FireDAC Components for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId [KEY] Long LearnerLearningRecordsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails
CompletiondetailsactivityId [KEY] Long CompletiondetailsactivityId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails
SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId [KEY] Long SelectedcourseofferingsassignmentRecordId of LearnerLearningRecordscompletionDetailsselectedCourseOfferingslearningItemRatingDetails
RatingId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the rating on the learning item.
RatingNumber String User-friendly number identifying the rating on the learning item.
RatingByPersonId Long Identifier of the person who rated the learning item.
RatingByPersonNumber String Person number of the person who rated the learning item.
RatingDate Datetime Date the rating was made on the learning item.
Rating Double The rating given on the learning item.
RatingComment String Comment made by the learner while rating the learning item.
RatingByPersonDisplayName String Display name for the person who rated the learning item.
RatingByPersonImageURL String Image URL of the person who rated the learning item.
RatingStatus String Status of the rating on the learning item.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
AssignedToId Long assignedToId
AssignerAttributionType String assignerAttributionType
AssignerId Long assignerId
AssignmentRecordId Long assignmentRecordId
DataSecurityPrivilege String dataSecurityPrivilege
Finder String finder
LearnerId Long learnerId
LearningItemId Long learningItemId
LearningItemTitle String learningItemTitle
ManagerId Long managerId

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Build 23.0.8839