Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Supplier Qualification Question Responses resource manages the question responses to qualification questions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
QuestionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the question.
Question String Name of the question or identifier entered by the user.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
Supplier String Name of the supplier.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.
SupplierSite String Name of the supplier site.
ResponseDate Datetime Date when the response is submitted for a question.
InternalResponderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the internal responder who is responsible for responding to the questions.
InternalResponder String Name of the internal responder who is responsible for responding to the questions.
SupplierContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier contact.
SupplierContact String Name of the supplier contact.
QuestionText String QuestionText of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
QuestionRevision Int QuestionRevision of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponderComments String Comments from the responder when submitting a response to a question on a questionnaire.
AcceptanceNote String Notes entered by the responder.
ResponseRepositoryId [KEY] Long ResponseRepositoryId of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponseStatusCode String ResponseStatusCode of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponseStatus String ResponseStatus of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
FirstSubmissionDate Datetime FirstSubmissionDate of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponseArchiveDate Datetime ResponseArchiveDate of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
AcceptanceDate Datetime Date when the response to the question was accepted.
AcceptedById Long Value that uniquely identifies the person who accepted the qualification response.
AcceptedBy String Name of the person who accepted the qualification response.
DataSourceTypeCode String DataSourceTypeCode of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
DataSourceType String DataSourceType of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
DataSourceId Long DataSourceId of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponderTypeCode String ResponderTypeCode of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ResponderType String ResponderType of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
OriginalQuestionId Long OriginalQuestionId of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
SurrogateResponseFlag Bool SurrogateResponseFlag of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
SurrogateEntryDate Datetime SurrogateEntryDate of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
SurrogateEnteredById Long SurrogateEnteredById of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
SurrogateEnteredBy String SurrogateEnteredBy of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses
ProcurementBU String Name of the procurement business unit where the supplier site resides.
ProcurementBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the procurement business unit where the supplier site resides.
AggregateResponseFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the record is of aggregate type. If false, then the record is not of type aggregate. The default value is false.
Finder String Finder of SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses

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Build 24.0.9111