Cmdlets for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
Salutation String Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the list SalutationLOV.
FirstName String Person's first name.
MiddleName String Person's middle name.
LastName String Person's last name.
PreviousLastName String Previous last name of the person, if any.
NameSuffix String Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, etc.
DisplayName String Person's display name.
PreferredName String Person's preferred first name.
Honors String Higher qualification appended to a person's name. For example, PhD.
CorrespondenceLanguage String Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the list CorrespondenceLanguageLOV.
PersonNumber String Number assigned to a person to identify the person uniquely. Does not depend on the person type (employee, contingent worker, etc). Search on this attribute is not case sensitive.
WorkPhoneCountryCode String Country code of the work phone number, such as 39 for Italy.
WorkPhoneAreaCode String Area code of the work phone number.
WorkPhoneNumber String Work phone number.
WorkPhoneExtension String Extension of the work phone number.
WorkPhoneLegislationCode String Legislation code of the work phone number.
WorkFaxCountryCode String Country code of the phone number for the work fax machine.
WorkFaxAreaCode String Area code of the phone number for the work fax machine.
WorkFaxNumber String Phone number for the home fax machine.
WorkFaxExtension String Extension of the phone number for the work fax machine.
WorkFaxLegislationCode String Legislation code of the work fax number.
WorkMobilePhoneCountryCode String Country code of the work mobile phone number.
WorkMobilePhoneAreaCode String Area code of the work mobile phone number.
WorkMobilePhoneNumber String Work mobile phone number.
WorkMobilePhoneExtension String Extension of the work mobile phone number.
WorkMobilePhoneLegislationCode String Legislation code of the work mobile phone number.
HomePhoneCountryCode String Country code of the home phone number.
HomePhoneAreaCode String Area code of the home phone number.
HomePhoneNumber String Home phone number.
HomePhoneExtension String Extension of the home phone number.
HomePhoneLegislationCode String Legislation code of the home phone number.
HomeFaxCountryCode String Country code of the phone number for the home fax machine.
HomeFaxAreaCode String Area code of the phone number for the home fax machine.
HomeFaxNumber String Phone number for the home fax machine.
HomeFaxExtension String Extension of the phone number for the home fax machine.
WorkEmail String Person's work email address. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive.
HomeFaxLegislationCode String Legislation code of the home fax number.
AddressLine1 String First line of the primary mailing address.
AddressLine2 String Second line of the primary mailing address.
AddressLine3 String Third line of the primary mailing address.
City String Town or city in which the address is located.
Region String Primary region in which the address is located.
Region2 String Secondary region within the primary region.
Country String Country in which the address is located.
PostalCode String Postal code of the address.
DateOfBirth Date Date of birth of the person.
Ethnicity String Person's ethnicity for the legislation code. Valid values are defined in the list EthnicityLOV.
ProjectedTerminationDate Date Projected termination date for the worker.
LegalEntityId Long Unique identifier for the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list LegalEmployerLOV.
HireDate Date Hire date of the employee.
TerminationDate Date TerminationDate of Emps
Gender String Person's gender. Valid values are defined in the list GenderLOV.
MaritalStatus String Person's marital status. Valid values are defined in the list MaritalStatusLOV.
NationalIdType String Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the list NationalIdTypeLOV.
NationalId String Primary key generated by the application.
NationalIdCountry String Country of nationality.
NationalIdExpirationDate Date Expiration date of the national identifier.
NationalIdPlaceOfIssue String Place where the national identifier was issued.
PersonId [KEY] Long Internal identifier for the person.
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] Date Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee is effective.
UserName String User name for the record. This value is optional and is automatically generated if not specified. Also works with UsernameMatching attribute. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive.
CitizenshipId [KEY] Long Primary key generated by the application.
CitizenshipStatus String Status of the person's citizenship. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipStatusLOV.
CitizenshipLegislationCode String Legislation code derived from the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipLegislationCodeLOV.
CitizenshipToDate Date End date of citizenship.
Religion String Person's religion. Valid values are defined in the list ReligionLOV.
ReligionId [KEY] Long Primary key generated by the application.
PassportIssueDate Date Date of issue of passport.
PassportNumber String Person's passport number.
PassportIssuingCountry String Country that issued the passport.
PassportId [KEY] Long Primary key generated by the application.
PassportExpirationDate Date Expiration date of the passport.
LicenseNumber String Person's driving license number.
DriversLicenseExpirationDate Date Expiration date of the driver's license.
DriversLicenseIssuingCountry String Country that issued the driver's license.
DriversLicenseId [KEY] Long System-generated primary key. Surrogate key.
MilitaryVetStatus String Indicates whether the person is on military service. Valid values are defined in the list MilitaryVetStatusLOV.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Emps
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Emps
WorkerType String WorkerType of Emps


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
BusinessUnitName String BusinessUnitName
DepartmentName String DepartmentName
GradeName String GradeName
JobName String JobName
LocationName String LocationName
ManagerFullName String ManagerFullName
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839