Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
AbsenceCaseId Long Unique identifier for the absence case.
AbsenceEntryBasicFlag Bool Indicates whether the absence is recorded in basic mode or advanced mode. The default value is true.
AbsencePatternCd String Unique code assigned to the absence pattern associated with an absence type. For example, absence pattern can be Generic for a vacation absence, Illness or injury for a sickness absence.
AbsenceStatusCd String Absence status, such as submitted, withdrawn.
AbsenceTypeId Long Unique identifier for the absence type.
AbsenceTypeReasonId Long Unique identifier for the absence reason.
AgreementId Long Unique identifier for the agreement name used to record absence.
ApprovalStatusCd String Approval notification status of the recorded absence.
AuthStatusUpdateDate Date Latest updated date of the authorization status for the absence.
BandDtlId Long Unique identifier for the payment details.
BlockedLeaveCandidate String Determines whether the worker is eligible for block leave or not. Block leave enables workers to report a fixed period away from work.
CertificationAuthFlag Bool Provides notification for an authorized absence.
ChildEventTypeCd String Unique code assigned for the child event.
Comments String Comments provided while recording the absence.
ConditionStartDate Date Condition start date of an illness or injury leave. Used to indicate when the illness began or injury occurred, and could be different from the absence start date.
ConfirmedDate Date Confirmed start date of an absence.
ConsumedByAgreement String Represents the agreement consumption condition of the absence. Possible values are Y, N, and null. The default value is null.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of Absences
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Absences
DiseaseCode String Unique code assigned to a disease.
Duration Double Duration of the recorded absence.
EmployeeShiftFlag Bool Shift type of the employee's schedule. Possible values are time, duration and null. Default value is null.
EndDate Date End date of the recorded absence.
EndDateDuration Double Duration of the absence on the end date. This field allows the duration of the end date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration.
EndDateTime Datetime End date timestamp of an absence.
EndTime String End time of the recorded absence.
EstablishmentDate Date Date on which the period of incapacity began. This date refers to the date the employee could no longer work.
Frequency String Represents the frequency of the absence, such as weekly or monthly.
InitialReportById Long Employee name who reported the notification.
InitialTimelyNotifyFlag Bool An absence notification qualified as a late notification.
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Absences
LastUpdateLogin String LastUpdateLogin of Absences
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of Absences
LateNotifyFlag Bool An absence notification that qualifies as a late notification and is waived.
LegalEntityId Long Legal identifier for an employer.
LegislationCode String Legislation code of the employee for whom the absence is being entered.
LegislativeDataGroupId Long Unique identifier which determines an employee's legislative data group.
NotificationDate Date Date the employee notifies the employer of an upcoming absence.
ObjectVersionNumber Int Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
OpenEndedFlag Bool Indicates whether the absence is open-ended. Enables workers to submit an absence without entering an absence end date. The default value is false.
Overridden String Indicates whether the absence duration has been overridden or not. The default value is false.
PersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the absence.
PeriodOfIncapToWorkFlag Bool Indicates whether an employee's period of incapacity to work has been established or not. The default value is false.
PeriodOfServiceId Long Unique identifier which determines an employee's period of service.
PersonId Long Unique identifier for the person.
PlannedEndDate Date Estimated end date used for the maternity absence.
ProcessingStatus String Processing status of the absence request, such as submitted, approved, declined.
ProjectId Long Unique project identifier.
SingleDayFlag Bool Indicates whether the absence request is for a single day. Default value is false.
Source String Source of the absence imported from other applications. For example, an absence may be recorded via Absence Management, Time and Labor, a data loader or through the REST process.
SplCondition String Special conditions for the absence. This is applicable when recording an absence using the Illness or injury or Childbirth pattern.
StartDate Date Start date of the recorded absence.
StartDateDuration Double Duration of the absence on the start date. This field allows the duration of the start date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration.
StartDateTime Datetime Start date timestamp of an absence.
StartTime String Start time of the recorded absence.
SubmittedDate Date Date on which absence is created and submitted for approval.
TimelinessOverrideDate Date Date on which the late notification of the absence was waived.
UnitOfMeasure String Unit of measure used to record the absence, such as days or hours.
UserMode String Role of the user who entered this absence. Possible values are EMP, MGR or ADMIN.
PersonNumber String Unique person number for whom the absence is recorded.
AbsenceType String Unique identifier for the absence type.
Employer String Name of the employer.
AbsenceReason String Reason for absence attached to the absence type.
AbsenceDispStatus String Absence processing status displayed to the user. Valid values are defined in the lookup ANC_PER_ABS_ENT_DISPLAY_STATUS.
AssignmentId Long Unique identifier of the assignment for which the absence is recorded. When an employee has multiple active assignments, this attribute can be used to restrict the absence to a specific assignment. You can't change the assignment when editing an existing absence.
DataSecurityPersonId Long DataSecurityPersonId of Absences
EffectiveEndDate Date EffectiveEndDate of Absences
EffectiveStartDate Date EffectiveStartDate of Absences
ObjectVersionNumber Int Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
AgreementName String Name of the agreement used to record absence.
PaymentDetail String Name of payment detail of agreement used to record absence.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839