Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId [KEY] Long TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventRequestId of TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEvent
Comment String Comment associated with the time record event.
CrudStatusValue Int Numerical value of the type of operation, such as Create, Update, or Delete, to apply when importing the time record event.
PersonId String Unique identifier for the person associated with the time record event.
ReferenceDate Date Date to use to process a time record event that spans multiple days.
ReporterId String Unique identifier for the worker associated with the time record event.
ReporterIdType String Type of identifier for the time reporter, such as Person or Badge.
StartTime String Start time of the time record event to import.
StopTime String End time of the time record event to import.
SubresourceId Long Identifier for the work assignment for the person associated with the time record event.
TimeRecordEventId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the time record event.
TimeRecordEventRequestId Long Unique identifier for the time record event request.
TimeRecordId Long Unique identifier for the time record to update or delete.
TimeRecordVersion Int Version number of the time record stored in the WFM time repository.
OperationType String Type of operation, such as Create, Update, or Delete, to apply when importing the time record event.
AssignmentNumber String Assignment number for the person associated with the time record event. Valid values are defined in the lookup AssignmentPVO1.
EventStatusValue Int Numerical value of the processing status, such as New, In process or Complete, of the time record event.
EventStatus String Processing status of the time record event, such as New, In process, or Complete.
Measure Double Quantity of the time record event that can be a number of hours or units.
ChangeReason String Reason for the change associated with the time record event for audit purposes, such as missing time entry or incorrect time entry. Valid values are defined in the lookup HcmLookupPVO1. These lookup codes are added by the customer.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839