Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
RecruitingJobApplicationsJobApplicationId [KEY] Long Finds the job application using a primary key and an application ID
Comments String Additional comments on the licenses and certifications acquired by the candidate.
CertificationId [KEY] Long ID assigned to the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate.
RenewalInprogressFlag Bool Indicates if the licenses and certificates renewal is in progress.
IssueDate Date Date when the licenses and certificates were issued.
TotalAmount Long Total cost incurred for the licenses and certifications.
CompletedAmount Long Percentage of completion of the course.
EducationalEstablishmentId Long ID assigned to the educational establishment that conducted the course.
EducationalEstablishment String Name of the educational establishment that conducted the course.
RenewalDate Date Renewal date for the licenses and certificates.
Restrictions String Restrictions associated with the licenses and certificates.
RenewalRequiredFlag Bool Indicates if the licenses and certificates must be renewed.
StateProvinceId Long ID assigned to the state or province where the licenses and certificates were issues.
Title String Title of the licenses and certifications.
CompletedTrainingUnits String Completed training units of the course.
CertificationNumber String Number of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate.
VerifiedFlag Bool Indicates that the licenses and certificates are verified.
CertificationName String Name of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate.
ContentItemId Long ID assigned to each item in the licenses and certificates section.
ExpirationDate Date Expiration date of the licenses and certificates held by the candidate.
CountryId Long ID assigned to the country where the course was done.
IssuedBy String Authority issuing the licenses and certificates.
LastRenewalDate Date Last date when the licenses and certificates were renewed.
ActualCompletionDate Date Actual completion date of the course.
SectionId Long ID assigned to each section of the licenses and certificates.
OriginalIssueYear Long Year when the licenses and certificates were originally issues.
Status String Status of the licenses and certifications.
CertificationURL String URL of the licenses or certifications acquired by the candidate.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
EmailAddress String EmailAddress
JobApplicationId Long JobApplicationId
RequisitionNumber String RequisitionNumber
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839