Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries resource maintains a repository that links items to the suppliers and supplier sites that are approved to provide the items to a specific ship-to organization or to the entire enterprise. When a new approved supplier list entry is created, a supplier item attribute record with the same scope as the approved supplier entry is also created. However, ship-to organization-specific supplier item attributes can't be added to approved supplier list entries with global scope. Additionally, approved supplier list entries of category type or those of manufacturer or distributor business types can't be created, updated, or retrieved using the REST API.


Name Type Description
AslId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the approved supplier list entry.
ProcurementBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the approved supplier list entry.
ProcurementBU String Business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.
AslScopeCode String Code that identifies if the approved supplier list entry is used by a ship-to organization or by all ship-to organizations serviced by the procurement business unit.
Scope String Identifies if the approved supplier list entry is used by a ship-to organization or by all ship-to organizations serviced by the procurement business unit.
ShipToOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization that receives the item.
ShipToOrganization String Name of the inventory organization to which the supplier should ship the goods.
Item String Anything that a business makes, purchases, or sells, including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item on the approved supplier list entry.
Supplier String Organization or individual that provides goods or services to the buying organization for payment, bound by a contractual obligation.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier who fulfills the order.
SupplierSite String Entity that models how the buying organization conducts business with the supplier.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the location that the supplier uses to fulfill the order.
PrimaryVendorItem String Identifies the supplier item number.
Status String Approval status of the approved supplier list entry, representing whether the supplier is certified to supply the item or group of items.
AslStatusId Long Status identifier of the approved supplier list entry.
ReviewDueDate Date Date when the approved supplier list entry needs to be evaluated. This is generally used as a reminder for approving or recertifying the supplier for the specific item or category.
DisableFlag Bool Mark indicating that the approved supplier list entry is no longer in use.
Comments String Comments entered for the approved supplier list entry.
AslCreationDate Datetime Date on which the approved supplier list entry was created.
PurchasingUOMCode String Code that indicates the unit of measure used on purchase orders sourced from the approved supplier list entry.
PurchasingUOM String Unit of measure used on purchase orders sourced from the approved supplier list entry.
CountryOfOriginCode String Code that indicates the country from which goods are exported.
CountryOfOrigin String Country from which goods are exported.
MinimumOrderQuantity Decimal Identifies the minimum quantity that can be purchased from the supplier on purchase orders sourced from the approved supplier list entry.
FixedLotMultiple Decimal Incremental quantity that must be used on purchase orders sourced from the approved supplier list entry.
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111