Tableau Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
AssignmentRecordId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the enrollment record.
AssignmentRecordNumber String AssignmentRecordNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentCreatedDate Datetime AssignmentCreatedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentLastModifiedDate Datetime AssignmentLastModifiedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentType String Type of the enrollment such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentTypeLOV.
AssignmentTypeMeaning String AssignmentTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentJustification String Justification provided by the learner during a request or the justification added by the specialist in the Learning Request Details during the assignment.
AssignmentDueDate Datetime Due date of the assignment provided by the learning specialist when enrolling for a learning item. It is null for voluntary assignment.
AssignmentStatus String Status of the enrollment such as Active, Content Completed, Completed, Withdrawn and Deleted. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV.
AssignmentStatusMeaning String AssignmentStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentSubStatus String Granular status of the enrollment. For example, No Offering Selected, Not Started, In Progress, and Pending Active are various sub statuses for the Active status. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentSubStatusLOV.
AssignmentSubStatusMeaning String AssignmentSubStatusMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentDetailsDeepLink String AssignmentDetailsDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink String AssignmentDetailsEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentAttributionId Long Unique identifier of the entity creating the learning record.
AssignedToId Long Unique identifier of the person to whom the learning item was assigned.
AssignedToNumber String AssignedToNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToType String AssignedToType of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToTypeMeaning String AssignedToTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress String AssignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber String AssignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToPersonImageURL String AssignedToPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedToDisplayName String AssignedToDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerId Long AssignerId of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerNumber String AssignerNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerAttributionType String Entity type that created the learning record such as person, specialist, or community. Valid values are defined in the list AssignerToAttributionTypeLOV.
AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning String AssignerAttributionTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerDisplayName String AssignerDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress String AssignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber String AssignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignerCommentsToLearner String Comments specified by the assigner for the learner when creating the assignment. It is null when no comment is provided.
AssignerPersonImageURL String AssignerPersonImageURL of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemId Long Unique identifier for the learning item which is the internal primary key.
LearningItemNumber String User-friendly number identifying the learning item. It is a surrogate key which is shown in the UI.
LearningItemType String Learning item type such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, and Video. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV.
LearningItemTypeMeaning String LearningItemTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemTitle String Title of the learning item.
LiShortDescription String Learning item short description provided while creating the learning item.
LearningItemEffectiveAsOf Date LearningItemEffectiveAsOf of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemDeepLink String URL to open the learning item page directly from the browser.
LearningItemEmbedLink String LearningItemEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemDataLink String LearningItemDataLink of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemPublisherDisplayName String LearningItemPublisherDisplayName of LearnerLearningRecords
ExpectedEffortInHours String ExpectedEffortInHours of LearnerLearningRecords
ActualEffortInHours Double Actual effort, in hours, that it took the learner to complete the assignment.
LiTotalExpectedEffort Double Expected effort to complete the learning item of the learning record.
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOM String Units of measurement for the expected effort to complete the learning item of the learning record. Valid values are defined in the list LiTotalExpectedEffortUomLOV.
LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning String LiTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemMaximumPrice Double Maximum price for the learning item.
LearningItemMinimumPrice Double Minimum price for the learning item.
LearningItemPriceCurrency String Currency of the price for the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list PriceCurrencyLOVVA.
RequestedDate Datetime RequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
RequestedStartDate Datetime Learning request start date specified in the learning record.
RequestedCompleteByDate Date Requested date by which the learner should complete the assignment.
RequestApprovedDate Date RequestApprovedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
RequestRejectedDate Date RequestRejectedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
EnteredWaitlistDate Date EnteredWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecords
CurrentWaitlistPosition Int CurrentWaitlistPosition of LearnerLearningRecords
ExitedWaitlistDate Date ExitedWaitlistDate of LearnerLearningRecords
DeletedDate Datetime DeletedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate Date EnteredPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate Date ExitedPendingPrerequisitesDate of LearnerLearningRecords
EnteredPendingPaymentDate Datetime EnteredPendingPaymentDate of LearnerLearningRecords
PurchaseAmount Double Purchase amount for the requested assignment.
PurchaseCurrency String Purchase currency for the requested assignment. Valid values are defined in the list PriceCurrencyLOVVA.
PurchasedDate Date PurchasedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignedDate Datetime Start date of the learning which is visible to the learner in self service.
StartedDate Date StartedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ContentCompletedDate Date ContentCompletedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
EvaluationSubmittedDate Date EvaluationSubmittedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
WithdrawnDate Datetime WithdrawnDate of LearnerLearningRecords
CompletedDate Datetime Date when the learning was completed.
ExpirationDate Date ExpirationDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ExpirationInDaysSystemDate Double ExpirationInDaysSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ValidityPeriodRule String ValidityPeriodRule of LearnerLearningRecords
ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning String ValidityPeriodRuleMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
RenewalPeriod Double RenewalPeriod of LearnerLearningRecords
ExpirationRule String ExpirationRule of LearnerLearningRecords
HasFutureRenewal String HasFutureRenewal of LearnerLearningRecords
NextRenewalAssignmentId Long NextRenewalAssignmentId of LearnerLearningRecords
NextRenewalAssignmentNumber String NextRenewalAssignmentNumber of LearnerLearningRecords
NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink String NextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink of LearnerLearningRecords
NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink String NextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink of LearnerLearningRecords
WithdrawnRequestedDate Datetime WithdrawnRequestedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
StatusChangeComment String Comment status change date of the this assignment.
ReasonCode String Assignment reason code of the assignment. This attribute is used when the learner assignment is withdrawn or is marked complete by the manager. Valid values are defined in the list ReasonCodeLOV.
DataSecurityPrivilege String Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent of the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning String DataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
ActualScore Double Actual Score achieved by the learner for the assignment.
LearningItemCpeType String Continuing professional education type of the learning item. Valid values are defined in the list CpeTypeLOV.
LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning String LearningItemCpeTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
ActualCpeUnits Double Continuing professional education units achieved by the learner for this assignment.
LearningItemSubType String Learning item sub type such as Video and Tutorial. Valid values are defined in the list AssignedLearningItemSubTypeLOV.
LearningItemSubTypeMeaning String LearningItemSubTypeMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords
HasPastRenewal String HasPastRenewal of LearnerLearningRecords
ExemptedDate Datetime ExemptedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate Datetime LearningItemDefinitionUsedDate of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemEffectiveDate Datetime LearningItemEffectiveDate of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate Datetime LearningItemLatestChangeEventDate of LearnerLearningRecords
IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion String IsLearnerOnLatestLIVersion of LearnerLearningRecords
EnrollmentQuestionnaireId Long Unique identifier of the enrollment questionnaire.
EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate Datetime EnteredPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate Datetime ExitedPendingSeatAcceptanceDate of LearnerLearningRecords
ActiveDate Datetime ActiveDate of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemCoverArtLink String LearningItemCoverArtLink of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemThumbnailLink String LearningItemThumbnailLink of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemTrailerLink String LearningItemTrailerLink of LearnerLearningRecords
AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate Long AssignmentDueInFromSystemDate of LearnerLearningRecords
RefundRule String RefundRule of LearnerLearningRecords
LearningItemCompletionCertificateLink String URL to open and download the learning item completion certificate directly from the browser. This is supported for completed and bypass completed assignments of a course, specialization, or legacy learning item type.
CanEditAssignmentHint String Specifies whether you can edit the assignment hint on the learning record such as Can delete, Can withdraw, No edit. Valid values are defined in the list CanEditAssignmentHintLOV.
CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning String CanEditAssignmentHintMeaning of LearnerLearningRecords


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
Finder String finder
LearnerId Long learnerId
ManagerId Long managerId

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Build 23.0.8839