CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud への認証には、以下を設定する必要があります。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
ビュー はOracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud オブジェクトをモデル化するために動的に取得されます。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud のビューからスキーマを作成するために使用できます。
In Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Cloud, finders are filters used for searching collection resources. Each finder has several parameters bound to it.
To use a finder filter with a parent view, you need to provide the FinderName in the finder pseudo column and provide values for the finder parameter columns.
SELECT * FROM Absences WHERE finder = 'PrimaryKey' AND PersonAbsenceEntryId = 300000074177554;
To use a finder filter with a child view, you need to provide the FinderName of the parent view in the finder pseudo column and provide values for the finder parameter columns of the parent view.
SELECT * FROM AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF WHERE finder = 'PrimaryKey' AND PersonAbsenceEntryId = 300000074177554;
Name | Description |
AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV | AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
Absences | Absences |
AbsencesabsenceAttachments | AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AbsencesabsenceEntitlements | AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails | AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsencesabsenceMaternity | AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF | AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF |
AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF | AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF |
AbsenceTypesLOV | AbsenceTypesLOV |
ActionReasonsLOV | ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionsLOV | ActionsLOV |
AssignmentStatusTypesLov | AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
AvailabilityPatterns | AvailabilityPatterns |
AvailabilityPatternsshifts | AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
BargainingUnitsLov | BargainingUnitsLov |
BcCandidateDetails | BcCandidateDetails |
BenefitEnrollments | BenefitEnrollments |
BenefitEnrollmentscosts | BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
BenefitEnrollmentsdependents | BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
BenefitEnrollmentsproviders | BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
BenefitOptionsLOV | BenefitOptionsLOV |
BenefitPlansComparison | BenefitPlansComparison |
BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts | BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues | BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences | BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes | BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights | BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
BenefitPlansComparisonimages | BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
BenefitPlansComparisonLOV | BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
BenefitPlansLOV | BenefitPlansLOV |
BenefitPlanTypesLOV | BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
BenefitProgramsLOV | BenefitProgramsLOV |
CheckInDocuments | CheckInDocuments |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments | CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
CheckInTemplatesLOV | CheckInTemplatesLOV |
CollectiveAgreementsLov | CollectiveAgreementsLov |
CompetitionParticipantsLOV | CompetitionParticipantsLOV |
ContentItemsLov | ContentItemsLov |
DepartmentsLov | DepartmentsLov |
DepartmentsLovV2 | DepartmentsLovV2 |
DepartmentTreeNodesLOV | DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
DisabilityOrganizationsLOV | DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
DocumentRecords | DocumentRecords |
DocumentRecordsattachments | DocumentRecordsattachments |
DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF | DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDFF | DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDFF |
ElementEntries | ElementEntries |
ElementEntrieselementEntryValues | ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
EligibleContactsLOV | EligibleContactsLOV |
EligibleOptionsLOV | EligibleOptionsLOV |
EligiblePlansLOV | EligiblePlansLOV |
Emps | Emps |
Empsassignments | Empsassignments |
EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF | EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation | EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
Empsassignmentsempreps | Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield | EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsdirectReports | EmpsdirectReports |
EmpspersonDFF | EmpspersonDFF |
EmpspersonExtraInformation | EmpspersonExtraInformation |
Empsphoto | Empsphoto |
Empsroles | Empsroles |
Empsvisas | Empsvisas |
GeographicHierarchiesLOV | GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
GoalPlanSetsLOV | GoalPlanSetsLOV |
GoalPlansLOV | GoalPlansLOV |
GradeLadders | GradeLadders |
GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF | GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersgrades | GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersLov | GradeLaddersLov |
GradeLaddersstepRates | GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues | GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeRates | GradeRates |
GradeRatesrateValues | GradeRatesrateValues |
Grades | Grades |
GradesGradeCustomerFlex | GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesLov | GradesLov |
GradeStepsLOV | GradeStepsLOV |
HcmBusinessUnitsLOV | HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
HcmContacts | HcmContacts |
HcmContactsaddresses | HcmContactsaddresses |
HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF | HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
HcmContactscitizenships | HcmContactscitizenships |
HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF | HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
HcmContactscontactRelationships | HcmContactscontactRelationships |
HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF | HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF | HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
HcmContactscontactsDFF | HcmContactscontactsDFF |
HcmContactsdriverLicenses | HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF | HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF | HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
HcmContactsemails | HcmContactsemails |
HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF | HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
HcmContactsethnicities | HcmContactsethnicities |
HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF | HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
HcmContactslegislativeInfo | HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF | HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF | HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
HcmContactsnames | HcmContactsnames |
HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers | HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF | HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts | HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF | HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
HcmContactspassports | HcmContactspassports |
HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF | HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
HcmContactsphones | HcmContactsphones |
HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF | HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
HcmContactsreligions | HcmContactsreligions |
HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF | HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
HcmContactsvisasPermits | HcmContactsvisasPermits |
HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF | HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF | HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
HcmContractsLOV | HcmContractsLOV |
HcmCostCentersLOV | HcmCostCentersLOV |
HcmCountriesLov | HcmCountriesLov |
HcmSetsLOV | HcmSetsLOV |
HcmTreesLOV | HcmTreesLOV |
HealthSurveys | HealthSurveys |
HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponses | HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponses |
HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponsesAttachments | HealthSurveysQuestionnaireResponsesAttachments |
HrDocumentTypesLOV | HrDocumentTypesLOV |
IncidentKiosks | IncidentKiosks |
IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk | IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
JobDistributionDetails | JobDistributionDetails |
JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguages | JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguages |
JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguagessecondaryLocations | JobDistributionDetailsrequisitionLanguagessecondaryLocations |
JobDistributionDetailsskills | JobDistributionDetailsskills |
JobFamilies | JobFamilies |
JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF | JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesLov | JobFamiliesLov |
JobPostingDetails | JobPostingDetails |
JobPostingDetailsjobBoards | JobPostingDetailsjobBoards |
Jobs | Jobs |
JobsJobCustomerFlex | JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsLov | JobsLov |
JobsLovV2 | JobsLovV2 |
JobsvalidGrades | JobsvalidGrades |
JourneyCounts | JourneyCounts |
JourneyCountsfacets | JourneyCountsfacets |
JourneyCountsfacetsvalues | JourneyCountsfacetsvalues |
Journeys | Journeys |
JourneysallStepTasks | JourneysallStepTasks |
Journeyscontacts | Journeyscontacts |
Journeysevents | Journeysevents |
Journeysnotes | Journeysnotes |
Journeysproperties | Journeysproperties |
Journeystasks | Journeystasks |
Journeystasksdocuments | Journeystasksdocuments |
Journeystasksnotifications | Journeystasksnotifications |
Journeystasksproperties | Journeystasksproperties |
JourneystaskTypes | JourneystaskTypes |
JourneystaskTypesproperties | JourneystaskTypesproperties |
JourneyTaskLibrary | JourneyTaskLibrary |
JourneyTaskLibrarydocuments | JourneyTaskLibrarydocuments |
JourneyTaskLibrarynotifications | JourneyTaskLibrarynotifications |
LearnerLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignedToPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsassignedToPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityCompletionPredecessorHint |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsactivitySectionCompletionPredecessorHint |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsclassroomsclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsinstructorsinstructorDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailslearningItemTalentProfileSummary |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary | LearnerLearningRecordscompletionSummary |
LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF | LearnerLearningRecordscourseDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemPublisherPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemPublisherPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes | LearnerLearningRecordslearningOutcomes |
LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites | LearnerLearningRecordslearningPrerequisites |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsotherSelectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals | LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewals |
LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewalsrelatedLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecordspastRenewalsrelatedLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOffering |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingcompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferinglearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsprimarySelectedCourseOfferingtransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsrelatedLearningRecords | LearnerLearningRecordsrelatedLearningRecords |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferings |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerComments |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplies |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsactiveLearnerCommentsreplieslikes |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsapprovalDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignerPersonDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsassignmentDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsactivityContentAttempts |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsclassrooms |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsinstructors |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLanguages |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsofferedLocations |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingscompletionDetailsrelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsenrollmentRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRelatedMaterials |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroom |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomattachments |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryClassroomclassroomDFFs |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructor |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsofferingPrimaryInstructorinstructorDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordsselectedCourseOfferingsuserActionHints |
LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF | LearnerLearningRecordsspecializationDFF |
LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory | LearnerLearningRecordstransactionHistory |
LearnerLearningRecordsuserActionHints | LearnerLearningRecordsuserActionHints |
LearningContentItems | LearningContentItems |
LegalEmployersLov | LegalEmployersLov |
LegislativeDataGroupsLOV | LegislativeDataGroupsLOV |
LibraryGoalsLOV | LibraryGoalsLOV |
Locations | Locations |
LocationsLocationDFF | LocationsLocationDFF |
LocationsLov | LocationsLov |
LocationsLovV2 | LocationsLovV2 |
MajorsLOV | MajorsLOV |
Organizations | Organizations |
OrganizationsextraInformation | OrganizationsextraInformation |
OrganizationsOrganizationDFF | OrganizationsOrganizationDFF |
OrganizationTreeNodesLOV | OrganizationTreeNodesLOV |
PayrollRelationships | PayrollRelationships |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignments |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrolls |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentsassignedPayrollsassignedPayrollDates |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollAssignmentspayrollAssignmentDates |
PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates | PayrollRelationshipspayrollRelationshipDates |
PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV | PayrollStatutoryUnitsLOV |
Payslips | Payslips |
Payslipsdocuments | Payslipsdocuments |
PerformanceEvaluations | PerformanceEvaluations |
PerformanceEvaluationsRoles | PerformanceEvaluationsRoles |
PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants | PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipants |
PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks | PerformanceEvaluationsRolesParticipantsTasks |
PerformanceGoals | PerformanceGoals |
PersonalPaymentMethods | PersonalPaymentMethods |
PersonNotes | PersonNotes |
PersonNotesVisibilityOptions | PersonNotesVisibilityOptions |
PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV | PersonNotesVisibilityOptionsLOV |
PersonTypesLOV | PersonTypesLOV |
PlanBalances | PlanBalances |
PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails | PlanBalancesplanBalanceDetails |
PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary | PlanBalancesplanBalanceSummary |
Positions | Positions |
PositionsextraInformation | PositionsextraInformation |
PositionslegislativeExtraInformation | PositionslegislativeExtraInformation |
PositionsLov | PositionsLov |
PositionsLovV2 | PositionsLovV2 |
PositionsPositionCustomerFlex | PositionsPositionCustomerFlex |
PositionsvalidGrades | PositionsvalidGrades |
PositionTreeNodesLOV | PositionTreeNodesLOV |
ProfilesLov | ProfilesLov |
ProfileTypeSectionsLOV | ProfileTypeSectionsLOV |
PublicWorkers | PublicWorkers |
PublicWorkersassignments | PublicWorkersassignments |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReports |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsDepartments |
PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations | PublicWorkersassignmentsallReportsLocations |
PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports | PublicWorkersassignmentsdirectReports |
PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory | PublicWorkersassignmentsemploymentHistory |
PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers | PublicWorkersassignmentsmanagers |
PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives | PublicWorkersassignmentsrepresentatives |
PublicWorkersmessages | PublicWorkersmessages |
PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts | PublicWorkersotherCommunicationAccounts |
PublicWorkersphones | PublicWorkersphones |
PublicWorkersphotos | PublicWorkersphotos |
QuestionAnswersLOV | QuestionAnswersLOV |
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Questionnairesattachments | Questionnairesattachments |
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QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments | QuestionnairessectionsquestionsquestionAttachments |
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QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV | QuestionnaireTemplatesLOV |
Questions | Questions |
Questionsanswers | Questionsanswers |
Questionsanswersattachments | Questionsanswersattachments |
Questionsattachments | Questionsattachments |
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QuestionslocationContexts | QuestionslocationContexts |
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ReasonsLOV | ReasonsLOV |
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RecruitingAgentsLOV | RecruitingAgentsLOV |
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RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackages | RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackages |
RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagespackages | RecruitingBGCheckAccountPackagespackages |
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RecruitingCandidates | RecruitingCandidates |
RecruitingCandidatesattachments | RecruitingCandidatesattachments |
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RecruitingCandidatesexperience | RecruitingCandidatesexperience |
RecruitingCandidateslanguages | RecruitingCandidateslanguages |
RecruitingCandidateslicensesAndCertificates | RecruitingCandidateslicensesAndCertificates |
RecruitingCandidatesskills | RecruitingCandidatesskills |
RecruitingCandidatesworkPreferences | RecruitingCandidatesworkPreferences |
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RecruitingCEReferralsattachments | RecruitingCEReferralsattachments |
RecruitingCESearchAutoSuggestions | RecruitingCESearchAutoSuggestions |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlows | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlows |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsrequisitionFlexFields | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowsrequisitionFlexFields |
RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssections | RecruitingCESecondaryApplyFlowssections |
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RecruitingCESitestalentCommunitySignUptranslations | RecruitingCESitestalentCommunitySignUptranslations |
RecruitingCESitestranslations | RecruitingCESitestranslations |
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RecruitingJobApplicationspreferredLocations | RecruitingJobApplicationspreferredLocations |
RecruitingJobApplicationsquestionnaireResponses | RecruitingJobApplicationsquestionnaireResponses |
RecruitingJobApplicationsregulatoryResponses | RecruitingJobApplicationsregulatoryResponses |
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RecruitingJobApplicationssecondarySubmissions | RecruitingJobApplicationssecondarySubmissions |
RecruitingJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests | RecruitingJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests |
RecruitingJobApplicationsworkPreferences | RecruitingJobApplicationsworkPreferences |
RecruitingJobFamilies | RecruitingJobFamilies |
RecruitingJobOffers | RecruitingJobOffers |
RecruitingJobOffersattachments | RecruitingJobOffersattachments |
RecruitingJobOfferscollaborators | RecruitingJobOfferscollaborators |
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RecruitingJobRequisitions | RecruitingJobRequisitions |
RecruitingJobRequisitionsattachments | RecruitingJobRequisitionsattachments |
RecruitingJobRequisitionscollaborators | RecruitingJobRequisitionscollaborators |
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RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF | RecruitingJobRequisitionsrequisitionDFF |
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RecruitingJobRequisitionTemplatesLOV | RecruitingJobRequisitionTemplatesLOV |
RecruitingLabelsLOV | RecruitingLabelsLOV |
RecruitingLinkedInEventNotifications | RecruitingLinkedInEventNotifications |
RecruitingLocationsLOV | RecruitingLocationsLOV |
RecruitingMyJobApplications | RecruitingMyJobApplications |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionScheduledInterviews | RecruitingMyJobApplicationsSubmissionScheduledInterviews |
RecruitingMyJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests | RecruitingMyJobApplicationsUnscheduledInterviewRequests |
RecruitingMyJobReferrals | RecruitingMyJobReferrals |
RecruitingOppMktActions | RecruitingOppMktActions |
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RecruitingOrganizationsLOV | RecruitingOrganizationsLOV |
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RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressFormat | RecruitingPartnerCandidateDetailsaddressFormat |
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ReportingEstablishmentsLOV | ReportingEstablishmentsLOV |
ReviewPeriodsLOV | ReviewPeriodsLOV |
RolesLOV | RolesLOV |
Salaries | Salaries |
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SalariessalarySimpleComponents | SalariessalarySimpleComponents |
SalaryBasisLov | SalaryBasisLov |
SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents | SalaryBasisLovsalaryBasisComponents |
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ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes | ScheduleRequestsscheduleEventsscheduleShiftEventsscheduleShiftAttributes |
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StatusChangeRequests | StatusChangeRequests |
StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges | StatusChangeRequestsstatusChanges |
SuccessionPlansLOV | SuccessionPlansLOV |
TalentExternalCandidatesLOV | TalentExternalCandidatesLOV |
TalentPersonProfiles | TalentPersonProfiles |
TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSections | TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSections |
TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItems | TalentPersonProfilesaccomplishmentSectionsaccomplishmentItems |
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TalentPersonProfilesattachments | TalentPersonProfilesattachments |
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TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF | TalentPersonProfilesmembershipSectionsmembershipItemsmembershipItemsDFF |
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TalentPoolsLOV | TalentPoolsLOV |
Tasks | Tasks |
TaskschangedAttributes | TaskschangedAttributes |
TaxReportingUnitsLOV | TaxReportingUnitsLOV |
TimeAttributes | TimeAttributes |
TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages | TimeAttributesdataSourceUsages |
TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds | TimeAttributesdataSourceUsagesdataSourceCriteriaBinds |
TimeAttributeValues | TimeAttributeValues |
TimeCardFieldValuesLOV | TimeCardFieldValuesLOV |
TimeCardsLOV | TimeCardsLOV |
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TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventAttribute |
TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage | TimeRecordEventRequeststimeRecordEventtimeRecordEventMessage |
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TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
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TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroups |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
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TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecords |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses | TimeRecordGroupstimeStatuses |
TimeRecords | TimeRecords |
TimeRecordstimeAttributes | TimeRecordstimeAttributes |
TimeRecordstimeMessages | TimeRecordstimeMessages |
TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens | TimeRecordstimeMessagestimeMessageTokens |
TimeRecordstimeStatuses | TimeRecordstimeStatuses |
TrackingServices | TrackingServices |
TrackingServicesauthArtifacts | TrackingServicesauthArtifacts |
UnionsLov | UnionsLov |
UserAccounts | UserAccounts |
UserAccountsLOV | UserAccountsLOV |
UserAccountsuserAccountRoles | UserAccountsuserAccountRoles |
UserRolesLOV | UserRolesLOV |
WorkerJourneys | WorkerJourneys |
WorkerJourneysallStepTasks | WorkerJourneysallStepTasks |
WorkerJourneyscontacts | WorkerJourneyscontacts |
WorkerJourneysevents | WorkerJourneysevents |
WorkerJourneysnotes | WorkerJourneysnotes |
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WorkerJourneystasks | WorkerJourneystasks |
WorkerJourneystasksattachments | WorkerJourneystasksattachments |
WorkerJourneystasksdocuments | WorkerJourneystasksdocuments |
WorkerJourneystasksnotifications | WorkerJourneystasksnotifications |
WorkerJourneystasksproperties | WorkerJourneystasksproperties |
WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponses | WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponses |
WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | WorkerJourneystasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF | WorkerJourneystaskstasksDFF |
WorkerJourneystaskTypes | WorkerJourneystaskTypes |
WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties | WorkerJourneystaskTypesproperties |
WorkerJourneyTasks | WorkerJourneyTasks |
WorkerJourneyTasksattachments | WorkerJourneyTasksattachments |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponses | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponses |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesquestionResponseAttachments | WorkerJourneyTasksquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesquestionResponseAttachments |
WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF | WorkerJourneyTaskstasksDFF |
Workers | Workers |
Workersaddresses | Workersaddresses |
WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF | WorkersaddressesaddressesDFF |
Workerscitizenships | Workerscitizenships |
WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF | WorkerscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
Workersdisabilities | Workersdisabilities |
Workersdisabilitiesattachments | Workersdisabilitiesattachments |
WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF | WorkersdisabilitiesdisabilitiesDDF |
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WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF | WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF | WorkersdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
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WorkersemailsemailsDFF | WorkersemailsemailsDFF |
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WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF | WorkersethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
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WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF | WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF | WorkerslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
Workersmessages | Workersmessages |
Workersnames | Workersnames |
WorkersnationalIdentifiers | WorkersnationalIdentifiers |
WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF | WorkersnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
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WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF | WorkersotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
Workerspassports | Workerspassports |
WorkerspassportspassportsDDF | WorkerspassportspassportsDDF |
Workersphones | Workersphones |
WorkersphonesphonesDFF | WorkersphonesphonesDFF |
Workersphotos | Workersphotos |
WorkersphotosphotosDFF | WorkersphotosphotosDFF |
Workersreligions | Workersreligions |
WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF | WorkersreligionsreligionsDFF |
WorkersvisasPermits | WorkersvisasPermits |
WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF | WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF | WorkersvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
WorkersworkersDFF | WorkersworkersDFF |
WorkersworkersEFF | WorkersworkersEFF |
WorkersworkRelationships | WorkersworkRelationships |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignments |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsallReports |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsDFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsassignmentsEFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsgradeSteps |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsmanagers |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsrepresentatives |
WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures | WorkersworkRelationshipsassignmentsworkMeasures |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts | WorkersworkRelationshipscontracts |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipscontractscontractsDFF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF | WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDDF |
WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF | WorkersworkRelationshipsworkRelationshipsDFF |
WorklifeTeamMembersLOV | WorklifeTeamMembersLOV |
WorklifeTeamsLOV | WorklifeTeamsLOV |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentPk [KEY] | Long | AssignmentPk of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentStartDate | Date | AssignmentStartDate of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentStartDateUserPref | String | AssignmentStartDateUserPref of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentEndDate | Date | AssignmentEndDate of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentEndDateUserPref | String | AssignmentEndDateUserPref of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
StatusCodeMeaning | String | StatusCodeMeaning of AbsenceBusinessTitlesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | AbsenceTypeId |
AssignmentEffectiveDate | Date | AssignmentEffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmpName | String | LegalEmpName |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceCaseId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence case. |
AbsenceEntryBasicFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is recorded in basic mode or advanced mode. The default value is true. |
AbsencePatternCd | String | Unique code assigned to the absence pattern associated with an absence type. For example, absence pattern can be Generic for a vacation absence, Illness or injury for a sickness absence. |
AbsenceStatusCd | String | Absence status, such as submitted, withdrawn. |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
AbsenceTypeReasonId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence reason. |
AgreementId | Long | Unique identifier for the agreement name used to record absence. |
ApprovalStatusCd | String | Approval notification status of the recorded absence. |
AuthStatusUpdateDate | Date | Latest updated date of the authorization status for the absence. |
BandDtlId | Long | Unique identifier for the payment details. |
BlockedLeaveCandidate | String | Determines whether the worker is eligible for block leave or not. Block leave enables workers to report a fixed period away from work. |
CertificationAuthFlag | Bool | Provides notification for an authorized absence. |
ChildEventTypeCd | String | Unique code assigned for the child event. |
Comments | String | Comments provided while recording the absence. |
ConditionStartDate | Date | Condition start date of an illness or injury leave. Used to indicate when the illness began or injury occurred, and could be different from the absence start date. |
ConfirmedDate | Date | Confirmed start date of an absence. |
ConsumedByAgreement | String | Represents the agreement consumption condition of the absence. Possible values are Y, N, and null. The default value is null. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Absences |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Absences |
DiseaseCode | String | Unique code assigned to a disease. |
Duration | Double | Duration of the recorded absence. |
EmployeeShiftFlag | Bool | Shift type of the employee's schedule. Possible values are time, duration and null. Default value is null. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the recorded absence. |
EndDateDuration | Double | Duration of the absence on the end date. This field allows the duration of the end date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration. |
EndDateTime | Datetime | End date timestamp of an absence. |
EndTime | String | End time of the recorded absence. |
EstablishmentDate | Date | Date on which the period of incapacity began. This date refers to the date the employee could no longer work. |
Frequency | String | Represents the frequency of the absence, such as weekly or monthly. |
InitialReportById | Long | Employee name who reported the notification. |
InitialTimelyNotifyFlag | Bool | An absence notification qualified as a late notification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Absences |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of Absences |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Absences |
LateNotifyFlag | Bool | An absence notification that qualifies as a late notification and is waived. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Legal identifier for an employer. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the employee for whom the absence is being entered. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Unique identifier which determines an employee's legislative data group. |
NotificationDate | Date | Date the employee notifies the employer of an upcoming absence. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
OpenEndedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence is open-ended. Enables workers to submit an absence without entering an absence end date. The default value is false. |
Overridden | String | Indicates whether the absence duration has been overridden or not. The default value is false. |
PersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the absence. |
PeriodOfIncapToWorkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an employee's period of incapacity to work has been established or not. The default value is false. |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | Unique identifier which determines an employee's period of service. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person. |
PlannedEndDate | Date | Estimated end date used for the maternity absence. |
ProcessingStatus | String | Processing status of the absence request, such as submitted, approved, declined. |
ProjectId | Long | Unique project identifier. |
SingleDayFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence request is for a single day. Default value is false. |
Source | String | Source of the absence imported from other applications. For example, an absence may be recorded via Absence Management, Time and Labor, a data loader or through the REST process. |
SplCondition | String | Special conditions for the absence. This is applicable when recording an absence using the Illness or injury or Childbirth pattern. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the recorded absence. |
StartDateDuration | Double | Duration of the absence on the start date. This field allows the duration of the start date to be different than what is derived from the shift duration. |
StartDateTime | Datetime | Start date timestamp of an absence. |
StartTime | String | Start time of the recorded absence. |
SubmittedDate | Date | Date on which absence is created and submitted for approval. |
TimelinessOverrideDate | Date | Date on which the late notification of the absence was waived. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure used to record the absence, such as days or hours. |
UserMode | String | Role of the user who entered this absence. Possible values are EMP, MGR or ADMIN. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique person number for whom the absence is recorded. |
AbsenceType | String | Unique identifier for the absence type. |
Employer | String | Name of the employer. |
AbsenceReason | String | Reason for absence attached to the absence type. |
AbsenceDispStatus | String | Absence processing status displayed to the user. Valid values are defined in the lookup ANC_PER_ABS_ENT_DISPLAY_STATUS. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment for which the absence is recorded. When an employee has multiple active assignments, this attribute can be used to restrict the absence to a specific assignment. You can't change the assignment when editing an existing absence. |
DataSecurityPersonId | Long | DataSecurityPersonId of Absences |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of Absences |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of Absences |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
AgreementName | String | Name of the agreement used to record absence. |
PaymentDetail | String | Name of payment detail of agreement used to record absence. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the record. Applicable to existing records only. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
DatatypeCode | String | Attachment type such as FILE, TEXT, or WEB_PAGE. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached by the user. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path of the folder where the attachment is stored. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier for the document created in UCM directory. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the attachment. |
Url | String | Uniform Resource Identifier of the document attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category name for the absence attachment type such as MISC. |
UserName | String | UserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
Uri | String | Uniform Resource Identifier of the uploaded file. |
FileUrl | String | Relative path for downloading the attachment file. |
UploadedText | String | Text that is uploaded to the content repository. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Type of the content file uploaded such as plain/text, image/jpeg etc. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Length of the content file uploaded. |
UploadedFileName | String | Name of uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file can be shared from the content repository. The default value is false. |
Title | String | Title of the attachment. |
Description | String | Description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Status code of the error. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Error message that is displayed. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
FileContents | String | Attribute for providing the file content. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiry date of the absence record attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | LastUpdatedByUserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
CreatedByUserName | String | CreatedByUserName of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | FileWebImage of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
DatatypeCodeMeaning | String | DatatypeCodeMeaning of AbsencesabsenceAttachments |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementId [KEY] | Long | EntitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | PersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanId | Long | AbsencePlanId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanName | String | AbsencePlanName of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Units | Double | Units of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AbsencePlanUOMMeaning | String | AbsencePlanUOMMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PayFactor | Double | PayFactor of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityStartDate | Datetime | ActivityStartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityEndDate | Datetime | ActivityEndDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityCd | String | ActivityCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ActivityCdMeaning | String | ActivityCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Source | String | Source of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
SourceCdMeaning | String | SourceCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
CalculationDate | Datetime | CalculationDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PlanPeriodStartDate | Datetime | PlanPeriodStartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementMethodCd | String | EntitlementMethodCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
EntitlementMethodCdMeaning | String | EntitlementMethodCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ChangeReasonCd | String | ChangeReasonCd of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
ChangeReasonCdMeaning | String | ChangeReasonCdMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
PersonAbsenceTypeEntryId | Long | PersonAbsenceTypeEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
AssignmentName | String | AssignmentName of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Used | Double | Used of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
Remaining | Double | Remaining of AbsencesabsenceEntitlements |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsenceentitlementsentitlementId [KEY] | Long | AbsenceentitlementsentitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EntitlementDetailId [KEY] | Long | EntitlementDetailId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
StartDate | Datetime | StartDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EndDate | Datetime | EndDate of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
Units | Double | Units of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
AbsencePlanUOMMeaning | String | AbsencePlanUOMMeaning of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
PayFactor | Double | PayFactor of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
EntitlementId | Long | EntitlementId of AbsencesabsenceEntitlementsabsenceEntitlementDetails |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
PersonAbsenceMaternityId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of a maternity record of absence. |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | Unique identifier for the absence. |
ExpectedDateOfChildBirth | Date | Expected date of childbirth or placement. |
IntendToWorkFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence can be submitted without a planned return date. Used for maternity absence only. The default value is true. |
PlannedStartDate | Date | Planned start date of maternity leave. |
PlannedReturnDate | Date | Planned end date of maternity leave. |
LeaveDuration | Double | Planned maternity leave duration. |
ActualChildBirthDate | Date | Actual date of childbirth or placement. |
ActualStartDate | Date | Actual start date of maternity leave. |
ActualReturnDate | Date | Actual return date of maternity leave. |
ActualDuration | Double | Actual duration of maternity leave. |
ExpectedEndDate | Date | Expected end date of maternity leave. |
ExpectedWeekOfChildBirth | Date | Expected week of maternity leave. This is Monday of the week in which the expected date of childbirth falls. |
OpenEndedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the absence can be submitted without an absence end date. The default value is false. |
MatchingDate | Date | Date field to be used by localization team. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AbsencesabsenceMaternity |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceRecordingDFF |
PerAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield of an absence. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Segment |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | AbsencespersonAbsenceEntryId of AbsencesabsenceRecordingsDDF |
PerAbsenceEntryId [KEY] | Long | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Developer descriptive flexfield of an absence. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | absenceTypeId |
EndDate | Date | endDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PersonAbsenceEntryId | Long | personAbsenceEntryId |
PersonId | Long | personId |
StartDate | Date | startDate |
Name | Type | Description |
CompositeKey [KEY] | String | CompositeKey of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsenceTypeId | Long | AbsenceTypeId of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsenceTypeName | String | AbsenceTypeName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
Description | String | Description of AbsenceTypesLOV |
EmployerId | Long | EmployerId of AbsenceTypesLOV |
EmployerName | String | EmployerName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
AbsTypeWithEmployerName | String | AbsTypeWithEmployerName of AbsenceTypesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AbsenceTypeEffectiveDate | Date | AbsenceTypeEffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionReasonId [KEY] | Long | ActionReasonId of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionReasonCode | String | ActionReasonCode of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionReason | String | ActionReason of ActionReasonsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of ActionReasonsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of ActionReasonsLOV |
ActionId | Long | ActionId of ActionReasonsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Country |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ActionId [KEY] | Long | ActionId of ActionsLOV |
ActionCode | String | ActionCode of ActionsLOV |
ActionName | String | ActionName of ActionsLOV |
Description | String | Description of ActionsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of ActionsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of ActionsLOV |
ActionTypeId | Long | ActionTypeId of ActionsLOV |
ActionTypeCode | String | ActionTypeCode of ActionsLOV |
TerminationType | String | TerminationType of ActionsLOV |
UsedInContract | Bool | UsedInContract of ActionsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Country |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
FilterEndAssignment | String | FilterEndAssignment |
FilterEndTempAssignment | String | FilterEndTempAssignment |
FilterGlbTempAssignment | String | FilterGlbTempAssignment |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentStatusTypeId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentStatusTypeId of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
UserStatus | String | UserStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
AssignmentStatusCode | String | AssignmentStatusCode of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
HRStatus | String | HRStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
PayStatus | String | PayStatus of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of AssignmentStatusTypesLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentAvailabilityId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the availability pattern. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier of the assignment of an employee. |
AnchorDate | Date | Any date belonging to a week which follows Week 1 of the multi-week cycle. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the employee. |
AvailabilityTypeId | Long | Unique identifier of the availability type. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the availability pattern is valid. |
DateTo | Date | Date to which the availability pattern is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AvailabilityPatterns |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AvailabilityPatterns |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AvailabilityPatterns |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of AvailabilityPatterns |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment number of the employee. |
AvailabilityType | String | Name of the availability type, such as CA-Nurse-Contracted or UK Retail Overtime. |
ShiftCount | Int | Total count of the shifts in the pattern. |
ScheduledDuration | String | Computed total scheduled duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 8.5. |
PaidBreakDuration | String | Computed total paid break duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 0.5. |
UnpaidBreakDuration | String | Computed total unpaid break duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 1.5. |
PaidDuration | String | Computed total paid duration of all shifts in the pattern, in hours, for example, 8.5. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique numeric identifier of the employee. |
RepeatPeriod | String | Unit of measure for the repeating period length, for example ORA_HTS_WEEKS for Weeks. |
RepeatNumber | Int | Length of the period for which the pattern is repeated, for example, 1 or 2. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
AvailabilityPatternsAssignmentAvailabilityId [KEY] | Long | AvailabilityPatternsAssignmentAvailabilityId of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
AvailabilityDetailId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the shift in an availability pattern. |
AssignmentAvailabilityId | Long | Unique identifier of the availability pattern. |
ExceptionDate | Date | Date when an exception applies. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of AvailabilityPatternsshifts |
PatternException | String | Type differentiating a pattern from an exception. Possible values are PATTERN and EXCEPTION. |
StartTime | String | Time when a shift starts, entered in HH24:MI format. For example, 14:00. |
EndTime | String | Time when a shift ends, entered in HH24:MI format. For example, 21:00. |
Duration | String | Duration of the shift in hours. Value must be between 0 and 24. For example, 8. |
DayOfWeek | String | Number specifying the day of the week, or day of the cycle for multi-week patterns. For example, 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 8 for the Monday of the second week, 14 for the Saturday for the second week. |
NonWorkExceptionFlag | Bool | Indicates weather the flag for the exception shift represents a nonworking day. Possible values are true and false. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId |
AvailabilityTypeId | Long | AvailabilityTypeId |
DateFrom | Date | DateFrom |
DateTo | Date | DateTo |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BargainingUnitCode [KEY] | String | BargainingUnitCode of BargainingUnitsLov |
BargainingUnitName | String | BargainingUnitName of BargainingUnitsLov |
Description | String | Description of BargainingUnitsLov |
UnionId | Long | UnionId of BargainingUnitsLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateNumber [KEY] | String | Candidate number in the candidate details. |
SubmissionDate | Date | Submission date in the candidate details. |
JobTitle | String | Job title of the candidate. |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Requisition number in the candidate details. |
LastName | String | Last name of the candidate. |
MiddleNames | String | Middle name of the candidate. |
FirstName | String | First name of the candidate. |
Title | String | Title in the candidate details. |
Suffix | String | Suffix in the candidate details. |
Prefix | String | Prefix in the candidate details. |
PartnerId | String | Partner ID of the candidate. |
JobLocation | String | Job location of the candidate. |
CandidateEmail | String | Email ID of the candidate in the candidate details. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BCandNumber | String | bCandNumber |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollments |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of BenefitEnrollments |
ProgramId | Long | ProgramId of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanTypeId | Long | PlanTypeId of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of BenefitEnrollments |
OptionId | Long | OptionId of BenefitEnrollments |
PersonName | String | PersonName of BenefitEnrollments |
EnrollmentCoverageStartDate | Date | EnrollmentCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollments |
OriginalCoverageStartDate | Date | OriginalCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollments |
EnrollmentCoverageEndDate | Date | EnrollmentCoverageEndDate of BenefitEnrollments |
ProgramName | String | ProgramName of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanTypeName | String | PlanTypeName of BenefitEnrollments |
PlanName | String | PlanName of BenefitEnrollments |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitEnrollments |
NonMonetaryUnit | String | NonMonetaryUnit of BenefitEnrollments |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of BenefitEnrollments |
CoverageAmount | Double | CoverageAmount of BenefitEnrollments |
SuspendFlag | Bool | SuspendFlag of BenefitEnrollments |
InterimFlag | Bool | InterimFlag of BenefitEnrollments |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitEnrollments |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitEnrollments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitEnrollments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitEnrollments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitEnrollments |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | RateValueId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateStartDate | Date | RateStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
RateEndDate | Date | RateEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
CommunicatedRateAmount | Double | CommunicatedRateAmount of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
AnnualRateAmount | Double | AnnualRateAmount of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
TaxTypeCode | String | TaxTypeCode of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
ActivityTypeCode | String | ActivityTypeCode of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentscosts |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
CoveredDependentId [KEY] | Long | CoveredDependentId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentPersonId | Long | DependentPersonId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentName | String | DependentName of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
RelationshipCode | String | RelationshipCode of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentCoverageStartDate | Date | DependentCoverageStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
DependentCoverageEndDate | String | DependentCoverageEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsdependents |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId [KEY] | Long | BenefitEnrollmentsEnrollmentResultId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
ProviderOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | ProviderOrganizationId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
PolicyNumber | String | PolicyNumber of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
CustomerNumber | Double | CustomerNumber of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitEnrollmentsproviders |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DependentName | String | DependentName |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
EnrollmentResultId | Long | EnrollmentResultId |
ParticipantPersonId | Long | ParticipantPersonId |
Relation | String | Relation |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OptionId [KEY] | Long | OptionId of BenefitOptionsLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitOptionsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitOptionsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitOptionsLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitOptionsLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitOptionsLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitOptionsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId [KEY] | Long | InstanceId of BenefitPlansComparison |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of BenefitPlansComparison |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of BenefitPlansComparison |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparison |
ImageId | Long | ImageId of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName of BenefitPlansComparison |
ComparisonType | String | ComparisonType of BenefitPlansComparison |
TemplateType | String | TemplateType of BenefitPlansComparison |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of BenefitPlansComparison |
UseGroupsFlag | Bool | UseGroupsFlag of BenefitPlansComparison |
UseHeaderFlag | Bool | UseHeaderFlag of BenefitPlansComparison |
EstimatedCostType | String | EstimatedCostType of BenefitPlansComparison |
EstimatedCostValue | String | EstimatedCostValue of BenefitPlansComparison |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
EstimatedCost | String | EstimatedCost of BenefitPlansComparisonestimatedCosts |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
ItemId | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
GroupId | Long | GroupId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
GroupName | String | GroupName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
InfoText | String | InfoText of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
UseOptionsFlag | Bool | UseOptionsFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
OptionName | String | OptionName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
OptionId | Long | OptionId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
UseCategoriesFlag | Bool | UseCategoriesFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
CategoryName | String | CategoryName of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
CategoryId | Long | CategoryId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
Value | String | Value of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
FootnoteRefs | String | FootnoteRefs of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValues |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
FeaturevaluesInstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | FeaturevaluesInstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
Footnote | String | Footnote of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
Sequence | Int | Sequence of BenefitPlansComparisonfeatureValuesfootnoteReferences |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | ItemId of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
Footnote | String | Footnote of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
Sequence | Int | Sequence of BenefitPlansComparisonfootnotes |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
Name | String | Name |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
InstanceValueId [KEY] | Long | InstanceValueId of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
ValueFlag | Bool | ValueFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonhighlights |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId [KEY] | Long | BenefitPlansComparisonInstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
Image | String | Image of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | ImageId of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
FileName | String | FileName of BenefitPlansComparisonimages |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
InstanceId | Long | InstanceId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId [KEY] | Long | InstanceId of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateId | Long | TemplateId of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
ComparisonType | String | ComparisonType of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
TemplateType | String | TemplateType of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
UseGroupsFlag | Bool | UseGroupsFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
UseHeaderFlag | Bool | UseHeaderFlag of BenefitPlansComparisonLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanId [KEY] | Long | PlanId of BenefitPlansLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlansLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitPlansLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitPlansLOV |
WebAddress | String | WebAddress of BenefitPlansLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitPlansLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitPlansLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitPlansLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitPlansLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanTypeId [KEY] | Long | PlanTypeId of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitPlanTypesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ProgramId [KEY] | Long | ProgramId of BenefitProgramsLOV |
Name | String | Name of BenefitProgramsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of BenefitProgramsLOV |
Description | String | Description of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ShortCode | String | ShortCode of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ShortName | String | ShortName of BenefitProgramsLOV |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BenefitProgramsLOV |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BenefitProgramsLOV |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BenefitProgramsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the check-in document. |
CheckInTemplateId | Long | System-generated primary key for the check-in template. |
CheckInTemplateName | String | Name of the check-in template. |
ReviewPeriodId | Long | System-generated primary key of the review period. |
ReviewPeriodName | String | Name of the review period. |
ManagerPersonId | Long | System-generated primary key of the manager in the check-in document. |
ManagerPersonNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the manager. |
PersonId | Long | System-generated primary key of the worker in the check-in document. |
PersonNumber | String | Unique person identifier of the worker. |
AssignmentId | Long | System-generated identifier of the job assignment of the worker. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Unique assignment identifier of the worker. |
DocumentName | String | Name of the check-in document. |
CheckInDate | Date | Date when the check-in document was created. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireCode | String | QuestionnaireCode of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireId | Long | QuestionnaireId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
QuestionnaireVersionNumber | Long | QuestionnaireVersionNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
ParticipantPersonNumber | String | ParticipantPersonNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
AttemptNumber | Long | AttemptNumber of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
Status | String | Status of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
SubmittedDateTime | Date | SubmittedDateTime of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponses |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
QuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key for the response to a question. |
QuestionnaireQuestionId | Long | System-generated primary key for the definition of the question within the questionnaire for which the response was provided. |
QuestionCode | String | QuestionCode of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
AnswerCLOB | String | Text provided in the answer to a plain text or rich text type of question. |
QuestionAnswerId | Long | Identifier of the choice selected in the answer to a single choice type of question. |
AnswerList | String | Comma separated list of identifiers of the choices selected in the answer to a multiple choice question. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponses |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId [KEY] | Long | CheckInDocumentsCheckInDocumentId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionnaireResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
QuestionresponsesQuestionResponseId [KEY] | Long | QuestionresponsesQuestionResponseId of CheckInDocumentsquestionnaireResponsesquestionResponsesresponseAttachments |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInDocumentId | Long | CheckInDocumentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CheckInTemplateId [KEY] | Long | CheckInTemplateId of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
Name | String | Name of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
DateFrom | Date | DateFrom of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
DateTo | Date | DateTo of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of CheckInTemplatesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CollectiveAgreementId [KEY] | Long | CollectiveAgreementId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
CollectiveAgreementName | String | CollectiveAgreementName of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Country | String | Country of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
LegislationCode | String | LegislationCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Status | String | Status of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
IdentificationCode | String | IdentificationCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Description | String | Description of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
UnionId | Long | UnionId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
Name | String | Name of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
BargainingUnitCode | String | BargainingUnitCode of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
BargainingUnit | String | BargainingUnit of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of CollectiveAgreementsLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | String | User identification for the competition participant. |
Name [KEY] | String | Name of the competition participant. |
String | Email address of the competition participant. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContestId | String | ContestId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StartsWithFlag | String | StartsWithFlag |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContentItemId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the content item. |
ContentValueSetId | Long | Unique identifier of the content item catalog. |
ItemDescription | String | Description for the content item. |
Name | String | Name of the content item. |
GoalCategory | String | Category of the library goal. |
GoalSubType | String | Subtype of the library goal. |
GoalBusinessUnitName | String | Business unit name for the library goal. |
GoalDepartmentName | String | Department name for the library goal. |
GoalLegalEntityName | String | Legal entity name for the library goal. |
GoalJobFamilyName | String | Job family name for the library goal. |
ContentTypeName | String | Name of the content item. |
ContentValueSetCode | String | Unique code representing content item catalog. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContentItemIdsNotIn | String | ContentItemIdsNotIn |
ContentTypeId | Long | ContentTypeId |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GoalTypeFlag | String | GoalTypeFlag |
RatingModelId | Long | RatingModelId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentsLov |
Name | String | Name of DepartmentsLov |
Title | String | Title of DepartmentsLov |
Status | String | Status of DepartmentsLov |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of DepartmentsLov |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of DepartmentsLov |
LocationName | String | LocationName of DepartmentsLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of DepartmentsLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of DepartmentsLov |
SetName | String | SetName of DepartmentsLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeCommonSet | Bool | IncludeCommonSet |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentsLovV2 |
Name | String | Name of DepartmentsLovV2 |
Title | String | Title of DepartmentsLovV2 |
LocationCode | String | LocationCode of DepartmentsLovV2 |
LocationName | String | LocationName of DepartmentsLovV2 |
SetName | String | SetName of DepartmentsLovV2 |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
ClassificationCode | String | ClassificationCode |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SetId | Long | SetId |
Status | String | Status |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName of DepartmentTreeNodesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
TreeCode | String | TreeCode |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
Name | String | Name of DisabilityOrganizationsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the record. Applicable to existing records only. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the document type. |
SystemDocumentType | String | System-generated name that uniquely identifies the document type. |
DocumentType | String | Document type for the document record. |
Country | String | Name of the country, if the document type is country specific. |
CategoryCode | String | Category for the document type. |
SubCategoryCode | String | Subcategory code for the document type. |
PersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the person. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the person the document record is for. |
ListName | String | Name of the person the document record is for. |
DisplayName | String | Display name of the person the document record is for. |
FullName | String | Full name of the person the document record is for. |
DocumentCode | String | Unique code that identifies the document record for the person and document type. |
DocumentName | String | Name for the document record. Used to differentiate records when multiple documents are added for the same document type. |
DocumentNumber | String | Number that legally identifies the document. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the document is valid. |
DateTo | Date | Last date up to which the document is valid. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Name of the issuing authority. |
IssuingCountryName | String | Name of the country that issued the document. |
IssuedDate | Date | Date on which the document was issued. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location at which the document was issued. |
Comments | String | Comments pertaining to the document record. |
Publish | String | Option to determine whether or not to publish the document record on a specific date. |
PublishDate | Date | Date on which the document was published. |
RelatedObjectId | Long | Unique identifier of the related object. |
RelatedObjectIdColumn | String | Column details of the related object identifier. |
RelatedObjectName | String | Name of the related object. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the user who created the document. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the document record was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the user who last updated the document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the document record was last updated. |
AssignmentId | Long | Assignment Identifier of the person assignment. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Assignment Number of the person assignment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentsOfRecordId | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | DocumentsOfRecordId of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of DocumentRecordsdocumentRecordsDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentRecordsDocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for the document record. |
DocumentsOfRecordId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for document record. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for document record. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ElementEntryId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an element entry. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the entry is available for processing. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the period within which the entry is available for processing with element entry identifier. |
CreatorType | String | Name of the user or the process that created the element entry record, such as batch element entry. |
ElementTypeId | Long | Unique identifer of the element type. |
EntryType | String | Type of the element entry, such as regular entry or override. |
EntrySequence | Long | Unique number that identifies an element entry record when overlapping entries exists for the same element. |
PersonId | Long | System-generated unique identifier for a person. |
Reason | String | Reason for creating or updating an element entry. |
Subpriority | Int | Number used to sequence the processing of element entries with the same priority. |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of ElementEntries |
AssignmentId | Long | Surrogate identifer of the payroll assignment. |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of ElementEntries |
PayrollRelationshipNumber | String | PayrollRelationshipNumber of ElementEntries |
ElementName | String | Name of the element the entry is for, such as Performance Bonus. |
UsageLevel | String | UsageLevel of ElementEntries |
Intent | String | Intent of ElementEntries |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ElementEntriesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ElementEntriesEffectiveEndDate of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ElementEntriesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ElementEntriesEffectiveStartDate of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ElementEntriesElementEntryId [KEY] | Long | ElementEntriesElementEntryId of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ScreenEntryValue | String | Entry for input values available for each entry of the element. |
ElementEntryValueId [KEY] | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an element entry value. |
InputValueId | Long | System-generated unique identifier for an input value. |
InputValueName | String | Name of the element entry???s input value. |
MandatoryFlag | Bool | MandatoryFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
DisplaySequence | Int | DisplaySequence of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
HotDefaultFlag | Bool | HotDefaultFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
DefaultValue | String | DefaultValue of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
UOM | String | UOM of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
UserEnterableFlag | Bool | UserEnterableFlag of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
ScreenEntryDataURL | String | ScreenEntryDataURL of ElementEntrieselementEntryValues |
LovScreenEntryValue | String | Values contained within a list of values. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
ElementEntryId | Long | ElementEntryId |
Intent | String | Intent |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EligibleContactsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EligibleContactsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | EffectiveEndDate of EligibleContactsLOV |
PersonNumber | String | PersonNumber of EligibleContactsLOV |
ListName | String | ListName of EligibleContactsLOV |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of EligibleContactsLOV |
WorkEmailAddress | String | WorkEmailAddress of EligibleContactsLOV |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | ImageId of EligibleContactsLOV |
ImageOvn | Int | ImageOvn of EligibleContactsLOV |
Context | String | Context of EligibleContactsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ExcludePersonIds | String | ExcludePersonIds |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ComponentName | String | ComponentName of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ComponentId [KEY] | Long | ComponentId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
StartDateCode | String | StartDateCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EndDateCode | String | EndDateCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PlanId | Long | PlanId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ElementTypeId | Long | ElementTypeId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate of EligibleOptionsLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PoolIdToConsume | Long | PoolIdToConsume of EligibleOptionsLOV |
PeriodId | Long | PeriodId of EligibleOptionsLOV |
InputCurrencyCode | String | InputCurrencyCode of EligibleOptionsLOV |
ProcessingType | String | ProcessingType of EligibleOptionsLOV |
MultipleEntriesAllowedFlag | Bool | MultipleEntriesAllowedFlag of EligibleOptionsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PlanName | String | PlanName of EligiblePlansLOV |
PlanId [KEY] | Long | PlanId of EligiblePlansLOV |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of EligiblePlansLOV |
AssignmentId | Long | AssignmentId of EligiblePlansLOV |
AssignmentNumber | String | AssignmentNumber of EligiblePlansLOV |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of EligiblePlansLOV |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
PlanSecurityEnabledFlag | Bool | PlanSecurityEnabledFlag of EligiblePlansLOV |
ActionId | Long | ActionId of EligiblePlansLOV |
ActionName | String | ActionName of EligiblePlansLOV |
InsertAccessCode | String | InsertAccessCode of EligiblePlansLOV |
PeriodType | String | PeriodType of EligiblePlansLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of EligiblePlansLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
Salutation | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the list SalutationLOV. |
FirstName | String | Person's first name. |
MiddleName | String | Person's middle name. |
LastName | String | Person's last name. |
PreviousLastName | String | Previous last name of the person, if any. |
NameSuffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, etc. |
DisplayName | String | Person's display name. |
PreferredName | String | Person's preferred first name. |
Honors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name. For example, PhD. |
CorrespondenceLanguage | String | Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the list CorrespondenceLanguageLOV. |
PersonNumber | String | Number assigned to a person to identify the person uniquely. Does not depend on the person type (employee, contingent worker, etc). Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
WorkPhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the work phone number, such as 39 for Italy. |
WorkPhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the work phone number. |
WorkPhoneNumber | String | Work phone number. |
WorkPhoneExtension | String | Extension of the work phone number. |
WorkPhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work phone number. |
WorkFaxCountryCode | String | Country code of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxAreaCode | String | Area code of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxNumber | String | Phone number for the home fax machine. |
WorkFaxExtension | String | Extension of the phone number for the work fax machine. |
WorkFaxLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work fax number. |
WorkMobilePhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneNumber | String | Work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneExtension | String | Extension of the work mobile phone number. |
WorkMobilePhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the work mobile phone number. |
HomePhoneCountryCode | String | Country code of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneAreaCode | String | Area code of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneNumber | String | Home phone number. |
HomePhoneExtension | String | Extension of the home phone number. |
HomePhoneLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the home phone number. |
HomeFaxCountryCode | String | Country code of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxAreaCode | String | Area code of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxNumber | String | Phone number for the home fax machine. |
HomeFaxExtension | String | Extension of the phone number for the home fax machine. |
WorkEmail | String | Person's work email address. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
HomeFaxLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the home fax number. |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of the primary mailing address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the primary mailing address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of the primary mailing address. |
City | String | Town or city in which the address is located. |
Region | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Secondary region within the primary region. |
Country | String | Country in which the address is located. |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the address. |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the person. |
Ethnicity | String | Person's ethnicity for the legislation code. Valid values are defined in the list EthnicityLOV. |
ProjectedTerminationDate | Date | Projected termination date for the worker. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list LegalEmployerLOV. |
HireDate | Date | Hire date of the employee. |
TerminationDate | Date | TerminationDate of Emps |
Gender | String | Person's gender. Valid values are defined in the list GenderLOV. |
MaritalStatus | String | Person's marital status. Valid values are defined in the list MaritalStatusLOV. |
NationalIdType | String | Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the list NationalIdTypeLOV. |
NationalId | String | Primary key generated by the application. |
NationalIdCountry | String | Country of nationality. |
NationalIdExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the national identifier. |
NationalIdPlaceOfIssue | String | Place where the national identifier was issued. |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Internal identifier for the person. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee is effective. |
UserName | String | User name for the record. This value is optional and is automatically generated if not specified. Also works with UsernameMatching attribute. Search on this attribute is not case sensitive. |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
CitizenshipStatus | String | Status of the person's citizenship. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipStatusLOV. |
CitizenshipLegislationCode | String | Legislation code derived from the legal entity. Valid values are defined in the list CitizenshipLegislationCodeLOV. |
CitizenshipToDate | Date | End date of citizenship. |
Religion | String | Person's religion. Valid values are defined in the list ReligionLOV. |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
PassportIssueDate | Date | Date of issue of passport. |
PassportNumber | String | Person's passport number. |
PassportIssuingCountry | String | Country that issued the passport. |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
PassportExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the passport. |
LicenseNumber | String | Person's driving license number. |
DriversLicenseExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the driver's license. |
DriversLicenseIssuingCountry | String | Country that issued the driver's license. |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | System-generated primary key. Surrogate key. |
MilitaryVetStatus | String | Indicates whether the person is on military service. Valid values are defined in the list MilitaryVetStatusLOV. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Emps |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Emps |
WorkerType | String | WorkerType of Emps |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsassignments |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsassignments |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignments |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsassignments |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsassignments |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsassignments |
AssignmentName | String | Name of the assignment. |
PersonTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the person type. Valid values are defined in the list PersonTypeIdLOV. |
ProposedPersonTypeId | String | Unique identifier for the worker class. This value is valid only if the PersonTypeId is Pending Worker. It can be any of the employee or contingent worker types. Valid values are defined in the list ProposedPersonTypeIdLOV. |
ProjectedStartDate | Date | Proposed start date for the pending worker. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit. Valid values are defined in the list BusinessUnitIdLOV. |
LocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the location. Valid values are defined in the list LocationIdLOV. |
JobId | Long | Unique identifier for the job. Valid values are defined in the list JobIdLOV. |
GradeId | Long | Unique identifier for the grade. Valid values are defined in the list GradeIdLOV. |
DepartmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the department. Valid values are defined in the list DepartmentIdLOV. |
WorkerCategory | String | Category of the worker such as Blue Collar, Civil Servant, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list WorkerCategoryLOV. |
AssignmentCategory | String | User-defined category such as Full-Time Permanent or Part-Time Permanent. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentCategoryLOV. |
WorkingAtHome | String | Indicates whether the person is working at home. Valid values are Yes and No. |
WorkingAsManager | String | Indicates whether the person is a manager. Valid values are Yes and No. |
SalaryCode | String | Identifies whether the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or employment or placement terms but not both. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryCodeLOV. |
WorkingHours | Double | Normal working hours. |
Frequency | String | Frequency of normal working hours such as week, month, year. Valid values are defined in the list FrequencyLOV. |
StartTime | String | Work day normal start time. |
EndTime | String | Work day normal end time. |
SalaryAmount | Double | Salary amount entered based on the salary frequency. |
SalaryBasisId | Long | Identifier for the set of details linked to a worker's base pay. It identifies the payroll characteristics used to pay base earnings, the duration for which base pay is quoted, the factor used to annualize base pay, any components used to attribute base pay adjustments to different reasons, and any associated grade rate for salary validation. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryBasisIdLOV. |
ActionCode | String | Action performed on a particular record, such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list ActionCodeLOV. |
ActionReasonCode | String | User-defined code for the action reason. Specifies the reason for the action performed on the record. Valid values are defined in the list ActionReasonCodeLOV. |
AssignmentStatus | String | HR status of the assignment, such as Active or Inactive. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV. |
WorkTaxAddressId | Long | Unique identifier for the address that is used for taxation purposes. This can be different from a mailing address. Valid values are defined in the list WorkTaxAddressIdLOV. |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment. This is a primary key generated by the application. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee assignment is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the end of the period within which the employee assignment is effective. |
PositionId | Long | Unique identifier for a position. Valid values are defined in the list PositionIdLOV. |
TermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee term is effective. |
ManagerId | Long | Unique identifier for a manager. Valid values are defined in the list ManagerIdLOV. |
ManagerAssignmentId | Long | Identifier for the manager's assignment. |
ManagerType | String | Role of the manager with regards to the overall organization structure. For example, functional, project leader, and so on. |
AssignmentNumber | String | Unique identifier for the assignment or terms. Valid for workers and nonworkers. |
OriginalHireDate | Date | OriginalHireDate of Empsassignments |
AssignmentStatusTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the user-defined assignment status. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusTypeIdLOV. |
PrimaryAssignmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current assignment is the primary assignment. Valid values are Yes and No. |
ProbationPeriodEndDate | Date | End date of the probation period. |
ProbationPeriodLength | Double | Duration of the probation period. |
ProbationPeriodUnitOfMeasure | String | Units for the probation period duration. Valid values are defined in the list QUALIFYING_UNITS. |
AssignmentProjectedEndDate | Date | Date on which the assignment is expected to end. |
ActualTerminationDate | Date | ActualTerminationDate of Empsassignments |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity. |
PrimaryWorkRelationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current work relationship is primary. Valid values are Yes and No. |
PrimaryWorkTermsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the current employment terms are primary. Valid values are Yes and No. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsassignments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Empsassignments |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | Primary key generated by the application. |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is full-time or part-time. Valid values are defined in the list FullPartTimeLOV. |
RegularTemporary | String | Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is regular or temporary. Valid values are defined in the list RegularTemporaryLOV. |
GradeLadderId | Long | Unique identifier for the grade ladder. |
DefaultExpenseAccount | String | Default expense account represented as a concatenated value of all the related segments. |
PeopleGroup | String | People group represented as a concatenated value of all the related key flexfield segments. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | Assignment ID |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of EmpsassignmentsassignmentDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for assignment. Valid values are defined in the list LVVO___FLEX_Context. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveLatestChange [KEY] | String | EffectiveLatestChange of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
EffectiveSequence [KEY] | Int | EffectiveSequence of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
AssignmentType | String | AssignmentType of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of EmpsassignmentsassignmentExtraInformation |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignmentsempreps |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityName | String | ResponsibilityName of Empsassignmentsempreps |
AsgResponsibilityId [KEY] | Long | AsgResponsibilityId of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityTypeCode | String | ResponsibilityTypeCode of Empsassignmentsempreps |
ResponsibilityTypeName | String | ResponsibilityTypeName of Empsassignmentsempreps |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsAssignmentId [KEY] | Long | AssignmentsAssignmentId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveEndDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AssignmentsTermsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_ValidationDate | Date | _FLEX_ValidationDate of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_StructureInstanceCode | String | _FLEX_StructureInstanceCode of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_ApplicationId | Long | _FLEX_ApplicationId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_KeyFlexfieldCode | String | _FLEX_KeyFlexfieldCode of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_FLEX_StructureInstanceId | Long | _FLEX_StructureInstanceId of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
StartDateActive | Date | StartDateActive of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EndDateActive | Date | EndDateActive of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
EnabledFlag | String | EnabledFlag of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID [KEY] | Long | _PEOPLE_GROUP_ID of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
_ID_FLEX_NUM | Long | _ID_FLEX_NUM of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
FND_ACFF_ConcatenatedStorage | String | FND_ACFF_ConcatenatedStorage of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
FND_ACFF_Delimiter | String | FND_ACFF_Delimiter of EmpsassignmentspeopleGroupKeyFlexfield |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpsdirectReports |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpsdirectReports |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of EmpsdirectReports |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpsdirectReports |
FullName | String | FullName of EmpsdirectReports |
ManagerId | Long | ManagerId of EmpsdirectReports |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpspersonDFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpspersonDFF |
EmployeeRewardsPoints | Double | EmployeeRewardsPoints of EmpspersonDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of EmpspersonDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of EmpspersonDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | PersonId of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
CategoryCode | String | CategoryCode of EmpspersonExtraInformation |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsphoto |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsphoto |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsphoto |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsphoto |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsphoto |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsphoto |
Image | String | Unique location of the image. Encrypted version of the file. |
ImageName | String | Name of the image. |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the image is primary. |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | Photo ID |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of Empsphoto |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time a row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsroles |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsroles |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsroles |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsroles |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsroles |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsroles |
RoleName | String | Name of the role. |
RoleCommonName | String | Short name of the role. |
RoleGUID [KEY] | String | Globally unique identifer for the role record in Oracle Cloud. Valid values are defined in the list RoleGUIDLOV. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the role. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the role. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsroles |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time of update of the employee role record. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsvisas |
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsvisas |
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsvisas |
EmpsPassportId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPassportId of Empsvisas |
EmpsPersonId [KEY] | Long | EmpsPersonId of Empsvisas |
EmpsReligionId [KEY] | Long | EmpsReligionId of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitType | String | VisaPermitType of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitCountry | String | VisaPermitCountry of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitNumber | String | VisaPermitNumber of Empsvisas |
VisaPermitExpiration | Date | VisaPermitExpiration of Empsvisas |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Empsvisas |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Empsvisas |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
CitizenshipId | Long | CitizenshipId |
DepartmentName | String | DepartmentName |
DriversLicenseId | Long | DriversLicenseId |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | EffectiveStartDate |
GradeName | String | GradeName |
JobName | String | JobName |
LocationName | String | LocationName |
ManagerFullName | String | ManagerFullName |
PassportId | Long | PassportId |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
ReligionId | Long | ReligionId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GeographicHierarchyCode [KEY] | String | GeographicHierarchyCode of GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
GeographicHierarchy | String | GeographicHierarchy of GeographicHierarchiesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
Enabled | String | Enabled |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GoalPlanSetId [KEY] | Long | GoalPlanSetId of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
GoalPlanSetName | String | GoalPlanSetName of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
Status | String | Status of GoalPlanSetsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GoalPlanId [KEY] | Long | GoalPlanId of GoalPlansLOV |
GoalPlanName | String | GoalPlanName of GoalPlansLOV |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of GoalPlansLOV |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of GoalPlansLOV |
Status | String | Status of GoalPlansLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeLadderName | String | Denotes the name for grade ladder. |
ActionReasonCode | String | The user defined Code for the Action Reason |
GradeSetId | Long | Identifier of the grade set. |
GradeType | String | Type of the grade, for example with steps. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a grade ladder is active or inactive. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of GradeLaddersgradeLadderDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersgrades |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersgrades |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADES_F table. |
GradesInLadderSequence | Long | Indicates the sequence of the grades within the grade ladder. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLadderId of GradeLaddersLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersLov |
Name | String | Name of GradeLaddersLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeSetId | Long | GradeSetId of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeTypeCode | String | GradeTypeCode of GradeLaddersLov |
GradeType | String | GradeType of GradeLaddersLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of GradeLaddersLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of GradeLaddersLov |
SetName | String | SetName of GradeLaddersLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRates |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersstepRates |
RateId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Foreign key to PER_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_GROUPS. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code derived from Legal Entity. |
RateName | String | Denoted the name for Rate. |
RateType | String | Stores rate type, whether it's Salary/Bonus/Overtime. Gets values from look up : GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency Code for the rate values defined for the rate in per_rate_values_f table. |
RateFrequency | String | Frequency of the rate : Annual/Monthly/Hourly/Payroll Period. Gets values from lookup : CMP_SALARY_BASIS? |
AnnualizationFactor | Double | Annualization Factor value defaults based on the selected Frequency. Eg : 1 for Annual, 12 for monthly, 2080 for hourly, manually provided value in the UI for Payroll period |
ActiveStatus | String | Status of the rate : Active/InActive |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeLaddersEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
GradeLaddersGradeLadderId [KEY] | Long | GradeLaddersGradeLadderId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | StepratesEffectiveEndDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | StepratesEffectiveStartDate of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepratesRateId [KEY] | Long | StepratesRateId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeStepId | Long | GradeStepId of GradeLaddersstepRatesstepRateValues |
StepRateValueAmount | Double | Value amount of the step rate. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
RateId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
LegislativeDataGroupId | Long | Foreign key to PER_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_GROUPS. |
RateType | String | Stores rate type, whether it's Salary/Bonus/Overtime. Gets values from look up : GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE |
GradeRateName | String | Denoted the name for Rate. |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency Code for the rate values defined for the rate in per_rate_values_f table. |
RateFrequency | String | Frequency of the rate : Annual/Monthly/Hourly/Payroll Period. Gets values from lookup : CMP_SALARY_BASIS? |
AnnualizationFactor | Double | Annualization Factor value defaults based on the selected Frequency. Eg : 1 for Annual, 12 for monthly, 2080 for hourly, manually provided value in the UI for Payroll period |
ActiveStatus | String | Status of the rate : Active/InActive |
ActionReasonCode | String | The user defined Code for the Action Reason |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PGradeCode | String | pGradeCode |
PGradeId | Long | pGradeId |
PGradeSetCode | String | pGradeSetCode |
PLegislativeDataGroup | String | pLegislativeDataGroup |
PLegislativeDataGroupId | Long | pLegislativeDataGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeRatesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradeRatesEffectiveEndDate of GradeRatesrateValues |
GradeRatesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradeRatesEffectiveStartDate of GradeRatesrateValues |
GradeRatesRateId [KEY] | Long | GradeRatesRateId of GradeRatesrateValues |
RateValueId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
GradeId | Long | GradeId of GradeRatesrateValues |
MinimumAmount | Double | Represents the minimum currency value of a grade in a grade rate. |
MaximumAmount | Double | Represents the maximum currency value of a grade in a grade rate. |
MidValueAmount | Double | Represents the average of minimum rate and maximum rate values of grade. |
ValueAmount | Double | Numeric that represents value of grade in a grade rate |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
RateId | Long | RateId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
PGradeCode | String | pGradeCode |
PGradeId | Long | pGradeId |
PGradeSetCode | String | pGradeSetCode |
PLegislativeDataGroup | String | pLegislativeDataGroup |
PLegislativeDataGroupId | Long | pLegislativeDataGroupId |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
SetId | Long | Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs. |
GradeName | String | Denotes the name for grade. |
GradeCode | String | Numbers or Characters that uniquely defines a short form for Grade for identification purposes. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a grade is active or inactive. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Grades |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Grades |
CategoryCode | String | Extensible Flexfield Category Code |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | GradesEffectiveEndDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | GradesEffectiveStartDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradesGradeId [KEY] | Long | GradesGradeId of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | GradeId of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of GradesGradeCustomerFlex |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
GradeCode | String | GradeCode |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | Date | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeId [KEY] | Long | GradeId of GradesLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradesLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradesLov |
GradeCode | String | GradeCode of GradesLov |
Name | String | Name of GradesLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of GradesLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of GradesLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of GradesLov |
SetName | String | SetName of GradesLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
GradeLadderId | Long | GradeLadderId |
JobId | String | JobId |
PositionId | String | PositionId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
GradeStepId [KEY] | Long | GradeStepId of GradeStepsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of GradeStepsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of GradeStepsLOV |
Name | String | Name of GradeStepsLOV |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of GradeStepsLOV |
GradeId | Long | GradeId of GradeStepsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessUnitId [KEY] | Long | BusinessUnitId of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
Name | String | Name of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
Status | String | Status of HcmBusinessUnitsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LegalEmployerId | Long | LegalEmployerId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the worker to which the contact relationship belongs. |
PersonNumber | String | Person number of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
CorrespondenceLanguage | String | Preferred language for communication. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CorrLanguageMeaning | String | CorrLanguageMeaning of HcmContacts |
BloodType | String | Blood type of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
BloodTypeMeaning | String | BloodTypeMeaning of HcmContacts |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the contact. |
DateOfDeath | Date | Date of death of the contact. |
CountryOfBirth | String | Country of birth of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLOV. |
CountryOfBirthName | String | CountryOfBirthName of HcmContacts |
RegionOfBirth | String | Region of birth of the contact. |
TownOfBirth | String | Town of birth of the contact. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContacts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContacts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContacts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContacts |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsaddresses |
AddressId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the address record. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
AddressLine1 | String | First line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine3 | String | Third line of the primary mail address. |
AddressLine4 | String | Fourth line of the primary mail address. |
TownOrCity | String | Town or city in which the address is located. |
Region1 | String | Primary region in which the address is located. |
Region2 | String | Secondary region within the primary region. |
Region3 | String | Additional secondary region within the primary region. |
Country | String | Country in which the address is located. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CountryName | String | CountryName of HcmContactsaddresses |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of the primary mail address. |
LongPostalCode | String | Long postal code of the primary mail address. |
AddlAddressAttribute1 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute2 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute3 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute4 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
AddlAddressAttribute5 | String | Additional address column used by localizations. |
Building | String | Building information associated with the address. |
FloorNumber | String | Floor number associated with the building. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsaddresses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsaddresses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsaddresses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsaddresses |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | PersonAddrUsageId of HcmContactsaddresses |
AddressType | String | Type of address. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
AddressTypeMeaning | String | AddressTypeMeaning of HcmContactsaddresses |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the address is the primary mailing address. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesAddressId [KEY] | Long | AddressesAddressId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | AddressesEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
AddressesPersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | AddressesPersonAddrUsageId of HcmContactsaddressesaddressesDFF |
PersonAddrUsageId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact address. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscitizenships |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipId of HcmContactscitizenships |
Citizenship | String | Citizenship legislation code. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
CitizenshipMeaning | String | CitizenshipMeaning of HcmContactscitizenships |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact citizenship is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact citizenship is valid. |
CitizenshipStatus | String | Status of the contact citizenship. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
CitizenshipStatusMeaning | String | CitizenshipStatusMeaning of HcmContactscitizenships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactscitizenships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactscitizenships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactscitizenships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactscitizenships |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipsCitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | CitizenshipsCitizenshipId of HcmContactscitizenshipscitizenshipsDFF |
CitizenshipId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact citizenship. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact citizenship. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the contact relationship. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
ContactType | String | Relationship between the worker and the contact. |
ContactTypeMeaning | String | ContactTypeMeaning of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
EmergencyContactFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact is an emergency contact. |
PrimaryContactFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact is the primary contact. |
StatutoryDependent | String | A persons contact is a statutory dependent validated against the lookup type ORA_PER_CONTACT_STATUTORY_DEP used by specific localization. |
StatutoryDependentMeaning | String | StatutoryDependentMeaning of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactscontactRelationships |
RelatedPersonId | Long | Unique identifier of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | Person number of the worker to whom the contact is related. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactrelationshipsContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | ContactrelationshipsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
ContactRelationshipId [KEY] | Long | ContactRelationshipId of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactscontactRelationshipscontactRelationshipsDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactscontactsDFF |
PersonId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact. |
EmployeeRewardsPoints | Double | EmployeeRewardsPoints of HcmContactscontactsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LicenseType | String | Type of driver's license. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LicenseTypeMeaning | String | LicenseTypeMeaning of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's driver's license was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LicenseNumber | String | Driver's license number of the contact. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority of the contact's driver's license. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the driver's license was issued. |
FromDate | Date | Start date of the contact's driver's license. |
ToDate | Date | End date of the contact's driver's license. |
NumberOfPoints | Long | Number of penalty points on the license. |
Violations | Long | Number of violations on the license. |
LicenseSuspendedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the contact's driver's license is suspended. |
SuspendedFromDate | Date | Start date of suspension period, if any. |
SuspendedToDate | Date | End date of suspension period, if any. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsdriverLicenses |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
DriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId [KEY] | Long | DriverlicensesDriversLicenseId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
DriversLicenseTypeId [KEY] | Long | DriversLicenseTypeId of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsdriverLicensesdriverLicensesDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsemails |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailAddressId of HcmContactsemails |
EmailType | String | Type of email such as work, personal, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EmailTypeMeaning | String | EmailTypeMeaning of HcmContactsemails |
EmailAddress | String | Email address of the contact. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact's email address is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact's email address is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsemails |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsemails |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsemails |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsemails |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the email is the contact's primary email. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
EmailsEmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | EmailsEmailAddressId of HcmContactsemailsemailsDFF |
EmailAddressId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's email. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's email. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsethnicities |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicityId of HcmContactsethnicities |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the ethnicity is the primary ethnicity record for the contact. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the ethnicity. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsethnicities |
Ethnicity | String | Ethnicity of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
EthnicityMeaning | String | EthnicityMeaning of HcmContactsethnicities |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsethnicities |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsethnicities |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsethnicities |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsethnicities |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicitiesEthnicityId [KEY] | Long | EthnicitiesEthnicityId of HcmContactsethnicitiesethnicitiesDFF |
EthnicityId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's ethnicity. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
Gender | String | Gender of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
GenderMeaning | String | GenderMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatus | String | Marital status of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
MaritalStatusMeaning | String | MaritalStatusMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
MaritalStatusChangeDate | Date | Date from when the marital status came into effect. |
HighestEducationLevel | String | Legislation-specific value that identifies the contact 's highest education level. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
HighestEducationLevelMeaning | String | HighestEducationLevelMeaning of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfo |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | LegislativeinfoEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | LegislativeinfoPersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
PersonLegislativeId [KEY] | Long | PersonLegislativeId of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactslegislativeInfolegislativeInfoDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnames |
PersonNameId [KEY] | Long | PersonNameId of HcmContactsnames |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsnames |
LastName | String | Contact's last name. |
FirstName | String | Contact's first name. |
Title | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
TitleMeaning | String | TitleMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
PreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name. |
Suffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on. |
MiddleNames | String | Contact's middle name. |
Honors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD. |
KnownAs | String | Contact's preferred name. |
PreviousLastName | String | Contact's previous last name. |
DisplayName | String | DisplayName of HcmContactsnames |
OrderName | String | OrderName of HcmContactsnames |
ListName | String | ListName of HcmContactsnames |
FullName | String | FullName of HcmContactsnames |
MilitaryRank | String | Contact's military rank. |
NameLanguage | String | NameLanguage of HcmContactsnames |
NameLanguageMeaning | String | NameLanguageMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
NameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
NameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsnames |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnames |
LocalPersonNameId [KEY] | Long | Surrogate identifier for the local contact's name record. |
LocalEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
LocalLegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the local language. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LocalLegislationName | String | LocalLegislationName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastName | String | Contact's last name in local language. |
LocalFirstName | String | Contact's first name in local language. |
LocalTitle | String | Person salutation such as Mr., Ms., and so on, in local language. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
LocalTitleMeaning | String | LocalTitleMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
LocalPreNameAdjunct | String | Part of the name added before a person's first name in local language. |
LocalSuffix | String | Part of the name appended to a person's last name such as Jr., III, and so on, in local language. |
LocalMiddleNames | String | Contact's middle name in local language. |
LocalHonors | String | Higher qualification appended to a person's name such as PhD in local language. |
LocalKnownAs | String | Contact 's preferred name in local language. |
LocalPreviousLastName | String | Contact 's previous last name in local language. |
LocalDisplayName | String | LocalDisplayName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalOrderName | String | LocalOrderName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalListName | String | LocalListName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalFullName | String | LocalFullName of HcmContactsnames |
LocalMilitaryRank | String | Contact's military rank in local language. |
LocalNameLanguage | String | Local language of the name. This is not required for global names. If you're creating a local name, you must provide the language code. |
LocalNameLanguageMeaning | String | LocalNameLanguageMeaning of HcmContactsnames |
LocalNameInformation1 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation2 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation3 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation4 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation5 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation6 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation7 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation8 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation9 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation10 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation11 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation12 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation13 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation14 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for Oracle Development for legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation15 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation16 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation17 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation18 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation19 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation20 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation21 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation22 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation23 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation24 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation25 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation26 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation27 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation28 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation29 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalNameInformation30 | String | Additional name attribute reserved for customer legislation-specific name requirements as defined in the person name style definition. |
LocalCreatedBy | String | LocalCreatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LocalCreationDate | Datetime | LocalCreationDate of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastUpdatedBy | String | LocalLastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnames |
LocalLastUpdateDate | Datetime | LocalLastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnames |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalIdentifierId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's national identifier. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierType | String | Type of national identifier. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning | String | NationalIdentifierTypeMeaning of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
NationalIdentifierNumber | String | National identification number of the contact. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the contact's national identifier. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's national identifier. |
PlaceOfIssue | String | Place where the contact's national identifier was issued. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiers |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the national identifier is the contact's primary national identifier. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | NationalidentifiersNationalIdentifierId of HcmContactsnationalIdentifiersnationalIdentifiersDFF |
NationalIdentifierId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for contact's national identifier. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for contact's national identifier. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | DeliveryMethodId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
Provider | String | Provider of the account such as Facebook and Twitter. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ProviderMeaning | String | ProviderMeaning of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
AccountName | String | Name of the contact's communication account. |
StartDate | Date | Start date of the contact's communication account. |
EndDate | Date | End date of the contact's communication account. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccounts |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | OthercommunicationaccountsDeliveryMethodId of HcmContactsotherCommunicationAccountsotherCommunicationAccountsDFF |
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] | Long | Descriptive flexfield for other communication accounts. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Descriptive flexfield for other communication accounts. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Context Value |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactspassports |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of HcmContactspassports |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's passport was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactspassports |
PassportType | String | Type or category of the contact's passport. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PassportTypeMeaning | String | PassportTypeMeaning of HcmContactspassports |
PassportNumber | String | Passport number of the contact. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority for the contact's passport. |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date of the contact's passport. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's passport. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the contact's passport was issued. |
Profession | String | Profession of the passport holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactspassports |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactspassports |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactspassports |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactspassports |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportsPassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportsPassportId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
PassportId [KEY] | Long | PassportId of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactspassportspassportsDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsphones |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of HcmContactsphones |
PhoneType | String | Type of phone such as Work, Home, and so on. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
PhoneTypeMeaning | String | PhoneTypeMeaning of HcmContactsphones |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's phone. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsphones |
CountryCodeNumber | String | Country code of the contact's phone number. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
AreaCode | String | Area code of the contact's phone number. |
PhoneNumber | String | Contact's phone number for various phone types such as Work, Home, and so on. |
Extension | String | Extension number for the contact's phone. |
FromDate | Date | Date from when the contact's phone number is valid. |
ToDate | Date | Date until when the contact's phone number is valid. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsphones |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsphones |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsphones |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsphones |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the phone number is the primary phone of the contact. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
PhonesPhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhonesPhoneId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
PhoneId [KEY] | Long | PhoneId of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsphonesphonesDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsreligions |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionId of HcmContactsreligions |
LegislationCode | String | Legislation code of the contact's religiion. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
LegislationName | String | LegislationName of HcmContactsreligions |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the religion is the contact's primary religion for this legislation. |
Religion | String | Religion of the contact. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
ReligionMeaning | String | ReligionMeaning of HcmContactsreligions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsreligions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsreligions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsreligions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsreligions |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionsReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionsReligionId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
ReligionId [KEY] | Long | ReligionId of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsreligionsreligionsDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Start date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | End date of the date-effective changes to the record. |
IssuingCountry | String | Country in which the contact's visa or permit was issued. Valid values are defined in the hcmCountriesLov. |
IssuingCountryName | String | IssuingCountryName of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitType | String | Type of the contact's visa or permit. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitTypeMeaning | String | VisaPermitTypeMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitCategory | String | Category of the contact's visa or permit. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitCategoryMeaning | String | VisaPermitCategoryMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
VisaPermitNumber | String | Contact's visa or permit number. |
VisaPermitStatus | String | Indicates whether the contact's visa or permit is current. Valid values are defined in the commonLookupsLOV. |
VisaPermitStatusMeaning | String | VisaPermitStatusMeaning of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority of the contact's visa or permit. |
IssuingLocation | String | Location where the contact's visa or permit was issued. |
IssueDate | Date | Date of issue of the contact's visa or permit. |
EntryDate | Date | Entry date of the contact into the country. |
ExpirationDate | Date | Expiration date of the contact's visa or permit. |
VisaPermitStatusDate | Date | Date from when the contact's permit status is effective. |
Profession | String | Profession of the visa or permit holder. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of HcmContactsvisasPermits |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDDF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HcmContactsPersonId [KEY] | Long | HcmContactsPersonId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | VisaspermitsEffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaspermitsVisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaspermitsVisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
VisaPermitId [KEY] | Long | VisaPermitId of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of HcmContactsvisasPermitsvisasPermitsDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContactType | String | ContactType |
EmergencyContactFlag | String | EmergencyContactFlag |
PersonId | Long | PersonId |
RelatedPersonId | Long | RelatedPersonId |
RelatedPersonNumber | String | RelatedPersonNumber |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
ContractId [KEY] | Long | ContractId of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractNumber | String | ContractNumber of HcmContractsLOV |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of HcmContractsLOV |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractType | String | ContractType of HcmContractsLOV |
ContractEndDate | Date | ContractEndDate of HcmContractsLOV |
InitialDuration | Double | InitialDuration of HcmContractsLOV |
InitialDurationUnits | String | InitialDurationUnits of HcmContractsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PeriodOfServiceId | Long | PeriodOfServiceId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CostCenterId [KEY] | Long | CostCenterId of HcmCostCentersLOV |
CostCenterName | String | CostCenterName of HcmCostCentersLOV |
CostCenterDescription | String | CostCenterDescription of HcmCostCentersLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
EffectiveDate | Date | effectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CountryName | String | CountryName of HcmCountriesLov |
TerritoryCode [KEY] | String | TerritoryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
Description | String | Description of HcmCountriesLov |
AlternateTerritoryCode | String | AlternateTerritoryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
PhoneCountryCodeId [KEY] | Long | PhoneCountryCodeId of HcmCountriesLov |
PhoneCountryCode | String | PhoneCountryCode of HcmCountriesLov |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of HcmCountriesLov |
NlsTerritory | String | NlsTerritory of HcmCountriesLov |
ObsoleteFlag | Bool | ObsoleteFlag of HcmCountriesLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DataSecurityPrivilege | Bool | DataSecurityPrivilege |
ExcludeCountries | String | ExcludeCountries |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SetId [KEY] | Long | SetId of HcmSetsLOV |
SetCode | String | SetCode of HcmSetsLOV |
SetName | String | SetName of HcmSetsLOV |
Description | String | Description of HcmSetsLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
TreeVersionId | String | TreeVersionId of HcmTreesLOV |
TreeName | String | TreeName of HcmTreesLOV |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
TreeStructureCode | String | TreeStructureCode |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedBy | String | The user ID of the person who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Creation date that the record was created. |
IncidentId [KEY] | Long | An identification value used for the incident. |
IncidentDate | Datetime | The date when the incident had happened. |
IncidentNo | String | The number of the incident that is being associated with the main incident. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | Object version number for the survey. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user ID of the person who last updated the record. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Last update login of the user. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last date that the record was updated. |
IncidentTypeCode | String | A label to indicate the type of incident recorded. For example a health and safety incident or a data security incident. |
IncidentSummary | String | Audit Detail for Incident Summary. |
IncidentSourceCode | String | A label to indicate the origin of the incident record. For example an incident generated using an API or an incident entered using the self-service kiosk pages. |
IncidentReviewerEmailFlag | Bool | Incident reviewer email flag. |
OffsiteLocTypeCode | String | A label to describe the category of the off-site location. |
ReporterTypeCode | String | Indicates whether the person who is reporting the incident is an employee of the company or a non-employee. |
ReptrCountry | String | The name of the country where the incident occurred. |
ReptrCountryCodeNum | String | The phone country code for the incident reporter. |
ReptrName | String | The incident reporter name. |
ReptrEmail | String | The incident reporter email. |
ReptrPhoneNo | String | The incident reporter phone number. |
TargetCompletionDate | Datetime | The date that the investigation is targeted for completion. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | An identification value used for the questionnaire owner |
ReptrSpecificLocation | String | The incident reporter specific location. |
EmployeeId | Long | Identification value of the employee. |
ReptrNonempTypeCode | String | A label to describe if the incident reporter is an employee or nonemployee. |
LocationId | Long | An identification value used for the location. |
ReptrAreaCode | String | Label for the phone area code of the incident reporter. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HealthSurveysIncidentId [KEY] | Long | Incident ID |
QuestionId [KEY] | Long | An identification value used for the question. |
QuestionResponse | String | Question Response value. |
IncidentId | String | An identification value used for the incident. |
QstnResponseId | String | An identification value used for the questionnaire response. |
AttachmentEntityName | String | Attachment entity name value. |
BusinessGroupId | String | An identification value used for business group. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
HealthSurveysIncidentId [KEY] | Long | Incident ID |
QuestionnaireresponsesQuestionId [KEY] | Long | Questionnaire ID |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentId | Long | IncidentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentTypeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the document type. |
DocumentType | String | Display name of the document type. |
LegislationCode | String | Code for the country for which the document type is applicable. |
CategoryCode | String | Code used for the document type derived from the lookup DOCUMENT_CATEGORY. |
SubCategoryCode | String | Code for the subcategory for which the document type is applicable. |
PersonId | Long | Internal identifier for the person. |
AssignmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the assignment. |
CountryName | String | Name of the country for which the document type is applicable. |
Category | String | Name of the category for which the document type is applicable. |
LookUpCodeName | String | Name of the subcategory for which the document type is applicable. |
TerritoryCode | String | Code of the territory for which the document type is applicable. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
HcmFlowCode | String | HcmFlowCode |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SecurityProfile | String | SecurityProfile |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
EmployeeId | Long | Employee ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is Non Employee, Employee ID should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO. |
IncidentDate | Datetime | Date the incident occurred captured by the incident reporter. This attribute is required. |
IncidentDescription | String | Complete description of the incident captured by the incident reporter. |
IncidentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the incident. System-generated primary key. |
IncidentImmeActDescr | String | Description of any immediate actions undertaken after the incident was captured by the incident reporter. |
IncidentSummary | String | Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required. |
LocationTypeCode | String | Type of location where the incident occurred, captured by the reporter such as ORA_ONSITE or ORA_OFFSITE. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsLocation. This attribute is required. |
ReporterTypeCode | String | Selection made by the incident reporter to categorize the incident reporter as either an employee or a non-employee. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsPerson. This attribute is required. |
ReptrCity | String | City where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrCountry | String | Country where the incident occurred, captured by the incident reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the Location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrEmail | String | Email ID of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrAddrLine1 | String | Address line 1 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
ReptrName | String | Full name of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrPhoneNo | String | Phone number of the person who reported the incident. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. Either ReptrPhoneNo or ReptrEmail is required if the reporter is a non employee. |
ReptrSpecificLocation | String | Detailed information on the location of the incident captured by the reporter. This attribute is required. |
TargetCompletionDate | Datetime | Date and time by when the incident needs to be completed. Prepopulated using the Target Date setup value. |
ReptrAddrLine2 | String | Address line 2 of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. |
ReptrZipCode | String | Postal code of the incident captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. |
ReptrState | String | State where the incident was captured by the reporter. If the incident happened onsite, then the value should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_OFFSITE. |
LocationId | Long | Onsite location where the incident happened. If the incident happened offsite, the Location ID should be null. This attribute is required if the location is ORA_ONSITE. Valid values are defined in the list LocationLovPVO. |
ReptrCountryCodeNum | String | Country code for the reporter's phone. Valid values are defined in the list PhoneCountryCodePVO. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. PhoneCountryCodePVO. |
ReptrAreaCode | String | Area code for the reporter's phone. If the reporter is an employee, then the value should be null. |
IncidentSourceCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident source. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentSource. This attribute is required. |
IncidentTypeCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident type. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentType. The default value is Health and Safety Incident. |
SeverityLevelCode | String | Severity level of the incident. |
NotifiedPersonId | Long | Employee ID of the person who is notified about the incident. This attribute is required if the notified person is an employee. Valid values are defined in the list PersonLovPVO. |
IncidentReportedDate | Datetime | Date and time when the notified person was informed about the incident. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentKiosksIncidentId [KEY] | Long | IncidentKiosksIncidentId of IncidentKiosksIncidentDetailKiosk |
IncidentEventCode | String | Unique identifier for the incident event. Valid values are defined in the list HcmCommonSharedAM_HnsIncidentEvent. Multiselect. |
IncidentDetailId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the incident event. System-generated primary key. |
IncidentEventDate | Datetime | Date and time when the incident was captured by the incident reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
IncidentEventSummary | String | Summary information of the incident captured by the reporter. Copied from the parent incident. |
ActualCompletionDate | Datetime | The date that the incident is targeted for actual completion. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
IncidentId | Long | IncidentId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PostingStartDate | Datetime | Start date of the job posting. |
PostingEndDate | Datetime | End date of the job posting. |
PostingStatus | String | Status of the job posting. |
JobType | String | Type of job. |
StudyLevel | String | Educational qualification of the candidate. |
ExternalContactName | String | External contact name of the candidate. |
ExternalContactEmail | String | External contact email of the candidate. |
PartnerId | String | ID assigned to the partner. |
JobSchedule [KEY] | String | Schedule of the job. |
ContractType [KEY] | String | Type of contract signed with the candidate. |
JobShift [KEY] | String | Shift of the job. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Requisition number of the job posting. |
OrganizationDisplayName | String | Display name of the organization. |
JobFamilyCode | String | Code assigned to the job family. |
InternationalTravelRequired | String | Indicates if international travel is required for the candidate. |
DomesticTravelRequired | String | Indicates if domestic travel is required for the candidate. |
PrimaryLocationCountryCode | String | Country code of the primary location of the job posting. |
PrimaryLocationLevelTwoCode | String | Second level code of the primary location of the job posting. |
PrimaryWorkLocationPostalCode | String | Postal code of the primary work location of the job posting. |
WorkplaceTypeCode | String | Type of workplace of the job requisition. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
LanguageCode | String | Code assigned to the language in the requisition languages. |
EmployerDescriptionStr | String | Description of the employer in the requisition languages. |
OrganizationDescriptionStr | String | Description of the organization in the requisition languages. |
ApplyURL | String | The URL for applying in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocation | String | Primary job location mentioned in the requisition languages. |
ExternalDescription | String | Description of the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
ShortDescription | String | Short description of the requisition languages. |
ExternalDescriptionHtml | String | HTML description for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
Title | String | Title of the requisition languages. |
OrganizationNameML | String | Display name of the organization in the requisition languages. |
JobFamily | String | Details of the job family in the requisition languages. |
StudyLevelML | String | Educational qualification needed in the requisition languages. |
DefaultLanguageFlag | Bool | Default language of the requisition. |
ExternalQualificationsHTML | String | HTML qualifications for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
ExternalResponsibilitiesHTML | String | HTML responsibilities for the external candidate in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationCountryName | String | Country name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationLevelTwoName | String | Second level name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryLocationLevelThreeName | String | Third level name of the primary location in the requisition languages. |
PrimaryWorkLocationCity | String | City of the primary work location in the requisition languages. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
Location | String | Location of requisitions. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobDistributionDetailsContractType [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobSchedule [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
JobDistributionDetailsJobShift [KEY] | String | Finds the details of the job distribution using RowFinder and the bReqNumber variable |
SectionName | String | Name of the section to which a skill belongs. |
Skill | String | Name of the skill. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ContractType | String | ContractType |
JobSchedule | String | JobSchedule |
JobShift | String | JobShift |
BPartnerId | String | bPartnerId |
BReqLang | String | bReqLang |
BReqNumber | String | bReqNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
JobFamilyName | String | Denoted the name for the Job Family. |
JobFamilyCode | String | Denoted the code for the Job Family. |
ActionReasonId | Long | ActionReasonId of JobFamilies |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a job family is active or inactive. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of JobFamilies |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of JobFamilies |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamiliesEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobFamiliesEffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobFamiliesEffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamiliesJobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamiliesJobFamilyId of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamilyId of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of JobFamiliesJobFamilyDFF |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobFamilyId [KEY] | Long | JobFamilyId of JobFamiliesLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobFamiliesLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobFamiliesLov |
JobFamilyCode | String | JobFamilyCode of JobFamiliesLov |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobFamiliesLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobFamiliesLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
PostingId | String | ID of the job posting. |
PartnerId | String | Partner ID in job posting details. |
RequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Requisition Number in job posting details. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobPostingDetailsRequisitionNumber [KEY] | String | Finds details of job posting using a unique identifier and the requisition number |
ResultId [KEY] | String | Unique ID assigned to the job posting. |
Id | String | ID of job boards in job posting details. |
JobBoard | String | Job board in job posting details. |
PostingStartDate | String | Start date of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
PostingEndDate | String | End date of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
PostingStatus | String | Status of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
Languages | String | Language of the job post on the job boards in the job posting details. |
ErrorDetail | String | Description of the job posting error on the job boards in the job posting details. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
RequisitionNumber | String | RequisitionNumber |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | System generated primary key column. |
JobCode | String | Code of the job. |
JobFamilyId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_JOB_FAMILY_F table. |
ActiveStatus | String | Indicates if a job is active or inactive. |
FullPartTime | String | Indicates if a job is full-time or part-time. |
JobFunctionCode | String | Code of the job function. |
ManagerLevel | String | Indicates the management level of the job. |
MedicalCheckupRequired | String | Indicates if the job requires medical checkup. |
StandardWorkingHours | Double | Number of standard working hours. |
StandardWorkingFrequency | String | Frequency for the standard working hours. |
StandardAnnualWorkingDuration | Double | The standard annual working duration for the job. |
AnnualWorkingDurationUnits | String | The unit of measure in hours, days, weeks, or months for the standard annual working duration. |
RegularTemporary | String | Indicates if a job is regular or temporary. |
SetId | Long | Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
Name | String | Denotes name for the Job. |
ApprovalAuthority | Long | Integer number to identify levels across jobs which are used for approvals if the job list builder is used. |
GradeLadderId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADE_LADDERS_F |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Jobs |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Jobs |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveEndDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveStartDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobsJobId [KEY] | Long | JobsJobId of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context | String | __FLEX_Context of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of JobsJobCustomerFlex |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
JobCode | String | JobCode |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsLov |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsLov |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsLov |
JobCode | String | JobCode of JobsLov |
JobName | String | JobName of JobsLov |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobsLov |
JobFunctionCode | String | JobFunctionCode of JobsLov |
JobFunctionName | String | JobFunctionName of JobsLov |
JobFamilyId | Long | JobFamilyId of JobsLov |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobsLov |
ManagerLevel | String | ManagerLevel of JobsLov |
SetId | Long | SetId of JobsLov |
SetCode | String | SetCode of JobsLov |
SetName | String | SetName of JobsLov |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BaseJobId | Long | BaseJobId |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IncludeCommonSet | Bool | IncludeCommonSet |
IsBenchmarkJob | Bool | IsBenchmarkJob |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobId [KEY] | Long | JobId of JobsLovV2 |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveStartDate of JobsLovV2 |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | EffectiveEndDate of JobsLovV2 |
JobName | String | JobName of JobsLovV2 |
JobCode | String | JobCode of JobsLovV2 |
SetName | String | SetName of JobsLovV2 |
ActiveStatus | String | ActiveStatus of JobsLovV2 |
JobFunctionName | String | JobFunctionName of JobsLovV2 |
JobFamilyName | String | JobFamilyName of JobsLovV2 |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessGroupId | Long | BusinessGroupId |
EffectiveDate | Date | EffectiveDate |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
IsBenchmarkJob | Bool | IsBenchmarkJob |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SetId | Long | SetId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JobsEffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveEndDate of JobsvalidGrades |
JobsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | JobsEffectiveStartDate of JobsvalidGrades |
JobsJobId [KEY] | Long | JobsJobId of JobsvalidGrades |
GradeId | Long | Foreign Key to PER_GRADES_F table. |
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the beginning of the date range within which the row is effective. |
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] | Date | Date Effective Entity: indicates the date at the end of the date range within which the row is effective. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
JobCode | String | JobCode |
JobId | Long | JobId |
SetId | Long | SetId |
SysEffectiveDate | String | SysEffectiveDate |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the worker journey search. Used in REST service describe only. |
SearchContext | String | Context for the worker journey search. Used in REST service describe only. |
SearchTerms | String | Search criteria used to search for worker journeys. Used in REST service describe only. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyCountsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the search. |
Name | String | Name of the group of search results that can be based on status, category, or required attributes. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchContext | String | SearchContext |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyCountsSearchId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the search. |
Value | String | Display name of the code. For example, if code is ONBOARD, then value is Onboarding. |
Code | String | Identifiers for each filter type such as status, category, or required attributes. For example, code for Category is ONBOARD. |
Count | Long | Number of records based on a specific filter type. For example, if code is ONBOARD, count can be 5. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Facets | String | Facets |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
RequiredFilter | String | RequiredFilter |
SearchContext | String | SearchContext |
SearchId | Long | SearchId |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
StatusFilter | String | StatusFilter |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneyId [KEY] | Long | Primary key of the journey template. |
Level | String | Level of a journey template. |
LevelMeaning | String | Meaning of journey template level. |
LevelValue | Long | Value of journey template level such as global or personal. |
Category | String | Category code for the event. Values are from ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_EVNT lookup. For example, Insight. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the journey category. |
SubCategory | String | Subcategory of the worker journey. |
SubCategoryMeaning | String | Subcategory meaning of the worker journey. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Code | String | Code for the journey template. |
CountryCode | String | Code of the country for which the journey template is applicable. |
Country | String | Name of the country for which the journey template is applicable. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
JourneyTitle | String | Title of the journey template. |
DisplayNameFormat | String | Display name format of a journey template. |
MessageTitle | String | Title of the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageSubTitle | String | Subtitle of the message displayed in the journey details. |
MessageText | String | Message text displayed for a journey. |
CompletionMessage | String | Message displayed on journey completion. |
BackgroundImageSource | String | Source of the background image. |
BackgroundImageFileName | String | File name of the background image. |
RawBackgroundImageURL | String | URL of the original background image. |
BackgroundImageURL | String | URL of the image displayed on the journey details page. |
BackgroundThumbnailURL | String | URL of the image displayed on the journey card. |
DateFrom | Date | Date from which the journey template is active. |
DateTo | Date | Date until which the journey template is active. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
AllocationCriteria | String | Criteria to determine journey assignment. |
AllocationCriteriaMeaning | String | Meaning of assignment criteria. |
AllocationOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for initiating journey assignment. |
CompletionCriteria | String | Completion criteria to complete a journey. |
CompletionCriteriaMeaning | String | Meaning of completion criteria. |
CompletionOffsetDays | Int | Number of offset days to consider for journey completion. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Display features of a journey template. |
ProcessingMode | String | Processing mode to send journey notifications. |
AllowAssignToSelfFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToPersonFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToDirectsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey can be assigned to direct reports. |
AllowAssignToOrganizationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the journey can be assigned to employees in an organization. |
AssignedTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the assigned notification template. |
ForceCompletedTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template. |
CombinedNotificationTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the combined notification template. |
ArchiveOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for archiving journeys. |
PurgeOffsetDays | Int | Number of days to consider for purging journeys. |
RecurrentScheduleAllowedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether journey recurrence is scheduled. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled. |
AssignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is assigned. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is initiated. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the journey template. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the journey template was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the journey template. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the journey template was updated. |
ContextualAction | String | Transaction flow for which the contextual journey template is applicable. |
Context | String | Context for a journey. |
BackgroundImage | String | Background image displayed on the journey page. |
CroppedBackgroundImage | String | Cropped background image displayed on the journey page. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
ParentJourneyId | Long | Identifier of the parent journey. In case of enterprise onboarding checklist this will point to the enterprise onboarding checklist in other cases it will be null. |
ParentJourneyName | String | Name of the parent journey template. |
StageId | Long | Unique identifier of the journey step. |
StageName | String | Name of the journey step. |
StageSequence | Double | Sequence of the journey step. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
Type | String | Task action type code. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I-9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
Sequence | Double | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TargetDuration | Int | Target duration for the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for the target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure used in the target duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title can be added. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the notes. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyContactId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey contact. |
Type | String | Type of contact. Valid values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTACT_TYPE lookup. Example, Line Manager, AOR. |
TypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact type. |
ResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey contact. |
ResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey contact. |
ContactUser | String | User name of the journey contact. |
ContactPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey contact. |
CustomContact | String | Custom contact details |
Title | String | Title of the contact. For example, Onboarding Sponsor. |
TitleMeaning | String | Meaning of the contact type. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the contact. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the contact was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the contact. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the contact was last updated. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyEventId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey event. |
Category | String | Category code for the event. Values are from ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_EVNT lookup. For example, Insight. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the event category meaning. For example, Insight. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
EventURL | String | URL of the event. |
ImageURL | String | URL of the event background image. |
Title | String | Title of the event. |
EventDate | String | Date of the event. |
EventOffset | Int | Offset duration of the event. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the event. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the event was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the event. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the event was last updated. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyNoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey notes. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
Type | String | Note subtype code. Values are from the ORA_PER_ONB_CONTENT_SBTYP_NOTE lookup. Example, Meeting Note, Standard Note. |
TypeMeaning | String | Note subtype meaning. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
EventDate | String | Date for meeting type note. |
EventLocation | String | Location for meeting type note. |
EventTime | String | Time for meeting type note. |
EventOffset | Int | Offset value for the event. |
Title | String | Title of the notes. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notes. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date the notes was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the notes. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date the notes was last updated. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
Code [KEY] | String | Property code of the journey template property |
Name | String | Name of the journey template property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of group for journey template property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template. |
DisabledForAssigneeFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is disabled for assignee. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for line manager. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template is disabled for other users. |
DisabledForInitiatorFlag | Bool | Indicates if journey template property is disabled for initiator. |
AssigneeLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Line Manager type for the journey template property. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template property type for assignee. |
InitiatorLookupType | String | Journey template property type for initiator. |
AssigneeDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template property for initiator. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. |
AssigneeValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template property for assignee. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template property for other user. |
InitiatorValue | String | Value of the journey template property for initiator. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
Name | String | Name of the journey task. |
TaskCode | String | Code of a task in a journey template. |
Type | String | Task action type code. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I-9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Code for the task status. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
Sequence | Int | Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1. |
DependentTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task. |
DependentTaskName | String | Name of the dependent task. |
TaskGroupId | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task group. |
TargetDuration | Int | Target duration for the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for the target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure used in the target duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title can be added. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the notes. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Task performer type meaning. |
PerformerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task performer. |
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task performer. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task performer. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Task owner type meaning. |
OwnerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task owner. |
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task owner. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task owner. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Description for the AttachmentDocumentTypeId attribute in the tasks resource, which is part of the journeys root resource. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | Description for the AttachmentDocumentTypeName attribute in the tasks resource, which is part of the journeys root resource. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Context for configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTask | String | Application task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Name of application task type. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
DigitalSignatureTemplateId | String | Identifier of the digital signature template. |
SignatureValidationConfiguration | String | Validation type for electronic signature. |
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration | String | Work authorization for I 9 task. |
ProcessCloudConfiguration | String | Configuration of the process automation. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Description for the document type identifier attribute. Identifier of the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments document records. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Document records of person for whom to save task attachments. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of save attachments to document records. |
EligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile. |
EligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
EvaluationOffset | Int | Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ReminderDuration | Int | Duration of the task reminder. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Recurrence of the reminder. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Task display features. |
AddToLibraryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task can be added to personal task library. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Task creation date. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the task. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which task was last updated. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 3. |
ActivityAction4Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 4. |
ActivityAction5Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 5. |
SourceTaskId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the source task. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the attached document. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
DatatypeCode | String | A value that indicates the data type. |
FileName | String | The file name of the attachment. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path from which the attachment is created. |
DmDocumentId | String | The document ID from which the attachment is created. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The document version number from which the attachment is created. |
Url | String | The URL of a web page type attachment. |
CategoryName | String | The category of the attachment. |
UserName | String | The login credentials of the user who created the attachment. |
Uri | String | The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment. |
FileUrl | String | The URI of the file. |
UploadedText | String | The text content for a new text attachment. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the attachment file. |
UploadedFileName | String | The name to assign to a new attachment file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is shared |
Title | String | The title of the attachment. |
Description | String | The description of the attachment. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | The error code, if any, for the attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | The error message, if any, for the attachment. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the record was created. |
FileContents | String | The contents of the attachment. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The expiration date of the contents in the attachment. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The user name who last updated the record. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The user name who created the record. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files. |
FileWebImage | String | The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
JourneyTaskNotificationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task notification. |
TaskEvent | String | Code of the task event. Example, task initiated, task updated, task deleted, task completed. |
TaskEventMeaning | String | Meaning of the task event. |
NotifyPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task performer needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is Yes. |
NotifyOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the task owner needs to be notified when the event occurs. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
PerformerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task performer. |
OwnerTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template for task owner. |
PerformerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task performer. |
OwnerNotApplicableTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the notification template when a task is marked as not applicable for task owner. |
PerformerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task performer. |
OwnerExpiryTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the expiry notification template for task owner. |
PerformerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task performer. |
OwnerForceCompleteTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the force completion notification template for task owner. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the notification. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the notification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date on which the notification was last updated. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasksJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task property. |
Category | String | Name of the group for journey template task property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of the group for journey template task property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task property for other user. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
JourneyId [KEY] | Long | Identifier of the journey template task type property. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Type | String | Type of the journey template task type property. |
TypeMeaning | String | Type meaning of the journey template task type property. |
SubType | String | Subtype of the journey template task type property. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Subtype meaning of the journey template task type property. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified. |
TasktypesCode [KEY] | String | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
TasktypesJourneyId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task type. |
Code [KEY] | String | Code of the journey template task type property. |
Name | String | Name of the journey template task type property. |
Category | String | Category of the journey template task type property. |
CategoryMeaning | String | Meaning of category for journey template task type property. |
Sequence | Long | Sequence of the journey template task type property. |
Level | String | Property level for the journey template task type. |
DisabledForPerformerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for performer. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOwnerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for owner. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForLineManagerFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for line manager. Default value depends on the task type. |
DisabledForOthersFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is disabled for other users. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for performer. |
OwnerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for owner. |
LineManagerLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for line manager. |
OthersLookupType | String | Journey template task type property type for other user. |
PerformerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersDefaultValue | String | Default value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
OverriddenFlag | Bool | Indicates if the journey template task type property is overridden. Default value depends on the task type. |
PerformerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for performer. |
OwnerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for owner. |
LineManagerValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for line manager. |
OthersValue | String | Value of the journey template task type property for other user. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryFilter | String | CategoryFilter |
CodeFilter | String | CodeFilter |
Context | String | Context |
ContextualAction | String | ContextualAction |
ExcludePersonal | String | ExcludePersonal |
Facets | String | Facets |
FilterAttributes | String | FilterAttributes |
JourneyId | Long | JourneyId |
LevelFilter | String | LevelFilter |
SearchTerms | String | SearchTerms |
SubCategoryFilter | String | SubCategoryFilter |
SubjectAssignmentId | Long | SubjectAssignmentId |
SubjectPersonId | Long | SubjectPersonId |
Finder | String | finder |
Name | Type | Description |
LibraryJourneyTaskId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the journey task. |
TaskLevel | String | Indicates whether the task is at the global or person level. |
TaskLevelMeaning | String | Meaning of the task level. |
TaskLevelValue | Long | Identifies whether the task is at the global or person level based on the value. |
Name | String | Name of journey task. |
Type | String | Code of task action type. |
TypeMeaning | String | Task action type. |
SubType | String | Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I 9 and Electronic Signature. |
SubTypeMeaning | String | Task action subtype. Available only for task action types I9 and Electronic Signature. |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
Status | String | Status code of the task. |
StatusMeaning | String | Status of the task. |
TargetDuration | Int | Duration of the task. |
TargetDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure for target duration. |
TargetDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of the unit of measure for task duration. |
DelayDuration | Int | Delay duration for the task. |
DelayDurationUOM | String | Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration. |
DelayDurationUOMMeaning | String | Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration. |
Description | String | Description of the task. |
Notes | String | Notes for a task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script. |
AllowNoteTitleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the Notes title is hidden or not. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No. |
AllowCommentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether comments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
AllowAttachmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments are enabled for a task. Valid values are Yes or No. Default is No. |
NoteTitle | String | Title of the Notes section in the task. |
ActionURL | String | The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource. |
PerformerType | String | Task performer type. |
PerformerTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of task performer type. |
PerformerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task performer. |
PerformerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task performer. |
PerformerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task performer. |
OwnerType | String | Task owner type. |
OwnerTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of task owner type. |
OwnerResponsibilityType | String | Responsibility type of the journey task owner. |
OwnerResponsibilityTypeMeaning | String | Responsibility type meaning of the journey task owner. |
OwnerPersonId | Long | Internal identifier of the journey task owner. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeId | Long | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type. |
AttachmentDocumentTypeName | String | Attachments to add to document records for the given document type name. |
QuestionnaireId | Long | Internal identifier of the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireName | String | Name of the questionnaire. |
ConfigurableFormContext | String | Context for the configurable form task type. |
ApplicationTask | String | Application task type. |
ApplicationTaskName | String | Name of the application task. |
ReportPath | String | Path to the report in BI Catalog. |
DigitalSignatureTemplateId | String | Identifier for the electronic signature template. |
SignatureValidationConfiguration | String | Validation type for electronic signature. |
WorkAuthorizationConfiguration | String | Work authorization for I 9 task. |
ProcessCloudConfiguration | String | Configuration of the process automation. |
LearningItemId | Long | Unique identifier of the learning item. |
LearnEnrollmentId | Long | Identifier of the learning enrollment. |
LearnEnrollmentType | String | Type of learning enrollment. |
LearnCommunityId | Long | Identifier of the learning community. |
LearningContentType | String | Type of learning content. |
LearningContentTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of the learning content type. |
VideoType | String | Type of video. |
VideoTypeMeaning | String | Meaning of video type. |
VideoURL | String | URL of the video. |
AnalysisPath | String | OTBI analysis path for an analytics task type. |
AnalysisParameters | String | Parameters associated with an analytics task type. |
DisplayOptions | String | Type of OTBI analysis. |
DocumentTypeId | Long | Identifier for the document type. |
DocumentTypeName | String | Name of the document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORFor | String | Attachments to add to document records for a document type. |
SaveDocumentsToDORForMeaning | String | Meaning of add attachments document records. |
EligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile. |
EligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileId | Long | Identifier of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
ActivationEligibilityProfileName | String | Name of the eligibility profile used for the activation criteria in a journey task. |
EvaluationOffset | Int | Number of days to consider for eligibility evaluation. |
EnableExpiryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the task should expire. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No. |
ExpiryRelativeTo | String | Criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of the criteria based on which the task expires. |
ExpiryDuration | Int | Duration after which the task expires. |
ReminderDuration | Int | Duration of the task reminder. |
ReminderRecurrence | String | Recurrence of the task reminder. |
ReminderRelativeTo | String | Reminder relative to task duration. |
ReminderRelativeToMeaning | String | Meaning of reminder relative to task duration. |
DisplayFeatures | String | Display features for the electronic signature task type. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORFor | String | Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer. |
SaveAttachmentsToDORForMeaning | String | Identifies whether the attachments should be saved for the journey assignee or the task performer in Document Records. |
ReminderTemplateId | Long | Primary key or unique identifier of the reminder notification template. |
FeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled for a journey task. |
InitiatedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is initiated. |
ReassignedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is reassigned. |
CompletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is completed. |
DeletedFeedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the atom feed is enabled when a journey task is deleted. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date on which the task was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date on which the task was updated. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | User who last updated the task. |
ActionCompleteLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the complete action. |
ActionRejectLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the not applicable action. |
ActionAddToCalendarLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the add to calendar action. |
ActionSaveLabel | String | Setting that enables to change the label of the save as draft action. |
ActivityAction1Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 1. |
ActivityAction2Label | String | Setting that enables to change the label of action 2. |
ActivityAction3Label |