Tableau Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
EmployeeId Long Employee ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is Non Employee, Employee ID should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO.
IncidentDate Datetime Date the incident occurred captured by the incident reporter. This attribute is required.
IncidentDescription String Complete description of the incident captured by the incident reporter.
IncidentId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the incident. System-generated primary key.
IncidentImmeActDescr String Description of any immediate actions undertaken after the incident was captured by the incident reporter.
IncidentSummary String Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required.
LocationTypeCode String Type of location where the incident occurred, captured by the reporter such as ORA_ONSITE or ORA_OFFSITE. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsLocation. This attribute is required.
ReporterTypeCode String Selection made by the incident reporter to categorize the incident reporter as either an employee or a non-employee. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsPerson. This attribute is required.
ReptrCity String City where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE.
ReptrCountry String Country where the incident occurred, captured by the incident reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the Location is ORA_OFFSITE.
ReptrEmail String Email ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee.
ReptrAddrLine1 String Address line 1 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE.
ReptrName String Full name of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is a non employee.
ReptrPhoneNo String Phone number of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee.
ReptrSpecificLocation String Detailed information on the location of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required.
TargetCompletionDate Datetime Date and time by when the incident needs to be completed. Prepopulated using the Target Date setup value.
ReptrAddrLine2 String Address line 2 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null.
ReptrZipCode String Postal code of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null.
ReptrState String State where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE.
LocationId Long Onsite location where the incident happened. If the incident happened offsite, the Location ID should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_ONSITE. Valid values are defined in the list LocationLovPVO.
ReptrCountryCodeNum String Country code for the reporter's phone. Valid values are defined in the list PhoneCountryCodePVO. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. PhoneCountryCodePVO.
ReptrAreaCode String Area code for the reporter's phone. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null.
IncidentSourceCode String Unique identifier for the incident source. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentSource. This attribute is required.
IncidentTypeCode String Unique identifier for the incident type. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentType. The default value is Health and Safety Incident.
SeverityLevelCode String Severity level of the incident.
NotifiedPersonId Long Employee ID of the person who is notified about the incident. This attribute is required if the notified person is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO.
IncidentReportedDate Datetime Date and time when the notified person was informed about the incident.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839