FireDAC Components for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
JourneysJourneyId [KEY] Long Finds all journey templates that match the primary key specified.
JourneyTaskId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the journey task.
ParentJourneyId Long Identifier of the parent journey. In case of enterprise onboarding checklist this will point to the enterprise onboarding checklist in other cases it will be null.
ParentJourneyName String Name of the parent journey template.
StageId Long Unique identifier of the journey step.
StageName String Name of the journey step.
StageSequence Double Sequence of the journey step.
Name String Name of the journey task.
Type String Task action type code.
TypeMeaning String Task action type.
SubType String Task action subtype code. Available only for action types I-9 and Electronic Signature.
SubTypeMeaning String Task action subtype. Available only for action types I9 and Electronic Signature.
RequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether the task is mandatory or optional. Valid values are Yes and No. Default is No.
Status String Code for the task status.
StatusMeaning String Status of the task.
Sequence Double Task display ordering sequence. Default is 1.
DependentTaskId Long Primary key or unique identifier of the dependent task.
DependentTaskName String Name of the dependent task.
TargetDuration Int Target duration for the task.
TargetDurationUOM String Unit of measure for the target duration.
TargetDurationUOMMeaning String Meaning of the unit of measure used in the target duration.
DelayDuration Int Delay duration for the task.
DelayDurationUOM String Unit of measure used in specifying delaying the duration.
DelayDurationUOMMeaning String Meaning of unit of measure used in delay duration.
Description String Description of the task.
Notes String Notes for the task. The notes text is stored as a CLOB object. To use in the payload, the text should be converted to a base64 encoded string using either a conversion tool or a prerequisite script.
AllowNoteTitleFlag Bool Indicates whether the Notes title can be added. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No.
AllowCommentFlag Bool Indicates whether comments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No.
AllowAttachmentFlag Bool Indicates whether attachments can be added to the task. Valid values are Yes or No. The default is No.
NoteTitle String Title of the notes.
ActionURL String The URL associated with the task that's entered on the setup screen. To retrieve a navigable URL, use the getNavigationURL custom method of the resource.
PerformerType String Task performer type.
PerformerTypeMeaning String Task performer type meaning.
OwnerType String Task owner type.
OwnerTypeMeaning String Task owner type meaning.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CategoryFilter String CategoryFilter
CodeFilter String CodeFilter
Context String Context
ContextualAction String ContextualAction
ExcludePersonal String ExcludePersonal
Facets String Facets
FilterAttributes String FilterAttributes
JourneyId Long JourneyId
LevelFilter String LevelFilter
SearchTerms String SearchTerms
SubCategoryFilter String SubCategoryFilter
SubjectAssignmentId Long SubjectAssignmentId
SubjectPersonId Long SubjectPersonId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839