TDV Adapter for Oracle HCM Cloud

Build 22.0.8462




Name Type Description
RecruitingCESitesSiteId String Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Site ID and the primary key
RecruitingCESitesThemeId String Finds Recruiting CE Site by a unique Theme ID and the primary key
PageId String Unique ID assigned to each page.
PageCode String Code assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites.
SeoDescription String Description of the search engine optimization used on the pages.
SiteNumber String Number of the parent resource for page assigned to the recruitingCESites.
StatusCode String Code assigned to the status of the pages.
Title String Title assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites.
OgDescription String Organization description.
OgImageSrc String Organization image source.
PublishedDate Datetime Date of publishing of the pages in the recruitingCESites.
ElementId String Unique ID assigned to each element in the page.
ElementNumber String Element number assigned to the pages in the recruitingCESites.
Language String Language used in the pages on the recruitingCESites.
CreationDate Datetime Date of creation of the pages in the recruitingCESites.
SiteCode String Code assigned to the recruitingCESites on which the pages are published.
CustomAction String Custom action that can be done on pages defined on the recruitingCESites.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462