SSIS Components for Reckon Accounts Hosted

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query Reckon Journal Entries. Note that while Journal Entry Lines can be created with a new Journal Entry, they cannot be added or removed from an existing Journal Entry.

Table Specific Information

JournalEntries are unique in that the Credit Line Items and Debit Line Items must add up to the same total in one transaction. It is not possible to change a Journal Line Item one at a time and thus end up with an unbalanced transaction. Note that while Journal Entry Lines can be created with a new Journal Entry, they cannot be added or removed from an existing Journal Entry.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

Reckon Accounts Hosted allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can only be used with the equals or = comparison. The available columns for JournalEntries are Id, Date, TimeModified, ReferenceNumber, LineEntityName, LineEntityId, LineAccount, and LineAccountId. TimeModified and Date may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. ReferenceNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM JournalEntryLines WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND ReferenceNumber LIKE '%12345%'


To add a JournalEntry, at least one Credit and one Debit Line must be added. Both types of lines are denoted by the Line columns. Debit Lines have a LineType of Debit while Credit Lines have a LineType of Credit. For example, to insert a JournalEntry:

INSERT INTO JournalEntryLines#TEMP (ReferenceNumber, LineType, LineAccount, LineAmount) VALUES ('12345', 'Credit', 'Retained Earnings', '100')
INSERT INTO JournalEntryLines#TEMP (ReferenceNumber, LineType, LineAccount, LineAmount) VALUES ('12345', 'Credit', 'Note Payable - Bank of Anycity', '20')
INSERT INTO JournalEntryLines#TEMP (ReferenceNumber, LineType, LineAccount, LineAmount) VALUES ('12345', 'Debit', 'Checking', '120')
INSERT INTO JournalEntryLines (ReferenceNumber, LineType, LineAccount, LineAmount) SELECT ReferenceNumber, LineType, LineAccount, LineAmount FROM JournalEntryLines#TEMP

To delete a JournalEntry, simply perform a DELETE statement and set the Id equal to the JournalEntryId you wish to delete. For example:

DELETE FROM JournalEntries WHERE Id = '16336-1450191232'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier in the format JournalEntryId|ItemLineId.

JournalEntryID String False


The journal entry Id.

ReferenceNumber String False

The transaction reference number.

TxnNumber Integer True

The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the Reckon-generated Id.

Date Date False

The transaction date. If it is set in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query, the pseudo columns StartDate and EndDate are overwritten with the value.

CreditLineCount Integer False

Number of credit lines.

DebitLineCount Integer False

Number of debit lines.

LineId String True

The line item identifier.

LineType String False

Type of line: credit or debit.

LineAccount String False


Account name of a credit or debit line.

LineAccountId String False


Account Id of a credit or debit line.

LineAmount Double False

Amount of a credit or debit line.

LineEntityName String False

Entity name of a credit or debit line.

LineEntityId String False

Entity Id of a credit or debit line.

LineMemo String False

Memo for a credit or debit line.

LineClass String False


Class name of a credit or debit line.

LineClassId String False


Class Id of a credit or debit line.

LineStatus String False

Billing status of a credit or debit line.


LineTaxItem String False


The sales-tax item used to calculate a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency. Available in only CA, UK, and AU versions.

LineTaxItemId String False


Id of the sales-tax item used to calculate a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency. Only available in CA, UK, and AU versions.

EditSequence String False

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.

TimeModified Datetime False

When the journal entry was last modified.

TimeCreated Datetime False

When the journal entry was created.


Pseudo Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest transaction date to search for.

EndTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest transaction date to search for.

StartModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest modified date to search for.

EndModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest modified date to search for.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839