Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111



Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API to process some of the filters having queryable=true in metadata. The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [Cdata].[Procurement].[Suppliersaddresses] WHERE SupplierAddressId = 10003


Create a Supplieraddress.

You need to provide SuppliersUniqId, instead of SuppliersSupplierId , to insert the record.

INSERT INTO [Cdata].[Procurement].[Suppliersaddresses] (SuppliersUniqId,AddressName,Country,AddressLine1,City,State,PostalCode,AddressPurposeOrderingFlag,AddressPurposeRemitToFlag,AddressPurposeRFQOrBiddingFlag) VALUES ('300000051066029','Headquarter','United States','Example Road','Redwood City','CA','94065',true,true,false)


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses SuppliersUniqId instead of SuppliersSupplierId and SupplierAddressUniqId instead of SupplierAddressId as a path parameter in the URL to update the record.

If you want to update a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Procurement].[Suppliersaddresses] set PhoneNumber='66565' where SuppliersUniqId = 454545454 and SupplierAddressUniqId=454;

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId. You need to provide all the UniqIds.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use SuppliersSupplierId instead of SuppliersUniqId and SupplierAddressId instead of SupplierAddressUniqId. You can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Procurement].[Suppliersaddresses] set PhoneNumber='66565' where SuppliersSupplierId = 454545454

Note : Update on aggregates are not allowed by API, use the child tables to add/update/delete aggregates.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
SuppliersSupplierId [KEY] Long True

SuppliersSupplierId of Suppliersaddresses

SuppliersUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of suppliersSupplierId.

SupplierAddressId [KEY] Long True

SupplierAddressId of Suppliersaddresses

SupplierAddressUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of SupplierAddressId

AddressName String False

Name of the supplier address that is associated to the supplier contact.

CountryCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the country where the supplier address is located.

Country String False

Country of the supplier address.

AddressLine1 String False

First line of the supplier address.

AddressLine2 String False

Second line of the supplier address.

AddressLine3 String False

Third line of the supplier address.

AddressLine4 String False

Fourth line of the supplier address.

City String False

City of the supplier address.

State String False

State of the supplier address.

PostalCode String False

Postal code of the supplier address.

PostalCodeExtension String False

Four digit extension to the postal code of the supplier address.

Province String False

Province of the supplier address.

County String False

County of the supplier address.

Building String False

Building of the supplier address.

FloorNumber String False

Floor number of the supplier address.

PhoneticAddress String False

Phonetic, Japanese kana, or Chinese kanji representation of the address lines.

LanguageCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the language of the supplier address.

Language String False

Language of the supplier address.

Addressee String False

Addressee of the supplier address.

GlobalLocationNumber String False

Global location number of the supplier address.

AdditionalAddressAttribute1 String False

First additional address attribute for the flexible supplier address format.

AdditionalAddressAttribute2 String False

Second additional address attribute for the flexible supplier address format.

AdditionalAddressAttribute3 String False

Third additional address attribute for the flexible supplier address format.

AdditionalAddressAttribute4 String False

Fourth Additional address attribute for the flexible supplier address format.

AdditionalAddressAttribute5 String False

Fifth additional address attribute for the flexible supplier address format.

AddressPurposeOrderingFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then you can use the supplier address for ordering. If false, then you cannot use this address. The default value is false.

AddressPurposeRemitToFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then you can use the supplier address to send payment. If false, then you cannot use this address. The default value is false.

AddressPurposeRFQOrBiddingFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then you can use the supplier address for request for proposal or bidding. If false, then you cannot use this address. The default value is false.

PhoneCountryCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the country for the phone of the supplier address.

PhoneAreaCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the area for phone of the supplier address.

PhoneNumber String False

Phone number of the supplier address.

PhoneExtension String False

Phone extension of the supplier address.

FaxCountryCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the country for the fax of the supplier address.

FaxAreaCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the area for the fax of the supplier address.

FaxNumber String False

Fax of the supplier address.

Email String False

Email for the supplier address.

InactiveDate Date False

Date when the supplier address is no longer active.

Status String True

Status of Suppliersaddresses

CreationDate Datetime True

CreationDate of Suppliersaddresses

CreatedBy String True

CreatedBy of Suppliersaddresses

LastUpdateDate Datetime True

LastUpdateDate of Suppliersaddresses

LastUpdatedBy String True

LastUpdatedBy of Suppliersaddresses

DFF String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

BilltoBuId Long True


BindPurchaseFlag String True


BindReqBuId Long True


BindSourcingOnlyFlag String True


BindSysdate Date True


Finder String True


SupplierId Long True


CUReferenceNumber Int False

Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111