The Cost Factors resource manages details about the cost factors for a negotiation line. For example, freight, setup charges, or switching costs.
Name | Type | Description |
SupplierNegotiationsAuctionHeaderId [KEY] | Long | SupplierNegotiationsAuctionHeaderId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
LinesAuctionHeaderId [KEY] | Long | LinesAuctionHeaderId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
LinesLineId [KEY] | Decimal | LinesLineId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
AuctionHeaderId [KEY] | Long | AuctionHeaderId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
LineId [KEY] | Decimal | LineId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
Line | Double | Line of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
LineDescription | String | LineDescription of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
LineCostFactorId [KEY] | Decimal | LineCostFactorId of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
Description | String | Description of SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors |
CostFactorId | Long | Value that identifies the cost factor. |
CostFactor | String | Name of the cost factor. |
PricingBasisCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS. |
PricingBasis | String | Basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS. |
TargetValue | Decimal | Target value of the cost factor. |
DisplayTargetFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then allow the supplier to view the value for the cost factor target. If false, then do not allow. The default value is false. |
Finder | String | finder |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |