Tableau Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
QuestionnaireId [KEY] Long Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire.
QuestionnaireName String Name of the questionnaire.
QuestionnaireCode String Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a questionnaire defined for a subscriber.
Description String Description of the questionnaire.
VersionNumber [KEY] Long Version number of the questionnaire. Version Number should be 1 when a new questionnaire is created.
VersionDescription String Description provided when a new version of a questionnaire is created.
SubscriberId Long Surrogate identifier for the subscriber.
SubscriberCode String Code for the subscriber using the questionnaire. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV.
SubscriberName String SubscriberName of Questionnaires
FolderId Long Surrogate identifier of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored.
FolderName String Name of the category or folder where the questionnaire is stored.
ScoreQuestionnaireFlag Bool ScoreQuestionnaireFlag of Questionnaires
Status String Status of the questionnaire. Valid values include A (Active), I (Inactive) and D (Draft).
StatusMeaning String StatusMeaning of Questionnaires
Editor String Name of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire marked as private.
EditorPersonNumber String Person number of the person with privileges to edit the questionnaire that is marked private.
InUse String InUse of Questionnaires
InUseMeaning String InUseMeaning of Questionnaires
PrivacyFlag Bool Indicates whether the questionnaire is private. If a questionnaire is marked private, only the person specified by the editor attribute can edit the questionnaire. The default value is false.
PrivacyMeaning String PrivacyMeaning of Questionnaires
CalculationRule String Calculation rule code for questionnaires that are scored.
CalculationRuleMeaning String CalculationRuleMeaning of Questionnaires
InstructionText String Instructions or additional information for the questionnaire.
SectionOrder String Code that shows the ordering sequence of the questionnaire sections. A value of R (Random) will randomize the sections and a value of S (Sequential) will present the sections in the defined sequence.
SectionOrderMeaning String SectionOrderMeaning of Questionnaires
SectionPresentation String Code that shows if the sections are displayed as stacked regions if the value is S or if the questions are presented without any sections when the value is N.
SectionPresentationMeaning String SectionPresentationMeaning of Questionnaires
MaximumPossibleScore Long MaximumPossibleScore of Questionnaires
LatestVersionFlag Bool LatestVersionFlag of Questionnaires
QuestionnaireTemplateId Long Surrogate identifier of the questionnaire template.
QuestionnaireTemplateCode String Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the questionnaire template referred by the questionnaire.
QuestionnaireTemplateName String QuestionnaireTemplateName of Questionnaires
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of Questionnaires
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Questionnaires
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of Questionnaires
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Questionnaires
LayoutOption String Presentation format for questions in a questionnaire. This configuration is only available for Touchpoints subscribers.
LayoutOptionMeaning String LayoutOptionMeaning of Questionnaires


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839