Create, delete, and query Reckon Price Levels. Note that while Price Levels can be added and deleted from this table, you may add only fixed-percentage Price Levels from this table. Per-Item Price Levels may be added via the PriceLevelPerItem table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the price level. | |
PriceLevelType | String | True |
The type of price level. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。FixedPercentage, PerItem | |
IsActive | Boolean | False |
A boolean determining if the price level is active. | |
PriceLevelFixedPercentage | Double | False |
A fixed discount percentage for the price level. | |
PriceLevelPerItemAggregate | String | False |
An aggregate of the per-item price level data. | |
TimeCreated | Datetime | True |
The datetime the transaction was made. | |
TimeModified | Datetime | True |
The last datetime the transaction was modified. | |
EditSequence | String | True |
An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
StartTxnDate | String |
This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest transaction date to search for. |
EndTxnDate | String |
This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest transaction date to search for. |
StartModifiedDate | String |
This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest modified date to search for. |
EndModifiedDate | String |
This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest modified date to search for. |
NameMatchType | String |
This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Type of match to perform on name. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。EXACT, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, CONTAINS デフォルト値はCONTAINSです。 |