Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Sections resource manages details about the sections of a supplier negotiation requirement. For example, commercial requirements, manufacturing capabilities, or technical requirements.


Name Type Description
SupplierNegotiationsAuctionHeaderId [KEY] Long SupplierNegotiationsAuctionHeaderId of SupplierNegotiationssections
SectionId [KEY] Long SectionId of SupplierNegotiationssections
SectionDisplayNumber String SectionDisplayNumber of SupplierNegotiationssections
PricingSectionFlag Bool PricingSectionFlag of SupplierNegotiationssections
Section String Name of the requirement section.
EvaluationStageCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the name of the evaluation stage in a two stage RFQ (request for quotation). A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_TWO_PART_TYPE.
EvaluationStage String Name of the evaluation stage in a two stage RFQ (request for quotation). Values include Technical or Commercial. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_TWO_PART_TYPE.
ScoringTeamId Long Value that uniquely identifies a scoring team.
ScoringTeam String Name of the scoring team.
SectionWeight Decimal Importance of the section when compared to other sections. The application uses this weight when it calculates the over all score of requirement score.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of SupplierNegotiationssections
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of SupplierNegotiationssections
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of SupplierNegotiationssections
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of SupplierNegotiationssections
AuctionHeaderId Long auctionheaderid
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111