Tableau Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
WorkersPersonId [KEY] Long WorkersPersonId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId [KEY] Long WorkrelationshipsPeriodOfServiceId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
AssignmentId [KEY] Long AssignmentId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
AssignmentNumber String Unique identifier for the assignment.
AssignmentName String Business title of the worker assignment.
ActionCode String Action being performed for this assignment, such as, Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change and so on. Valid values are defined in the actionsLOV.
ActionName String ActionName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
ReasonCode String Reason for the action being performed on the record. Valid values are defined in the actionReasonsLOV.
ReasonName String ReasonName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] Date Start date of the date-effective changes to the record.
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] Date End date of the date-effective changes to the record.
EffectiveSequence [KEY] Int Sequence number of the change on the effective start date. For the first change on the effective start date, set this value to 1. For incremental changes, leave this value blank to generate the next number in the sequence.
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] String Set to Y if this is the last change on the effective start date. Otherwise, set to N.
BusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the business unit of the assignment.
BusinessUnitName String Name of the business unit for the worker assignment. Valid values are defined in the hcmBusinesUnitsLOV.
AssignmentType String AssignmentType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
AssignmentTypeMeaning String AssignmentTypeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
AssignmentStatusTypeId Long Unique identifier for the assignment status type.
AssignmentStatusTypeCode String Code for the assignment status type.
AssignmentStatusType String AssignmentStatusType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
SystemPersonType String SystemPersonType of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
UserPersonTypeId Long Unique identifier for the user person type.
UserPersonType String User-defined value that identifies the person type such as employee or contingent worker. Valid values are defined in the personTypesLOV.
ProposedUserPersonTypeId String Unique identifier for the proposed user person type.
ProposedUserPersonType String Code of the proposed user person type. Valid values are defined in the personTypesLOV.
ProjectedStartDate Date Expected start date for applicants. This value is required for pending workers.
ProjectedEndDate Date Date when the assignment is expected to end.
PrimaryFlag Bool PrimaryFlag of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
PrimaryAssignmentFlag Bool Indicates whether the current assignment is primary for the work relationship. Valid values are true or false.
PositionId Long Unique identifier for the worker's position.
PositionCode String Code for the worker's position.
PositionName String PositionName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
SynchronizeFromPositionFlag Bool Indicates whether attributes from the position can be overridden on the assignment when using position synchronization. Valid values are true or false.
JobId Long Unique identifier for the worker's job.
JobCode String Code for the worker's job. Valid values are defined in the jobsLov.
JobName String JobName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
GradeId Long Unique identifier for the worker's grade.
GradeCode String Code of the assignment grade. Valid values are defined in the gradesLov.
GradeName String GradeName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
GradeLadderId Long Unique identifier for the grade ladder used for benefits.
GradeLadderName String Name of the grade ladder used for benefits. Valid values are defined in the gradeLaddersLov.
GradeStepEligibilityFlag Bool Indicates whether the assignment is eligible for grade-step progression. Valid values are true or false.
GradeCeilingStepId Long GradeCeilingStepId of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
GradeCeilingStep String GradeCeilingStep of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
DepartmentId Long Unique identifier for the worker's department.
DepartmentName String Name of the department for the worker assignment. Valid values are defined in the departmentsLov.
ReportingEstablishmentId Long Unique identifier for the reporting establishment.
ReportingEstablishmentName String Name of the reporting establishment. Valid values are defined in the reportingEstablishmentsLOV.
LocationId Long Unique identifier for the worker's location.
LocationCode String Code for the worker's location.
LocationName String LocationName of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
WorkAtHomeFlag Bool Indicates whether the worker works at home for the assignment.
AssignmentCategory String User-defined category for the assignment such as full-time, permanent, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
AssignmentCategoryMeaning String AssignmentCategoryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
WorkerCategory String Category of the worker such as blue collar, civil servant, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
WorkerCategoryMeaning String WorkerCategoryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
PermanentTemporary String Indicates whether the worker is regular or temporary. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
PermanentTemporaryMeaning String PermanentTemporaryMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
FullPartTime String Indicates whether the worker works full-time or part-time. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
FullPartTimeMeaning String FullPartTimeMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
ManagerFlag Bool Indicates whether the worker is a manager.
HourlySalariedCode String Identifies whether the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or employment or placement terms but not both. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
HourlySalariedMeaning String HourlySalariedMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
NormalHours Double Normal working hours such as 37.5. Specify with the Frequency attribute.
Frequency String Frequency of normal working hours such as week or month. Specify with the NormalHours attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
FrequencyMeaning String FrequencyMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
StartTime String Normal start time for the working day.
EndTime String Normal end time for the working day.
SeniorityBasis String Basis for calculating seniority for the person. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
SeniorityBasisMeaning String SeniorityBasisMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
ProbationPeriod Double Duration of the probation period. Specify with the ProbationPeriodUnit attribute.
ProbationPeriodUnit String Unit of measure for the probation period. Specify with the ProbationPeriod attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
ProbationPeriodUnitMeaning String ProbationPeriodUnitMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
ProbationEndDate Date End date of the probation period.
NoticePeriod Int Notice period for the assignment. Specify with the NoticePeriodUOM attribute.
NoticePeriodUOM String Unit of measure for the notice period. Specify with the NoticePeriod attribute. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
NoticePeriodUOMMeaning String NoticePeriodUOMMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
WorkTaxAddressId Long Unique identifier for the address used for taxation purposes. This can be different from the mailing address.
ExpenseCheckSendToAddress String Determines whether expense checks are sent to the home or office address.
ExpenseCheckSendToAddressMeaning String ExpenseCheckSendToAddressMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
RetirementAge Long Age at which the worker is retiring.
RetirementDate Date Planned retirement date of the worker.
LabourUnionMemberFlag Bool Indicates whether the worker is a labor union member.
UnionId Long Unique identifier of the worker union for the assignment.
UnionName String Name of the worker union for the assignment. Valid values are defined in the unionsLov.
BargainingUnitCode String Code for the bargaining unit.
BargainingUnitMeaning String BargainingUnitMeaning of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
CollectiveAgreementId Long Surrogate identifier for the collective agreement.
CollectiveAgreementName String Name for the collective agreement. Valid values are defined in the collectiveAgreementsLov.
ContractId Long Surrogate identifier for the contract.
ContractNumber String Number of the contract.
InternalBuilding String Building information associated with the work location.
InternalFloor String Floor information associated with the work location.
InternalOfficeNumber String Office number associated with the work location.
InternalMailstop String Internal mail location.
DefaultExpenseAccount String Default expense account of the assignment. If the expense account is configured with multiple segments, then provide the concatenated value. Separate the values using the separator configured for the expense account.
PeopleGroup String People Group Key flexfield for the assignment. If people group is configured with multiple segments, provide the concatenated value, separating the values with the separator configured for the People Group Key flexfield.
StandardWorkingHours Double Standard working hours such as 40.
StandardFrequency String Frequency of standard working hours such as week or month.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
DirectReportsFlag String DirectReportsFlag
LineManagerFlag String LineManagerFlag
PersonId Long PersonId
PersonNumber String PersonNumber
RelationshipType String RelationshipType
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
WorkerType String WorkerType
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format.

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Build 23.0.8839