Excel Add-In for BCart

Build 22.0.8503


Returns data from ShippingGroups table.


The 本製品 will use the BCart API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • Most of the columns support the following operators: <, >, <=, >=, =, !=, IN, NOT_IN.
  • CodCost, DueHour and Cost columns does not support server side operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
    SELECT * FROM ShippingGroups WHERE Name = 'Sample ShippingGroups'
    SELECT * FROM ShippingGroups WHERE Id IN (1,10)
    SELECT * FROM ShippingGroups WHERE CostFreePrice <= 10


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer
Name String
Description String
Company Integer
ShippingOtherFlag String
CodCost String
CodCostMaxPrice String
CodCostMaxCost String
CodFlag Integer
TaxIncluded Integer
TaxRounding String
TaxCodIncluded Integer
TaxCodRounding String
DueDateFlag Integer
DueDateStartDay String
DueDateIncrement String
DueDateCarryoverHourFlag Integer
DueDateCarryoverHour String
DueDateCarryoverHolidayFlag Integer
DueDateDescription String
DueHourFlag Integer
DueHour String
DueHourDescription String
OtherFlag Integer
CodeUrl String
CostFreeFlag Integer
CostFreePrice Decimal
Cost String
CostText String

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Build 22.0.8503