Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
WorkerJourneysWorkerJourneyId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the journey.
WorkerJourneyTaskId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the journey task.
JourneyTaskId Long Identifier of the journey task.
Name String Name of the journey task.
Type String Code of the task action type.
TypeMeaning String Task action type.
SubType String Task action subtype code. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types.
SubTypeMeaning String Task action subtype. Available only for I 9 and Electronic Signature task types.
RequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.
Status String Status code of the task.
StatusMeaning String Status of the task.
StatusCategory String Category of the task status.
Sequence Int Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1.
DependentTaskId Long Unique identifier of the dependent task.
DependentTaskName String Name of the dependent task.
TargetStartDate Date Expected initiation date of the task.
TargetEndDate Date Due date of the task.
ActualStartDate Date Date on which the task was opened.
ActualEndDate Date Date on which the task was completed.
CompletionDate Date End date of the task.
DeferredStartDate Date Deferred start date for a deferred task.
Description String Description of the task.
Notes String Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script.
AllowNoteTitleFlag Bool Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.
AllowCommentFlag Bool Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No.
AllowAttachmentFlag Bool Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default value is No.
NoteTitle String Title of the Notes section in the task.
Comments String Comments for the task.
ActionURL String URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen.
ReportPath String Path to the report in BI Catalog.
ApplicationTaskName String Display name of the application task
QuestionnaireId Long Internal identifier of the questionnaire.
QuestionnaireName String Name of the questionnaire.
ErrorType String Error type, if any, for the task.
ErrorMessage String Error message, if any, for the task.
ErrorDetails String Error details, if any, for the task.
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatus String I 9 progress status code that displays if the I 9 process is completed.
WorkAuthorizationProgressStatusMeaning String I 9 progress status that displays if the I 9 process is completed.
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatus String I 9 verification status code.
WorkAuthorizationVerificationStatusMeaning String I 9 verification status.
SignatureValidationMode String Validation option for an electronic signature.
SignatureNameValidation String Validation type for name in native electronic signature.
AuthenticationFormat String Password authentication format for an electronic signature task.
AuthenticationInstructionText String Instruction text used in the password authentication of an electronic signature task.
PerformerType String Task performer type.
PerformerTypeMeaning String Task performer type meaning.
PerformerPersonId Long Person identifier of the task performer. Available only in case of single performer, is updatable when adding a new task.
PerformerName String Person display name of task performer in case of single performer. Else, returns responsibility type name.
OwnerType String Task owner type.
OwnerTypeMeaning String Task owner type meaning.
OwnerPersonId Long Person identifier of the task owner. Available only in case of single owner.
OwnerName String Person display name of task owner in case of single owner. Else, returns responsibility type name.
OwnerWorkEmailAddress String Work email of the owner.
CompletedByPersonId String Person identifier of the person who completed the task.
CompletedByDisplayName String Name of the person who completed the task.
SignDate Date Date on which the electronic signature was provided for an electronic signature task.
SignAddress String Internet protocol address where the electronic signature was provided.
SignerEmail String Email address of the signer for an electronic signature task.
SignerName String Name of the signer for an electronic signature task.
SignerAuthentication String Authentication password of the signer in an electronic signature task.
TargetDuration Int Duration of the task.
TargetDurationUOM String Unit of measure for the task duration, such as Days, Weeks, Months.
TargetDurationUOMMeaning String Meaning of unit of measure used in the task target duration.
EnableExpiryFlag Bool Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.
ExpiryRelativeTo String Criteria based on which the task expires.
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning String Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires.
ExpiryDuration Int Duration after which the task expires.
ExpiryDate Date Date on which the journey task expires.
ReminderDuration String Duration of the task reminder, that's number of days between reminders.
ReminderRecurrence String Reminder for task recurrence, such as the number of times the reminders need to be sent.
ReminderRelativeTo String Task reminder that's relative either to due date or start date.
ReminderRelativeToMeaning String Meaning of task reminder relative to date.
AddAttachmentsToDORFlag Bool Task attachment addition to document records.
AttachmentDocumentTypeId Long Attachments to add to document records for the given document type.
AttachmentDocumentTypeName String Attachments to add to document records for the given document type name.
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor String Task attachment to save to document records.
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning String Meaning of save attachments to document records.
DocumentTypeId Long Identifier of the document type.
DocumentTypeName String Name of the document type.
SaveDocumentsToDORFor String Attachments to add to document records for a document type.
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning String Meaning of add attachments to document record.
ConfigurableFormContext String Descriptive flexfield context code for configurable form task type.
LearningItemId Long Unique identifier of the learning item.
LearnEnrollmentId Long Identifier of the learning enrollment.
LearnEnrollmentType String Type of learning enrollment.
LearnCommunityId Long Identifier of the learning community.
LearningContentType String Type of learning content.
LearningContentTypeMeaning String Meaning of the learning content type.
VideoType String Type of video.
VideoTypeMeaning String Meaning of video type.
VideoURL String URL of the video.
AnalysisPath String OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type.
AnalysisParameters String Parameters associated with an analytics task type.
DisplayOptions String Type of OTBI analysis.
AddToCalendar String Addition of the task as a calendar event.
AccessActivity String Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task.
AccessAttachments String Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task attachments.
AccessComments String Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task comments.
AccessContact String Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task contact details.
AccessNotes String Setting that determines if the signed in user can access the task notes.
ActionComplete String Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark a task complete.
ActionEditDueDate String Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the due date of the task.
ActionEdit String Setting that determines if the signed in user can edit the task.
ActionReassign String Setting that determines if the signed in user can reassign the task.
ActionReject String Setting that determines if the signed in user can mark the task as not applicable.
ActionRemove String Setting that determines if the signed in user can remove the task.
ActionReopen String Setting that determines if the signed in user can reopen a completed task.
ActionAddToCalendar String Setting that determines if the signed in user can add the task as a calendar event.
ActionSave String Setting that determines if the signed in user can save an incomplete task.
AddToLibraryFlag Bool Task addition to personal library.
ParentJourneyId Long Identifier of the parent journey.
StageJourneyId Long Unique identifier for the journey phase.
FeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task.
InitiatedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated.
ReassignedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned.
CompletedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed.
DeletedFeedFlag Bool Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted.
CreatedBy String User who created the task.
CreationDate Datetime Date on which the task was created.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the task.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date on which the task was updated.
ActionCompleteLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action.
ActionRejectLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action.
ActionAddToCalendarLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action.
ActionSaveLabel String Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action.
ActivityAction1Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 1.
ActivityAction2Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 2.
ActivityAction3Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 3.
ActivityAction4Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 4.
ActivityAction5Label String Setting that enables to change the label of action 5.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
AllocatedAfterDate Date AllocatedAfterDate
AssignmentId Long AssignmentId
CategoryFilter String CategoryFilter
CodeFilter String CodeFilter
Context String Context
ContextualAction String ContextualAction
Facets String Facets
JourneyId Long JourneyId
Overdue String Overdue
PersonId Long PersonId
SearchTerms String SearchTerms
StatusFilter String StatusFilter
SubCategoryFilter String SubCategoryFilter
WorkerJourneyId Long WorkerJourneyId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839