Cmdlets for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsCandidateToken [KEY] String Finds recruiting partner candidate details using a unique ID and the candidate token
EducationId [KEY] Long Education ID in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
SectionId Long Section ID assigned for each section in education of recruiting partner candidate.
SectionName String Section Name assigned for each section in education of recruiting partner candidate.
DegreeName String Degree Name in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Major String Major in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Minor String Minor in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
SchoolName String School Name in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Educator String Educator in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
EducationLevel String Education Level in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Country String Country in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
City String City in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
State String State in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
StartDate Date Start Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
EndDate Date End Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
DateAcquired Date Date Acquired in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
YearAcquired String Year Acquired in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
ProjectedCompletionDate Date Projected Completion Date in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
GraduatedFlag Bool Indicates that the recruiting partner candidate is a graduate.
GPA Double GPA in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
AverageGrade String Average Grade in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
CompletedAmount Long Completed Amount in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
TotalAmount Long Total Amount in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Status String Status in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
CompletedTrainingUnits String Completed Training Units in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
TrmnlDegDiscpFlag Bool Indicates that it's the terminal degree in the education of the recruiting partner candidate.
AwardingBody String Awarding Body in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Title String Label in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
AreaOfStudy String Area Of Study in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
Department String Department in educations of recruiting partner candidate.
AcademicStanding String Academic standing in education of recruiting partner candidate.
Comments String Comments in the education of recruiting partner candidate.
Description String Description for education of recruiting partner candidate.
Duration String Duration of education of recruiting partner candidate.
DurationUnits String Units of the duration of education of recruiting partner candidate.
EducationLevelCompletedFlag Bool Indicates if the education level is complete for recruiting partner candidate.
EducationURL String URL of the education of recruiting partner candidate.
Fee Long Education fees of recruiting partner candidate.
FeeCurrency String Currency of the education fees of recruiting partner candidate.
HighestEducationLevel String Highest education level of recruiting partner candidate.
PartTimeFlag Bool Indicates if the education was pursued as a part time course by recruiting partner candidate.
Reimbursements String Reimbursement arrangements of education of recruiting partner candidate.
ActivitySummary String Activity summary of education of recruiting partner candidate.
TuitionMethod String Tuition method of education of recruiting partner candidate.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
CandidateToken String CandidateToken
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839