Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
QuestionId [KEY] Long Surrogate identifier for the question.
QuestionCode String Alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a question defined for a subscriber.
QuestionText String Text of the question being asked.
VersionNumber [KEY] Long Version number of the question. New questions must have a version number of 1.
VersionDescription String Description provided by the user when a new version of the question is created.
LatestVersion String LatestVersion of Questions
SubscriberId Long Surrogate identifier for the subscriber.
SubscriberCode String Code for the subscriber using the question. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV.
SubscriberName String Name of the subscriber that the question is used for. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireSubscribersLOV.
FolderId Long Surrogate identifier of the folder where the question is stored.
FolderName String Name of the folder where the question is stored. Valid values are defined in the list questionnaireFoldersLOV. Valid values include Active, Draft and Inactive.
Status String Status of the question. Valid values are A for Active, I for Inactive and D for Draft.
StatusMeaning String StatusMeaning of Questions
QuestionType String Code identifying the type of the question. Valid values are in the list commonLookupsLOV.
QuestionTypeMeaning String QuestionTypeMeaning of Questions
ResponseTypeId Long Surrogate identifier of the response type for the question.
ResponseType String Response type allowed for the question. Valid values are included in the list questionnaireResponseTypesLOV.
ResponseTypeMeaning String ResponseTypeMeaning of Questions
PrivacyFlag Bool Indicates whether the question is restricted for edits. A value of true indicates the question is private and can only be edited by the person specified as the owner.
PrivacyMeaning String PrivacyMeaning of Questions
ResponseMinimumLength Long Minimum expected length of responses for a question of text response type.
ResponseMaximumLength String Maximum allowed length of responses for a question of text response type.
MinimumResponses Long Minimum number of answer choices that can be selected by a participant when responding to a multiple choice question.
MaximumResponses Long Maximum number of answer choices that can be selected by a participant when responding to a multiple choice question.
Editor String Person Identifier of the person having the privileges to edit the question, if the question is marked as private. Required if question is marked as private.
EditorPersonNumber String Person number of the person with privileges to edit the question marked private. Required if question is marked as private.
EditorPersonName String EditorPersonName of Questions
ResponseOrder String Code that shows whether the answer choices are presented in random sequence or in the defined sequence. Valid values include R to randomize the answer choices defined and V (vertical) to present the answer choices in the defined order.
ResponseOrderMeaning String ResponseOrderMeaning of Questions
SampleSize Long Maximum number of answer choices presented to the participant when responding to the question.
AllowAttachmentsFlag Bool Indicates whether an attachment is allowed as a response to the question.
RatingModelId Long Surrogate identifier of the rating model used to define the answer choices for the question.
RatingModelCode String Code identifying the rating model that is used to define the answer choices for the question.
RatingModelName String RatingModelName of Questions
ScoredFlag Bool Indicates the question is used in the score calculation.
MaximumPossibleScore Long MaximumPossibleScore of Questions
ClassificationCode String Code classifying the use of the question defined for Recruiting subscribers, like prescreening, disqualification, etc. Valid values are in the list commonLookupsLOV.
ClassificationMeaning String ClassificationMeaning of Questions
CandidateCode String Code identifying the candidate type to whom the question applies to. This is to be used by the Recruiting subscriber questions only.
CandidateCodeMeaning String CandidateCodeMeaning of Questions
AllLocationsFlag Bool AllLocationsFlag of Questions
AllOrganizationsFlag Bool AllOrganizationsFlag of Questions
AllJobFamiliesFlag Bool AllJobFamiliesFlag of Questions
AllJobFunctionsFlag Bool AllJobFunctionsFlag of Questions
ConditionalDisplayFlag Bool Indicates whether a question is conditionally displayed. When this is set to Y, controlling question code and controlling response are mandatory.
ControllingQuestionId Long Surrogate identifier of the controlling question. Required if the conditional display is set to Y.
ControllingQuestionCode String Question code for the controlling question, response to which determines if the question is to be displayed or not.
ControllingAnswerId Long Surrogate identifier of the controlling answer. Required if the conditional display is set to Y.
ControllingAnswerCode String Answer to the controlling question that determines if the question is to be displayed or not.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of Questions
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Questions
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of Questions
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Questions
MinimumThresholdScore Long Minimum allowed score for the question when answered.
MaximumThresholdScore Long Maximum allowed score for the question when answered.
UpdateAllowedFlag Bool UpdateAllowedFlag of Questions
AdhocFlag Bool AdhocFlag of Questions
OverrideDescriptionFlag Bool Indicates whether the answer defined in a question came from a rating model level and if the description of the rating level was changed in the question.
MaximumDate Date Latest date to be supported as the response when a participant responds to a question.
MinimumDate Date Earliest date to be supported as the response when a participant responds to a question.
InstructionsText String Instructions or additional information for the question.
AllowAdditionalCommentsFlag Bool Indicates whether a participant can provide additional comments while responding to a question. Valid values are Y and N. The default value is N.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839