Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Third-Party Payment Relationships resource manages supplier site third-party relationships.


Name Type Description
SuppliersSupplierId [KEY] Long SuppliersSupplierId of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
SitesSupplierSiteId [KEY] Long SitesSupplierSiteId of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
TppRelationshipId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a supplier site third-party payment relationship.
DefaultRelationshipFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then it's the default third-party payment relationship. If false, then it's not the default third-party payment relationship. The default value is false.
RemitToSupplier String Name of the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the invoice.
RemitToSupplierPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the invoice. The party designated to receive payment is identified through the SupplierPartyId attribute (and not SupplierId).
RemitToAddress String Address of the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the invoice.
RemitToAddressId Long Value that uniquely identifies the address of the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the invoice.
FromDate Date Date when the third-party payment relationship becomes effective.
ToDate Date Date when the third-party payment relationship is no longer effective.
Description String Details that are included in the payment file.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
BilltoBuId Long BilltoBuId of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
BindPurchaseFlag String BindPurchaseFlag of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
BindReqBuId Long BindReqBuId of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
BindSourcingOnlyFlag String BindSourcingOnlyFlag of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
BindSysdate Date BindSysdate of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
Finder String Finder of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships
SupplierId Long SupplierId of SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships

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Build 24.0.9111