FireDAC Components for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
EmpsCitizenshipId [KEY] Long EmpsCitizenshipId of Empsassignments
EmpsDriversLicenseId [KEY] Long EmpsDriversLicenseId of Empsassignments
EmpsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] Date EmpsEffectiveStartDate of Empsassignments
EmpsPassportId [KEY] Long EmpsPassportId of Empsassignments
EmpsPersonId [KEY] Long EmpsPersonId of Empsassignments
EmpsReligionId [KEY] Long EmpsReligionId of Empsassignments
AssignmentName String Name of the assignment.
PersonTypeId Long Unique identifier for the person type. Valid values are defined in the list PersonTypeIdLOV.
ProposedPersonTypeId String Unique identifier for the worker class. This value is valid only if the PersonTypeId is Pending Worker. It can be any of the employee or contingent worker types. Valid values are defined in the list ProposedPersonTypeIdLOV.
ProjectedStartDate Date Proposed start date for the pending worker.
BusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the business unit. Valid values are defined in the list BusinessUnitIdLOV.
LocationId Long Unique identifier for the location. Valid values are defined in the list LocationIdLOV.
JobId Long Unique identifier for the job. Valid values are defined in the list JobIdLOV.
GradeId Long Unique identifier for the grade. Valid values are defined in the list GradeIdLOV.
DepartmentId Long Unique identifier for the department. Valid values are defined in the list DepartmentIdLOV.
WorkerCategory String Category of the worker such as Blue Collar, Civil Servant, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list WorkerCategoryLOV.
AssignmentCategory String User-defined category such as Full-Time Permanent or Part-Time Permanent. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentCategoryLOV.
WorkingAtHome String Indicates whether the person is working at home. Valid values are Yes and No.
WorkingAsManager String Indicates whether the person is a manager. Valid values are Yes and No.
SalaryCode String Identifies whether the assignment is paid by the hour or by a salary. Either maintained at the assignment level or employment or placement terms but not both. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryCodeLOV.
WorkingHours Double Normal working hours.
Frequency String Frequency of normal working hours such as week, month, year. Valid values are defined in the list FrequencyLOV.
StartTime String Work day normal start time.
EndTime String Work day normal end time.
SalaryAmount Double Salary amount entered based on the salary frequency.
SalaryBasisId Long Identifier for the set of details linked to a worker's base pay. It identifies the payroll characteristics used to pay base earnings, the duration for which base pay is quoted, the factor used to annualize base pay, any components used to attribute base pay adjustments to different reasons, and any associated grade rate for salary validation. Valid values are defined in the list SalaryBasisIdLOV.
ActionCode String Action performed on a particular record, such as Hire, Add Pending Worker, Manager Change, and so on. Valid values are defined in the list ActionCodeLOV.
ActionReasonCode String User-defined code for the action reason. Specifies the reason for the action performed on the record. Valid values are defined in the list ActionReasonCodeLOV.
AssignmentStatus String HR status of the assignment, such as Active or Inactive. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusLOV.
WorkTaxAddressId Long Unique identifier for the address that is used for taxation purposes. This can be different from a mailing address. Valid values are defined in the list WorkTaxAddressIdLOV.
AssignmentId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the assignment. This is a primary key generated by the application.
EffectiveStartDate [KEY] Date Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee assignment is effective.
EffectiveEndDate [KEY] Date Date at the end of the period within which the employee assignment is effective.
PositionId Long Unique identifier for a position. Valid values are defined in the list PositionIdLOV.
TermsEffectiveStartDate [KEY] Date Date at the beginning of the period within which the employee term is effective.
ManagerId Long Unique identifier for a manager. Valid values are defined in the list ManagerIdLOV.
ManagerAssignmentId Long Identifier for the manager's assignment.
ManagerType String Role of the manager with regards to the overall organization structure. For example, functional, project leader, and so on.
AssignmentNumber String Unique identifier for the assignment or terms. Valid for workers and nonworkers.
OriginalHireDate Date OriginalHireDate of Empsassignments
AssignmentStatusTypeId Long Unique identifier for the user-defined assignment status. Valid values are defined in the list AssignmentStatusTypeIdLOV.
PrimaryAssignmentFlag Bool Indicates whether the current assignment is the primary assignment. Valid values are Yes and No.
ProbationPeriodEndDate Date End date of the probation period.
ProbationPeriodLength Double Duration of the probation period.
ProbationPeriodUnitOfMeasure String Units for the probation period duration. Valid values are defined in the list QUALIFYING_UNITS.
AssignmentProjectedEndDate Date Date on which the assignment is expected to end.
ActualTerminationDate Date ActualTerminationDate of Empsassignments
LegalEntityId Long Unique identifier for the legal entity.
PrimaryWorkRelationFlag Bool Indicates whether the current work relationship is primary. Valid values are Yes and No.
PrimaryWorkTermsFlag Bool Indicates whether the current employment terms are primary. Valid values are Yes and No.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Empsassignments
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Empsassignments
PeriodOfServiceId Long Primary key generated by the application.
FullPartTime String Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is full-time or part-time. Valid values are defined in the list FullPartTimeLOV.
RegularTemporary String Indicates whether the position the employee is hired for is regular or temporary. Valid values are defined in the list RegularTemporaryLOV.
GradeLadderId Long Unique identifier for the grade ladder.
DefaultExpenseAccount String Default expense account represented as a concatenated value of all the related segments.
PeopleGroup String People group represented as a concatenated value of all the related key flexfield segments.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BusinessUnitName String BusinessUnitName
CitizenshipId Long CitizenshipId
DepartmentName String DepartmentName
DriversLicenseId Long DriversLicenseId
GradeName String GradeName
JobName String JobName
LocationName String LocationName
ManagerFullName String ManagerFullName
PassportId Long PassportId
PersonId Long PersonId
ReligionId Long ReligionId
SysEffectiveDate String SysEffectiveDate
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839