName | String | StatusName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusValue | String | StatusValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
DisplayValue | String | DisplayValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
StopDate | Date | StopDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
RecordType | String | RecordType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Measure | Double | Measure of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordVersion | Int | TimeRecordVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
OvertimeDate | Date | OvertimeDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
EarnedDate | Date | EarnedDate of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeId [KEY] | Double | AttributeId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeType | String | AttributeType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Double | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageCode | String | MessageCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
Severity | String | Severity of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
AllowedException | String | AllowedException of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetId | Long | RuleSetId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleId | Long | RuleId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetType | String | RuleSetType of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
Tag | String | Tag of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimemessagesmessageId [KEY] | Long | TimemessagesmessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageTokenId [KEY] | Long | MessageTokenId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageId | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenName | String | TokenName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenValue | String | TokenValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimerecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimerecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusId [KEY] | Long | StatusId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusName | String | StatusName of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusValue | String | StatusValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
DisplayValue | String | DisplayValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId [KEY] | Long | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
StatusId [KEY] | Long | StatusId of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
StatusName | String | StatusName of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
StatusValue | String | StatusValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
DisplayValue | String | DisplayValue of TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordId of TimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | TimeRecordGroupId of TimeRecords |
StartTime | Datetime | StartTime of TimeRecords |
StopTime | Datetime | StopTime of TimeRecords |
GroupType | String | GroupType of TimeRecords |
RecordType | String | RecordType of TimeRecords |
Measure | Double | Measure of TimeRecords |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of TimeRecords |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of TimeRecords |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of TimeRecords |
Comment | String | Comment of TimeRecords |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of TimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupVersion | Int | TimeRecordGroupVersion of TimeRecords |
TimeRecordVersion | Int | TimeRecordVersion of TimeRecords |
OvertimeDate | Date | OvertimeDate of TimeRecords |
EarnedDate | Date | EarnedDate of TimeRecords |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeId [KEY] | Double | AttributeId of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeName | String | AttributeName of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeType | String | AttributeType of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
AttributeValue | String | AttributeValue of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Double | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
TimeRecordId | String | timeRecordId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageCode | String | MessageCode of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
Severity | String | Severity of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
AllowedException | String | AllowedException of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetId | Long | RuleSetId of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleId | Long | RuleId of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
RuleSetType | String | RuleSetType of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
Tag | String | Tag of TimeRecordstimeMessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
TimeRecordId | String | timeRecordId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimemessagesmessageId [KEY] | Long | TimemessagesmessageId of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageTokenId [KEY] | Long | MessageTokenId of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
MessageId | Long | MessageId of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenName | String | TokenName of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TokenValue | String | TokenValue of TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
TimeRecordId | String | timeRecordId |
Name | Type | Description |
TimeRecordstimeRecordId [KEY] | Double | TimeRecordstimeRecordId of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusId [KEY] | Long | StatusId of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockId | Long | TimeBuildingBlockId of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeBuildingBlockVersion | Int | TimeBuildingBlockVersion of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusName | String | StatusName of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
StatusValue | String | StatusValue of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
DisplayValue | String | DisplayValue of TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
GroupType | String | groupType |
PersonId | Long | personId |
PersonNumber | String | personNumber |
StartTime | Datetime | startTime |
StopTime | Datetime | stopTime |
TimeRecordGroupId | Long | timeRecordGroupId |
TimeRecordId | String | timeRecordId |
Name | Type | Description |
TrackingServiceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the tracking service. |
DisplayName | String | Name of the tracking service. Must be unique. |
Vendor | String | Name of the provider of the tracking service. |
State | String | State of the tracking service. Currently, only ORA_ENABLED is supported. |
Protocol | String | Text that identifies the service type. Developers should use the value TrackingServicesBridge for external systems that transfer data from fitness tracking services to Oracle HCM Cloud. |
ProtocolParams | String | Base64-encoded JSON object for parameters required to access the service. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TrackingServicesTrackingServiceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the tracking service. |
TrackingServiceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the tracking service. |
UserId [KEY] | String | User ID for the authentication information. |
Artifacts | String | Base64-encoded JSON object for parameters used to access the service as an authorized user. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of UnionsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of UnionsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of UnionsLov |
CountryName | String | CountryName of UnionsLov |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of UnionsLov |
UnionName | String | UnionName of UnionsLov |
Status | String | Status of UnionsLov |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the user. |
Username | String | User name, a unique identifier for a user's account. |
SuspendedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the user, as part of termination, is suspended. If suspended, the user can be reactivated. Valid values are Yes and No. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the person record linked to the user account. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the person record linked to the user account. |
CredentialsEmailSentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the user name and password credentials were sent to the user after the account was created. The default value is Yes. Valid values are Yes and No. |
GUID | String | Globally unique identifier for the user account. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of UserAccounts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of UserAccounts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of UserAccounts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of UserAccounts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserId [KEY] | Long | UserId of UserAccountsLOV |
Username | String | Username of UserAccountsLOV |
Suspended | String | Suspended of UserAccountsLOV |
ActiveFlag | Bool | ActiveFlag of UserAccountsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of UserAccountsLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserAccountsUserId [KEY] | Long | UserAccountsUserId of UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
UserRoleId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the user role. |
RoleId | Long | Unique identifier of a role. |
RoleCode | String | Technical name used to search for a specific role. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
GUID | String | GUID |
UserId | Long | UserId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RoleId [KEY] | Long | RoleId of UserRolesLOV |
RoleName | String | RoleName of UserRolesLOV |
RoleCode | String | RoleCode of UserRolesLOV |
Description | String | Description of UserRolesLOV |
RequestableFlag | Bool | RequestableFlag of UserRolesLOV |
SelfRequestableFlag | Bool | SelfRequestableFlag of UserRolesLOV |
Username | String | Username of UserRolesLOV |
Reqrownumber | Double | Reqrownumber of UserRolesLOV |
Selfrownumber | Double | Selfrownumber of UserRolesLOV |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Category | Long | Category |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LoggedInUserGUID | String | LoggedInUserGUID |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SelectedUserGUID | String | SelectedUserGUID |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
Category | String | Category code of the journey. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the journey category. |
SubCategory | String | Subcategory of the worker journey. |
SubCategoryMeaning | String | Subcategory meaning of the worker journey. |
JourneyId | Long | Identifier of the journey. |
Instance | String | Instance of the allocated journey to identify if the same journey is allocated to the worker multiple times. |
Name | String | Name of the journey. |
Comments | String | Comments for the journey. |
JourneyDisplayName | String | Display name of the journey. |
CountryCode | String | Code of the country to which the journey is applicable. |
Country | String | Name of the country to which the journey is applicable. |
PersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey assignee. |
DisplayName | String | Display name of the journey assignee |
PersonNumber | String | Number assigned to the journey assignee to identify the person uniquely. |
AssignmentId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey assignee's assignment. |
AssignmentName | String | Business title of the journey assignee. |
Status | String | Status code of the worker journey. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the worker journey. |
Description | String | Description of the journey. |
JourneyTitle | String | Title of the journey that's displayed on the specific journey's landing page. |
MessageTitle | String | Title for the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageSubTitle | String | Subtitle of the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageText | String | Message text displayed for the journey. |
CompletionMessage | String | Message displayed when the journey is completed. |
BackgroundImageSource | String | Source of the background image. |
BackgroundImageURL | String | URL of the image displayed on the journey card and journey details page. |
BackgroundThumbnailURL | String | URL of the journey background thumbnail image. |
ActionDate | Date | Date as of which the journey is allocated. |
AllocationDate | Date | Date on which the journey is initiated. |
AssignedDate | Date | Date on which the journey record was created. |
CompletionDate | Date | Date on which the journey is completed. |
ActionOccurrenceId | Long | Unique identifier of the employment action for which this journey is assigned. |
ObjectId | Long | Unique identifier of the event object for which this journey is assigned. |
AccessBasicInformation | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the Basic Info section. |
AccessDeferredTasks | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the Deferred Tasks section. |
AccessEvents | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the What's Happening section. |
AccessNotes | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the Notes section. |
AccessOthersTasks | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the Others' Tasks section. |
AccessCompletedTasks | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the Completed Tasks section. |
ActionEdit | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the worker journey. |
ActionForceClose | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can force close the journey. |
ActionRemove | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can remove the journey. |
ActionAddTaskFromLibrary | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can add a task from the task library for the journey. |
ActionAddTask | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can add a task to the journey. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled. |
AssignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is assigned. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is initiated. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the task. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was updated. |
AssignedDateForSort | Date | Date by which journeys can be sorted. |
ContextualAction | String | Transaction flow for which the contextual journey is applicable. |
InitiatorPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey initiator. |
InitiatorDisplayName | String | Display name of the journey initiator. |
Context | String | Context for a journey. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
ParentWorkerJourneyId | Long | Unique identifier of the parent enterprise onboarding checklist. |
StageName | String | Name of the phase in a journey with multiple phases. |
StageSequence | Int | Sequence of the phase in a journey with multiple phases. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Type | String | Code for the task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the task type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
StatusCategory | String | Category of the status. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TargetStartDate | Date | Expected initiation date of the task. |
TargetEndDate | Date | Due date of the task. |
ActualStartDate | Date | Date on which the task was opened. |
ActualEndDate | Date | End date of the task. |
CompletionDate | Date | Date on which the task was completed. |
DeferredStartDate | Date | Start date for the deferred task. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
Comments | String | Comments for the task. |
ActionURL | String | URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Descriptive flexfield context code for configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Display name of the application task. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the task performer. Applicable only in case of a single task performer. |
PerformerName | String | Person display name of task performer in case of single performer. Else, returns responsibility type name. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Identifier of the task owner. Applicable only in case of a single task owner. |
OwnerName | String | Person display name of task owner in case of single owner. Else, returns responsibility type name. |
CompletedByPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the person who completed the task. |
CompletedByDisplayName | String | Name of the person who completed the task. |
SignDate | Date | Date on which the electronic signature was provided for an electronic signature task. |
SignAddress | String | Internet protocol address where the electronic signature was provided. |
SignerEmail | String | Email address of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
SignerName | String | Name of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
AccessActivity | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task. |
AccessAttachments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task attachments. |
AccessComments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task comments. |
AccessContact | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task contact details. |
AccessNotes | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task notes. |
ActionComplete | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as complete. |
ActionEditDueDate | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the due date of the task. |
ActionEdit | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the task. |
ActionReassign | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reassign the task. |
ActionReject | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as not applicable. |
ActionRemove | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can remove the task. |
ActionReopen | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reopen a completed task. |
ActionSendReminder | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can send a reminder for a task. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyContactId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey contact. |
Type | String | Type of contact. Valid values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTACT_TYPE lookup. For example, Line Manager, Area of Responsibility. |
TypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact type. |
ContactEmail | String | Work email of the contact. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Internal identifier for the contact. |
ContactPersonNumber | String | Person number of the contact. |
ContactName | String | Person name of the contact. |
Title | String | Title of the contact. Values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTACT_TITLE lookup. For example, ONBOARDING_SPONSOR |
TitleMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact title. For example, Onboarding Sponsor. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyEventId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey event. |
Category | String | Event category code. Values are from ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_EVNT lookup. For example, Insight |
CategoryMeaning | String | Event category meaning. For example, Insight. |
Sequence | Int | Display order of the events. |
Description | String | Description of the event. |
EventURL | String | URL of the event. |
ImageURL | String | URL of the event background image. |
Title | String | Title of the event. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyNoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey notes. |
Sequence | Int | Display order of the notes. |
Type | String | Note subtype code. Values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_NOTE lookup. For example, Meeting Note, Standard Note. |
TypeMeaning | String | Note subtype meaning. |
Description | String | Description of the note. |
EventDate | Date | Date for the meeting type note. |
EventLocation | String | Location for the meeting type note. |
EventTime | String | Time for the meeting type note. |
Title | String | Title of the note. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template property |
Name | String | Name of the journey template property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the group for journey template property. |
Level | String | Level of the journey template property. |
DisabledForAssigneeFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is disabled for assignee. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for line manager. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template is disabled for other users. |
DisabledForInitiatorFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for initiator. |
AssigneeLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
InitiatorLookupType | String | Journey template property type for initiator. |
AssigneeDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for initiator. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. |
AssigneeValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorValue | String | Value of the journey template property for initiator. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
SelfTasks | Double | Count of tasks for the signed in user in the journey. |
OverdueSelfTasks | Double | Count of overdue tasks for the signed in user in the journey. |
AvailableSelfTasks | Double | Count of tasks in the journey that are active and aren't deferred for the signed in user. |
AvailableOthersTasks | Double | Count of tasks in the journey that are active and aren't deferred for users other than the signed in user. |
CompletedSelfTasks | Double | Count of tasks completed by the signed in user in the journey. |
WorkerTasks | Double | Count of assignee tasks in the journey. |
CompletedWorkerTasks | Double | Count of tasks completed by journey assignee in the journey. |
OthersTasks | Double | Count of tasks to be performed by users other than the signed in user or the journey assignee in the journey. |
CompletedOthersTasks | Double | Count of tasks to be completed by users other than the signed in user or the journey assignee in the journey. |
Tasks | Double | Total tasks in the journey. |
OverdueTasks | Double | Total number of overdue tasks in the journey. |
CompletedTasks | Double | Total number of completed tasks in the journey. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
JourneyTaskId | Long | Identifier of the journey task. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Type | String | Code of the task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
Status | String | Status code of the task. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
StatusCategory | String | Category of the task status. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TargetStartDate | Date | Expected initiation date of the task. |
TargetEndDate | Date | Due date of the task. |
ActualStartDate | Date | Date on which the task was opened. |
ActualEndDate | Date | Date on which the task was completed. |
CompletionDate | Date | End date of the task. |
DeferredStartDate | Date | Deferred start date for a deferred task. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
Comments | String | Comments for the task. |
ActionURL | String | URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Display name of the application task |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ErrorType | String | Error type, if any, for the task. |
ErrorMessage | String | Error message, if any, for the task. |
ErrorDetails | String | Error details, if any, for the task. |
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatus | String | I 9 progress status code that displays if the I 9 process is completed. |
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatusMeaning | String | I 9 progress status that displays if the I 9 process is completed. |
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatus | String | I 9 verification status code. |
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatusMeaning | String | I 9 verification status. |
SignatureValidationMode | String | Validation option for an electronic signature. |
SignatureNameValidation | String | Validation type for name in native electronic signature. |
AuthenticationFormat | String | Password authentication format for an electronic signature task. |
AuthenticationInstructionText | String | Instruction text used in the password authentication of an electronic signature task. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the task performer. Available only in case of single performer, is updatable when adding a new task. |
PerformerName | String | Person display name of task performer in case of single performer. Else, returns responsibility type name. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the task owner. Available only in case of single owner. |
OwnerName | String | Person display name of task owner in case of single owner. Else, returns responsibility type name. |
OwnerWorkEmailAddress | String | Work email of the owner. |
CompletedByPersonId | String | Person identifier of the person who completed the task. |
CompletedByDisplayName | String | Name of the person who completed the task. |
SignDate | Date | Date on which the electronic signature was provided for an electronic signature task. |
SignAddress | String | Internet protocol address where the electronic signature was provided. |
SignerEmail | String | Email address of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
SignerName | String | Name of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
SignerAuthentication | String | Authentication password of the signer in an electronic signature task. |
TargetDuration | Int | Duration of the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for the task duration, such as Days, Weeks, Months. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in the task target duration. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ExpiryDate | Date | Date on which the journey task expires. |
ReminderDuration | String | Duration of the task reminder, that's number of days between reminders. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Reminder for task recurrence, such as the number of times the reminders need to be sent. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Task reminder that's relative either to due date or start date. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of task reminder relative to date. |
AddAttachmentsToDORFlag | Bool | Task attachment addition to document records. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type name. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Task attachment to save to document records. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of save attachments to document records. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Identifier of the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments to document record. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Descriptive flexfield context code for configurable form task type. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
AddToCalendar | String | Addition of the task as a calendar event. |
AccessActivity | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task. |
AccessAttachments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task attachments. |
AccessComments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task comments. |
AccessContact | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task contact details. |
AccessNotes | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task notes. |
ActionComplete | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark a task complete. |
ActionEditDueDate | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the due date of the task. |
ActionEdit | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the task. |
ActionReassign | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reassign the task. |
ActionReject | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as not applicable. |
ActionRemove | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can remove the task. |
ActionReopen | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reopen a completed task. |
ActionAddToCalendar | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can add the task as a calendar event. |
ActionSave | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can save an incomplete task. |
AddToLibraryFlag | Bool | Task addition to personal library. |
ParentJourneyId | Long | Identifier of the parent journey. |
StageJourneyId | Long | Unique identifier for the journey phase. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the task. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was updated. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
WorkerJourneyTaskNotificationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task notification. |
TaskEvent | String | Code of the task event. For example, task initiated, task updated, task deleted, task completed. |
TaskEventMeaning | String | Meaning of the task event. |
NotifyPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task performer needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is Yes. |
NotifyOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task owner needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notification. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the notification |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
Code [KEY] | String | Property code of journey template task. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template task property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of group for journey template task property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template task property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task property for performer. Lookup type of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Property value of the journey template task for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Property value of the journey template task for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Property value of the journey template task for other user. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
QuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the questionnaire response. |
QuestionnaireVersionNumber | Long | Version number of the questionnaire that the participant responds to. |
AttemptNumber | Long | The attempt number of a participant when responding to a questionnaire. |
Status | String | Status of the questionnaire response. I denotes the response is in progress and not submitted yet, while S denotes a submitted response. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of the status code. |
SubmittedDateTime | Date | Date on which the questionnaire response was submitted. |
TotalScore | Double | Total score for the responses submitted by a participant for a questionnaire. |
LatestAttemptFlag | Bool | Indicates if the response is the latest attempt by a participant to the questionnaire. This is a read-only attribute. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the questionnaire response. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the questionnaire response was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the questionnaire response. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the questionnaire response was updated. |
QuestionnaireParticipantId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the questionnaire participant. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the questionnaire response. |
QuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question response. |
QuestionnaireQuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question in a questionnaire. |
QuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question. |
QuestionCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a question defined for a subscriber. |
QuestionText | String | Text of the question that a participant responds to. |
QuestionAnswerId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the answer that a participant chose when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerCode | String | The answer code that a participant chose when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerShortdescription | String | Text of the answer chosen by a participant when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerList | String | Concatenated list of answer identifiers, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
AnswerCodeList | String | Concatenated list of answer choices, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
AnswerShortDescriptionList | String | Concatenated list of answer texts, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
Score | Long | Calculated score for the responses provided for a question by a participant. |
AnswerLargeObject | String | Attachment provided by the participant when responding to a question. |
ChoiceList | String | Concatenated list of answer identifiers, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
ChoiceCodeList | String | Concatenated list of answer codes, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
ChoiceShortDescription | String | Concatenated list of answer texts, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the question response. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the question response was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the question response. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the question response was updated. |
AnswerComments | String | Additional comments provided by the participant when responding to a question. |
QuestionResponseAttachments | String | questionResponseAttachments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AllocatedTaskId [KEY] | Long | AllocatedTaskId of WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
WorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the journey template task type property. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Type | String | Type of the journey template task type property. |
TypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the journey template task type property. |
SubType | String | Subtype of the journey template task type property. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Subtype meaning of the journey template task type property. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
TasktypesCode [KEY] | String | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
TasktypesWorkerJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template task type property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of group for journey template task type property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task type property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllocatedAfterDate | Date | AllocatedAfterDate |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
Facets | String | Facets |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
Overdue | String | Overdue |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusCategory | String | StatusCategory |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | WorkerJourneyId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
WorkerJourneyId | Long | Unique identifier of the journey. |
ParentWorkerJourneyId | Long | Identifier of the parent enterprise onboarding checklist. Not applicable for other checklist categories. |
JourneyName | String | Name of the journey. |
JourneyInstance | String | Instance of the journey. |
JourneyCategory | String | Category of the journey. |
JourneySubCategory | String | Subcategory of the worker journey. |
JourneySubCategoryMeaning | String | Subcategory meaning of the worker journey. |
JourneyPersonId | Long | Unique person identifier of the journey assignee. |
JourneyPersonNumber | String | Person number of the journey assignee. |
JourneyPersonName | String | Display name of the journey assignee. |
Name | String | Name of the task. |
Type | String | Code for the task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
Status | String | Status code of the task. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
StatusCategory | String | Category of the task status. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence, if specified. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TargetStartDate | Date | Expected initiation date of the task. |
TargetEndDate | Date | Due date of the task. |
ActualStartDate | Date | Date on which the task was opened. |
ActualEndDate | Date | Date on which the task was completed. |
CompletionDate | Date | Date on which the task was completed. |
DeferredStartDate | Date | Deferred start date for a deferred task. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for a task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
Comments | String | Comments for the task. |
ActionURL | String | URL associated with the task. This task URL is returned as entered during setup. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Unique identifier of a questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ErrorType | String | Error type, if any, for the task. |
ErrorMessage | String | Error message, if any, for the task. |
ErrorDetails | String | Error details, if any, for the task. |
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatus | String | I 9 progress status code that displays if the I 9 process is completed. |
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatusMeaning | String | I 9 progress status that displays if the I 9 process is completed. |
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatus | String | I 9 verification status code. |
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatusMeaning | String | I 9 verification status. |
SignatureValidationMode | String | Validation option for an electronic signature. |
SignatureNameValidation | String | Validation type for name in native electronic signature. |
AuthenticationFormat | String | Password authentication format of an electronic signature task. |
AuthenticationInstructionText | String | Instruction text used in the password authentication of an electronic signature task. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Identifier of the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments to document record. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Flexfield context code for configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Application task name. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the task performer. Available only in case of single performer. |
PerformerName | String | Name of the performer. In case of single performer returns the performer person display name else return responsibility type name. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the task owner. Available only in case of single owner. |
OwnerName | String | Task owner name. Displays person name if there is a single task owner else displays responsibility type name. |
OwnerWorkEmailAddress | String | Work email of the owner. |
CompletedByPersonId | Long | Person identifier of the person who completed the task |
CompletedByDisplayName | String | Display name of the person who completed the task. |
SignDate | Date | Date on which the electronic signature was provided for an electronic signature task. |
SignAddress | String | Internet protocol address where the electronic signature was provided. |
SignerEmail | String | Email address of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
SignerName | String | Name of the signer for an electronic signature task. |
SignerAuthentication | String | Authentication password of the signer in an electronic signature task. |
AddToCalendar | String | Option to add task to calendar. |
AccessActivity | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task. |
AccessAttachments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task attachments. |
AccessComments | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task comments. |
AccessContact | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task contact details. |
AccessNotes | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task notes. |
ActionComplete | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as complete. |
ActionEditDueDate | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the due date of the task. |
ActionEdit | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the task. |
ActionReassign | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reassign the task. |
ActionReject | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as not applicable. |
ActionRemove | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can remove the task. |
ActionReopen | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can reopen a completed task. |
ActionAddToCalendar | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can add the task to calendar. |
ActionSave | String | Setting that determines if the signed in user can save an incomplete task. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the journey task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the journey task was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the task. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was updated. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ExpiryDate | Date | Date on which the journey task expires. |
AddAttachmentsToDORFlag | Bool | Setting that determines if attachments can be stored in Document Records. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Task attachment to save to document records. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of save attachments to document records. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
WorkerJourneyTaskId | Long | WorkerJourneyTaskId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
QuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the questionnaire response. |
QuestionnaireVersionNumber | Long | Version number of the questionnaire that the participant responds to. |
AttemptNumber | Long | The attempt number of a participant when responding to a questionnaire. |
Status | String | Status of the questionnaire response. I denotes the response is in progress and not submitted yet, while S denotes a submitted response. |
StatusMeaning | String | Meaning of the status code. |
SubmittedDateTime | Date | Date on which the questionnaire response was submitted. |
TotalScore | Double | Total score for the responses submitted by a participant for a questionnaire. |
LatestAttemptFlag | Bool | Indicates if the response is the latest attempt by a participant to the questionnaire. This is a read-only attribute. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the questionnaire response. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the questionnaire response was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the questionnaire response. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the questionnaire response was updated. |
QuestionnaireParticipantId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the questionnaire participant. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
WorkerJourneyTaskId | Long | WorkerJourneyTaskId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the questionnaire response. |
QuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question response. |
QuestionnaireQuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question in a questionnaire. |
QuestionId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the question. |
QuestionCode | String | Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a question defined for a subscriber. |
QuestionText | String | Text of the question that a participant responds to. |
QuestionAnswerId | Long | Surrogate identifier of the answer that a participant chose when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerCode | String | The answer code that a participant chose when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerShortdescription | String | Text of the answer chosen by a participant when responding to a single choice question. |
AnswerList | String | Concatenated list of answer identifiers, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
AnswerCodeList | String | Concatenated list of answer choices, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
AnswerShortDescriptionList | String | Concatenated list of answer texts, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which is selected by the participant when responding to a multiple choice question. |
Score | Long | Calculated score for the responses provided for a question by a participant. |
AnswerLargeObject | String | Attachment provided by the participant when responding to a question. |
ChoiceList | String | Concatenated list of answer identifiers, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
ChoiceCodeList | String | Concatenated list of answer codes, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
ChoiceShortDescription | String | Concatenated list of answer texts, separated by a semicolon as a delimiter, which are presented to the participant when responding to a question enabled for random order responses. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the question response. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the question response was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the question response. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the question response was updated. |
AnswerComments | String | Additional comments provided by the participant when responding to a question. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
WorkerJourneyTaskId | Long | WorkerJourneyTaskId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the questionnaire response. |
QuestionresponsesQuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the question response. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the attachment was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the attachment. |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment type supported for the question. Only the attachment type, FILE, is supported. |
FileName | String | Name of the attachment file. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder. |
DmDocumentId | String | Surrogate identifier of the document attached to the questionnaire. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | URL of a web page attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
UserName | String | User name of the person who uploaded the attachment. |
Uri | String | URI of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
FileUrl | String | File URL of the attachment. |
UploadedText | String | Text uploaded in the attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of the uploaded file. This is a read-only attribute. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared. The default value is false and it's the only supported value. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error status code of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error status message of the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | File contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the attachment. This is a read-only attribute. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | Name of the user who last updated the attachment record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | User name of the user who created the attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided exclusively for the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
WorkerJourneyTaskId | Long | WorkerJourneyTaskId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkerJourneyTasksWorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AllocatedTaskId [KEY] | Long | AllocatedTaskId of WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
WorkerJourneyTaskId | Long | WorkerJourneyTaskId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the person. |
PersonNumber | String | Number assigned to a person to identify the person uniquely. Does not depend on the person type such as employee, contingent worker, and so on. |
CorrespondenceLanguage | String | Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CorrLanguageMeaning | String | CorrLanguageMeaning of Workers |
BloodType | String | Blood type of the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
BloodTypeMeaning | String | BloodTypeMeaning of Workers |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the person. |
DateOfDeath | Date | Date of death of the person. |
CountryOfBirth | String | Country of birth of the person. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLOV. |
CountryOfBirthName | String | CountryOfBirthName of Workers |
RegionOfBirth | String | Region of birth of the person. |
TownOfBirth | String | Town of birth of the person. |
ApplicantNumber | String | Applicant number in the external application. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workers |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of Workers |
FullName | String | FullName of Workers |
ListName | String | ListName of Workers |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersaddresses |
AddressId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the address record. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine4 | String | Fourth line of the primary mail address. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or city in which the address is located. |
Region1 | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Secondary region within the primary region. |
Region3 | String | Additional secondary region within the primary region. |
Country | String | Country in which the address is located. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CountryName | String | CountryName of Workersaddresses |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the primary mail address. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code of the primary mail address. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
Building | String | Building information associated with the address. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number associated with the building. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersaddresses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersaddresses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersaddresses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersaddresses |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | PersonAddrUsageId of Workersaddresses |
AddressType | String | Type of address. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AddressTypeMeaning | String | AddressTypeMeaning of Workersaddresses |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the address is the primary mailing address. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesAddressId [KEY] | Long | AddressesAddressId of WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveEndDate of WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveStartDate of WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesPersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | AddressesPersonAddrUsageId of WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | Person Address Usage ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for address. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for address. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for address. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workerscitizenships |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipId of Workerscitizenships |
Citizenship | String | Citizenship legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CitizenshipMeaning | String | CitizenshipMeaning of Workerscitizenships |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the citizenship is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the citizenship is valid. |
CitizenshipStatus | String | Status of the citizenship. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CitizenshipStatusMeaning | String | CitizenshipStatusMeaning of Workerscitizenships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workerscitizenships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workerscitizenships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workerscitizenships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workerscitizenships |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipsCitizenshipId of WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | Citizenship ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for citizenship. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersdisabilities |
DisabilityId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the disability of a worker. |
DisabilityCode | String | Code for the disability. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code for the disability. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
Category | String | Category of the disability such as Physical or Intellectual. |
QuotaFTE | Double | Person's full time equivalency. |
Status | String | Status of the person's disability. |
Reason | String | Reason for the person's disability. |
Degree | Double | Extent to which the disability impacts the person's abilities. |
SelfDisclosedType | String | Type of disability disclosed by the worker. Used explicitly for the Japanese, United Kingdom, and United States legislation. |
DisclosureDate | Date | Date on which the disability has been disclosed by the worker. Used explicitly for the Japanese, United Kingdom, and United States legislation. |
AccommodationRequest | String | Request for accomodation. |
RegistrationDate | Date | Date on which the disability was registered with the disability organization. |
RegistrationExpDate | Date | Expiration date of the disability registration. |
RegistrationId | String | Identification detail given to the person by the disability organization. |
OrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationName | String | Organization name to which the disability is registered. |
Description | String | Description of the person's disability. |
WorkRestriction | String | Details of any work restrictions due to the disability. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersdisabilities |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersdisabilities |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersdisabilities |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersdisabilities |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
DisabilitiesDisabilityId [KEY] | Long | DisabilitiesDisabilityId of Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
DisabilitiesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | DisabilitiesEffectiveEndDate of Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
DisabilitiesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | DisabilitiesEffectiveStartDate of Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
DisabilitiesDisabilityId [KEY] | Long | DisabilitiesDisabilityId of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
DisabilitiesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | DisabilitiesEffectiveEndDate of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
DisabilitiesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | DisabilitiesEffectiveStartDate of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
DisabilityId [KEY] | Long | DisabilityId of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersdriverLicenses |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of WorkersdriverLicenses |
LicenseType | String | Type of license. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LicenseTypeMeaning | String | LicenseTypeMeaning of WorkersdriverLicenses |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the driver's license was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of WorkersdriverLicenses |
LicenseNumber | String | Driver's license number. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority of the driver's license. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the driver's license was issued. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the driver's license is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the the driver's license is valid. |
NumberOfPoints | Long | Number of penalty points on the license. |
Violations | Long | Number of violations on the license. |
LicenseSuspendedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the driver's license is suspended. |
SuspendedFromDate | Date | Start date of suspension period, if any. |
SuspendedToDate | Date | End date of suspension period, if any. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersdriverLicenses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersdriverLicenses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersdriverLicenses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersdriverLicenses |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriversLicenseTypeId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseTypeId of WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for driver's license. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersemails |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailAddressId of Workersemails |
EmailType | String | Type of email such as work, personal, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EmailTypeMeaning | String | EmailTypeMeaning of Workersemails |
EmailAddress | String | Email address of the person. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the email address is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the email address is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersemails |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersemails |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersemails |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersemails |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the email is the person's primary email. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersemailsemailsDFF |
EmailsEmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailsEmailAddressId of WorkersemailsemailsDFF |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | Email Address ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for email. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersethnicities |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicityId of Workersethnicities |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the ethnicity is the primary ethnicity record for the person. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the ethnicity. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of Workersethnicities |
Ethnicity | String | Person's ethnicity. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EthnicityMeaning | String | EthnicityMeaning of Workersethnicities |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersethnicities |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersethnicities |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersethnicities |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersethnicities |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicitiesEthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicitiesEthnicityId of WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
ExternalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | ExternalIdentifierId of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
ExternalIdentifierSequence | Int | Sequence of the external identifier. |
ExternalIdentifierNumber | String | External identifier number. |
ExternalIdentifierType | String | Type of external identifier, such as Third-Party Payroll ID. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ExternalIdentifierTypeMeaning | String | ExternalIdentifierTypeMeaning of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment to which this external identifier relates. |
FromDate | Datetime | Date and time from when the external identifier is valid. |
ToDate | Datetime | Date and time until when the external identifier is valid. |
Comments | String | Comments for the external identifier. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number to which the external identifier belongs. |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of WorkersexternalIdentifiers |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
Gender | String | Gender of the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
GenderMeaning | String | GenderMeaning of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatus | String | Marital status of the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
MaritalStatusMeaning | String | MaritalStatusMeaning of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatusChangeDate | Date | Date from when the marital status came into effect. |
HighestEducationLevel | String | Legislation-specific value that identifies the person's highest education level. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
HighestEducationLevelMeaning | String | HighestEducationLevelMeaning of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkerslegislativeInfo |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | Person Legislative ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for legislative information. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for legislative information. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for legislative information. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersmessages |
MessageId [KEY] | Long | MessageId of Workersmessages |
MessageContent | String | Content of the message notification. |
FromDate | Datetime | Date from when the message is effective. |
ToDate | Datetime | Date until when the message is effective. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersmessages |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersmessages |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersmessages |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersmessages |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersnames |
PersonNameId [KEY] | Long | PersonNameId of Workersnames |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of Workersnames |
LastName | String | Person's last name. |
FirstName | String | Person's first name. |
Title | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TitleMeaning | String | TitleMeaning of Workersnames |
PreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name. |
Suffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on. |
MiddleNames | String | Person's middle name. |
Honors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD. |
KnownAs | String | Person's preferred name. |
PreviousLastName | String | Person's previous last name. |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of Workersnames |
OrderName | String | OrderName of Workersnames |
ListName | String | ListName of Workersnames |
FullName | String | FullName of Workersnames |
MilitaryRank | String | Person's military rank. |
NameLanguage | String | NameLanguage of Workersnames |
NameLanguageMeaning | String | NameLanguageMeaning of Workersnames |
NameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersnames |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersnames |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersnames |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersnames |
LocalPersonNameId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the local name record. |
LocalEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the local language. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LocalLegislationName | String | LocalLegislationName of Workersnames |
LocalLastName | String | Person's last name in local language. |
LocalFirstName | String | Person's first name in local language. |
LocalTitle | String | Person's salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on in local language. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LocalTitleMeaning | String | LocalTitleMeaning of Workersnames |
LocalPreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name in local language. |
LocalSuffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on, in local language. |
LocalMiddleNames | String | Person's middle name in local language. |
LocalHonors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD in local language. |
LocalKnownAs | String | Person's preferred name in local language. |
LocalPreviousLastName | String | Person's previous last name in local language. |
LocalDisplayName | String | LocalDisplayName of Workersnames |
LocalOrderName | String | LocalOrderName of Workersnames |
LocalListName | String | LocalListName of Workersnames |
LocalFullName | String | LocalFullName of Workersnames |
LocalMilitaryRank | String | Person's military rank in local language. |
LocalNameLanguage | String | Local language of the name. This is not required for global names. If you're creating a local name, you must provide the language code. |
LocalNameLanguageMeaning | String | LocalNameLanguageMeaning of Workersnames |
LocalNameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalCreatedBy | String | LocalCreatedBy of Workersnames |
LocalCreationDate | Datetime | LocalCreationDate of Workersnames |
LocalLastUpdatedBy | String | LocalLastUpdatedBy of Workersnames |
LocalLastUpdateDate | Datetime | LocalLastUpdateDate of Workersnames |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalIdentifierId of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the national identifier. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierType | String | Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning | String | NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierNumber | String | National identification number. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the national identifier. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the national identifier. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place where the national identifier was issued. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the national identifier is the person's primary national identifier. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId of WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | National Identifier ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for national identifier. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | DeliveryMethodId of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
Provider | String | Provider of the account such as Facebook and Twitter. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ProviderMeaning | String | ProviderMeaning of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
AccountName | String | Name of the account. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the account. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the account. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId of WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | Delivery Method ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for other communication accounts. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workerspassports |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of Workerspassports |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the passport was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of Workerspassports |
PassportType | String | Type or category of the passport. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PassportTypeMeaning | String | PassportTypeMeaning of Workerspassports |
PassportNumber | String | Passport number of the person. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority for the passport. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the passport. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the passport. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the passport was issued. |
Profession | String | Profession of the passport holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workerspassports |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workerspassports |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workerspassports |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workerspassports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportsPassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportsPassportId of WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersphones |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of Workersphones |
PhoneType | String | Type of phone such as Work, Home, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PhoneTypeMeaning | String | PhoneTypeMeaning of Workersphones |
LegislationCode | String | Phone legislation code. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of Workersphones |
CountryCodeNumber | String | Country code of the phone number. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
AreaCode | String | Area code of the phone number. |
PhoneNumber | String | Phone number of various phone types such as Work, Home, and so on. |
Extension | String | Extension number for the phone. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the phone number is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the phone number is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersphones |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersphones |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersphones |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersphones |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the phone number is the primary phone of the worker. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersphonesphonesDFF |
PhonesPhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhonesPhoneId of WorkersphonesphonesDFF |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | Phone ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for phone. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersphotos |
PhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotoId of Workersphotos |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the image is primary. |
PhotoType | String | Type of photo such as Profile or Cover. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PhotoName | String | Name of the image file. |
Photo | String | Unique location of the image. Encrypted version of the file. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersphotos |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersphotos |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersphotos |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersphotos |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersphotosphotosDFF |
PhotosPhotoId [KEY] | Long | PhotosPhotoId of WorkersphotosphotosDFF |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | Photo ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for photos. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of Workersreligions |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionId of Workersreligions |
LegislationCode | String | Religion legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of Workersreligions |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the religion is the person's primary religion for this legislation. |
Religion | String | Religion of the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ReligionMeaning | String | ReligionMeaning of Workersreligions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Workersreligions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Workersreligions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Workersreligions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Workersreligions |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionsReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionsReligionId of WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | Religion ID |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for religions. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersvisasPermits |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of WorkersvisasPermits |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the visa or permit was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of WorkersvisasPermits |
VisaPermitType | String | Visa or permit type. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitTypeMeaning | String | VisaPermitTypeMeaning of WorkersvisasPermits |
VisaPermitCategory | String | Category of the visa or permit. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitCategoryMeaning | String | VisaPermitCategoryMeaning of WorkersvisasPermits |
VisaPermitNumber | String | Visa or permit number. |
VisaPermitStatus | String | Indicates if the visa or permit is current. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitStatusMeaning | String | VisaPermitStatusMeaning of WorkersvisasPermits |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority for the visa or permit. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the visa or permit was issued. |
IssueDate | Date | Date of issue of the visa or permit. |
EntryDate | Date | Entry date of the person into the country. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the visa or permit. |
VisaPermitStatusDate | Date | Date from when the permit status is effective. |
Profession | String | Profession of the visa or permit holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersvisasPermits |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersvisasPermits |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersvisasPermits |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersvisasPermits |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | Visa Permit ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for visa permits. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for visa permits. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for visa permits. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkersDFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of WorkersworkersDFF |
EmployeeRewardsPoints | Double | EmployeeRewardsPoints of WorkersworkersDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersworkersDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersworkersDFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkersEFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of WorkersworkersEFF |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of WorkersworkersEFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationships |
PeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | PeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationships |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of WorkersworkRelationships |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of WorkersworkRelationships |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of WorkersworkRelationships |
LegalEmployerName | String | LegalEmployerName of WorkersworkRelationships |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of WorkersworkRelationships |
WorkerTypeMeaning | String | WorkerTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationships |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | PrimaryFlag of WorkersworkRelationships |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
LegalEmployerSeniorityDate | Date | LegalEmployerSeniorityDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
EnterpriseSeniorityDate | Date | EnterpriseSeniorityDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
OnMilitaryServiceFlag | Bool | OnMilitaryServiceFlag of WorkersworkRelationships |
WorkerNumber | String | WorkerNumber of WorkersworkRelationships |
ReadyToConvertFlag | Bool | ReadyToConvertFlag of WorkersworkRelationships |
TerminationDate | Date | TerminationDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
NotificationDate | Date | NotificationDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
LastWorkingDate | Date | LastWorkingDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
RevokeUserAccess | String | RevokeUserAccess of WorkersworkRelationships |
RecommendedForRehire | String | RecommendedForRehire of WorkersworkRelationships |
RecommendedForRehireMeaning | String | RecommendedForRehireMeaning of WorkersworkRelationships |
RecommendationReason | String | RecommendationReason of WorkersworkRelationships |
RecommendationAuthorizedByPersonId | Long | RecommendationAuthorizedByPersonId of WorkersworkRelationships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
ProjectedTerminationDate | Date | ProjectedTerminationDate of WorkersworkRelationships |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
AssignmentNumber | String | Unique identifier for the assignment. |
AssignmentName | String | Business title of the worker assignment. |
ActionCode | String | Action being performed for this assignment, such as, Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV. |
ActionName | String | ActionName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
ReasonCode | String | Reason for the action being performed on the record. Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV. |
ReasonName | String | ReasonName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | Sequence number of the change on the effective start date. For the first change on the effective start date, set this value to 1. For incremental changes, leave this value blank to generate the next number in the sequence. |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | Set to Y if this is the last change on the effective start date. Otherwise, set to N. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit of the assignment. |
BusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit for the worker assignment. Valid values are defined in the hcmBusinesUnitsLOV. |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
AssignmentTypeMeaning | String | AssignmentTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
AssignmentStatusTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment status type. |
AssignmentStatusTypeCode | String | Code for the assignment status type. |
AssignmentStatusType | String | AssignmentStatusType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
SystemPersonType | String | SystemPersonType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
UserPersonTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the user person type. |
UserPersonType | String | User-defined value that identifies the person type such as employee or contingent worker. Valid values are defined in the personTypesLOV. |
ProposedUserPersonTypeId | String | Unique identifier for the proposed user person type. |
ProposedUserPersonType | String | Code of the proposed user person type. Valid values are defined in the personTypesLOV. |
ProjectedStartDate | Date | Expected start date for applicants. This value is required for pending workers. |
ProjectedEndDate | Date | Date when the assignment is expected to end. |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | PrimaryFlag of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current assignment is primary for the work relationship. Valid values are true or false. |
PositionId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's position. |
PositionCode | String | Code for the worker's position. |
PositionName | String | PositionName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
SynchronizeFromPositionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attributes from the position can be overridden on the assignment when using position synchronization. Valid values are true or false. |
JobId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's job. |
JobCode | String | Code for the worker's job. Valid values are defined in the jobsLov. |
JobName | String | JobName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
GradeId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's grade. |
GradeCode | String | Code of the assignment grade. Valid values are defined in the gradesLov. |
GradeName | String | GradeName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
GradeLadderId | Long | Unique identifier for the grade ladder used for benefits. |
GradeLadderName | String | Name of the grade ladder used for benefits. Valid values are defined in the gradeLaddersLov. |
GradeStepEligibilityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the assignment is eligible for grade-step progression. Valid values are true or false. |
GradeCeilingStepId | Long | GradeCeilingStepId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
GradeCeilingStep | String | GradeCeilingStep of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
DepartmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's department. |
DepartmentName | String | Name of the department for the worker assignment. Valid values are defined in the departmentsLov. |
ReportingEstablishmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the reporting establishment. |
ReportingEstablishmentName | String | Name of the reporting establishment. Valid values are defined in the reportingEstablishmentsLOV. |
LocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the worker's location. |
LocationCode | String | Code for the worker's location. |
LocationName | String | LocationName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkAtHomeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the worker works at home for the assignment. |
AssignmentCategory | String | User-defined category for the assignment such as full-time, permanent, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AssignmentCategoryMeaning | String | AssignmentCategoryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkerCategory | String | Category of the worker such as blue collar, civil servant, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
WorkerCategoryMeaning | String | WorkerCategoryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
PermanentTemporary | String | Indicates whether the worker is regular or temporary. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PermanentTemporaryMeaning | String | PermanentTemporaryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates whether the worker works full-time or part-time. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
FullPartTimeMeaning | String | FullPartTimeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
ManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the worker is a manager. |
HourlySalariedCode | String | Identifies whether the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or employment or placement terms but not both. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
HourlySalariedMeaning | String | HourlySalariedMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
NormalHours | Double | Normal working hours such as 37.5. Specify with the Frequency attribute. |
Frequency | String | Frequency of normal working hours such as week or month. Specify with the NormalHours attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
FrequencyMeaning | String | FrequencyMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
StartTime | String | Normal start time for the working day. |
EndTime | String | Normal end time for the working day. |
SeniorityBasis | String | Basis for calculating seniority for the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
SeniorityBasisMeaning | String | SeniorityBasisMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
ProbationPeriod | Double | Duration of the probation period. Specify with the ProbationPeriodUnit attribute. |
ProbationPeriodUnit | String | Unit of measure for the probation period. Specify with the ProbationPeriod attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ProbationPeriodUnitMeaning | String | ProbationPeriodUnitMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
ProbationEndDate | Date | End date of the probation period. |
NoticePeriod | Int | Notice period for the assignment. Specify with the NoticePeriodUOM attribute. |
NoticePeriodUOM | String | Unit of measure for the notice period. Specify with the NoticePeriod attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
NoticePeriodUOMMeaning | String | NoticePeriodUOMMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkTaxAddressId | Long | Unique identifier for the address used for taxation purposes. This can be different from the mailing address. |
ExpenseCheckSendToAddress | String | Determines whether expense checks are sent to the home or office address. |
ExpenseCheckSendToAddressMeaning | String | ExpenseCheckSendToAddressMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
RetirementAge | Long | Age at which the worker is retiring. |
RetirementDate | Date | Planned retirement date of the worker. |
LabourUnionMemberFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the worker is a labor union member. |
UnionId | Long | Unique identifier of the worker union for the assignment. |
UnionName | String | Name of the worker union for the assignment. Valid values are defined in the unionsLov. |
BargainingUnitCode | String | Code for the bargaining unit. |
BargainingUnitMeaning | String | BargainingUnitMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
CollectiveAgreementId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the collective agreement. |
CollectiveAgreementName | String | Name for the collective agreement. Valid values are defined in the collectiveAgreementsLov. |
ContractId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the contract. |
ContractNumber | String | Number of the contract. |
InternalBuilding | String | Building information associated with the work location. |
InternalFloor | String | Floor information associated with the work location. |
InternalOfficeNumber | String | Office number associated with the work location. |
InternalMailstop | String | Internal mail location. |
DefaultExpenseAccount | String | Default expense account of the assignment. If the expense account is configured with multiple segments, then provide the concatenated value. Separate the values using the separator configured for the expense account. |
PeopleGroup | String | People Group Key flexfield for the assignment. If people group is configured with multiple segments, provide the concatenated value, separating the values with the separator configured for the People Group Key flexfield. |
StandardWorkingHours | Double | Standard working hours such as 40. |
StandardFrequency | String | Frequency of standard working hours such as week or month. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
RelationshipType [KEY] | String | RelationshipType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
RelationshipTypeMeaning | String | RelationshipTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
Level | Int | Level of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerId | Long | ManagerId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerDisplayName | String | ManagerDisplayName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | ManagerPersonNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | ManagerAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerAssignmentName | String | ManagerAssignmentName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
ManagerAssignmentNumber | String | ManagerAssignmentNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | EffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | EffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | Assignment ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignments. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignments. |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | Descriptive flexfield for assignments. |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignments. |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignments. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | EffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | EffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
AssignGradeStepId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the assignment grade step record. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
GradeStepId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the grade step. |
GradeStepName | String | Name of the grade step. Valid values are defined in the gradeStepNamesLOV. |
GradeId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the grade. |
GradeName | String | GradeName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
ActionCode | String | Action being performed for the assignment such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV. |
ReasonCode | String | Reason for the change.Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
AssignmentSupervisorId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentSupervisorId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | Surrogate identifier for the assignment supervisor. |
ManagerAssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number of the supervisor. |
ManagerType | String | Role the supervisor has with regards to the overall organization structure such as functional, project leader, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ManagerTypeMeaning | String | ManagerTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
ActionCode | String | Action being performed on the assignment such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV. |
ReasonCode | String | Reason for the change. Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AsgResponsibilityId [KEY] | Long | AsgResponsibilityId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
ResponsibilityType | String | ResponsibilityType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
ResponsibilityName | String | ResponsibilityName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkContactsFlag | Bool | WorkContactsFlag of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | AssignmentsEffectiveLatestChange of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignmentsEffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | AssignmentsEffectiveSequence of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
AssignWorkMeasureId [KEY] | Long | AssignWorkMeasureId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
Value | Double | Value of the work measure. |
Unit | String | Unit of measure. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
UnitMeaning | String | UnitMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
ActionCode | String | Action being performed on the assignment such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV. |
ReasonCode | String | Reason for the change.Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV. |
CalculateWorkmeasureFlag | Bool | Indicates whether work measure should be calculated automatically. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ContractId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the contract. |
ContractNumber | String | Number of the contract. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
ContractEndDate | Date | Date when the contract ends. |
ContractType | String | Type of the contract. |
ContractTypeMeaning | String | ContractTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
Description | String | Description of the contract. |
InitialDuration | Double | Initial duration of the contract. |
InitialDurationUnits | String | Unit for the initial duration of the contract. |
InitialDurationUnitsMeaning | String | InitialDurationUnitsMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ExtensionNumber | Int | ExtensionNumber of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ExtensionPeriod | Double | Extension period of the contract. |
ExtensionPeriodUnits | String | Unit for the extension period of the contract. |
ExtensionPeriodUnitsMeaning | String | ExtensionPeriodUnitsMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ActionCode | String | Code of the action performed on the employment contract. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ActionName | String | ActionName of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
ContractExtensionFlag | Bool | ContractExtensionFlag of WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
ContractsContractId [KEY] | Long | ContractsContractId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
ContractsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContractsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
ContractsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContractsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
ContractId [KEY] | Long | ContractId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
ContractsContractId [KEY] | Long | ContractsContractId of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
ContractsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContractsEffectiveEndDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
ContractsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContractsEffectiveStartDate of WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
ContractId [KEY] | Long | Contract ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contracts. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contracts. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contracts. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
PeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | PeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
WorkersPersonId [KEY] | Long | WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF |
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF |
PeriodOfServiceId [KEY] | Long | Period of Service ID |
RecallRights | String | RecallRights of WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for work relationships. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
DirectReportsFlag | String | DirectReportsFlag |
LineManagerFlag | String | LineManagerFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | String | PrimaryAssignmentFlag |
RelationshipType | String | RelationshipType |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the team member. |
DisplayName | String | Team member's display name. |
JobName | String | Job name of the team member. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TeamId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the team. |
TeamName | String | Name of the team. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LoggedInPersonId | Long | LoggedInPersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | Bool | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
URL | The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud URL. |
User | The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud user account used to authenticate. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | This indicates whether to use the system proxy settings or not. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port the ProxyServer proxy is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyUser | A user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyPassword | A password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
Property | Description |
APIVersion | The API Version of Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM that the user wants to use. |
IncludeCustomChildObjects | Whether or not to include the Custom Child Objects. |
IncludeCustomObjects | Property to include the Custom Objects. |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud. |
PseudoColumns | This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
URL | The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud URL. |
User | The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud user account used to authenticate. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud URL.
The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud URL.
The Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud user account used to authenticate.
Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud server.
The password used to authenticate the user.
The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Firewall properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the protocol that the Sync App will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the Sync App connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
Type | Default Port | Description |
TUNNEL | 80 | When this is set, the Sync App opens a connection to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted. |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes. |
To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.
The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.
The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.
A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.
This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.
This section provides a complete list of the Proxy properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | This indicates whether to use the system proxy settings or not. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port the ProxyServer proxy is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyUser | A user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyPassword | A password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
This indicates whether to use the system proxy settings or not.
This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.
To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through.
The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The Sync App can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.
If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port the ProxyServer proxy is running on.
The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.
The authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.
Note that the Sync App will use the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to connect to another proxy, you will need to set ProxyAutoDetect to false, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.
The authentication type can be one of the following:
If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.
A user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:
user@domain domain\user
A password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.
If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.
If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.
For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy.
This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:
AUTO | Default setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the Sync App will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option. |
ALWAYS | The connection is always SSL enabled. |
NEVER | The connection is not SSL enabled. |
TUNNEL | The connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer .
The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Core modules to be included in the log file.
Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.
See the Logging page for an overview.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the Sync App (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.
If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\OracleHCM Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | The value of the APPDATA environment variable |
Linux | ~/.config |
This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.
This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.
Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.
Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
APIVersion | The API Version of Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM that the user wants to use. |
IncludeCustomChildObjects | Whether or not to include the Custom Child Objects. |
IncludeCustomObjects | Property to include the Custom Objects. |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud. |
PseudoColumns | This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
The API Version of Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM that the user wants to use.
The API Version of Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM that the user wants to use.
Whether or not to include the Custom Child Objects.
Whether or not to include the Custom Child Objects.
Property to include the Custom Objects.
Property to include the Custom Objects.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.
Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.
DefaultColumnSize | Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000. |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine. |
RecordToFile=filename | Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file. |
The maximum number of results to return per page from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud.
The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.
This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".
The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.
If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the Sync App throws an exception.
A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The Sync App automatically detects the views specified in this file.
You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the Sync App.
This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:
For example:
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM RecruitingCESites WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:
"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.jsonNote that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.