Name | Type | Description |
SearchId [KEY] | String | Name for other work locations of the requisition template details previews. |
Keyword | String | Keyword used to search for job requisitions. |
Location | String | Location of the job requisition |
LocationId | String | ID assigned to the location of the job requisition. |
Radius | String | Radius of the job requisition. |
RadiusUnit | String | Unit of the radius of the job requisition. |
SelectedTitlesFacet | String | Facet of the selected title of job requisitions. |
SelectedCategoriesFacet | String | Facet of the selected categories of the job requisitions. |
SelectedPostingDatesFacet | String | Facet of the selected dates of job posting. |
SelectedLocationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected locations of the job requisitions. |
LastSelectedFacet | String | Last selected facet for retrieving job requisitions. |
Facets | String | Facets of the job requisitions. |
Offset | String | Offset of the job requisition |
Limit | String | Limit of the job requisition. |
SortBy | String | Sort by attribute for the job requisition. |
TotalJobsCount | String | Total job count for the job requisition. |
Latitude | String | Latitude of the location of job requisition. |
Longitude | String | Longitude of the location of the job requisition |
SiteNumber | String | Site number of the job requisition. |
JobFamilyId | String | ID assigned to the job family. |
PostingStartDate | String | Start date of the job posting. |
PostingEndDate | String | End date of the job posting. |
SelectedWorkLocationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected work locations. |
RequisitionId | String | ID assigned to the similar job |
CandidateNumber | String | ID assigned to each candidate |
WorkLocationZipCode | String | ZIP code of the work location. |
WorkLocationCountryCode | String | Country code of the work location. |
SelectedFlexFieldsFacets | String | Facets of the selected job requisitions flexfields. |
OrganizationId | String | Organization ID for a job requisition. |
SelectedOrganizationsFacet | String | Facet of the selected organizations of the job requisitions. |