SSIS Components for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId [KEY] Long ScheduleRequestsschedRequestId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents
ScheduleeventsschedEventId [KEY] Long ScheduleeventsschedEventId of ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEvents
ShiftDuration Long Duration of the shift in minutes. If the shift type is Elapsed, this attribute is mandatory. For other shift types, user must provide the start and end times.
ShiftNumber String Unique identifier of the shift in the source system, mandatory only when you update or delete shifts.
ShiftAction String Actions to perform on the shift such as, CREATE, DELETE and so on. When the import mode is FULL, only the CREATE action is accepted. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftAction.
ReferenceDay Date Date used to group shifts that span multiple work days into a single work day for processing. The import process checks that shifts marked with the DELETE action are on the reference day before deleting.
ShiftStartTime String Start time of shifts of the type Time, entered with the time zone offset. For example, 2015-08-02T08:00:00+01:00.
ShiftEndTime String End time of shifts of the type Time, entered with the time zone offse. For example, 2015-08-02T08:00:00+01:00.
ShiftTimeNotWorked Long Time not worked, and therefore unpaid, during the shift in minutes. The shift value in the library provides the default value, which user can override.
ShiftCategory String Category of the shift such as WORK. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftCategory.
ShiftCode String Unique identifier for a shift in the library. The shift code is language-independent and required only when you create or update shifts.
ShiftType String Types of shift such as ELAPSED or TIME. Valid values are defined in the lookup LOV_shiftType.
SchedShiftEventId [KEY] Long Surrogate ID for the schedule shift event, available only to reference existing records.
SchedEventId Long Unique identifier to reference the schedule event containing the shift.
AllowEdits String Indicates whether the scheduler can edit the imported shift using the Manage Planned Schedule task. If the value is Y or Null, shift editing is allowed when the value of the worker time setup profile Allow Edits option is Y and the schedule event is not N. Valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupYesNo.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder
SchedRequestId Long schedRequestId

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Build 23.0.8839