Tableau Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] Long Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified.
TasktypesCode [KEY] String Unique identifier of the journey task type.
TasktypesJourneyId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the journey task type.
Code [KEY] String Code of the journey template task type property.
Name String Name of the journey template task type property.
Category String Category of the journey template task type property.
CategoryMeaning String Meaning of category for journey template task type property.
Sequence Long Sequence of the journey template task type property.
Level String Property level for the journey template task type.
DisabledForPerformerFlag Bool Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type.
DisabledForOwnerFlag Bool Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type.
DisabledForLineManagerFlag Bool Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type.
DisabledForOthersFlag Bool Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type.
PerformerLookupType String Journey template task type property type for performer.
OwnerLookupType String Journey template task type property type for owner.
LineManagerLookupType String Journey template task type property type for line manager.
OthersLookupType String Journey template task type property type for other user.
PerformerDefaultValue String Default value of the journey template task type property for performer.
OwnerDefaultValue String Default value of the journey template task type property for owner.
LineManagerDefaultValue String Default value of the journey template task type property for line manager.
OthersDefaultValue String Default value of the journey template task type property for other user.
OverriddenFlag Bool Indicates if the journey template task type property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type.
PerformerValue String Value of the journey template task type property for performer.
OwnerValue String Value of the journey template task type property for owner.
LineManagerValue String Value of the journey template task type property for line manager.
OthersValue String Value of the journey template task type property for other user.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
CategoryFilter String CategoryFilter
CodeFilter String CodeFilter
Context String Context
ContextualAction String ContextualAction
ExcludePersonal String ExcludePersonal
Facets String Facets
FilterAttributes String FilterAttributes
JourneyId Long JourneyId
LevelFilter String LevelFilter
SearchTerms String SearchTerms
SubCategoryFilter String SubCategoryFilter
SubjectAssignmentId Long SubjectAssignmentId
SubjectPersonId Long SubjectPersonId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839