SSIS Components for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
TalentPersonProfilesProfileId [KEY] Long Surrogate identifier for the person profile.
EducationsectionsProfileSectionId [KEY] Long Surrogate identifier for the education section.
EducationId [KEY] Long Identifier for the education.
ContentItemId Long Unique identifier for the content item.
Degree String Name of the degree, such as Accounting. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov.
OtherDegree String Name of the other degree, such as Advertising.
Major String Name of the degree major, such as Accounting.
EstablishmentId Long Unique identifier of the establishment.
Establishment String Name of the establishment. Valid values are defined in the contentItemsLov.
OtherEstablishment String Name of the other educational establishment.
StartDate Date Start date of the profile item record.
EndDate Date End date of the profile item record.
EducationLevel String Level of education, such as High School Graduate. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
Country String Country where education is received. Valid values are defined in the HcmCountriesLOV.
CountryMeaning String Meaning of the country code.
State String State where education is received. Valid values are defined in the hcmAddressesLOV.
City String City where education is received.
AverageGrade String Average grade achieved for the education item.
YearAcquired Long Year on which the education item was acquired.
GPA Double GPA achieved for the education item.
Graduated String Indicates whether graduation is completed or not. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
TerminalDegreeDiscipline String Indicates whether this is the terminal degree for a discipline. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
DateAcquired Date Date on which the education item was acquired.
Educator String Name of the educator, such as a person name or institution name.
Minor String Name of the degree minor, such as Accounting.
ProjectedCompletionDate Date Date on which the education item is projected to be complete.
Fee Long Fee for the degree.
CompletedAmount Long Completed amount for the degree.
TotalAmount Long Total amount for the degree.
Comments String Comments on the degree.
Reimbursements String Reimbursement arrangements made for the degree.
CompletedTrainingUnits String Completed training units for the education item. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
Status String Indicates whether the status of degree is active or not. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
FeeCurrencyCode String Currency for the fee. Valid values are defined in the currenciesLOV.
TuitionMethod String Tuition method for the education item. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
EducationLevelCompleted String Indicates whether the education level is completed. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
AwardingBody String Awarding body for the degree.
Title String Title of the degree.
HighestEducationLevel String Highest level of education of the person, such as Master Level degree. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
AreaOfStudy String Area of study of the education item.
FacultyOrDepartment String Name of the faculty or department.
Duration String Duration of the degree course.
DurationUnits String Units in the duration of the degree course. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
AcademicStanding String Academic standing of the student, such as Good, Probation. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
PartTime String Indicates whether the degree course is part time or not. Valid values are Y and N. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV.
Description String Description of the degree.
ActivitySummary String Summary of activities required for the degree.
EducationURL String URL related to the degree.
CreatedBy String Date and time when the content item was created.
CreationDate Datetime User who last updated the content item.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the content item.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the content item was last updated.
EducationLevelMeaning String Meaning of the education level.
StatusMeaning String Meaning of the status of degree.
TutionMethodMeaning String Meaning of the tuition method.
HighestEducationLevelMeaning String Meaning of the highest education level of the person.
DurationUnitsMeaning String Meaning of the duration units.
AcademicStandingMeaning String Meaning of the academic standing value.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Group String Group
PersonId Long PersonId
ProfileId Long ProfileId
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839