Name | Type | Description |
RecruitingCECandidateExtraInformationMetadataContextId | String | Finds all the extensible flexfield attributes that match the specific unique key. |
Prompt | String | Defines the label to be shown for the attribute. |
Name | String | Name of the context corresponding to the extensible flexfield attributes. |
Type | String | Defines the type of values accepted by the attribute. |
MaximumLength | String | Defines the maximum length this attribute can support. |
Dictionary | String | Defines the dictionary using which the list of values can be retrieved for this attribute. |
DefaultValue | String | Defines the default value of the attribute. |
ControlType | String | Defines what's the control component to be displayed for this attribute. |
AttributeId | String | Unique identifier for the extensible flexfield attributes in the metadata service. |
ContextId | String | Unique identifier of the context in the metadata attributes. |
IsReadOnly | String | Defines whether the attribute is read only or not. |
IsRequired | String | Defines whether the attribute is mandatory or not. |
ShowValueDescription | String | Defines the description of the attribute value. |
DefinitionHelpText | String | Defines the help text that should be shown for the attribute. |
IsUpperCaseOnly | String | Defines whether the attribute supports only upper case characters. |
MaximumValue | String | Defines the maximum value of the attribute. |
MinimumValue | String | Defines the minimum value of the attribute. |
Precision | String | Defines the precision of the attribute value. |
Scale | String | Defines the scale of the attribute. |
CheckedValue | String | Defines what's the value to be saved when the check box attribute is selected. |
NonCheckedValue | String | Defines the value to be saved when the attribute isn't selected. |
DisplaySequence | String | Defines the order of displaying this attribute. |
MultiRowUniqueKey | String | Indicates whether the current attribute is unique or not across different rows. |
RightJustifiedZeroFilled | String | Fills the empty spaces with zeroes to the left of an existing value. |