ADO.NET Provider for FHIR

Build 24.0.9029

AWS Authentication

This section provides a complete list of the AWS Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.

AWSAccessKeyYour AWS account access key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.
AWSSecretKeyYour AWS account secret key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.
AWSRoleARNThe Amazon Resource Name of the role to use when authenticating.
AWSRegionThe hosting region for your Amazon Web Services.
CredentialsLocationThe location of the settings file where MFA credentials are saved.
AWSUserPoolIdThe User Pool Id.
AWSUserPoolClientAppIdThe User Pool Client App Id.
AWSUserPoolClientAppSecretOptional. The User Pool Client App Secret.
AWSIdentityPoolIdThe Identity Pool Id.

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Build 24.0.9029